Voicemail From a Dimensional Traveler
Hawaii became a thriving tourist destination while the alaskan territory was gobbled up by canada.
How I Ate Him 2
How I Ate Him 2 **By ilbv** He was so small. I knew from experience that big things come from small packages, and in his case, his flavor was far more superior to those of larger size of whom I have consumed. What I'm getting at is although I...
How I Ate Him
How I Ate Him _By ilbv_ _ _ I had been chewing gum for a while. I swallowed it and looked back at him. He was wriggling like a worm. I had him tight in my grasp and I wasn't going to let him go. I had him for a reason, and I intended to fulfill...
How He Ate Me 2
How He Ate Me 2 by ilbv He was huge! I knew where I would end up by the end of it, where I am now. I am special to him, better than others who had met him, and were once where I am now. I am inside his belly. He ate me. That was a week ago. ...
How He Ate Me
How He Ate Me By ilbv He had me by the waist. I wriggled and squirmed in his tight grasp, but it was no use. I would not be able to get away. He knew it, I knew it. I came to accept...this could be fun... I looked into his eyes and he into...
unspoken words
gobbled up by your hungry maw, gone with the wind. i know not whether it is fear or the weight of my failures that distances me. i do know that my love for you spans across the seven seas, over all that i know.
Ch 1. A Not-So-Smooth Start
Life goes on around me as if i'm invisible, a ghost that no one pays mind to, or at least i want it to be, instead i'm surrounded by nosy and annoying people who are just looking to gobble up the next bit of juicy and delectable delicacy that is gossip.
The Elder Scrolls: Foxfall, Fruitfall - Vol. 3 of 4
Pity all the dartwings got gobbled up by the youngsters-some saltrice would have to do. "you shall have to teach me your language someday. i collect mammal languages."
Kevin Foxboy 01
Perfect for gobbling up bacteria, viruses, even cholesterol from a live person's arteries, just like taking an aspirin tablet or cold capsule. people got healthier, food was fun again.
The Stray Cat, Ch. 5
Hattori put a fork before me, and i greedily gobbled up the eggs. i didn't say a word until had i scraped the plate clean. my stomach temporarily contented, i decided to try to find out a little more about this mysterious building and its owner.
Friendship is Hunted: Origin of the Hunt
I...i get you need to gobble up...gobble up people. but..." she quivered slightly, her body shivering as he stood up, putting the mug of hot chocolate down on the pale, faded top of the cash register.
MHO - The Cult of the Crimson Isles - Chapter 1
The sereva dug some seeds out of the fruit and tossed them to the bird, which it happily gobbled up. "doesn't seem like it wants to say anything else in any case." "anything else, anything else!"