Internet Dating - Pt. I
I never did casual sex, which seemed to have baffled some of my earlier endeavours in the internet dating game. jonah had been right. there weren't many who dated online and were honourable and honest and not sex-addicted. bitter? me? nah.
Out The Door
I'm not really a fan of casual sex; if the mood is right and i've had a sufficient quantity of liquor, making out and groping with new acquaintances is all good fun (i know this fun game with ice cubes), but any further is not really my thing.
Seven - Chapter 1
She didn't mind stripping, but casual sex with random men, or women, was never something she would do. after her boss had threatened her with her job, and with physical harm, melfice stepped in.
A Folded Bird
They're all about war, death, and casual sex." a pause. "one poem went on for four pages about how country music was racist." a frown. "none of the poems are about positive things. they're all so smarmy. it's so intellectual. makes me sick.
Fresh Ingredients
"well, when you casually yiff with someone for nothing more than lust and carnal instinct ... that's what you get. maybe you'll learn your lesson." "your self-righteous behavior is unbefitting," the jaguar glared, "of a doctor.
Annette: Take Me Out Tonight
Not having casual sex, and on a real live date." he said, starting seriously and then teasing me heavily.
Gortoz 'A Ran - ch 54 - The cruellest lies...
I didn't like that idea of having casual sex but i always gave in with them, simply because it brought me closer to the girls i fell in love with... and maybe it's because i didn't know any better...
Murder & Gin
Even casual sex can give the wrong impression. a john she's seeing for a payday, could legit start to fall for her, and then we've got a new suspect.