The Life of Another - Chapter 1
#1 of The Life of Another
A few notes... All characters are anthropomorphic with digitigrade legs unless stated otherwise. Anything in italics is a thought. Many questions you might have will likely be answered in chapters to come. I'm a huge fan of backstory and character development. Things like apparent discontinuities or strange character decisions will make sense as their histories and personalities fill out over time.
Please excuse the rough edges on these earlier chapters. I've been told the read smoothes out as the story progresses.
This is my first posting, please be gentle. =^.^=
The Life of Another -- © Jake Atkinson
The Life of Another - Chapter 1
© Jake Atkinson
Disclaimer: This story may contain material meant for an adult audience including, but not limited to, sexual situations and strong language. By reading beyond this point you agree that you meet all laws governing exposure to this type of material.
Reality is overrated. The slogan had gotten stuck in my mind on the way home from work. It was one of those commutes where, no matter how I turned or changed lanes, I ended up behind the same guy. He drove a primer gray SUV with little to set it apart from the sea of other vehicles stuck droning home on the overcrowded, worn down highway. Its only claim to personality came from two decals. The lower left corner of his back window bore the statement "Reality is overrated" while the opposite corner was occupied by a rainbow colored canine paw print.
"Damn it." I said as I braked firmly. "We were making good time until this sudden stop. I think I see flashing lights in the distance, great... an accident. Ah well, better stuck in traffic after an accident than to be in it, hope they're alright."
I had developed a nasty habit of talking out loud in my empty car. Spending two hours a day commuting on top of a mind-numbing data entry job, alone in the windowless basement of an aging concrete office building, had pushed me to such one-sided conversations. I eased my usual death grip on the steering wheel and let my mind wander as traffic came to a total stop.
"Yeah, you're right, we're almost home. Just relax and try not to think about working out, showering and eating a five for $5 TV dinner, just in time to get to bed so I can get up tomorrow and do it all over again."
I sighed, "I'm sorry, I don't mean to sound like that. Some of those dinners aren't half bad. I don't know how they can make rice, bean paste and an enchilada that tasty for only a buck."
After a pause to scan the traffic for signs of movement, I continued, "How was school?"
Of course there was no response from the empty seat beside me, nor did I expect one as I glanced in the rear-view mirror.
A few cars back I could see the taller, brighter headlights of a big-rig with orange marker bulbs along the roof. The glare of mixing lights produced a rainbow halo at aura's edge that expanded rapidly as it approached in silence. Too late I realized it wasn't stopping. The crash as the truck impacted the car in front of it was followed a moment later by another as it was shoved into the next in line. I spun the steering wheel hard right and floored the accelerator in an attempt to escape over the shoulder. The twenty year-old engine revved reluctantly and lurched my hatchback into the turn just in time take the impact broadside. I felt nothing.
Beeping, yelling, grunting...
"He's back!"
The sounds turned into words and I felt an instinctive urge to breathe as if trapped under water. The first breath felt like my chest had collapsed, I sucked air in with a raucous gasp and immediately started coughing up water.
"Get that tube out!"
I felt something lodged in my throat and tried to claw at my muzzle, thinking it was choking me. However, my arms barely moved before strong hands restrained me and a Wolverine locked his eyes with mine. "Hold still and DON'T bite down!"
Someone grabbed my muzzle, holding it open as he roughly pulled out a curved, hard plastic, hollow tube. The sensation of having that dragged across my throat pushed my gag reflex over the edge and I started puking up water.
"Get him on his side!"
I was rolled onto my left side and I thought I would pass out as my body fought to cough and puke at the same time. The vomiting ceased in what was probably a few seconds but felt longer.
I continued to hack and wheeze but I could tell I was gaining ground and started to become more aware of myself and surroundings. I was stone cold, so cold I couldn't shiver and I was sopping wet. Every movement felt heavy and slow as I tried to talk, but my mouth opened and closed wordlessly. My chest settled into the occasional sputter but no more water came up.
"Get the oxygen mask on him, eight lpm." said a Lioness as her face came into my field of vision. "What's your name?"
My thoughts felt slow and I stared at her blankly as a mask was pushed over my muzzle. Its confining presence brought a sense panic and I feebly thrashed about.
The Wolverine moved to restrain me. "Take it easy kid."
"It's just to help you breathe." Added the Lionesss. "Do you remember what happened? Just nod or shake your head if you can't talk."
As more oxygen got into my system, my brain started coming back online and I suddenly recalled the accident. Terror filled my senses. Gasping, I fell into another coughing fit.
"Good going Doc. Bring him back to life, then scare him to death. It's obvious he drowned." said the Wolverine.
She shot him a look with fire in her eyes. "I'm asking to assess his brain function. Wherever it was he drowned before arriving here, it must have been freezing cold water. Which probably saved his life, but there could be brain damage. Let's get him dried off and wrap him up, we need to get him warm slowly."
_Drown, I wasn't near water. The lake must have been a mile up the road._I thought.
They started patting me dry and I winced as they touched my right shoulder.
"Might have an injury there, let's get a closer look." commented the Lioness.
She leaned over and moved the fur around on the front of my shoulder, then started pressing in different spots. "He's got a contusion here, runs down and across his chest. Let me see his lower abdomen."
I felt more prodding and groaned as she found another sore spot.
"This looks like a seat belt injury, passenger side. We'll need CT scans to check for internal injuries. Until we know more we need to immobilize his head and neck."
Passenger side... no, I was driving. I tried to speak but ended up in another coughing spasm. Something was strapped around my neck and head and then I was wrapped in blankets. As soon I was loosely bundled, the ceiling started to move and I realized I was being wheeled down a hall on a gurney.Being wrapped up, and finally getting warmer, sapped what little energy I had.
I heard the Lioness say "Stay awake, stay with us!" just before I lost consciousness.