Eternal Mortality: Burling Burning

The few gray watch soldiers that were sent, still wear their dark gray, and they receive the name "dark liberator" the cruelty of the gray watch, caused many rebels to defect, but the watch are rarely seen anyway.

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Eternal Mortality: Ian Fastolf

Perhaps what ian is most infamous for, is the revision of the gray watch. as most know the gray watch started out as an honor guard for various fursons of importance. however, ian seen potential for much more.

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Eternal Mortality: From Ronald To Ian

The gray watch founded as a guard for the higher ranking officials. they are mostly composed of older veterans, no longer fit for field duty. the capital city of islagrad becomes one the best places to live and work.

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Tourists Guide To The Principality Of Valtovka: Part Four

The gray watch: a true science fiction novel come to life, the gray watch are a mix between snow leopard and gray fox, their bio-engineered soldiers, made from fastolf dna.

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Eternal Mortality: One Last Try

After a few minutes, the doors of the balcony open, two gray watch officers emerge from the building first; their long gray trench coats blowing in the wind, their faces convey little emotion.

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Eternal Mortality: The Tutinian Civil War Part One

He is known for being completely terrified of gray watch soldiers, and flat out refuses to acknowledge their even there. his only desire is to prove his worth, and to be crowned a prince. "commander walter sir." "yes?"

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Lament of the Moon S&H - Ch.08: Dancing no Bara - Ep12

_"a-after my picture fades and darkness has... turned to gray watching through windows... you're wondering if i'm ok secrets stolen from deep inside the drum beats out of time!"

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The Wanderer: The Creation V2.0

On the outside of the room, scientist draped in grey watched and took notes on clipboards. each one of them hid their eyes behind black tinted glasses, every pair the exact same as the next.

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Baited and Stoned

Watch his extremities, and when they start to turn totally grey, watch him exhale. that will be the end. but don't accidentally look at their faces!" it began to take place while kohn was speaking.

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Chapter 11

The group stared at the black and grey watch as it remained silent, craig shaking his extended arm slightly as he repeated himself, "hey! digivie, mass stor-woah!"

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Lightningstruck Griffin 2: Lightning in a Pee Bottle

For the first time, gretchen truly got a sense of what it must have been like for grey. watching from a distance, she had never understood the pure merciless power of the electricity hitting him volt after volt.

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Arvians - Grey & The First Hunt

grey watched as the first rays of dawn's light glittered on the clouds far above, as day broke at last.

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