Spyro the Relaxing chapter eight.

Story by Cloudline Dasher on SoFurry

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#8 of Spyro the Relaxing

Disclaimer: I do not own Spyro or any of the characters within the story. Also unlike the games, this story may have content not suitable for people under 18. Do not read further if you don't like the kind of thing that is in this story.

Chapter 8: how to give forgiveness.

Spyro, Sparx, and Hunter headed out to find Gera. Spyro still didn't have his lightning ability and they feared that the Dark Master would be out their if the rumors were true. Sparx kept an eyes view in the sky since no one would be able to see him from the ground. Sparx and Hunter quickly scouted the ground searching for her.

"GERA." Spyro yelled loudly.

"WHERE ARE YOU?" Hunter screamed.

No one answered as they continued to search.

With Gera:

"I don't need them." Gera said growling and looking at the ground below.

Her stomach began to growl and decided she needed to eat. She landed looking around for mice or berries. She saw a group of berries and happily started to eat. The flavorful textures of the berries gave warmth and filled her stomach. She felt a little regret from leaving Hunter behind but thought he would be better off without her. Gera ate her fill and lay down.

"I can relax all I want since I am not after anything. See looking on the bright side." Gera said mumbling to herself.

She frowned as she pictured Hunter and all the nights they spent together since the day they met. Almost every night they rocked, each others world and Hunter was just about sex crazy as she was. (Just almost) She was disappointed when she snapped back to reality out of her fantasy of Hunter and heard a twig snap.

"Who's there?" Gera asked nervously.

"Just me little one." An ape came out grinning evilly with a parrot on his shoulder.

"Who might you be?" Gera asked ready to fight.

"The names Skabb, matte." Skabb said grinning.

"What do you want?" Gera asked.

"Just to ask you to come with me?" Skabb said pointing into the sky.

A giant ship hovered in the sky and it was Skabb's ship where he forced monsters to fight. Long ago, he forced Spyro and Cynder to fight in it and after his ship was destroyed, he must have rebuilt it.

"What will you make me do if I come with you?" Gera asked worriedly.

"I will make you fight of course." Skabb replied.

"No I won't come with you." Gera snarled.

"I can give you whatever you want though if you become my champion." Skabb said pulling out some doubloons.

"The answer is still no." Gera said trying to take off.

Before she could retaliate a really hard object bashed into her head. If it weren't for her scaly skull, she would have died. All went black as she lost consciousness.

Back with Spyro and Hunter:

"Spyro, Hunter." Sparx said heading toward them from the sky.

"What is it, did you find her?" Hunter asked.

"Yes and Skabb, grabbed her." Sparx said pointing into the sky.

Hunter growled as he tied a rope to an arrow in his pack and aimed it at the ship. His body jerked as his arrow dug into the side of the ship and he took off. He climbed as he tried his hardest to climb up as the rope swayed back and force.

"Meet you at the top." Spyro said flying up with Sparx.

Several minutes later Hunter met Spyro and Sparx at the top and looked around as they watched the boat dock at a large arena. They heard someone coming so they ducked into a lifeboat that had a tarp over it. They knew the fight was starting and they needed to make it to the arena before Gera got hurt. The two dog like creatures with parrots on their arms stopped where the three were hiding and they were forced to listen.

"So I hear we got another dragon to fight." The first goon said.

"Another dragon? That means they have more than one?" Spyro said whispering.

"Yea I here that if that green dragon survives the first three rounds, then she will face the dark lord himself." The second goon stated.

"The dark lord?" Sparx questioned.

"So the rumors are true." Hunter said.

"HEY." The first goon yelled as he lifted up the tarp.

Spyro shot an ice shot freezing the dog and Hunter took out the other with a dagger. They all ran without a word trying to sneakily make it to the arena. As they neared the entrance, Hunter gave the ticket person a nod and he let all of them enter.

"Did you know him?" Spyro asked.

"Let's just say I have credit here." Hunter said continuing toward a seat in a bench.

"Ok sit down." Spyro said taking a seat.

"When Gera comes out we will rush out onto the field." Hunter whispered to Spyro and Sparx.

The sun blistered down onto the arena and the crowd roared as they saw Skabb himself step out onto a balcony with a microphone, "Our first contestant and you all know him, The MIGHTY Gorgon, and fighting him is a new challenger, GERA."

Gera slowly walked onto the field and the crowd got up and booed the dragoness.

"Now, now give her a chance to get killed." Skabb said waving a green flag.

Hunter jumped from the sidelines only to be force back by a force field.

"Ouch." Sparx said as Hunter fell to the ground.

"You ok." Spyro asked.

"Yes, but we need a way into the arena. We can go through the gates down their." Hunter said pointing.

Spyro, Sparx, and Hunter headed back and were searching for a way in. Gera on the other hand was left to fight this big Gorgon of a creature. This creature looked like a big circle with one big eye hovering in the air. His skin was a light teal and his eye a dark purple. Hair covered his backside and he was double Gera's size. Which wasn't that big. Gera shot an ice blast at the creature but her shot was dissipated with a purple beam that forced its way through to where Gera stood. Gera flew out of the way only to have her wing singes by the purple attack.

"You think you can hurt me? (Evil laugh.)" Gorgon yelled laughing.

"Yes." Gera said before using the same technique she used on the element dragon.

She flew up higher and higher before she reached the force field above and swiftly swooped down. She cased her body in ice and did a turning move. The gorgon shot another beam but as Gera rotated her body, the beam seemed to go around her as she sliced down into the Gorgon's body killing him. The crowd roared after seeing Gera's maneuver and then Skabb started to speak again, "Well she managed to survive the first fight, but can she beat ELEGUN?"

A big monster that looked like a big spider stepped onto the field.

With Hunter:

"Which way Hunter?" Spyro asked.

"This way." Hunter yelled.

Spyro and Sparx followed Hunter as he led them through several hallways and doors. They came to a dead end before starting to head back.

Back with Gera:

Gera shot several rounds of ice at the spider and a scorpion like metal tail blocked her attacks. Elegun lifted its body to where it stood on its hind legs, arced his butt, and shot string at Gera. Gera blew ice and the string shattered into several thousand shards as it froze. One of the shards cut into her right wing and cut it severely and Gera winced in pain. Gera was still unable to use her wounded wing and charged trying to get a good attack in. The spider shot another string at Gera and this time the sticky string formed to her left unhurt wing. Gera quickly got an idea and charged around Elegun repeatedly, the string getting tighter and tighter around Elegun's eight legs. She quickly charged away from the spider and the spider fell to the ground trying to release its legs. Gera began with another charge and right before she charged into the underbelly of Elegun she sharply shot ice freezing it and busting through Elegun shattering its body.

"This dragon seems to be stronger than to be expected." Skabb laughed loudly, "But can she face the dark lord himself?"

Right then the dark lord came out and roared out sending lightning, ice, and fire out at once.

Hunter saw the dark lord through a window and his heart skipped as he saw Gera with a bloody wing. He watched as the dark lord grabbed Gera by the throat and grinned evilly as he started to speak.

"I bought this arena to have a little amusement and it seems to have paid off." The dark lord said growling.

"LET HER GO." Cynder loudly roared as she tackled the dark lord into the ground.

"GO CYNDER." Spyro applauded her looking through a window as the dark lord fell to his side.

"Cynder you traitor." The dark lord growled sitting up.

"I don't serve you." Cynder growled standing in front of Gera's body.

"We will see." The dark lord said loudly.

Just then, darkness formed in the dark lord's claw and he threw it at Cynder. She dodged it out of instinct and it hit Gera. Gera's wing healed instantly and her body matured in front of everyone, as she became her adult ice form. She still had her green appearance but it had a snow frost look to it. Her eyes glew as she eyed Cynder down.

"Gera." Cynder pleaded to her.

"You couldn't forgive me." Gera growled.

"But I have forgiven you, which is why I saved you." Cynder said with honesty.

"Finish her." The dark lord commanded.

"I'll do as I wish." Gera said growling at the dark lord.

"You insolent bitch." The dark lord said as he opened his mouth to shoot fire at her.

Gera shot ice at the nearing flames of the dark master and without so much of a fight; the ice overwhelmed the fire instantly killing off the dark master. Everyone and I mean everyone including Spyro, Hunter, and Cynder was astonished that Gera killed the dark master in one hit.

"Spyro blow up the wall." Hunter demanded.

Spyro used what little power he could and blew a big hole completely right through the wall. They were lucky that it didn't have the force field as well. They rushed onto the field next to Cynder and looked up at Gera that slowly turned to face them.

"Now for you Cynder and Spyro." Gera snarled.

"Stop." Hunter yelled standing in front of her.

"Hunter." Gera whispered as a pain shot through her body.

Gera felt herself take control for a short moment before falling deeper into darkness. She shot ice and everyone dodged.

"Try to reach her." Spyro said seeing that she was still in their somewhere.

"Gera you are good." Hunter said hoping to reach her.

"But evil is so much more fun." Gera said swatting Hunter with her claw.

Even though she must have broken a rib or two, hunter grabbed her claw instead of being thrown.

"You promised you would be good." Hunter said pleadingly.

"Hunter." Gera said putting him down.

Hunter looked up at Gera's face holding his side in pain.

"I love you and I know you're not evil." Hunter said pressing his face against her stomach.

"Love... Agh." Gera roared as she pushed Hunter down before moving back.

Gera's body began to lose its powers of darkness and was returning to normal. Gera's body fell to the ground as Hunter rushed to her side. He lifted her head to see she was awake.

"Hunter I..., I am good." Gera whispered.

"Yes you are." Hunter said sadly.

Gera released her head as she blacked out. She didn't have any wounds and they all knew she would be ok. Spyro on the other hand couldn't help but worry about the dark master. If he thought, he killed him before, what would stop the dark lord from finding some other way from returning.

Finally a chapter without sex. WAIT, isn't that a bad thing? Anyway I hope you all liked it and read on to the next chapter. I might make one or two more chapters but I am running out of things to do in the story. I mean Spyro is having a baby and all that good stuff. The dark lord could be dead and the could be the happily ever after. (NOT) seriously though I might be ending the series soon.