Journal of an Ultimate Lifeform: Chapter 4 ~ Conflicting Intents
She showed up on the ark just as i was explaining to dr. eggman how the eclipse cannon works. she offered her services rather suspiciously, but she had the blue chaos emerald, so we had to let her join.
Sonic Adventure 3 Anime Edition (episode 1)
Int. the grandpalace's central hall - day the face of dr. eggman appears on the screen close-up. dr. eggman greetings everyone, who can see me!
Chapter 15: Cameo
What villain did he know better than dr. eggman? who did he know more thoroughly? shadow knew exactly what the man looked like, what he smelled like, how tall he was, how fat he was.
Journal of an Ultimate Lifeform: Chapter 3 ~ Vengeance Awakened
I sense that dr. eggman \*snicker\* took his sweet time getting here. i'd better prepare for his arrival. _~shadow the hedgehog_
Rosie Meets Sonic
It was dr. eggman. "you again egghead? what are you up to this time?" sonic growled, rubbing his head. "that's simple. i want that chaos emerald you took from me last week!" eggman replied. "tough luck egghead! i don't even have it right now!"
Special Delivery
Tamati remebered the day when he was turned by the aparoids and fang saving him but while they strolled down memory lane dr. eggman and his nephew snively who had joined the iron dominion met in the citadel of the enemy city megaopolis.
Shadows move in pairs
A clone designed by dr. eggman to destroy you and sonic.
Chaos Pokémon Chapter 2:Poke-what?
Before i ended up in your world i was helping my two best friends sonic and knuckles take down our arch enemy dr. eggman from his latest attempt at conquering our world. pikachu-conquering the world!?
Welcome to the Eggman Empire
"we are so glad that you have decided to join and serve under the great dr. eggman. now just sit back and relax while we take a quick look at your memories." "wait... my memories?"
Return to Sender 9 - Two-Tailed Zone
"it's a miracle for sure, doctor eggman's not exactly the best scientist out there, but he does make some incredibly durable stuff."