The Life of Another - Chapter 9 (Clean Version)
#11 of The Life of Another
For those reading the first time, the clean version is identical to the adult version minus a few necessary redactions.
Thank you all for the continued support! ^^
The Life of Another - Chapter 9 - Clean Version
© Jake Atkinson
P.O.V. - Roger
I got to bed early and didn't see Jim until I woke up just before dawn the next morning. He was asleep in his bed, facing the wall. The orange glow from his head fur faintly illuminated the corner and ceiling around him. My body seemed reluctant to get up but self-discipline won out. I sat up and tossed the blanket back to swing my paws over the edge of the raised bed.
A change of clothes in hand, I ducked into the bathroom and slid the door closed. Remembering what happened last time I jumped in without waiting for warm water, I paused until steam flowed forth. I went over my morning plans as I shampooed my fur. Okay, I'll do whatever exercise my body can handle, after that I'll stop in for the meds and it won't be long until... Sue. I'll have to play that by ear and I really don't know how long that will be. I went over a pretend conversation with her from a few different angles as I finished, towelling off in front of the mirror.
I jokingly saluted my reflected image and snickered to myself at the corny gag just as the door slid open on David and Nick's side.
Nick started to step in, only partially awake. His left cheek-ruff was flattened cutely against the side of his face and was the perfect compliment to his half-closed eyes as they quickly opened in surprise. "Woah, naked Wolf!" he said as he startled awake. His gaze darted downward but paused at my waist. "Really naked Wolf!" he declared and practically fell over as he fumbled back out the door, sliding it shut with a bang. A moment later I heard his voice through the door in a loud whisper, "We usually lock both doors when we're in there... sorry!"
It all happened so fast I didn't have time to make any real attempt at modesty. After the initial shock of the unexpected visit I did my best to laugh it off and tried to rid my thoughts of Nick in sleepy mode, with his over-sized Hello Puppy T-shirt and rumpled fur. I finished with the fur-dryer, got dressed and admired the finished product.
This bright green Kamasaki T-shirtis intense but it's a perfect fit and goes well with the black jeans. Not bad for donated clothes. I slid both doors open so anyone waiting would know it was free and padded over to grab a gray hoodie before putting on my shoes. Jim was still asleep as I slipped quietly out the door.
It was barely 6:30 am as I stepped out into the cold, brightening day. Yearning to get back to my routine I started to run but the frigid air seared at my throat and lungs, dissuading me from more than a walk. I absolutely detest gyms but I can't do any serious exercise in this cold air. I can't skip it though, I already missed yesterday. Damn, d __o you hear yourself? You sound like a Nazi! G_ ive yourself a break and heal up, cardio is a no go_ even inside. I knew better than to try and talk myself out of doing something responsible but at the same time it was a form of self-motivation. My natural instinct for rebellion would always rise to the occasion. If ever I needed to do something all I had to do was tell myself not to do it. Fine, let's find the gym.
P.O.V. - Nick
Wowie wow! I wonder what he was thinking? Then again I felt like saluting too. <snicker> I should have noticed the light under the crack of the door. Why is heup so early? I only want to take a leak and go back to bed, sounds like he's starting his day. There goes the fur-dryer... hey that sounds like mine! Oh I guess it won't hurt anything.
Deciding I didn't want to wait, I pulled on some scrubs and wandered bare-pawed down the hall and stairs to the bathroom next to the rec. room. I stepped from the berber carpet of the hallway onto the cold tile of the bathroom. Yikes, I should have put on slippers at least! Why can't I think straight this morning? Oh, right, naked Wolf! What is it about him? To see him out of context walking down the hall he gives off the aura of a person who'd really like to beat the living crap out of someone, but his emotions don't match. Then again, they sure did last night! I thought as I finished and headed back upstairs, the halls empty at the early hour. I was sure he was gonna twist his arm off, not that Kyle doesn't deserve it. With all Roger has going on, I hope he doesn't get in trouble for that. I can't wait to talk with Matt and Josh about it.
Shortly after I got back into bed I heard the bathroom door quietly slide open. Moments later, the bedroom door softly clicked and I heard Roger walking down the hall. Where's he off to? He can't possibly start classes today.
The warm covers lulled me back to sleep for another hour until the alarm woke me with a start. Eeep! My turn at the shower. I rose and pulled off the top and bottoms of the scrubs I had tugged on earlier.
Still sleepy, I slipped into the bathroom where I removed the over-sized Hello Puppy T-shirt. The smell of freshly washed Fox let me know that Jim had taken his turn between Roger and I. I was a bit disappointed as the image of a naked Roger was still bright in my mind. I couldn't resist a sniff at my fur-dryer, sure enough, he had used it. I knew it! I suppose everything in his luggage was ruined in the accident, I actually kinda like that he chose mine. My tail wagged as I took a last whiff from the dryer and jumped into the shower. I thought as I lathered up, i_f it really was me he was so excited about last night I wonder how comfortable he is with his sexuality? He'd hardly be the first closet case I've come across if he does have problems with it. He's got enough on his mind for now, I'd better not push the issue._
I finished showering and got dressed, pausing to wake David as I left for class by shoving his shoulder. "Time to get up David, I'm heading to class with the other mere mortals."
David was a slow riser, and since he didn't have to follow a class schedule like most students, he didn't set an alarm. That said, he appreciated it if I gave him a good shove or two until he opened his eyes. A large, brown arm emerged from the covers and waved in no particular direction. "Thanks Nick, I'm up." he said in a rough mumble.
My first class of the day was pre-calculus, a torturous way to begin a day but such was my luck. I spent the period trying diligently to pay attention to inverse trigonometric functions. Who, besides David, would want to be going over this at 8am?! Argh, I wish a had a friend in this class to pass a note or two with. I can't wait to talk with Bea! Between last night and this morning, she's going to scream! I know I shouldn't tell anyone but I have to tell SOMEONE!
-Bing Bong Bong Bing-
The Westminster chime sounded through the PA system announcing the end of first period. Finally! My tail wagged as I darted for the door, anxious to get to second period so I could talk with Bea.
I passed the admin offices on the way to History class and noticed a middle aged Wolf on her cellphone pacing the hallway. She was wearing off-the-rack business attire that might as well have had the Penny-Mart tags still attached. The black pumps, skirt and jacket were painfully generic, complimented only by a simple white blouse. Her ears darted forward and then back again as she spoke on the phone veering from anger to tears. Despite her emotional state her voice was strong as she spoke. "Catherine, how can you possibly believe that?! It is NOT in Roger's best interest!"
I stopped and stepped to the side, out of the flow of bustling students, where I pretended to rummage in my backpack as she paused. She paced a step and sat down on the edge of a hardwood bench, her free hand gripping the intricately wrought, cast-iron armrest tightly. "I don't give a damn about your stupid church! Who has more of a right to attend Denny's funeral than his son?!"
A few students turned their heads at the outburst but quickly moved on. Sensing the attention, Sue forcibly lowered her voice as she said venomously "What would you know about the law?! You're in prison, AGAIN! Wait, wait... I'm sorry. That was uncalled for. Cathy, certainly you must understand that Roger didn't... Cathy?"
She pulled the phone away from her ear and glanced at the screen before placing it in the faux leather purse at her side. She started sobbing while trying valiantly to contain herself as she pulled a pack of tissues from her handbag.
There must be something I can do. I thought as I zipped my pack shut before stepping inside the admin office door nearby.
Mrs. Patterson looked up from her desk behind the oak topped counter. "Mrs. Patterson, there's a woman outside. I think she might be a relative of Roger Evans. Uhm, does Roger know she's here? I think she needs to talk with... someone."
The Black Panther stood, her gold hoop earrings dancing as she moved. "Thank you Nick. Yes, that's Roger's Aunt. Roger is in the office with Mr. Burwell but he'll be out soon. We've already mentioned it to her but it might help if you reminded her. Here, take this tardy notice in case you talk a few minutes, but don't be too late for your next class, ok?" She pressed a slip of paper into the time-stamp machine and handed it to me.
"Thank you" I replied and stepped out of the office after accepting the note.
The crowd in the hall had thinned, the time between classes almost expired, as I walked up to Roger's Aunt. She was dabbing at the end of her muzzle with a balled up tissue as I spoke. "Hi, are you Roger's Aunt?" I said with my ears forward and tail down.
She nodded and swallowed tightly and if she was bothered by my physical appearance, it didn't show. Perhaps in her state it just didn't register.
"I'm Nick, I sorta share a room with Roger. That is, his roommate is Jim but there's four of us per unit. Uhm, I wanted to tell you that Roger will be out soon and to say that I'm sorry to hear about everything that's happened. If there's anything I can do to help you or Roger..."
Her eyes snapped away from their distant gaze and focused on mine. "Nick, that's very thoughtful. Roger is lucky to have someone like you nearby. I can't think of anything right now but thank you."
-Bing Bing Bong Bong- the bell chimed.
"Oh look, now I've made you late. I'm sorry Nick." she said.
I was quick to respond "It's ok, I have a pass. Roger seems like an alright guy, I really want to help but I'm not sure how."
Before waving she said "I'm not quite sure either Nick, just... try to be patient with him."
I nodded slowly and waved as I turned, heading to History class.
P.O.V. - Roger
Mr. Burwell leaned forward in his chair as I sat down across the desk from him. His deep voice carried a faster cadence than our previous conversation as he began to speak. "We're a bit pressed for time, your Aunt should be arriving momentarily and I don't want to keep her waiting."
I shifted in the dark brown, leather-bound chair as I readied my tablet to communicate.
"Mr. Ward informed me of certain events that took place last night and, despite my busy schedule, I think we need to come to an understanding." he said sternly.
I swallowed tightly, my blunt claws almost puncturing the fine-grained leather on the edge of my seat.
He continued, his voice constrained to a low but resonantly powerful volume. "Under no circumstances are physical altercations allowed at this institution. Perhaps you felt your intervention was necessary, I assure you it was not."
I began to swipe a response on the tablet but he held up his hand in a restraining gesture. "I'm not interested in explanations, I've read all the reports and seen the video footage."
I don't even get to state my side of it?! He was assaulting another student and I didn't even hurt him! I can only imagine what stories he and his friends told. I noticed vague, heat-wave like distortions coming from my muzzle and tried to contain myself_._
"Even though we realize you may have thought you were acting in the best interests of Josh, it is irrelevant. You knew security had been called and although he was in an unacceptable position he was not in immediate danger. I know full well your background and I wish to make it absolutely clear that violence is unacceptable, period. Using the excuse of 'rescuing' a fellow student to show off your abilities is reckless and shows a serious lack of concern for the safety and well-being of your comrades. You came very close to breaking Kyle's arm and you are not in a position to mete out vengeance. Your actions could have escalated the entire situation and resulted in violence spreading to the whole group!"
He paused and stared at me, his mane slowly smoldering as always. "It is with immense regret that I inform you that Kyle is leaving the school today. This was not his first infraction, but it was his last. He was dismissed for repeated intolerant, disruptive and violent behavior."
He pulled a drawer open and produced a file, leaning across his desk to hand it to me. I set the tablet down as I glanced at the label "Evans, Roger."
"Roger," he said "this is your file. I want you to flip through it as we talk and I want you to consider how you think I see the information in it and how it colors my view of what transpired last night."
I nodded as I managed to pull my gaze from his countenance and flipped open the file. It contained several recent color photos of Roger from all angles and packets of documents, many of which appeared to be typed on a typewriter, not from a printer. My ears came forward as I perused the varied forms, my eyes catching on his criminal record.Vandalism, assault, brandishing a weapon in a threatening manner... damn, how'd this kid get accepted here? Between this and his low placement scores it must have been on the hardship scholarship program. ... Huh, I've never heard of Phelan, must be some tiny town. ... No siblings... geez his parents were only nineteenwhen he was born, I'm sure the pregnancy was unplanned. I flipped past his family history to more typed out pages, the paper bearing slight indentations where the striker pressed the letters onto the page. Special talent, here we go... I tried to skim the material, catching phrases as Mr. Burwell continued to talk. E_xternal metabolic involvement... mammals within varied proximity to individual... rate decrease to the point of virtual cessation of function... sudden surges_ appear possible... heart rates in excess of 220 bpm have been reported... prolonged escalation can result in increased body temperature... exposure to the elderly and infirm must be restricted until...
"Roger, you have been through an immeasurably traumatic turn of events. I would be remiss to not consider them as well as the fact that your upbringing was violent in it's own right. It would be irresponsible for us to expect you to arrive here and become instantly attuned to your new environment. You will be allowed to stay but we're making your meetings with Ms. Thurlington mandatory effective immediately."
Oh my god, therapy?! For stopping a bullying incident? Hmm, this could have gone much worse, maybe I can make it fun concocting all sorts of goofy neuroses for her to find. My mood lightened as I pictured the mysterious counselor reacting to my faux, irrational fears of milk, raspberries and underwear. Suddenly, I realized my imagination had distracted me from further study of the file as well as what he was saying.
"...meeting with her for one hour a day starting today. We'll arrange it after we've discussed your schedule with Mrs. Vaughner."
He rose and held out his hand, obviously expecting the return of the file. I begrudgingly passed it back, kicking myself mentally for not paying closer attention to it's contents when I had the chance. I picked up the tablet and swiped out a response. It's English accent intoned "Thank you Mr. Burwell. Last night, even before we talked now, I wished I had handled things differently. I know the proper thing to do in such incidents is to contact a staff member or security. I offer my apology for what it's worth and look forward to proving my commitment to handling myself better in the future." As I heard the words spoken I cringed, it didn't really sound like what a fifteen year old holigan would say but it was done.
If he found it odd, it didn't show as he stepped towards the door saying "Excellent Roger, I hope our future conversations are lighter in nature. Come now, let's go talk with Mrs. Vaughner."