The Lead Crown, Chapter 3-6: Noriene

Tranquil Waters: The Lead Crown Ch 3-6, Noriene The Strangled Cockerel wouldn't have been Noriene's first choice for a meeting place but, then again, that's why it was so perfect. She pushed her way through the hinged doors and pulled her cowl closer...

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Rogue's Redemption Ch. 2 (part 2)

Knowing he had already arranged a clandestine meeting with a dealer just made it worse. little gresham decided to chime in, "i can attest to that," adding insult to injury.

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The Saldean War: Prelude

In one of these houses, a mansion really, a clandestine meeting was taking place. lord byron, who sat in the high council of nobles, and his wife, the seductively beautiful lady sha was meeting a number of nobles.

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Going Concerns (Chapter 7)

"we had a clandestine meeting earlier today with someone who was _supposed_ to be our informant--you--but since we didn't know who you were we didn't know we'd been set up." "great.

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Antithesis, Lord Shaden's webs

As if he needed to be told that such a clandestine meeting needed to be secret.

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Ferret's Five - A Plan Revealed

We also definitely would have liked to know about clandestine meetings with lionesses in shady alleys."

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