Only Because I Care ( Part 1 )

* * * Only Because I Care by JaneCat Part I Putting his jacket on as he pushed the exit doors open, Nightwind finally was out of that cramped office building. "Thank God my shift is over", he mumbled to himself. The red fox hated his day job, and...

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An Interview with gamestreamer/Psudo

Tell us, was this the first babyfur/ ab/dl related story you'd ever written? was it significant in your forming as a babyfur writer or more of a stepping stone to really dive into the lake of babyfur writing?

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Twitchy Gets Lost: A Baby Blue short / Lost tribute

His sister and neighbor, _calliope_, is leader of the rival pink faction of ab/dl sissies. _rian_, his true blue wolf cub sidekick, is the social linchpin of the group and an ardent collector of cub gear.

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Nappies Accident

A long haired furry named kayla has some troubles when she gets the wrong nappy warning sorta gross ab/dl kayla has long hair and blue fur her hair is black she is 17 years old and not yet potty trained it all started when she was sitting on her couch


Be Careful What You Wish For: Chapter I

After all his chores are done, he goes back upstairs, and gets on one of his favorite minecraft servers; an ab/dl server he had found on his many internet searches.

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