The placard read "edward blaidd, president". amanda was a little surprised that they were visiting the president of the company.
behind the desk sat a mixed species bear woman whose face was half white and half dark brown.
Albert_Rooikat, Amanda Fuchs, Anne_Panthera, Edward_Blaidd, Hare, Hyena, Leo_Panthera, Lion, Lion-tiger_hybrid, Mrs._Impisi, Paula_Lagomorph, SoGa_Industries, Tamara_Tilacino, Thylacine, Tigresa_Panthera, Tigress, Vixen, Wolf, caracal
Meeting with Mr. Blaidd
On Wednesday, Amanda was in Michael's office during lunch. On Monday, she had asked to beg off a couple of days due to her situation. As they were eating and talking, he noticed a slight difference in her normal...
Amanda Fuchs, Apology, Edward Blaidd, In Heat, Konrad Schimpanse, Leo Panthera, Michael Thomson, Sword of Damocles, Tigresa Panthera, explanation
She approached a door with an unoccupied desk in front of it and the name "edward blaidd" printed on the front of it. she knocked on the door and they received an invitation to enter the office.
Albert Rooikat, Amanda Fuchs, Bertha Karhu, Coconut pecan cookies, Edward Blaidd, Emma Diao, Financial recompense, George Gidro, Michael Thomson, Michelle Tierboskat, Red-ruffed Lemur, Sexual misconduct, Wanda Anaguma
So, i paid for her secretarial training, convinced my friend, edward blaidd, to give her a chance and she hasn't let either of us down.
Amanda Fuchs, Anger, Bruno's, Dream, Jacob Fuchs Michael Thomson, Kiss, Leo Panthera, Max, Max's Gym, Ophelia Fuchs, Richard Panthera, Snow Leopard, Southern accent, argument, explanation
Michael's Education Continues
The next morning, Mrs. Sobaka and Mrs. Khomyak arrived right on time, as they did for the next four months of Michael's lessons. Galina's lesson today was history. After all, he had 20,000 years of history to catch...
Abigail Matthews, Amanda Fuchs, Anne Panthera, Bertha Karhu, Edward Blaidd, Galina Sobaka, History lessons, Humanimal slavery, Michael Thomson, Michelle Tierboskat, Mrs. Khomyak, Ophelia Fuchs, Revelations, The Dark Times, Wanda Anaguma, ice age
edward blaidd walked up behind his wife, susan, a white rabbit with light, but noticeable, gray markings, piercing blue eyes, and a model's body despite being in her early 40s and having given birth to seven wolf-rabbit kits, slipped
Amanda Fuchs, Edward Blaidd, Golden panda, Italian Greyhound, Jacob Fuchs, Jinse Xiongmao, Leo Panthera, Mei Xiongmao, Michael Thomson, Ophelia Fuchs, Playful banter, Sabrina Mordaces, Sheila Vixen, Southern Buck, Susan Blaidd, The Caribou, Tigresa Panthera, zig zag
Are you talking about edward blaidd, the president of soga industries?"
"yes, why?"
"my company has been trying to get his business for years."
Amanda Fuchs, Anger, Apology, Arrogance, Computer show, Crawfishing, Diane Xiongmao, Flying Fox, Golden Panda Restaurant, Golden panda, Honey badger, Jinse Xiongmao, Mei Xiongmao, Michael Thomson, Mr. Shikoko, Red Panda, Telephone call, confusion, explanation, sarcasm
After a couple of seconds, he said, "michael, i just got off the telephone with my friend, edward blaidd. i asked if he was still looking for a computer technician and he said yes.
Amanda Fuchs, Anne Panthera, Jacob Fuchs, Leo Panthera, Michael Thomson, Mr. Moschogali, Ophelia Fuchs, Richard Panthera, Tigresa Panthera, Victoria Panthera, apartment, civet, closet, confusion, lucid dream
All you have to do is tell me you'll contact edward blaidd and tell him you changed your mind about accepting the job."
Amanda_Fucha, Anne_Panthera, Bertha Karhu, Edward_Blaidd, Galina_Sobaka, Leo_Panthera, Marshal_Fuchs, Michael Thomson, Michelle_Tierboskat, Mrs_Khomyak, Officer_Ilves, Ophelia_Fuchs, Tigresa_Panthera, Wanda Anaguma