Sirius - Book Three: Project EPSILON - Chapter 8: Uncharted Andromeda

Story by WhiteArcticFox on SoFurry

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#8 of Sirius: Book Three - Project EPSILON

A/N: Sorry for disappearing on you, and sorry for being a dick with the whole "rewriting" thing. I decided finally that it doesn't really matter how it started, I just have to make this last book as good as I can. Eventually Sirius may be rewritten, and when that happens I'm sure it'll be wonderful.

But, you've waited so long without anything (and honestly I expect FEW people to return). I just perpetually toss my fans aside, and I feel bad about it. My chapters aren't even that long, I should be able to churn them out real fast, but I get distracted and that's why I doubt I'll ever be a professional at this stuff.

But it's fun to write.

So: Sirius 3-08, Here ya go.

Took way too long to get around to, but I mostly wrote it in about a day, so... Here. I think it might be partially crap... and doesn't really have much of a chapter ending, but it's better than nothing, right?

No Yiff. I don't really write Yiff anymore...


Chapter 8 Uncharted Andromeda

If the sight of a slipstream bubble forming was strange from outside, the sight of one forming from inside was equally curious. The strings seemed to reach inside the small black point, far differing from the chaotic colour of slipspace. The distorted stars and planets looked as though eerie splotches on the surface of a ball, like three dimensions had been compressed into two and wrapped tightly around the sphere.

Calculations beyond number are required to get exit-time right. Forming the bubble quickly as you near your destination. Slip-pilots were revered in their innate ability to know when the exact right moment was, a skill that can be taught, but is much better when one has a knack for it.

The stringlike space of slipstream grappled at the runners on the Phoenix and with a growling heave the tendrils threw the riding ship straight through the bubble that the Phoenix' pilot had formed.

The ship coasted as the weblike filaments pulled away, the deactivated runners causing the ship to lose it's carry. Both human and sirian alike quaked at the unease of returning to normal space, and the engines kicked in mere moments thereafter to steady the careening vessel.

The feeling of regular space soothed them all as they neared a massive ring of meteors wrapped loosely around a giant red sun. The ship's shields deflected the small particles as the Phoenix banked quickly to the right into a very loose orbit.

"No planets here either, Phil..." muttered Kass softly as she tapped away at her console. "Nothing big, or stable enough to land this ship on anyway," she added quickly. The Phoenix rocked a little as a larger piece of debris cracked against the hull.

"Any sign of pursuit?" the Captain asked around, staring thoughtfully at the screen.

"We've got a possible slipstream echo. I think our friends tried to duck into our portal. They probably missed, but they'll know exactly where we are," Reese informed, looking sidelong at the woman.

Her roan eyes tossed to the side, the woman sighed softly. She was growing weary of this game of cat and mouse. "Jump us to that system we picked up a few days back. We should be able to make it in a couple hours. Looked like the gas giant might have had a few moons."

"Aye Ma'am," said the girl at the con, and immediately she started to set the coordinates. "It'll take a few minutes for the computer to do the math; we might be able to duck behind that big asteroid and hide from the Lupus."

"Do it," the Captain said, leaning on the rail of her bridge.


Gossamer hairs of downy fur puffed out with every little motion as a topless Kit fox bounded around the rather spacious and mostly deserted hangar with a gleeful smile on his face. Despite blankness of mind, the basic understanding of good and bad resonated deep inside the fox's head as he used raquet to bash ball over net and scamper toward the next shot.

The grayish silver coat of his opponent lunged for the bright red globe of felt-covered bounce and black-twined raquet smacked the sphere back. A grin upon lupine features as an equally topless wolf bounded around to keep up.

There were few rules to the game that looked like tennis. Hit the ball back and don't let it bounce twice. Make sure the ball goes over the net. To hell with lines. Jasyn and Mathieu had been playing a game of actual tennis one day when the young, white kitfox who looked no older than eighteen years picked up a raquet and wandered onto the court. Astonished, Jasyn watched as the kit returned Mathieu's serves with vulpine grace known only to the race Vulpes. The strongest resonance in the wolf was the fact that Axis had never seen tennis once. This was not instinct. It was a sign that the fox was able to learn still. Despite the fact he was not sentient, he had the uncanny ability to absorb information. No memory for events, but for rules and data.

The young fox smashed ball after ball, missing the outside line by a good three inches though Jasyn returned the ball anyway. He didn't care about the game anymore; he enjoyed spending time with the youthful ball of ivory energy. They had not been separated in the mere week they'd been together. The fox, who'd been dubbed Kit by everyone now, was afraid to be apart from Jasyn even to let him take a shower or use the washroom. They could not be apart for more than a moment before Kit became upset.

He'd also not used his abilities again in the space of time they'd been on the ship. He spoke a single word in his sleep, something that comforted the wolf to hear but pained him to miss during the day. He had not uttered a single word in waking, nor had he even attempted to speak. He made little noise unless something hit or startled him.

The upper walk of the spacious hangar rattled as a human woman began to stride along it, watching with a smirk the play the two were at below.

"Jasyn! Kit!" she called, and the two looked up at her. Jasyn missed the ball and he cursed aloud. The little kit jumped playfully. They forgot their game quickly though as Phillips walked down to them and approached with a solemn look. "They're getting closer. We can no longer escape before they catch up to us so it's just jumping about to buy time now... Their computer is faster, their pilots are... better. We're not gonna be able to keep running."

Jasyn nodded quietly and sighed. "How many more jumps do we have? And where'll we go when we run dry?" the wolf voiced, his raspy throat scraping the words in the air more than singing them to the bulkheads.

At this, the woman's face turned darker and she looked at once upset. "We think only one more jump. Maybe two, before we've got no more left in us. If we don't get a landing spot this time, we're gonna have to return to known space and raid some fuel."

"Na-I don't wanna do that," the wolf grunted, Kit looking worriedly up at the two as he hugged Jasyn's side. Sure, he was about as tall as Axis was when he died, or disappeared, or whatever had happened; but both Jasyn and Phillips had grown even a little more since then.

"Well... the pool is running something like this. Jericho figures there's ten-to-one odds that we'll find a moon with greenery, or air for that matter, in this next system. Four-to-one that the Lupus will catch us before we can make our last jump, and he's putting one-to-one that we won't see Earth again..." scowled the woman with a grind of her teeth. "That boy makes me so..."

"Easy Phil. We can't throw him out an airlock because he's a pessimist..." the wolf rasped with a chuckle.

The two sighed softly and began to walk, Kit following quickly and leaving game and raquets behind in their impromptu gymnasium. "I'm pretty sure Axis could solve this..." the woman said with a soft smile. "He always knew how to get people thinking creatively."

Jasyn seemed to pause in thought, and the woman turned to glance at him as he spoke. "Put me down for some of that moon action... I'll serve a week making walker modifications if I lose. Tell Jericho that if I win, he and Rakhim have to kiss eachother in the lift every morning for a week."

The captain guffawed loudly, her head tilting back before being shaken from side to side. "Jasyn... that's the first sex-oriented joke I've heard from you in almost twelve years."

The wolf smirked softly and shrugged, stepping quickly into the lift with Phillips and Kit as they ascended to the middle deck. "It was time to visit the good doctor anyway..." the wolf said quietly after a moment of silent thought. He stepped through the hall and flicking his torn ear, he turned to the woman with a smile. "You should talk to Mati and Aura. They've got some neat new project that you'll really like."

"I heard. They almost done fixing that damn armour?"

"I think they've got it working again. Fabricated a whole new helmet for it too."

The woman clicked her tongue and turned toward the lab. "The Doc'll be mad if you're late..." she teased, parting ways with the wolf.

Stepping almost happily through the doorway, the wolf saw the doctor working a simulation over one of the tables. He could almost imagine Kit beneath those hands of his, being cut open for a flash-scan. The cutting was actually one of the easy parts. There was no skull where the incisions were made, and it was just several small devices placed into the cuts that did the actual scan; the danger lay in the blood vessels.

The doctor waved as they stepped in, only briefly, before bringing a virtual tool down with one hand, seeing it in the goggles before his eyes. Yellow lines represented the strange device used for Flash-Scans, and he slowly inserted it into one of the incisions. He tweaked it gently and adjusted the controls as fluidly as one could ever imagine until he grinned wider and nodded.

"Haha! That's exactly how it's done... Okay... now close this cut, make sure everything's okay..." he muttered to himself.

His apple coloured hair fluttered a bit as he punched the sky. "Hoohoo! I think I can do this Jasyn."

The wolf held Kit closer to himself and nodded, looking curiously at the man. "Have you found anything more out?"

"Well, if we wait too long, we'll actually have to remove the memories he's getting now before we can put the other ones back. That is, assuming we can find the other ones..." the doctor sighed and lifted the goggles to his forehead.

Caramel eyes looking between the two tiredly, he gifted a small smile to the pair and sighed. "It's actually harder to remove memories, or even damage them. We have to make heads-or-tails of the information before we can put it in place though..."

The wolf nodded quietly, thinking he understood, and tapped the fox's shoulder. "He's still whispering my name in his sleep Doc," the wolf sighed with gentle distress. "But he doesn't seem to be able to even speak when he's awake..."

"I think there are still half-buried dreams in his subconscious. He was probably thinking about you when they took his memories away. That, or they programmed these ones in... I still haven't found any growth accelleration evidence in the others..."

Jasyn shook his head and Kit looked up at him with a comfortable smile. Eyes still blank of everything that made this figure Axis, the wolf tapped his fingers on his leg and asked, "Still don't know if he's the real one or a copy, eh? Any luck with Gamma?"

"Well, none of the brothers want me anywhere near them. We still need the hardware for a Flash-Scan though. I think one of the Techs is trying to build one but I'm not sure..."

The wolf's head rose and fell in familiar feeling of a nod before he turned to leave. The doctor's grin vanished as the wolf said quietly. "Tell me when you think you can bring Axis back. Until then, I only want to hear from you in emergencies."


The glow of the red channels on the black armour was a sight to behold when the gray and white furred Husky thought it into action. The armour had originally pierced the subject's spine, but discovering this quickly made the pair modify the armour. Seventeen Neuro-pads, like bands but flat, ran the length of his spine, and a final one around his forehead completed his link with the armour. It was sluggish, but he brought up one fist with a grin.

Despite the giant former-inhabitant's stature, the armour fit Mati just fine. In part because the Husky and the Human had modified it so. Despite the bulky look of it, Mati felt he moved well in the thick armour chunks.

"So..." the captain grinned as she started to tap her foot quietly. "This is your mighty project?"

The boys both turned their heads and grinned at her before quickly thinking. Aura reached out and tugged the helmet quickly upward. The husky stood still as a statue as his human love lowered it over his head. All became dark, briefly as the faceplate hinged back into place. Thanks to the Sirian muzzle, the armour's faceplate had to snap back into place, but the moment it did the interior lit up. On one side the husky's eye could be seen behind the glow of red diffusive lighting. On the other, a heads-up display showing him everything as sonar, infra-red, and target-reticle was visible.

The black, and spiked, helmet glowed red in three long lines down the tallest spines of ebony. The channels parted around his eye and carried different paths around the helmet's devices. Three sensors lay imbedded in the surface of the helmet's left eye, and Phillips surmised it must have fed an internal HUD.

"Is it pressurised?" the woman asked quickly.

Mati spoke, and his voice was tinny and mechanical. "Yes. We've checked and rechecked that. This armour could probably withstand thirty-thousand pounds of force. The flexible part in the joints is actually nanoplates of armour bonded airtight. This-"

"Miniaturized Railgun?" the woman interrupted.

"Of sorts. No slugs though," Aura grinned at her.

"Accellerated plasma... crazy..." Phillips just smiled wider and furrowed her brows sinisterly. "I like it."

Mati raised one arm up and popped the helmet again, grunting softly as he looked under the faceplate at the woman. "Claustrophobic too, the gun-arm only gives you enough motion to pull a trigger really, apart from a couple rudimentary controls for scope and the HUD."

"Can you make more?" she said with a tilt to her head.

"It would take several months on your ship. If we had the factories in the Lyriian shipyard at our disposal we'd probably be able to make three or four in a couple days, after we made height and weight modifications." was the answer she got.

"Is it restrictive to walk in?"she kept pouring questions at them. "Weigh you down any?"

"Well I'm heavier in it than outside of it, but I can still jump as high." the husky said with a grin.

"And you're sure there's no personal jets? I swore I saw one of them jump thirty meters and hover." she recounted.

"Well, the doctor did say that they shared DNA with our new friends." Aura spoke up, tapping away at a display pad.

"Right..." the woman sighed quietly. "I'm too young for this..."


Jasyn sat in his room, one wall alive with some old twenty-first century classic. He just smiled down at Kit, resting his head on the wolf's lap and staring up at him. No real thought, no deep recognition or sincere longing. He just smiled like would come natural to an infant and curled up a little tighter.

'After so long... Axis... I'm not the wolf he'll remember. I'm older... grayer... He might not even recognize me...' the wolf thought, his fingers curling in Kit's hair as he stroked it softly. "You don't know how much I care... do you?" he asked the fox, who just tilted his head blankly.

Kit's tails flicked a bit, and his fingers twitched, but he said nothing and just stared up with those blank, almost child-innocent eyes. Not full of the wonder or the knowledge that Jasyn knew, not full of the care. Axis didn't ever stare blankly, Jasyn knew he couldn't. He had no poker face. This Kit... he was the exact opposite.

'I might not even recognize him...' the wolf sighed softly as he thought that, his smile fading as he leaned back against the bedside window. He just ran his fingers through that silky white hair and tried to remember the last time he had done just that. 'After the Falchion, we were always go, go, go. Jumping from mission to mission, task to task. I never could just sit and pet him, and when I did have that kind of time it was always sex.'

Kit's eyes closed and he curled around Jasyn now, his nose pressed into the wolf's hip far from his body. His tails swept around him, between and over his legs, and he just breathed slowly.

'The only time I ever could really appreciate how beautiful he was was when he was doing something. It was always work, work, work...' he laid his head back, his thumb running lightly over the rim of the fox's ear as he stared up at the relatively low ceiling. 'It's not the same without the eyes though... He... isn't Axis. He might look exactly the same, but I could never mistake them...'

"Jasyn..." the little bundle muttered.

The wolf sighed and smashed his head back against the window again, knowing the 'glass' was too strong to shatter. "Damn it..." he grunted, stroking the fox's ear again.

A groan rised from the kit, and he curled in closer, holding on tight to the wolf. It sounded almost painful, but Jasyn couldn't be sure. He just lay there and closed his eyes, sleep taking him quickly.

The quake of the ship under attack roused the wolf and Jasyn yelped, peering out the window to find the slatted armour covering it. "Damned battle-mode..." he grunted, before looking down at a blank spot in his lap.

He jumped up quickly and looked around his quarters, breathing quickly. "Kit!? K-kit where are you?" he called out frantically.

A ring sounded from his communicator and he growled as he answered. "Dammit what? I'm busy?"

"Jay, your little friend found his way to the bridge. Thought you might wanna know," came Phillips' voice. "Oh, we're taking fire by the way."

'Damn it...' the wolf thought again, sprinting out of his quarters and down the hall to the stairways. They were quicker than the lifts anyway. As he climbed, the ship rocked and shuddered, and Jasyn heard a very disconcerting sound. "Oh fuck... one of the P-AP's is out..." he swore, and slammed his paw against the controls, opening the door to command deck. He ran out and down the short corridor to the main bridge, stepping through the doors just in time to see the Lupus slip below the forward screens.

In the battle-dimmed bridge, the Captain stood steady near an equally steady bundle of white fur. Staring out from her spot on the railing, she grinned. "Even with only one drive ring we're still more manoeuvrable than that skeleton. They haven't deployed any fighters and-ygch. Dammit stop hurting my ship!" she yelled, to nobody in particular.

"Phil, hail them and standby the weapons..." Jasyn said gravelly, his fingers wrapping around Kit as he stepped up beside the woman.

The fox just pressed back against the wolf, craning his head back to look up at where the arms came from. He hugged the arms to himself as he looked forward again, the main screen blinking to life.

"Holy shit!" Aries voice sounded as he appeared on screen, his Captain on his flank. "Axis?"

"Hold fire," Sota said, gazing across the channel into the bridge of the Phoenix.

The pair just stared dumbfounded at the fox, and Kit tilted his head blankly. Obviously they couldn't tell, though. Crisp white uniforms flickering with the Lupus' bridge lights, the Commanding Officers were almost speechless.

Phillips grinned a bit wider and folded her arms behind her back, canting her head a bit. "Hello Captain Kincaid, Commander Levi. Fancy seeing you here..."

"Cut the crap Phillips," the other Captain grunted, and back on the Lupus Aries tapped clandestine upon the screen between their chairs. "You are wanted for Treason, Murder, and the theft of the E-u-G's military secrets. Surrender yourself and prepare for boarding."

"Now Captain... how could this have anything to do with me? We've been out here for the last few weeks." came the woman's voice.

"When last we spoke, you were fleeing the planet before charges could be laid, my dear Captain. Your little stunt on the military labs in Germany did not go unnoticed, you know." Sota bantered, before reminding her, "Prepare to be boarded."

"Oh! I'm hurt by that! You think we could have anything to do with that attack?" contested Phillips, grinning from behind her glasses at a perfectly timed sound in her ear.

"We've been sent by the Terran Government, seat of the Trian Alliance, to apprehend you and return your crew and ship to Earth by whatever means necessary," Sota said, and from the corner of his eye he spotted Aries hand gesture.

"Captain, please. Don't fight us because you won't win," Aries spoke, standing up now and walking toward the rail before them. "Just surrender so we can return you home. If you're innocent, then you'll be found as such and returned to your ship."

"I don't think so, Aries," the woman smiled, and the channel terminated.

On the main screen, a slipstream portal formed just before a massive spike of radiation clouded the Lupus' sensors, rendering the cameras briefly useless. "What? No!" the wolf growled, throwing an arm sideways. "Get us into that portal, NOW!"

The Helmsman nodded and the Lupus quickly punched through space toward the bubble of slipstream, disappearing blindly through it.

"You'll not get away that easily..." Sota grunted.


"That was almost too easy..." Phillips grinned, watching the Lupus take their bait. She shook her head and crossed her arms over her chest. "Inexperienced newbies..." she chuckled.

"Where did you send them?" Jasyn raised a brow and turned his head to regard the woman.

"Where we'd have gone if they hadn't caught us. They're on their way to Lyriia, though they can't possibly know that," Phillips grinned wide and uncrossed her arms. "Their pilots will pull them out of slipstream and right into the Lyriian Dust Cloud, doubtful they'll be able to get back for a week at least."

"But now we don't have the fuel to make it back anywhere. They'll return and we'll have to either beat them and steal some of theirs, or surrender," Reese muttered, looking at the giant red gas planet.

"Start an analysis of that planet's atmosphere, and scan the moons for a habitable place to land for repairs. Our life support will last us awhile, but I'd rather not tax it out," the Captain ordered, her fingers clutching the rail.

Jasyn's arms still around Kit, he dropped his head to nuzzle between the ears and chuckled. "Why are we scanning the planet, by the way?"

"To see if we can find a fuel substitute. I don't plan to surrender."

The wolf just nodded and ferried the small fox off of the bridge, to no complaint. His feet were carrying him on their own, and before he could even know where he was going, Kit against his side, he found himself in the Mess Hall. He looked around and grunted a bit, taking a seat in the corner as he waved to the cook.

Kit always sat right next to him, as close as possible. Sitting in the booth-style seat was just easier for everyone as he held the small fox close.

Closing his eyes, he inhaled and remembered.

'Axis, I'm right here... always right here...' he thought, his grin widening as he pictured his lively fox leaned against him, tired. The black rim of his ears flicking as he nuzzled into his ch'wait.' He snapped his eyes open and looked down at the Kit that was nuzzling his chest. Pure white. No markings or colours, just pure white.

"When I last saw him..." the wolf muttered to himself, and didn't even hear Alpha slip into the seat opposite until the other fox spoke up.

"Jasyn?" he asked, leaning over the table slightly to peer at the wolf closer.

"Wha? Oh... Sorry Al," he said, looking up quietly at the man. "Was remembering something about Axis..."

"Oh yeah?" grinned the fox, tilting his head as he sat back. "What about him, if you don't mind me asking?"

"Oh..." the wolf chuckled and shook his head as he rested back, Kit resting with closed eyes on his chest. "When we parted, Axis and I..." the wolf began. "I guess I should start at the beginning?"


As long as I knew him, he was pure white, except for a little bit of grey around his groin but I only learned about that later. He was this flawless diamond of a fox, his absence of markings his only real distinguishing trait.

Well, except for the three tails, of course. And the eyes. When we first arrived on Earth, Axis looked exactly like Kit here, but... livelier. With wonder and creativity. When he used his powers it caused him headaches, he told me once. He stopped himself from using them as much as possible. So I guess we never saw the signs.

Then there was that day he went... well the others called it 'demon' and I guess that's pretty accurate. His fur changed, all of it. Black and red, with the slightest hints of white. Where he walked, life withered and died, the very ground beneath his feet disintegrated. He didn't so much walk as float, and everything that was sent his way got turned to ash.

I'm just glad I didn't make him angry... that Crag looked terrified. I probably wet myself a little too, he was always so gentle normally. Anyway... after that he fell unconscious, and then when he woke up, he was fine. He had a killer headache, but he as fine. Though, we found out later that that grey patch of his had disappeared... He was now actually pure white, and it startled me a bit.

But we didn't think much of it at the time. Looking back, I should have taken notice. Then when we left for Earth again, so we could bring the armies of the Alliance down with swift judgement, or somesuch... The ship we were on lost power in all but one runner. When you're in slipstream, you've gotta have at least two and even then it's a bumpy ride. We were quaking and the ship was twisting apart. I remember the sound of the metal scraping and groaning.

I don't know how he did it... or even what caused it... but I'd hear later that Axis 'went demon' again, and turned the ship back on track. Then somehow he twisted part of the ship's power grid to physically bridge the connection and the forward runner got snagged. We were saved, for now, but Axis had to keep his mind on that connection until the crew fixed the other runners properly.

He fell unconscious again, but somehow kept his mind on it, and when I got to him he was okay, but his ears... were rimmed in black. He had red marks on each of his tailtips, and on the backs of both paws trailing up his arms a little. It sorta looked like he was turning into a regular fox the more he used the abilities.

I'd forgotten about it mostly until just now... but you and your brothers... The same spots... are coloured.


"Alpha... your brothers each carry one of those odd marks Axis had after he saved us," Jasyn said finally, "though they're more extensive."

"Almost like if your Axis tried to use his powers to their fullest every day?" Alpha spoke up, looking down at the little, now sleeping, Kit.

"That's what I was thinking..." Jasyn said quietly, then nuzzled the pure white ears. "Almost as though Axis got split into a bunch of inferior parts... no offense."

"None taken, Jayse," the fox across from him chuckled, watching his brother sleep. Alpha just sat there, considering as Jasyn sat back. The food had arrived partway through his story, but with Kit asleep, the wolf had barely picked at his.

"Do you think he dreams?" the fox spoke up eventually, reaching over to trace one of the ears gently. Rewarded with a flick, he pulled his hand back and smiled.

"I like to think so... He only speaks when he sleeps..." the wolf replied.

"And it comforts you to think that him saying your name is some distant memory trying to manifest, right?"

The wolf just shrugged, pulling the fox tighter as the light from the window behind him changed. Alpha looked past them into the void and grinned. "Looks like they found somewhere to land."

Jasyn turned his head and gazed out the window at the dark moon, they were approaching from the nighttime side. "Kinda reminds me of Falla, the way those lights twin-kle..." the wolf narrowed his eyes and looked hard out the window at the shimmering surface lights. "What are those...?"

"Looks almost like Earth from Space..." Alpha said, then stood and leaned on the ledge below the window, staring at what looked like a machine orbiting the world. "Are those-"

"Satellites, maybe. They'd have to be really sophisticated to deal with the massive gravity issues..."

"Maybe we should head to the bridge..." Alpha said aloud.

"Agreed..." the wolf added, before slipping Kit into his arms. He walked gingerly to not wake the boy. "You know, you're the only brother I think I get along with..." Jasyn said, with a chuckle.

"If you want, I can carry him, Jayse," offered the fox with a chuckle all his own.

"Just this once... I'll let you," he said softly, passing off the sleeping Kit.


Keeping orbit around the moon, The Phoenix floated. Jasyn blinked at the main screen and watched with fascination as the helmswoman started a descent. "Let's try to land somewhere secluded. I don't think they've spotted us yet," Phillips suggested, opting to sit in the seldom used Captain's chair.

"How could they not, with those satellites of theirs?" Jasyn asked, rightly.

"We're not picking up any signals that'd imply they had any slipstream technology. They're not hailing us, they're not attacking us. We haven't spotted any orbital craft except the satellites and they're too small to be manned," Reese informed, leaning over her console with a grunt. "The lights are confined to a few very small pinpricks."

"Settlements?" asked Alpha, rocking his bundle gently.

"I'd say so," Reese answered, still watching the twinkling lights.

"Alright, take us down somewhere remote and try to make us look like a meteor burning up," Jasyn seconded, shaking his white furred head. He looked over at Alpha, cradling his brother, and he smiled a bit. "I'll take out a cloaked MPN when we land and try to get some intel on the natives..."


Urgh at this site's posting engine... It either screws the indentation or screws the spacing... -huff-