Future (Free Writing)

I've decided to do and upload more free-writing. as such, expect these to be less professional than other pieces, less fleshed out, and more just me spilling out whatever comes to mind in a single sitting.

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Discernably Ludicrous Issue 1

Tall tales are inspired by the insane things we witness day to day, trying desperately to reconcile what it is that just occurred. One such event happened to me today, and though I know what happened, my mind rejects the notion. In many ways I wish I...

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'A Dream'

#7 of original writing a free write that i did while listening to eluvium's 'prelude for time feelers' <3 writing © munchypaws within the melody as you sleep, drifting away with faith and time.

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Love's Gentle Breath

I am not one to use proper form, but i love to free write poetry. you are so stunningly beautiful. the stars of the night sky and all of their fire can not burn hotter than my love and passion for the one and only woman for me.


Poem #55: Coming to Terms

This was a free-write. this is existentialist idea about accepting that you cannot escape death; that death is inevitable. enjoy.

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Figments of My Reality (Poetry)

It's more of a free-write that i put into a slightly poetic form, but yeah. figments of my reality a sea of broken traffic lights, the lone flag in the distance, the slowly setting sun: all figments of my reality.


Tribute To a Night I'll Never Forget

This is a free write. i didn't have any preconceived ideas; i just wrote to the music and saw what came up.

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An Interview with Paper_Paws

My recent story raffle drummed up some interest, but it means producing free writing, which, well, is always a challenge. i'm hoping my next project will be something people really love, and i plan on getting the message out on a few platforms.

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"Wishful Thinking" (Male Anthro Wolf/Feral Wolf TF)

#3 of writings would you like free writing like this? please send me a note and check out https://www.furaffinity.net/commissions/thedove/ feedback encouraged!

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dog detective story...(old..lil long...srry...)

As a free writing thing at my school, my previous story was of the easter bunny but it's past easter now. ^^; snippet is snippet like.

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"Aspirations of Eden": SFW (Male Anthro Cat TF)

#6 of writings you like free writing like this? please send me a note and check out https://www.furaffinity.net/commissions/thedove/ feedback encouraged!

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