4X+Y Chapter 02 - Three Of Flowers

_So, there I was, little five-year-old Froggy, caught in the din of the big school lobby; with all the other quivering, home-sick Kindies, waiting to be herded to our safe, quiet classies._ _It was lonely, in a way. I only had two faces of which I...

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Trying Something New (clean, romanticized)

He's been feeling shy lately about his gender issues. i bet him that if "she" came out with me tonight, not only would she look just fine and have a good time, she might even get a few numbers. hey, that's "her" over there, in the blue shirt!"

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A little story about little me

I seeked help and got medication that entirely shut me down emotionally, even to a point that when i first met someone to help me deal with the gender issues, they considered me unstable and wouldn't help me.


Unplanned Adventures Part 3 - Unlikely Convergence

Dad's always let me try on his suits whenever i wanted, so it was only a matter of time before i got over my gender issues and put it on." "and the dress?" "it went with the suit, really." jane flipped to a new page.

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