chapter 4

Story by Eeveechamp on SoFurry

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#4 of vois adventure

I awoke with the rising sun. To tired to actually get up I just laid there listening to the sounds coming from outside. I could hear the soft snoring of the umbreon in the cave next to mine. I could hear the birds beginning to wake up. I could also hear my stomach growling I guess I forgot to eat yesterday with all the excitement. I stepped out of my cave shaking the tiredness from my body. Now the problem of how to find food. I reached my psychic powers out to find berries or anything edible. I found a berry bush not that far away. As I walked over to the bush I started thinking about Luna and all the craziness of yesterday. Who knew for as strong as I am mentally and physically I could be brought to begging by mere tickling.

As I reached the bush I felt with my mind I could hear rustling inside it. As I got closer I could feel a strong heat coming from it. You are not getting me again I thought as I unleashed a psychic to keep his mouth shut and pull him out of the bush. I pulled the flareon out of the bush and stared him right in the eyes. " what is your problem with me I haven't done anything to you and you keep attacking me" I said my voice seething with anger. All I got in reply was a mppf . I released his mouth but had my psychic ready to strike if he tried anything. " I know your here to destroy this forest and kill Luna I can't let that happen" flare said with determination. " why would I want to destroy this place or kill anyone you don't know anything about me or what I've been through" I said releasing him fully and walking towards the berry bush. " I still don't trust you and I'm keeping my eyes on you" flare said walking away. I just kept picking berries pretending not to hear him. After I ate my fill and grabbed some to start a food pile in my cave the sun was almost at it's highest point. I could hear Luna calling for me probably wanting to finish that tour. I came back to my cave to see her sitting there. I put the berries in my cave then came back out ready to get going.

"we still have a lot of the tour to do but as long as nothing like yesterday happens we should be fine" Luna said while leading me towards an area I haven't been to yet. We walked in silence neither of us knowing what to say. We arrived at another cave that looks just like mine except bigger we walked inside to see a giant underground lake. " steam can you come out and meet the new guy" Luna said yelling into the lake. As soon as she finished yelling a giant waterfall emerged from the center of the lake and on top of it was a vaporeon. As the waterfall reached it's peak the vaporeon jumped down and landed right in front of me. We both sat there staring at each other observing everything about eachother. " Hi my name is Steam I only have one rule don't bother me and I wont have to kill you" the vaporeon said with a stern voice. I could tell shes strong enough to carry out that threat. I looked over to Luna to see she was gasping at what steam just said so I guess I'm the only one steam has said this to. " My name is Voi and the same goes for you" I said trying to sound as calm as possible. " I like your guts but I can tell you don't have the strength to back it up im done with you im going back to my lake" steam said turning and jumping into the lake. I turned to see Luna still frozen there. " Luna are you ok?" I asked concerned that she was having a mental breakdown. " Am I ok im the one who should be worried about you you threatened the strongest person I know." she said staring at me. " I'm fine let's get this tour going" I said trying to get her going. We started walking away from the cave when she said. " steam isn't always like that. That's the first time I've heard her say something like that" as she said that I could see a shiver go up her spine. " are you cold" I asked trying to keep the conversation going. " I'm a little cold but it's nothing" she said I could see her shiver again. I walked up next to her and walked so that we were sharing body heat. " Is that better?" I asked enjoying being so close to another Pokemon. " yes thank you were almost to our next stop" as she finished talking we came to a cave with smashed boulders all over it. " wait here I have to see if fang is in another one of his training sessions" I watched as she walked into the cave. I kept staring around at the smashed rocks. What Pokemon could do all of this its probably something big like a tyranitar or a kangaskan. I heard talking coming from the cave and turned to see Luna walking out with a lime green jolteon. " Can we hurry this up I was in the middle of perfecting my new move. My names jolt" the jolteon said almost to fast for me to hear. " my names voi" I said still not over the fact that a small jolteon smashed all these boulders. " alright now if we hurry we can finish this tour before nightfall" Luna said pushing me away from the jolteon's cave. " why does that jolteon train so hard?" I asked luna. " he trains hard because his pack abandoned him when he was a small pup because he was shiny they all called him a weak freak of nature" wow that's harsh no one should ever be treated that way I thought. We arrived at another cave this one covered in ice and snow. We both walked inside careful not to slip on the ice. I was amazed at how big this cave was it was big enough to fit every pokemon in the forest. At the end of the big room sat an elderly glaceon. Luna walked up and bowed to he glaceon and said " hello frost I was bringing voi here around to see the forest and thought it would be a good idea to come and see you. " thank you for thinking of me. Voi could you come closer so I can get a good look at you" I stepped forward allowing frost to look at me. " I've seen lots of espeon in my time but I've never seen an espeon that walks like a human. why is this?" she said in an elderly tone. " the reason why I walk like a human is that I was created in a lab using both espeon and human DNA" I said a sad look coming to my face as I had flashbacks of all the pain i went through. " I think that is enough talking for now" I heard frost say with a yawn. " alright thank you for talking with us" Luna said as she started walking away. I followed until I heard frosts voice in my head. " it's bad to keep all those emotions bottled up you need to find someone who you truly trust and who truly trusts you and tell them everything before it's to late" I heard frost say before i Was out of the cave. I kept walking thinking about what she said until I heard Luna start talking.

" That's the end of the tour if we hurry we can make it back home before it gets to late. Last one there is a rotten egg" Luna said starting to run towards our caves. There is no way I am losing to her I thought running as fast as I could on my two legs. No matter how fast I ran I just couldn't keep up till I got a devilish plan using my psychic powers I shot off the ground like a missile passing Luna I could hear her yell cheater as I passed by. I made it back to the caves and sat out front for awhile waiting for Luna to catch up. She stumbled into the clearing in front of our caves out of breath and laying on the ground. " what took you so long" I said with a childish tone. " your such a cheater" Luna said out of breath. " I don't know what your talking about I won the race" it was hard holding back my laugh watching Luna lie there. While I wasn't paying attention she got off the ground and pounced on me I let out a eep!! As I was tackled to the ground. " ok it was a tie" I said still surprised that she suprised me. " yeah thats what I thought" Luna said with a small yawn. " her being on my chest wasn't uncomfortable but I wasn't used to the feeling. " would you mind getting off me now" there was no response but I started hearing her lightly snoring. Well looks like I'm stuck here I thought as I went to sleep.