Suit Jocks
#3 of abandoned storys <-warning-> this is a old story... with really bad writing and spelling... i intended to write a series of weakly uploaded episodes of this series. to say the least, this seires went one episode and died...
PX - 223
#2 of abandoned storys <-warning-> this story has bad spelling that i didn't bother to correct... one day when i was playing some text based adventure games and reading some stuff, i decided to try and write another apoc story~ this time with mutants!!
Abandoned Story - Virtual Story WIP
Upon accepting the invitation my surroundings began to fade. Replaced by the shapes of the new instance of a room loading around me, quickly filling with depth and detail, a rush of tingling sensations across my body as it became aware of the new...
Care Bears Family Adventures, Book 4: Chapter 3
#3 of care bears family adventures book 4 it's time to hear those letters from the future, most of them at least a/n: a lot of the setup for this story comes from an abandoned story by silver wolf16 on, used with permission.
Have a heart, would you?
I think he the abandonment stories weren't helping mercy's worries, so she was glad to hear vince suddenly say in a voice unusually deep for his age as he turned his head towards her, "wait, she can read? did i hear that right?"