Twitchy Gets Lost: A Baby Blue short / Lost tribute

Story by kitncub on SoFurry

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#6 of Pink and Blue

Twitchy Gets Lost: A Baby Blue Short / Lost Tribute


[[email protected]](%5C)

6 February 2010

This one's yiff-free and with very little fetish content, sorry, just a quickie filler puff/character piece in the pink and blue series.

If it doesn't interest you, you can safely skip!

The countdown to the end of Lost is now on; I am just starting to watch the last season myself. So this won't have mass appeal but it is a very silly short tribute using characters from the Pink & Blue diaperfur series that has lots of geeky references. To see the related, real diaperfur stories with these characters, click on the "By Folder" view on your right. They are:


[Operation Baby Blue](%5C)

[Damsel in Distress](%5C)

A real, longer story in the pink and blue series is in the works to come out soon.

(If you don't know, the events leading into Lost's last season have revolved around time travel and an attempt to "correct" an accident that shouldn't have happened in the past, by setting off a nuclear device at a critical place at a critical moment. Much of the show revolves around the seeding of puzzles and clues.)

In brief: In the timeline as it should be, the Baby Blue boys are a fraternity of AB/DL age players dedicated to the propagation of boyish behavior and war against the pink forces of sissification-now headquartered at Empress Calliope's Academy for Special Boys.

(2,900 words)

Roger, a black Labrador, is daddy to the boys and leader of the Baby Blue group, many of whose members look to him for personal guidance and emotional support. His sister and neighbor, Calliope, is leader of the rival pink faction of AB/DL sissies.

Rian, his true blue wolf cub sidekick, is the social linchpin of the group and an ardent collector of cub gear.

Dex, a sensitive raccoon martial artist, is Baby Blue's third-in-command and combat specialist. Not all the boys know, but Dex is one of the few Baby Blue boys who wears diapers out of necessity. He regresses to a kit whenever he loses a fight for reasons not yet entirely understood even by him.

Twitchy, the nervous, goggle-wearing, geeky bunny, is the brain of the boys' team and ordinarily makes up their tech team at Hideout #4 with his partner, the pocket-sized but toolbox-carrying mouse and gadget engineer, Squeak.

Now, briefly . . .

"Captain! Thank goodness I found you!"

The doorbell jangled as a nervous, fidgety white rabbit wearing overalls, with safety goggles settled on his forehead, burst into the comics shop.

Roger, a black Labrador and the owner of the store, raised his head from behind the latest issue of a superhero comic and eyed the agitated bunny curiously. Twitchy steadied himself against a display case of action figures with one paw and took a moment to catch his breath.

Then the bunny burst onward, "Someone changed things! Everything! But you must remember too! That things aren't supposed to be like this! You have to help me put things back."

The Labrador looked over his shoulder slowly. Seeing no one behind him, he turned his gaze back toward the increasingly agitated rabbit. "Are you talking to me?" Roger asked curiously, without putting his book down.

"Of course I am!" the rabbit bit his lip and began to look worried. "I already found Rian. But he can't help. It's - it's awful. He's so - so - so - shy! And timid! He's scared of everything. I think I frightened him into an accident. I found him hiding from everyfur in the back of the library with a book about knights and princesses and I brought up diapers-that, that he must have tried using them even if just once, he must have, and he just shouted 'How did you knooow?!' and ran away from me crying."

"You're a weird kid," Roger said cheerily, and resumed reading his book, adding as an afterthought, "The Vertigo stuff is on sale. It's on the top shelf on your right."

Twitchy hopped over to the counter and raised himself up with both forepaws to look down at Roger's muzzle over the edge of his book. "But you have to remember! I was sure you would at least! Everything started with you! You're our leader! You say we're all your boys!"

Roger blinked. "Oh, are you on the high school baseball team maybe? Yes, I think I sponsor that." He looked behind him at the framed certificates of gratitude on the wall and nodded. "Hmm. I wonder if I remembered to give this year." Then he looked back at Twitchy. "Don't worry, I'll write you guys a check."

Twitchy grabbed both of Roger's forepaws with his and slowly lowered the Lab's comic book down flat on to the counter. "Listen to me. The timeline has been altered. Something, or someone changed everything so that-so that none of us-" The bunny looked around furtively and leaned so close his stomach rested on the counter as he whispered, "started seriously wearing, you know-diapers. Like we're all supposed to be in!"

Roger, for the first time, began to look concerned. "You really are a weird kid," he said. "Say, do you need a ride home or something? Did your parents miss picking you up?" A knowing glint entered his eye. "Are they fighting? It's okay if you don't want to go home. I can bring you to the YMCA or somewhere. Or is there a teacher you're comfortable calling? You can use the phone. I have a phone book under the counter, too. Or you can just tell me the name of your favorite teacher and I'll look them up and call them for you."

Twitchy sighed and slumped on to the counter in despair. "I didn't want to do this," he said. "But I'll have to go over to our enemies next. If I remember, then there must be someone from the pink diaperfur team who remembers, too! Where is your sister? Where is the Em-I mean, Calliope?"

Roger stood up, dropping his comic book and eyeing Twitchy suspiciously. "Hey, how do you know Callie's name? I've hardly talked to my sister in years. She's written me off as a loser, I think." He stared down at the floor dejectedly. "She's always too busy for me since she went to work at that boarding school across the country."

Twitchy looked up at him disbelief. "How can that be?" he asked, thumping the floor with his foot. "You two live near each other. You're-you're rivals! You fight all the time! But everyone knows you only sort of mean it. "

"I don't know," Roger shrugged and let out a sigh, slumping back down on to his chair. "We just-never had anything in common. She only likes girl things and I only like boy things. So what could we have done together? I don't know why I'm telling you this, but I'm starting to think you're only a figment of my imagination anyway, so why not: I'm actually very lonely lately. I do sometimes wish I had my own family." He looked at the certificates on the wall behind him wistfully.

The rabbit started to look nervous-well, more nervous-and his foot began thumping against the floor as he looked at his watch. "I'm sorry, Captain!" he blurted out. "I'd hoped you'd come with me! You would still be a big help! But you will have a family! A bigger one than you think! I'll fix everything! Soon! Everyone I found-his life is so much worse without his diapers! But I can't stay any longer! If I stay in one place too long they'll catch up to me! Don't tell anyone I was here!"

Twitchy darted out of the shop, the doorbell jangling as he did.

"Don't tell anyone who was here?" Roger asked himself, puzzled.

As Twitchy rounded the corner he saw two wolves in trench coats at the back of the crowd out of the corner of his eye. He picked up speed, breaking into an open run, and they did too, loping after him. The rabbit started hopping until they fell out of his rear vision, and turned into a side street, hiding himself behind a large blue mailbox. He slumped against it and breathed heavily, his whole body shaking.

After two minutes, he slowly peeked his head out-and found himself staring up into the glinting yellow eyes and toothy smile of one of them, looking down at him hungrily. He whirled to run, and found the other one standing in front of him.

The rabbit, cornered, looked at his watch anxiously and tapped his foot. He chewed his lip. "All right-" Twitchy said grudgingly. "You've got me. Who are you guys?"

"They're nobody," said a familiar-sounding voice from across the street. Both the wolves stiffened in surprise and wheeled around to eye the twenty-something raccoon in a black suit and black sunglasses leaning against a street lamp who had been watching the whole scene.

"Sorry, boys," said the coon, reaching into his pocket and quickly flashing the ID card he withdrew in his paw to each of them. Twitchy couldn't make out the logo, but even a glimpse of it caused both the wolves' eyes to widen fearfully. "You two have been letting the bunny lead you around in circles too long. Hit the showers; this is a varsity game now."

Twitchy watched apprehensively out of the corner of his eyes as the wolves shrugged to each other, and slowly backed away toward the main street. One of them pulled out his cell phone to make an angry call just as they vanished from sight.

"Hello, Twitchy," Dex said.

The rabbit breathed a sigh of relief and slumped back against the mailbox, relaxing.

"Dex!" he exclaimed. "You saved me! Thank goodness! I couldn't find you! Now I see why! I tried, believe me. But-but-I have so many questions! You're hardly older than me! How are you working for the government? Or who are you working for? Do you understand what happened to change the timeline? Are you researching it? And- and-I'm so happy! You remember me! You really know who I am!" His tail wiggled and he smiled-but only for a moment.

"Of course I know who you are, Twitchy," the raccoon said as he slid his sunglasses back up his nose and approached one pawstep at a time, his tail beginning to flick as he knotted both his paws together and stretched his arms out in front of him, palms forward, leaning his head from one side to the other. "I just read your file this morning."

"Dex-" Twitchy's smile drooped slightly, and so did his ears. "What are you doing? Who are you working for? The FBI?"

The coon unknotted his paws and pointed one finger up into the air as he kept walking toward the rabbit, whose breathing started to speed up once more as he asked, "The CIA?"

Dex pointed up again.

Twitchy shook his head fearfully. "But I haven't heard of any government agency higher than that!"

Dex smiled and said simply, "Good."

"But you're-you should be in college! At City College with Rian!" Twitchy pointed a finger at the coon's nose. "Come on! You're like two or three years older than me at the most!"

The coon shook his head. "Never went. I was recruited after I won a national martial arts tournament my senior year."

Twitchy's eyes widened. "Dex! I hoped that you would have a better life at least!" He frowned. "But I bet you don't, do you? I bet you're not happy. Listen to me! You're one of the good guys. One of the nicest guys I know. You were supposed to lose in that tournament! You got hurt in it! I know that sounds bad, and it was for a little while, but- but-" He looked down at the ground sadly and concluded, "It's how you met all your friends. Like me."

"My what?" Dex asked calmly. Twitchy's forepaw was reaching behind him, toward his cottonball tail-and what was in the rear pocket of his overalls. The rabbit gritted his teeth and looked at his watch again.

"Well," Dex continued, seeing him glance at the time, "I've read about how far you can take these mind games, and I have to admit I'm impressed that you managed to find out my real name. But I have to cut this show short, because I'm on deadline, too. I already know you've been running around town as a distraction. And that you haven't really been working alone."

He swung his arms forward, then behind him, as though warming up. "Your stopwatch isn't counting down to anything. I neutralized your mouse friend. Destroyed that device the two of you've been collecting parts from our facilities for, too. Thirty-five minutes ago. It's not going off."

"Squeak! No!" Twitchy's eyes assumed a steely glint and his fist tightened on what was in his rear pocket.

The bunny took a deep breath. "I just want to say that- because even though you don't know it now, you're my little kit brother, sometimes - I - I really don't want to hurt you, Dex," he said as he gripped the drugged pacifier in the rear of his packet and jabbed upward, toward the coon's muzzle.

Dex whirled around once, ducking under Twitchy's blow, and grabbed the rabbit's wrist, almost crushing it, in the vise-like grip of one paw. The pacifier clattered to the sidewalk, and before Twitchy could do more than look down after it with a mounting sense of dread, the raccoon's other paw was hoisting him off the ground by his neck and shoving him against the large blue mailbox. Then Dex started tightening his grip.

"Well don't worry," said the coon, grinning. "No chance of that."


Twitchy woke up in his sleeping bag with a start and his eyes snapped open. Thank goodness! It was just a dream. The flashlight that had fallen out of his paw had rolled a few inches away and shone directly up into his face. There were five years of maps, magazines, and photographs strewn around the floor of Hideout #4 with his scribbled notes and highlights.

He glanced up at the jangling bell on its cord and down to see the guest at the other end of the room who had set it off and woken him up in the nick of time.

"Have you two been up all night?" Twitchy's wolf cub friend and Baby Blue recruiter / big brother Rian asked incredulously, adjusting a boat captain's hat on his head with one paw and tugging at the waistband of his unconcealed tugboat-patterned plastic pants with the other. There were three diapers at least on under those plastic pants, probably four, Twitchy reckoned. At the moment, the hat, diapers, plastic pants, and a pair of thick pale blue socks were all he was wearing.

"Squeeeak!" the small, overall-clad mouse dozing at Twitchy's shoulder answered Rian as he rolled over, drowsily, across a blueprint of a fictional hatch that had been covered with his pawprints.

"But everyone else is there already! And you and Squeak are the ones who made us watch all those DVDs to begin with!" Rian shook his head and looked down through the trap door.

"I told you!" he warned the fur coming up the ladder. "I knew this would happen! He would have missed his own Lost party if we hadn't come over to check. It will be like this all season now! He's desperate to figure everything about the show out before it ends."

Twitchy stretched and yawned, sitting up straight and sliding out of the sleeping bag. He smiled up at Rian, at once abashed and appreciative. "Thanks, guys," he said. "Squeak and I could always watch it on our computers here but it wouldn't be the same without all of you."

"Well if he does figure it out he better keep his muzzle shut and not spoil it for everyfur else at the party," said the raccoon as he stuck his head through the trap door and glared straight at Twitchy.

"I'm still mad at him about TheSixth Sense," Dex concluded as he adjusted the sunglasses on his nose.

"Dex!" The rabbit cried in terror and grabbed his sleeping bag with both paws, covering himself with it and falling to the floor in a quivering heap. A small puddle spread out across the wooden floor under the bottom of his already soggy diaper. "I won't! I didn't mean to! I'll be good! Just take those off! Please!" came a muffled squeal from under the shaking sleeping bag.

Dex looked up at Rian and blinked. He took off the sunglasses and held them up to the lupine who had loaned them to him with one paw.

"That bad, huh?" he asked the wolf. "Why didn't you say anything?"

Rian kicked the air with one footpaw. "Well," the diapered wolf said with a shrug, "I thought you looked cute in them."

The End!

A real story in this series is in the works, I promise! In the meantime, this won't have mass appeal, but I hope it was a little bit of fun for anyone who appreciates the references.

Damsel in Distress, A Diaperfur Adventure in Seven Episodes. Part Three (Conclusion)

**_Damsel in Distress: A Diaperfur Adventure Tale in Seven Episodes_** **Part Three: Conclusion** ** ** This is a mature story so please be 18+. Astonishingly, given the subtitle, it involves furs in diapers as well as crossdressing and...

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Damsel in Distress: A Diaperfur Adventure in Seven Episodes. Part Two.

**Damsel in Distress: A Pink & Blue Diaperfur Adventure Tale in Seven Episodes** **Part Two** This is a mature story so please be 18+ (in your non-regressed state) to read, and involves furs in diapers and ageplay, so also please like...

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Damsel in Distress: A Diaperfur Adventure in Seven Episodes. Part One.

**Damsel in Distress: A Pink and Blue Diaperfur Adventure Tale in Seven Episodes** **Part One** This is a mature story (sort of). The point is, please be 18+ in your non-regressed state to read! It also involves, in case you couldn't...

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