Alicia's fight for a night with her Knight

Frowning with a look that spoke of mild discomfort, the sensual form of a woman reformed from the mass of dark slime before the towering brute rebuking her.

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The Legend of Spyro: Path of Delusions Book IV Chapter 9

The tar that was recently a blackened water shot from behind the shadow like a dark slime. cynder didn't even have the time to acknowledge what is happening, the slime splashed onto her.

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Spyro and Cynder, Chapter 6

At that moment, one of the larger dummies alex was beating the stuffing out of threw him backwards, and they watched in horror as it grew and a hideous dark slime bubbled up from within it and solidified quickly into a corporeal form.

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The biscuit happened to be entirely flavorless; the dark slime covering it was bitter, and tasted like some kind of mole sauce. "thank you," she told kanab.

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