Grad-Bash Part 7

Story by Cole Stryker on SoFurry

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#7 of Scout's Honor

Sorry for the wait you guys

Next chapter will be short as well, but a lot more exciting than this =) Copyright © 2015 Cole Stryker

Part 7

Leaving Carson was harder than I thought. I mean, I don't like him or anything, he's cool and all but I don't go after straight guys. He may defend gays, but that doesn't make him gay himself. He's had like three girlfriends, and he's slept with all of them.

Whatever the case is, I have other things to worry about. Mostly, how I'm going to get Brent out of my head.

Sleep around?

I want to move on, not become a slut.

Is there a difference?


I sighed and began my walk. The crisp air blew through my thin hoodie and chilled my already cooled heart. The buildings I walked past offered little derailment. I would normally stop and take in the small shops, usually walk into every one of them to get a feel for the small town environment which I craved for adulthood. But today I walked past with ease, keeping my paws in my hoodie's pockets, and ears and head low.

I thought of all the times we had so much fun, which was for the most part. We would go out, play games, have sex, and a bunch of other stuff. But apparently that only mattered to me.

The lies that have riddled out relationship, at first I thought were minor, but now, apparently, even the most minor of lies can have consequences. I laughed to myself, the first real laugh I had today, and thought back to the time we met. Even the tiny lies I told, had negative consequences. Namely, leading to the relationship with Brent.

It was around the summer for freshman year. I, like some of my friends, made an account for this online dating website for teens (i.e. predator central). I was like most of them, saying "I just want to get some good fucks in" when in reality a 'fuck' would turn into a relationship (later I would realize that I only wanted one for safety reasons). Back then I was stupid and didn't really know what I was getting myself into. I knew to be careful, not give out any personal information, and, which I thought was the smartest thing I could do, was say I was from another school in another district. One district that my school never came into contact with. Plus, I was a fairly normal fox, and I usually kept to the shadows. People only knew me by name, and I sure as hell wasn't going to use my name for a username. So, in my mind, I was good to go.

During one Thursday evening, I logged onto the site and had six messages (the shirtless picture of me flexing my abs must've helped a lot). Four were mostly were generally unattractive, so I clicked past, but the other two messages were from jocks or athletic-looking bodies. I clicked on one, another fox who was into weightlifting, and had a body to back up that claim. The other, was a leopard who played football for a team in one of the nearby districts. The fox was from two states over, so I decided to go with the leopard (granted I managed to get a few pics from the fox, which were amazing by the way). I gave the leopard, whose name was Blake, my Kik info and we began texting for a good two months before we set up a meet.

I was careful, set up a meeting at the local mall and had Kit there to call the police if things went awry (I know, dating is so much simpler now). So this guy knew me as Josh, the red fox (with a great ass might I add). I arrived an hour early to make sure the leopard was in fact who he says he was. I sat down at a hard metal table and surveyed the food court. The 50's themed burger restaurant's neon sign jumped out at me, in contrast to the little carousel next to it, lying dormant and generally devoid of use. There was an island, I guess you could call it an island of sorts, which was separated by a thin, shallow moat. The water was especially captivating that day, the sun filtered through the skylight high above my head and set the water ablaze. On the four corners and the center of the island were five fake orange trees which gave the mall an outdoorsy feel. Coupled with the fresco of Florida before and after colonization, which was painted high on the upper half of the high walls, sent my eyes to wander from their purpose. The few small birds who managed to fly in through the glass entrance doors, chirped and whistled their harmonious song. I always marveled at such the beauty of such a place.

Ever since my family moved here, the one place that always made me feel safe was this mall. The big walls, the beautiful architecture, and all the nice people made me feel safe. I would always long to come here, even into middle school when it was apparently "not cool" to hang at the mall. But it wasn't until the shootings and crimes were shown so bluntly on the news that I realized the solitary fortress I thought protected me from real danger, was hiding danger in its very walls. I guess it's part of losing your innocence or whatever, when you finally realize that you're not invincible. It seemed like some kids at my school still had some innocence to lose.

My phone chirped in my pocket and I waited a few moments before I fished it out. It was a message from Blake, saying he was here and asking where I was. My head shot up and scanned the food court again. I saw no leopard. Save for a leopard couple rolling a stroller.

My heart raced and I got a queasy feeling in my stomach. Was this guy actually a predator? Was the school actually right about this shit? I scanned my thoughts for possible ways out, but my mind rested on a more manipulative approach.

I shakily unlocked my phone again and texted him that I was about ten minutes away, and if he would be so kind as to get lunch for the two of us while he waited. I said I would repay him. It took him a couple seconds to respond and I told him to get me something from a small Chinese stand right in my line of sight. He said sure.

My eyes locked on the stand, which was generally devoid of people, and waited. The only new person in line was a large, gray wolf, but no leopard. The wolf had his phone in paw and was sending a text, and a moment after the wolf's paw fell to his side, my phone buzzed and the text from Blake read: "What do you want?"

My heart began pounding again. Could this be the leopard?

I waited about two minutes, in which the wolf stepped to the side, and then sent my message. A couple seconds later, the wolf picked up his phone, stared for several seconds, then typed out a response, which I got a moment later. So this was the leopard. He looked about my age, a little bit taller, but generally young. I decided to confront him directly (er, indirectly I guess) and send the text "Thanks wolfie :)".

As I watched the wolf's head shoot wildly across the food court, his eyes darting from table to table, I couldn't help but laugh to myself. I was scared for nothing.

I stood up and waited for his eyes to land on me before waving him over. He stared for a couple seconds before briskly walking over. The first thing I noticed were his muscles. The rippled under the tight athletic shirt he had on, and I bet his legs (and other appendages) were more than equal ratio to his body.

"Josh?" the wolf asked as he came to a stop in front of me.

"Yes, well, no, Scout," I extended my paw, which he warily took. "And you're the leopard Blake I presume."

He gave an awkward smile and rubbed the back of his neck. "Yeah, sorry about that. And the name's Brent by the way."

"So I guess we both lied to each other about something."

He gave a low chuckle and looked at my bottom half. "I hope you only lied about that," he smiled.

I snorted and looked at his bottom half. "Well, at least I don't have spots down there."