Revenge of the Nerds: Furry Style: Ch4: Test of Bravery
#5 of Revenge of The Nerds - Furry Style
Hello, hello everyone! It's that time of month again, the time where I will install another super amazing awesome ultra rare story :D As you can probably tell, I'm in a really good mood, mostly because of my lover, AenaDragonWishes. This time, I wrote this story with a huge helping ha- er..claw from her, since I was scrambling my brain for some good test ideas for our two favorite nerds. She came up with the idea for the test, and I let my imagination do the rest. Anyway, enough chit chat, lets get on with the story!
Chapter 4: The test of Bravery
POV: So, as you all remember, we lost our house to a bunch of assholes, and we've spent most of our time trying to find a place for us to live in. Sadly, we have not had much luck. None of the fraternities wanted us, and the only one we can turn to is...the Alpha Dogs. The same group of assholes who threw us out of our home. I highly doubt that they will let us in, but that Reika girl recommended us here...and she seems very nice, so I'll believe in what she says. Besides, I have a date with her after all. Oh happy day~
o0Out of POV0o
The sun made it's grand entrance among the college grounds, letting everyone know of it's existence by flashing it's radient glow. Students among the college begin their daily routine of their every day lives. Many deciding to just relax, because it was Sunday. Others were out to seek adventure, and entertainment. And some...were embarking on a quest to prove ones selves. Guy, and Reid, stood outside of their former home, which now belongs to the Alpha Dogs..or rather, they stole it from them.
"Guy, are you sure we're not too early? I'd hate to sit here, while we could have done something else." Reid sat down on the stairs of their former home.
"I'm sure of it. They made it perfectly clear this morning on when our test begins..." Guy sat down next to him, remembering exactly how it went. "We are to be here at 8:00 AM we have a good five minutes before they give us the test."
"Who knows, they could arrive earlier than we expected." Reid begins to look up at the sky, the two of them completely oblivious to the fact that Rude, and Crazylegs was sneaking up behind them with a large bucket of bone chilling water.
Guy was about to reply, but it was replaced with a shrill scream as he, and Reid became soaked. Both of them jumped off the stairs from the startling cold, and danced around like idiots, hugging themselves to try and warm up quickly. Rude and Crazylegs were holding their ribs as they laughed at the two nerd's reactions.
"Ahahahaha! My god that was awesome! But that aside, we did it to make sure you two are fully awake." Rude told them, still laughing at their reaction. "Because now we will begin your three tests...Crazylegs, your dismissed."
Crazylegs, who acts like he's on a constant seizure, went running off laughing like a complete maniac.
"Well we were wide awake thank you very much! When we need your help, we'll ask for it!" Reid shouted angrily.
"Oh, well if that's how you feel, then we will just let you stay in that gym." Rude told him, as he started to walk away.
"Wait, don't mind Reid, he'll be fine.." Guy spoke out, trying not to lose the opportunity of getting a home.
"That's what I thought." Rude smirked as he sat down on the steps. "Alright....your first test is the test of Strength. AKA, test of bravery. It's all to see if you even have the balls to stay with us....and your test will be taking place.." Rude then pointed at a house that was not too far from their current location. "Right over there..." When the two nerds laid their eyes on what Rude was pointing at, they looked back at Rude with puzzled expressions.
"But that's where the Beauty Queens are...why would we want to go there?" Reid asked with a raided eyebrow.
"Well, that's all too simple." Then Rude hopped to his feet. "See, there comes a time when we boys just want to have a little fun..and explore things. Get into things that we can only dream of, and achive the impossible." Rude was walking around Guy and Reid for a little bit. "So, your test is to do what every boy dreams of, at least once..and go on a pantie raid."
"Are you kidding? The girls will hate us for life if we do that!" Guy shouted, not wanting to blow his chance he has with Reika. "And we'll never have an attempt to date them!"
"And think of what kind of reputation we'll have if we get caught..." Reid added, not liking this test at all.
"Which is why you don't get caught. That is the test. Go inside, get a set of bra and panties, and bring them over to me. If you get caught, you fail, you won't get in, and we'll punish you for waisting our time." Rude instructed them with a sly grin on his face. "And you have until 9:30 AM to get me what I want, starting now."
" hour in a half isn't such a bad time limit to get the stuff will we go about sneaking in?" Reid asked, trying to keep a level head about the situation.
"I'm in a good mood, so I'll tell you. Right now, the girls usually go on a cheer leading practice, followed by a day of hanging out...or whatever the hell they do. That means, their house is currently empty of them. Not a Beauty Queen is in the house as we speak." Rude told them with a smirk. "All you have to do, is get in without making any real huge changes, like shattering windows. Something along those lines."
"That sounds reassuring...but how do we know that we can trust your information?" Guy was being cautious about this.
"Believe what you want, but know that the clock is ticking. The longer you two stand around, the more time your wasting." Rude pointed to his watch as he warned them, making Guy and Reid rush over to the Beauty Queen's home in an instant. "Heh...besides. The Beauty Queens wouldn't want to date them anyway." Rude mumbled once they were out of earshot. He sat down on the stairs, and lighted a cigarette as he waited.
Guy and Reid were now hidden in the bushes, that decorated the front yard of the Beauty Queen's home, trying to see if there was even a way for them to break in. The entrance was out of the question, since the doors were locked, and neither one of the two had anything to pick the lock with.
"I say we split up, and walk around this building...maybe there's an opening somewhere that we can use to get through. Still have those communicators that we made ourselves when we were younger, Reid?" Guy suggested, as he peeked around for anyone that may spot them.
"I have an even better idea...Rude may have said they were gone. But for all we know, he could set us up so that we break in, right around the same time the girls would return." Reid explained as he pulled out two small devices, then hands one of them to Guy. He attaches the other one to his ear, and bringing a small mic to his mouth.
"So what's your plan, then?" Guy asked, while he did the same.
"One of us should sneak in, while the other should sit out here and be the watch dog." Reid suggested. "That way, if the girls do make it back early, the watch dog can give a warning ahead of time."
"Good idea Reid. So I'll just chill here and keep watch until you get back." Guy answered with a grin.
"Now hold on a minute, why do I have to go in?" Reid asked. He didn't mind going in, but he wanted to know why was Guy so quick to make that choice.
"Because I'm not blowing my chance on my date with Reika. Besides, you made the plan, so you should have the honer of carrying it out." Guy answered with a big cheesy grin, and a thumbs up to match.
"I had a feeling that was the case...alright, I'll take the job this time, but you owe me." Reid then got up, and started to walk towards the home in a casual manner, to look less suspicious.
"Testing...testing....can you hear me Reid?" Guy asked from the communicator.
"Yeah, loud and clear. How's the area?" Reid answered, while he wandered around the home, checking high and low for anything that could work for him.
"Not a Beauty Queen in sight.Your in the clear, Reid. Any luck finding an opening?" Guy asked, keeping his eyes on the look out for anyone that is coming.
"Nope, still looking around. I'll let you know once I found an opening." Reid answered, as he checked along the walls, and looked for any window that might be open.
"Understood." Guy replied, and pulled out a bag of potato chips, making sure his mic is turned off as he ate his snack.
As Reid made it behind the house, something had caught his eye. He noticed that there was a window big enough for Reid to crawl through, and it was supposed to lead to the basement. Reid inspected the window for a moment, to find a lock that was supposed to keep intruders out. At first, Reid was a bit disappointed, but he was smiling when he realized that the lock was a combination type. His smile grew even brighter when he found out where it was manufactured.
"Oh this lock is cake. When will people learn that Angry locksmiths is a lousy lock company?" Reid laughed to himself as he begins to tamper with the lock in his hands. "If I just turn clockwise...turn halfway counter clockwise...turn halfway clockwise...only turn a quarter counter clockwise..turn a full clockwise three times...and presto! This lock is now rendered useless." Reid smirked to himself, as he opens the window, and climbed inside. Judging from the large sized gas tanks, and how untidy this room was kept, it had to be the boiler room.
"Hey, this is Reid, I'm inside now. Turns out there was a way to get in from the boiler room." Reid informed Guy, as he finds the door, and walked out of the room.
"Good going, Reid. Your still in the clear, not a girl is in sight. And only four minutes have still have plenty of time, but don't take too long." Guy warned him, while he was still keeping a look out.
"Got it." Reid replied, before he climbed the staircase that lead to the living room of the house. The living room was decorated with a bit of everything to fit all the girl's tastes. From posters of male celebs, to a few pieces of art, and the somewhat Gothic decorations, gave Reid an idea on what type of girls they are. Furniture lied about in the lobby. There was a nice sized plasma TV, and a couple of DVDs stacked next to it as well.
"Wow...they sure know how to keep themselves entertained...but I'm not here to enjoy the scenery." Reid told himself, as he walked around the house, looking for their rooms. It didn't take long to find them, since the remaining rooms belonged to a girl at this house. The only room that was not a bed room, was the kitchen, and the large bathroom that they held. Now, the only real challenge..was finding a room that was unlocked..and there are plenty of rooms in this house. Acting fast, Reid begins to check each door, trying to figure out if there are any of them that were unlocked.
Back outside, Guy was still looking our for any girls that could make an early return. He took a moment to glance at one of the windows, and found the curtains moving for some odd reason. He kept his eyes on those curtains, and when they opened widely enough, Guy saw someone in the window. He could not tell if it was Reid, or someone else, but there was one way to find out.
"Hey, Reid, did you have any luck in the rooms?" Guy asked through the communicator.
"Nah, I'm still trying to find one that is far, all of them seemed to be on total lock down here." Reid replied with a sigh.
"Um...well, you might want to be extra careful..." Guy warned him.
"Of what? The girls are coming back?" Reid asked, ready to make a break for it, if Guy says yes.
"No, they are still out. But one of them might still be in the house. I took a glance at the windows, and saw someone in one of the floor, fourth one near the entence." Guy explained. "It's only you can still go get the panties, just be careful."
"I will, thanks for the warning." Reid answered, as he still searched for any unlocked room. His prayers were finally answered when he found one that was not locked, and it happened to be right by the stairs that lead to the upper levels. However, Reid was not aware of the fact that someone was watching from the very top of the stairs.
"Hm? I thought I had the whole house to myself...maybe one decided to stay behind or...came home early." That someone sounded like a girl, her voice sounding like she is full of wisdom, but very attractive as well. She walked downstairs, as quietly as possible, making her way towards the room.
"Alright, let's see here....oh! A diary! No no...I'm not here for that....ah! Here we are..a bra, and a pair of blue striped panties." Reid quickly stashes the panties and bra in his pockets as best as he could, before he contacts Guy. "Alright, mission accomplished. I got the panties, and the bra. How much time do I have left?"
"You have thirty-five minutes to get out of there. And good going too. Just remember to watch out for that person I saw in the window earlier." Guy warned him again.
"Yeah, I hadn't ran into that someone yet. I must have been really lucky. That Rude better put out for what I had to go through to get these..." Poor Poor Reid...he is completely oblivious to the fact that someone was standing right behind him, listening to the whole conversation.
"You got that right. Well, I'll be out here keeping watch. See ya when you get out, and be quick." Guy told him, as he took one last look at that room again, to see that the curtains are not moving anymore.
"Alright, see you when I get out." As soon as Reid turned around to leave, he instantly froze, realizing that he is officially busted. "Ah hell.."
What stood at the doorway, was a tigress. She was about the same height as Reid, and looked just as beautiful as the girls who lives here. Her current outfit of choice was a simple small black banded shirt that tightened around her bust, and showed a bit of cleavage. On the shirt, it reads: "Careful. My claws are not just for show." She also had on a pair of tight red shorts, with black trimming, that were pretty tiny. There was also a really tight, black thin layer of clothing under those said shorts. She also had on a pair of black sneakers, which looked to be like a pair of running shoes. Her long red hair was somewhat spiky, yet attractive on her. Her beautiful canary colored eyes stared right at Reid's, with such an emotionless expression in them. It was hard to tell weather or not if she was angry to see him.
"What do you think your doing?" The tigress asked the intruder, who is Reid in this case.
"I...I should be asking you that!" Reid shouted, pointing a finger at her. "I know all the Beauty Queens are out doing their shopping or what not! In fact, I was told you all would be out!"
The tigress took in what Reid was saying, before she busted out in laughter. "Well, whoever told you that certainly was not lying. All the Beauty Queens are out, however..." A smirk grew upon her face, and she stepped a little closer to Reid, almost in a seductive manner, while Reid backed away from her. "I am not a Beauty Queen, despite my good looks..."
"Well...if your not a Beauty Queen..then you shouldn't be in here! Your just as in a bad situation as I we can just walk away, and pretend we don't exist, sounds cool?" Reid asked her, trying to smooth his way out of here. Unfortunately, there was another part of this tigress that he did not know about.
"Normally, I would agree with that kind of deal...that is, if I WAS in the same situation as you are." The tigress stepped closer to Reid, waving a paw in the air to show just how long her claws are. Reid's eyes widened and he stepped back further away.
"So...what are you then...? And do you have to step closer? Those are really nice claws. Have anyone told you those are really, really nice claws?" Then all of a sudden, in one swift motion, Reid felt his back being slammed against the wall, causing him to yelp in pain. The Tigress was currently pinning him there, holding him by his neck.
"Don't try to smooth talk me...boy." The tigress brought her face closer to his ear, as she firmly held him right against that wall. "If you really want to know who I name is Vanessa. And I am the guardian of this home." She whispered into Reid's ear, causing it to twitch, and making Reid melt into a mixture of both pleasure, and fear.
"G..Guardian?" Reid asked her, while he attempted to break from her grip, but his eye caught on to where Vanessa's hand was heading. He felt her claw trace along his outer thigh, feeling it press against his skin, despite the fact that he was wearing pants. He could hear the fabric of his pants being cut open, as she dragged her claw along his thigh, stopping right below his waist. Part of him was aroused to be pinned like this by someone so attractive, but it won't feel so arousing anymore if he does not do something.
"Yes..I may look like a regular tigress, but I will have you know that I used to be a member of the Special Ops." Vanessa's smirk never left as she explained this. "I was hired here to stay as a guardian of this home, for intruders just like yourself..." Vanessa's smirk suddenly faded, and her face looked rather serious now. It sent a chill down Reid's spine when he took notice of this, and knew that nothing good will come from it. "Now...a handsome little kitty like yourself would not be the type to do this." Vanessa was looking at Reid right in the eyes as she spoke. "So I might let this slide, if you come clean, and tell me who put you up to this."
"I...I..." Reid could not decide what he should tell her. If he told her about Rude, and if Rude were to find out about what transpired, there is no way Rude would let them pass. To make matters worst, there is that punishment Rude mentioned earlier too. Closing his eyes tightly, Reid begins to tell the best lie he could muster.
"No one did! I came in here on my own! I'm a perverted bastard who wanted to get my paws on these undergarments! And add them to my collection!" That sounded like a good lie, right? That sounded like something any female would believe, especially in this situation, right? Well, there's a first time for everything.
"My my, we have a little pervert it seems." Vanessa spoke in a tone that sounded like she was believing Reid's story. She could feel Reid's tension lowering, as she made it sound like she was believing him. A smirk grew on her face, before saying, "Now tell me the real reason why your here. And look me in the eyes." She could almost laugh when Reid's tension begins to rise back up. To give Reid a much bigger scare, her grip around Reid's neck begins to tighten, and her nails were digging into his skin, enough for Reid to feel pain, but not pierce it.
Reid could not think of an excuse to get him out of such a situation. He felt his heart race so much, it felt like it was going to jump out of his chest, and bounce around the room like a super ball on crack. Reid looked her in the eyes, and replied with the truth this time. "I'm sorry...but the information I's confidential...I'm not allowed to tell you."
Vanessa frowned, and shook her head in disappointment. "You really don't value your life, don't you? Oh well. Have any last words before I have my fun?" Vanessa spoke to him in a playful tone. "Since it's not entirely your fault, I'll show a little mercy~" She held up her other paw, and Reid's eyes widened as her claws were shown in full view. "I just hope you won't mind if your fur was a little red." She then licked her lips hungrily, and her eyes were now thirsty for blood.
Reid can't go out like this. He had to think of a way to get out of here...then he finally had the perfect idea. "Well...I do have one thing to say..." Suddenly, in one quick motion, his hands grabbed onto the banded shirt of Vanessa's. "I see your nipples~!" He pulled the shirt down as low as he can get it, Vanessa screaming out of embarrassment, and reacting just like Reid expected her to react. She dropped Reid, and frantically tries to pull her shirt back up, as Reid took this advantage to unlock the room window, and jump out of it before Vanessa pulls herself together.
"Those were a nice pair by the way..." Reid thought to himself as he ran for his life.
Guy was sitting at his post behind the bushes, looking out for the girls still. He suddenly spotted someone running towards his location. "Reid?" He pondered, as he saw Reid running to him with such a frantic look on his face.
"LETS GO! MOVE! MOVE! MOVE!" Reid quickly ran right by Guy, as Guy looked at Reid with a confused expression. Guy didn't know why they should run, but he followed Reid's instructions, and ran with him anyway.
"Oh this isn't over, my little kitty..." An Angry Vanessa was looking out of the window with her arms folded, and a deep blush upon her face, spotting both of the animals running away. "This is FAR from over..."
Rude was sitting on the step, and his ears perked up when he heard footsteps coming his way. Then he smirked when he saw that it was Guy, and Reid, who stopped in front of him. Guy was perfectly fine, but Reid fell to the ground, practically out of breath.
"Well well well...I was starting to think you two couldn't do it. Alright, let's see what you got." Rude was wasting no time as he stood up from his seat on the stairs. "Present the bra, and panties." He ordered.
"Here...bra...and promised..." Reid stood up, and pulled them out of his pocket, handing them both to Rude, who took them, and checked to make sure that he didn't just buy them from a store. He gave the items a sniff, and smiled with delight when he saw that they were indeed from the Beauty Queens.
"Good job passed. But I wouldn't relax..your next test will be harder." Rude told them with a wicked grin, as Guy and Reid sighed with dismay.
Whew! What a chapter! Sorry that it took so long to upload it. The chapter turned out to be longer than I expected, and I will say that I had more ideas for this chapter too. But I don't want to spoil you guys too much, now do I? Anyway, stay tuned for the next installment of this super amazing awesome ultra rare story! Because there will be more to come! Again, I like to thank AenaDragonWishes for being my inspiration, and coming up with such an idea <3 I love you always.