Baby Carriages and Fake Tea in Boston = Disaster

"roadblock," hans says, "whoever didn't throw a crate has to push their partner in the... baby carriage challenge?" the second half of the leg involves one partner pushing the other while they're in a baby carriage.

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Andlat's Red Hood

Humming a soft lullaby, he carried the fox out of the nursery and into the living room, where he had already set up one of his personal favorite items of the fox's new life: a white, frilly baby carriage. "baby carriage or pram?"

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Double Birthday Surprises ch. 4

I then looked to my right and noticed the baby carriage. "and who's this little one?" silver smiled. "that's diamond. she's the newest addition to the family."

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Cadence- "She Wore a Yellow Ribbon"

Ribbon; she wore it in the springtime in the early month of may; if you ask her why the hell she wore it; she wore for that young marine that's far far away; away, away; she warrant for that young marine that's far far away around the block she pushed the baby

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Tammy the Telekinesis Cat (unfinished)

One time when he was calling for tammy, a woman's baby carriage ran over his tail and then a horse stepped on the wound. "oooooowwww!" he leapt on the cart and scratched off the man's face.

Chicago Hot Dog Party

"roadblock: whoever didn't push a baby carriage in boston has to participate in the hot dog challenge." brent reads. teams draw a card on the hotdog stand. each card has a list of condiments that vince will prepare.

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Jet Skis and Flags

#3 of so furry presents: the amazing race on the last leg of the amazing race, the 17 remaining teams traveled to boston where they were required to dump fake tea off a ship then push each other in baby carriages.

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Andlat and the Faeries

She said, bounding over to a nearby pink frilly baby carriage, andlat's eyes widening in horror as he stared at it. "nuuu!" he whined around the pacifier, to no avail. the kangaroo hummed softly to herself as she set her charge in the carriage.

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Lonely Oak Chapter 107 - Mother's Day

She asked to the teenager, who awkwardly nodded and took the cart as the woman took her baby's carriage off of it. the checker looked out to the lane, and saw no one coming. she turned off the light, just as an old polar bear turned into her lane.

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Operation Field Trip: Part 1

Then comes tony in the baby carriage!" "no... no... absolutely not." tony shook his head to try to erase the image from his mind. "that is... absolutely gross in so many ways. like... you cannot even begin to comprehend."

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Chapter 1: Kobold's Journey

The end result was serhis looking like an obscenely small dragon being carted around in a baby carriage, baous laughing til it hurt for a full minute, sticking his finger in front of serhis, "you must... hah, hah... have looked so cute as a baby, bahahah

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A Lamb Among Wolves Ch:52

Martin otterley, the couple's landlord, offered the ewe a kind smile as he leaned on the handle of the baby carriage in front of him, running a free paw through his his frayed coif of head fur.

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