Food Court

Kane just wanted to go home after a long shift in the food court... but the gym members across the way had other ideas. thankfully, at least one of them has had eyes for the meaty liger for a while...

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Food Court Flirtings

In fact, he had been considering hooking up with a bear friend while consuming lunch at the mall's food court when this new giant entered his sights. it was hard to miss the big guy after all.

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A Bottle Between Friends

In order to prevent art theft, this story has been uploaded as a PDF that can be viewed on Google Documents since there are very few ways to effectively "watermark" a story. You may view the submission file...

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Jake's Mall Trip

After exiting the store, she and jake went back to the food court to buy some lunch. stopping at a chinese buffet in the food court, she decided to get some sweet and sour chicken for herself.

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Join the Revolution (TF, Robot)

He flicked his tail out behind him and started towards the food court, taking a number of lopping steps that was a shade below running.

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And the day started out so good.

Jamie quietly took his favorite seat in food court, a lone table on the far left of said food court. normally he would be facing the coffee shop, looking on from afar. today however, he faced towards the entrance of the food court.

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Burdens - Chapter 21: Lunch

It was not necessarily high class food and the prices were not exorbitant, but it was a class higher than that of the food court. they could at least sit down, which is what the fox had desired.

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Second Chances & New Beginnings: Chapter Twelve

"anyways how about we meet, usual place, sunny hill food court... you know which table, look for the tiger wearing a fedora.

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Those Bygone Dog-Star Days - Chapter 6 of 37

Around eleven i threw away my empty, soggy, paper cup and left the food court. it didn't seem possible an hour ago that it could get any hotter, but it was shaping up to be one of the hotter days of the summer.

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Grad-Bash Part 7

I sat down at a hard metal table and surveyed the food court. the 50's themed burger restaurant's neon sign jumped out at me, in contrast to the little carousel next to it, lying dormant and generally devoid of use.

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My Unplanned Summer Vacation Ch 20

"he's on the food court, wanna join?" i offered. "no thank you, i really need to go back to minasato. torahiko's birthdate starts at four of the afternoon. i'm hoping you can come. i forgot to tell you."

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Amber Silverblood: Chapter Twenty Two

I thought he was going to lead us back to the car, but as soon as the food court was out of sight, he stopped and turned to kaylie.

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