SPECIAL: Fur Squared 2014 Wrap-Up

(a ferret wearing a top hat walks into the room) alkali bismuth: would you like to run this con?!? tommyfox: sure. alkali bismuth: ...............sooooooooollllllld!!!

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#12: NITRO interviews BANJO and KAZOOIE

alkali bismuth: okay, fur squared check list! sponsor goodie bags filled with cheap crap...check! restraining order...check! top hat...what the fu- (and now back to the show) kataze: go ahead and pick, silver.

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Ferret's Five - Beginning of the End

"alkali bismuth," he said as he went up to him, circling around the chair he was attached to. "i have to say, i was slightly surprised by the boldness of your actions, even if they were quite stupid in the end.

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Ferret''s Five - A Brief Debriefing

"alkali bismuth, here for the see convention going on." "i see..." skyler said as he processed the information.

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