Life's Tough With The Odds Against You- Chapter Six - How To Say Hello When You Never Said Goodbye

First off, allow me to say a few things. To start, I am sincerly sorry for letting this chapter take so long to write and I hope it's worth the wait. Second, Thank you all for reading it so far and an extra hug for those who've commented and rated....

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Chapter 1 – The Invasion of Amber

desert fox edited by. the copilot â ok this is my first story i have ever finished so here it is. i would appreciate all the feedback possible!

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The inhabitants were of all shapes and sizes, desert foxes were incredible diverse. they must have known it was the end, that nothing could save them.

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Somewhere in Nevada

The pond keeps its secrets, and once, a jerboa darted into the water in attempts to escape a desert fox.


Fennix race sheet part 1 (defense and survival)

They are typically around the size of a desert fox, or fennecs as they are commonly named, but our spotter reported larger specimens that go up to the size of a common woodland fox.

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New Detail v.2

The special "desert fox" unit. she had heard about these foxes and their leader, lt. reaver. mostly she knew about how they had single handedly stop an entire wolf battalion from moving across the saint de foux bridge.

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A Soldier's Memory

Like the desert fox unit, they held saint de foux bridge against an entire wolfen battalion. their courage raised morale for all other units in the city.

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Fear and Loathing - Prologue

"aye," an old desert fox murmured, siding up to him. "she was strangled so hard her throat was completely crushed. i may be aging, but these big ears are still good for something." he pointed to his large ears with a sad grin.

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The Hybrid War Part 4

Back at their base four bounty hunter cruisers arrived and boarded the station with orders to capture anyone on board, they searched everywhere, but the station was deserted.

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Nevermore (Chapter 1)

The cats of course were the most silent, but even i, a scrawny desert fox in a pair of army boot a size too big, could be quieter than the fresh meat felines.

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The desert

Less than half a week ago, axel had warned him never to trust a desert fox. was sanir up to anything? _come on,_ he thought, _you know axel. he is far too smart to let some stolen booze cloud his judgment.

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Zootopia: First Salvo Chapter 7

It was 11pm and petty officer lubano, a tan colored desert fox, would soon be relieved of his wing watch by his four hour replacement.

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