fall writing challenge - friday the 13th
But no day grinds my gears more than friday the 13th.
Friday the 13th
Here we go, my very first story I actually really finnshed, I hope the grammar and pelling isn´t that bad at all. Since I'm actually from germany I might have some little speeling and grammar errors, please excuse those and enjoy reading this first and...
A really terribly horribly bad day.
She hated friday, the 13th...
The Begining
friday the 13th coincidentally.
Chapters of Crestfallen - Chapter 1: Pentagram
Yes, i was born on the friday the 13th, and with that, i was born with a pentagram on my arm as a birthmark. i don't have a father, or at least i thought i had no father. they never came for me, so i do not know.
Chapter 1: Pentagram
Synopsis: zephyr crestfallen was born on friday the 13th and with that he was born with a curse that will turn him into a lycan.