The Quest for the Lost King: Chapter 5

Story by Aeneas Lopez on SoFurry

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#6 of The Quest for the Lost King

Hey, I'm back. Another chapter of Quest for the Lost King because it's my pet project ^^ Cameo appearance by KaiKat, whose character belongs entirely to him. A lot of the details of the story resolve stuff seen in previous chapters of the story, so check them out if you need clarification.

In this chapter, Aeneas starts to set in motion the events toward the final fight against Fate. What will Gaia think of Theodora? What must be done before the fight? What will happen when they reach the capital of the Southern Republics? Find out all this, and more, in this chapter of The Quest for the Lost King!

"Man, that's weird! I was talking to my daughter and she looked just under our age," I comment, utterly shocked.

Gaia tries to remain calm, "Yeah. Aeneas, I know that the elk told you not to, but..."

I smile, "You want me to talk to her again, don't you?"

"Yes.. Just ask what happened to us in her future. Why does she need us?"

"I'll ask. Gaia: are you okay with this?"

"On one hand, I really never wanted a kid, but on the other hand, I'd feel weird not having her at this point."

"I feel the same way."

"She must really be powerful if she can speak with us in the past..." she smiles.

"Now let's see if I can speak with her in the future."

Focusing on the night and dreams, I imagine the figure I saw the night before, cloaked mysteriously in strange robes. I feel as if I'm somewhere else, but honestly, I have no clue how this works: this is my first time dream walking! A flash of white light appears and blinds me just as I was about to lose hope.

Suddenly, an uncloaked Theodora meets me in this strange white plane that I had created. She looks more like Gaia than me (partially due to her lack of my iconic blue fur) but her features are a blend of both mine and Gaia's (for instance, her tail looks more lupine and so are her paws). She's unique: she looks spectacular to me, but hey, I'm apparently her father, so I'm a bit biased.

"Aeneas?!" she squeaks, surprised, "You're not supposed to be here. Or see me without my disguise. Or know anything about me!"

"What about you? That you're my daughter?" I accuse, crossing my arms.

"Err...I'm not! This is all an illusion!" she nervously chuckles.

"You just as bad at lying to friends as I am," I smirk.

"Damn. How could you tell?"

"You sound just like Gaia."

"Do I?" she smiles as if that thought was new to her.

"You never knew us, did you?"

"No, I'm sorry. Fate took you both in this future. I...I was too young. I'm still too young. I'm sixteen: I can't defeat him by myself..." she looks dejectedly at the ground, showing me how badly she feels.

"So you decided to have us fight him in the past?"

"Exactly. With the help of our elder, the elk, I think that you might have a chance. If you succeed, the future is peaceful."

"That's it?"

"Yep. It's up to you two."

"But Theodora, how do I know you'll be the same if we win?"

"I will. Don't worry about me. I wouldn't even exist, Aeneas, if it wasn't for the elk bringing you here. Yes, I know about how you're not the old Aeneas. But I'll make sure that I'll be the same weird wolf-tiger I am now."

"I just can't imagine you any other way," I smile.

" Now go! I'll make sure to remember who I am if you win this war for me!"

"Wait! Just one thing!"


"Is there a way you can talk to Gaia?"

"Yes...okay, I really shouldn't, but desperate times, right? But you have to understand the complexity of this! Effectively, the only reason we can have this conversation right now is because of our power of light. We can only have this conversation because of our ability to project ourselves as an image somewhere else. Other than speaking, we can't interact with others. If I can find a way to project myself to Gaia, I'll try, but only if I'm sure it'll work."

"Alright. Thanks, Theodora."

"See you soon, Aeneas."

I suddenly reappear next to Gaia, "Woah."

"What happened? You were out for a while."

"I spoke to Theodora. She's definitely our daughter, but she never met us in her future."

"You mean...?", she wonders

"Yeah. Fate won. I asked her to talk to you later," I mention casually.

"You asked her what?!"

"To talk to you. I thought that it would be a good bonding experience!"

"But how old is she?" she asks.


Gaia looks at me as if I've gone crazy, "I'm not sure that I'd want to be around the same age as my own daughter!"

"Oh, come on! You'd like her..." I pout.

"But that's so weird! I mean, you're only five years older than her!"

"Don't tell me you're not curious."

"I am. Fine, you win."

I start thinking about my age and remember that I never told Gaia that. And despite her ability to read my mind, she would have done that for something so trivial...unless she read it. I wonder...

"Did you ever research me?"

"I did. It was part of my training to learn about the other known assassins. Why do you ask?"

"You remembered my age."

"Did I really? That was sort of weird. Sorry, I usually keep stuff like that to myself."

"How could you possibly remember such a small detail?"

"It's because I can't forget. After the general wiped most of my memories before I was trained as the assassin I am now, I never wanted to lose my memory ever again, so I did a simple enchantment on myself to make sure that I can't forget at all. Fate probably found a way past that, but luckily, I had you to save me anyway. Thanks again, Aeneas."

"No problem. Thanks for saving me after I saved you."

As we talk, a small eagle flies into the room and drops a scroll of paper by the bed. I pick it up and read aloud:


Where have you been, my son? Some messenger came over here to tell me that you're not a traitor today. I just found out that you've been exiled and that there's a warrant out for your arrest! I have faith in you, but be careful. I can tell that Bellona is up to no good, but she tells me that you've changed. That you're someone else entirely. I'm not sure what to expect anymore. Just come home, Aeneas. I'm sure that you'll remember how you used to be...


Counselor Lopez

"Thanks, mom," I groan sarcastically, looking at the eagle, "Can you tell her that I never want to remember my old life?" The eagle angles its head and keeps staring at me and I laugh, "It's fine: don't work so hard."

Gaia chuckles, "Are you talking to a bird?"

"Maybe..." I smile.

"You're cute, Aeneas...I mean, that's pretty strange, wolf," she responds semi-sternly.

"Anyway, are you ready to go see your parents?"

"As ready as I'll ever be to tell them that I love someone I had every intention of killing just a week ago," she jokes.

"Well, I'm glad you didn't!"

"So am she cute, Aeneas?"



"I should think so."

"So she's not like me then?"

"No, she's a lot like you. Except she has my tail and paws," I describe.

She hugs me, "I think it's crazy that I'll see my daughter before she technically exists."

"I agree, but if it helps, just think of her as just a wolf-tiger friend!"

"I'm sure that'll work...but it's fine, Aeneas. I'm lucky to have the opportunity. Ready to leave? I still have Elizabeth and Midas keeping the city in order."

"Sure, yeah. Hold on!" I charge my energy of darkness and we instantly find ourselves back on the outskirts of Onnela, by the inn where Gaia and I first holed ourselves up at.

Gaia clings onto me, "I'm still not used to that! Warn me next time!"

A little tired from the exertion, I look at Gaia and tease, "Fine, I will next time. We're here, though. They're your parents: you first."

"Fine," she smiles as she drags me along and knocks on the door.

"Mom? Dad? I'm betrothed, so open the door!" she yells and they rush to open it.

Her father looks at her, "To whom?"

She drags me again, "This wolf. I really took the time to think about it and I love him. He even dove into a spear to save me."

Her mother answers in their native tongue, "He's a wolf though. As much as he may seem nice, it may just be a plan to take you away again."

"I understand your concern, but he's had that opportunity more than twenty times by now and never once has he acted upon that. He's the reason the Northern Alliance's corrupt government has fallen and I now lead the region."

Her father complains, "I still can't imagine that such a pairing is natural. A wolf and a tigress? Unheard of. Who will be your heir since you are a queen? Some wolf that he selects to usurp you?"

"NO! First of all, he supports my rule over the nation. Secondly, and this shouldn't even matter, in the future, we have a daughter!"

Her mother's eyes go wide, "A daughter?"

I finally grow tired of acting as if I don't know what they're saying and answer in their language, "Yes, and a remarkably strong one too. Any person with the power of light can apparently travel freely through the timeline so she intends to speak to Gaia sometime soon and she has guided us thus far on our quest to liberate the land from the iron hand of Fate."

"You know our language?" she looks at me, stunned.

"What? Can't anybody learn a new language?"

"Not really..." Gaia explains, "You need an instructor. And it takes years."

"Really? Well, I must have studied it then."

Gaia laughs, "You confuse me, wolf."

I smile, "Same."

"Wait!" Gaia's mother interrupts, "I know how much you have done for this family, Aeneas, but what do you see in Gaia?"

"Well, not only is she beautiful, but she has also proven herself on the battlefield and compliments my own strengths and weaknesses. Not to mention that we have a daughter together and she seems like a really good person. She's great: trust me."

As I speak, a brief flash of light blinds us all as Theodora appears as a projected image near me. I blink in order to regain my focus, "Hey, I was just talking about you: in a good way, of course."

"I would hope so. It's great to meet you in person, Aeneas. Well, 'in person' is relative since I'm not physically here, but still," she smiles.

"Well, look around: the tigress that's currently scared out of her mind is Gaia. The other two tigers who are hiding behind the table are her parents."

"Hello, Gaia. Aeneas told me about you! A little. To be honest, I don't know what to expect," she shrugs. She acts almost like I do.

Gaia looks at me to make sure that I wasn't creating some sort of illusion, testing if this was real. She stares at me, looks back at Theodora, and smiles, "I...I can't believe I'm looking at my own daughter. You look almost as old as I am."

"Being in battle my whole life aged me."

"I know the feeling. Well, I'm honored to meet you, Theodora."

"The feeling is mutual. This is my first time that I can remember seeing you, so that's nice. Also, we should talk: I have some important information for you."

Meanwhile, Gaia's parents stand by, stunned by the ordeal.

I smile, "I know. Isn't stuff that defies logic so difficult to follow? Apparently, all the Assassins of Light can bend the normal rules of timelines a bit."

Gaia's mother speaks, "After seeing this and knowing how much you obviously care about Gaia, I trust you, Aeneas. You have our permission."

"Thanks..." I look over the scene, before Gaia slugs me in the arm, "What?"

"You're planning to ask me to marry you?! When were you going to tell me?" she interrogates.

"A better time than this! I couldn't live without you..." I comment.

"I know, you silly wolf. I'm ready when you ask."

"Don't you think that we should wait until after the battle with Fate, just in case something goes wrong?"

"I know I couldn't live without you either, Aeneas. I'll yield to your judgment."

"I...I'm flattered that you're alright with it, Gaia. This is not the easiest choice to make, so I respect your opinion. Let's do it right after we win this war. Just in case, I don't want you developing too much of an attachment to me."

"Don't speak like that, wolf...Well we're going to need those relics in that grotto first, so let the adventure continue?"

"Exactly," I turn to Theodora, "Until later?"

She smiles before her image fades away, "I'll be around. Just call if you need me!"

Warning Gaia this time, I charge my dark energy as Gaia waves goodbye, ending up somewhere with lush forests and a cool breeze. Seemingly nothing distinguishable is around us, other than the acres upon acres of woodland territory. Drawing my rapier, I whisper, "It has to be close."

I hear the vague sounds of clamoring troops and the fires of a makeshift forge nearby...the enemy must have discovered this place already.

Gaia pushes me into a nearby bush, "Aeneas, let's move!" but the sudden action provokes a response from a nearby enemy.

As he approaches, I see the demarcations of a high ranking officer in some army on the calico's armor, seemingly made from pieces of the armor of defeated enemies. The calico draws a long blade, seeming to be looking for conflict and savoring the chase. Gaia and I keep still, monitoring our breathing as the officer passed us, searching elsewhere.

"That was too close."

"I agree. Stay silent and head for that break in the forest. That has to be the grotto."

We swiftly make a break for the clearing, running into the dark passage way. I cast a light spell to find my way in the expansive tunnel, "Are you alright, Gaia?"

"I'm fine. Just let's get moving."

I find a obsidian wall at the apparent end of the cave and see depictions of a half-moon combined with a half-sun, "This has to be it!"

" quickly..."

"Alright, cover me," I say as I draw my black iron knife and the gates shine with light. I focus my energies into the wall and as it shines, the entire cave becomes illuminated. To my amazement, the dagger floats away from me and starts to approach the wall, using my own energy to do so.

A voice resonates from the mouth of the cave, "You shouldn't be here, assassins."

I turn to see the blade-wielding calico behind us, rusted makeshift armor as intimidating as ever, "Who are you? I have no trouble with your nation."

"I am Commander Kai of the Western Lands. I was ordered here by a Southern Republic official. Come quietly and this won't have to end in fighting."

"Bellona hired mercenaries to take me, now? She must be desperate. Please, I will leave at once as soon as my business here is complete."

"I really can't let you leave, assassin. You'll have to fight to find your way out of this."

I take a shot of light at the tabby's feet as a warning, but the cat's seemingly magic-resistant armor easily blocks it, "I don't want any conflict here..."

"You don't have a choice..." he quickly lunges forth with a brutal-looking perforated blade, almost reaching me before I could disappear into shadow. Reemerging from the darkness, I try to shoot another bolt of light, but it was once again deflected.

"Gaia: I'll distract him, just make sure that no one else reaches the cave!" I yell just before the tabby tackles me into the blunt side of the cave and tosses me onto the ground. My rapier breaks underneath me, leaving me weaponless against this worthy opponent. I'm in trouble now...

"This is an assassin of legend? I've had harder training fights!" the calico taunted.

Wiping the sweat from my eyes, I recklessly charged forth, slamming into the calico with great speed, but without much momentum. I forget how light I am sometimes...

Quickly doubling back, I dodge the decisive strikes of the calico's blade, shooting a bolt of light that makes him drop the blade in his exhaustion. Using both hands, I fire off a dark energy charge and a bolt of light, finally knocking back the Western Commander and breaking a portion of his armor.

"You will pay for that, wolf."

"Try me."

Enraged by my taunting, the cat charges me, once again slamming me into the side of the cave before I could properly escape his grasp, "You have no chance against me! Surrender!" He pushes me again, ensuring that I can't recover in time to escape.

"Never..." I slump to the floor, my cloak in tatters and my light energy almost fully expended.

Just as he picks up his knife and prepares to finish me off, I use the last of my energy to dash behind him as a shadow and fire a quick barrage of light bolts directly into the armor of the tabby. If this is my last stand, I'm not going down without a good fight! My full energy returns to me as the wall finally stops leeching off of my power and the returning energy only serves to embolden my counter-attack. The armor that protected the tabby barely even shields him from the force of my light bolts and he soon falls to the ground in shock from the shattering of his armor. Only a second later, I too collapse in the pain from being beaten up so badly by him. I crawl to my black iron dagger, but it crumbles to dust...not a single weapon can help me now.

The tabby quickly gets himself of the ground and picks me up by my broken cloak, "Where is the other assassin? Why hasn't anyone come to give me back up?"

I cough, "She's probably holding them all back herself."

"How is she so strong? And how did you get that burst of energy?"

"We're the Assassins of Legend. Nothing can truly stop us." I feel my power being restored to me as time goes on, hoping just to distract the tabby for the slightest bit longer.

He stabs forth with his blade, but I use a bit of light magic to heat it before he strikes, making it shatter on my cold mithril cuirass, "Heh, you may be right about that." He drops me roughly onto the floor beneath him. Both weaponless, we are at a standstill. If only I had my full energy back!

The Commander laughs, "I haven't had to fight this much in a long time! And you're not even in your best shape and you just shredded my armor. Usually the difficulty of the kill is part of the fun, but you're too much to deal with...even in this state. Tell you what: if you don't let the other assassin attack when she returns, I won't report seeing you here. Maybe we can even be allies. Deal?"

"Deal," I reply as the tabby helps me to my feet. I'm too tired to fight any longer and I'm sort of upset about losing my weapons...and about this cloak being so utterly destroyed by being thrown across this rocky ground! Ugh, how am I even going to head home after this...

"Good! Call me Kai," the commander introduces himself.

"I'm...Aeneas," I struggle to stay up, taking the time to heal myself a little. It's too bad I left Elizabeth back in Rjorda: I'd love a real healer right now.

Gaia enters the cave, seemingly uninjured, and points her crossbow at Kai, "Get away from him!"

"It's alright, Gaia: we're done fighting. He's an ally now."

"Hell of a way you make friends, Aeneas... Are you hurt?" the tigress asks.

"I'll be fine. How'd you manage against that entire division?"

"Ehh, it was easy. I just started a few tremors and they all ran."

Kai starts to leave, rolling his eyes, "Well, I'll try to reorganize them then. Until next time, Aeneas."

"Of course," I answer tiredly, groaning as I stretched.

I looked around the lighted cave, searching for an entrance, "Can you see where these relics are supposed to be?"

"Check the seal with the sun and moon. Press it or something."

I limped over to the seal and brushed the grime off of it and as my paw hovered over it, it began to inexplicably glow. I looked at Gaia who nodded for me to continue despite the danger. Taking a deep breath, I shot the seal with a burst of light and the entire cave began to quake. Seemingly out of nowhere, a doorway appears in the wall, leading to a small inner sanctum. Shrugging, I walked inside and to my surprise, I found mithril-plated assassin's robes, a composite bow, a black iron broadsword with a golden hilt, and a fast silver scimitar waiting for me.

"Gaia! There's some great gear here. I think that it's been placed here on purpose."

"How great?" Gaia asks as I exchange my broken black robes for the new ones. The white robes feel like they amplify my light powers for defense...awesome.

"These weapons are more advanced than what most of region has. It's clear that they haven't been used in centuries," I take the schiavona (the broadsword) off the wall to replace my broken dagger and the scimitar to replace my rapier at my hip. Walking out of the small confine, strapping my new bow behind me, I model my new arms and armor, "How does it look?"

"It looks great. You deserve it, Aeneas!"

"Thanks, Gaia. Remind me to make you something new when we find a camp: I don't want you feeling left out," I joke.

Leaving the cave, I felt at ease with myself. I mean, other than getting beaten up and losing my weapons, this wasn't that bad. I have nicer robes and better weapons now. I mean, it'll take getting used to, but nonetheless, this new equipment is so worth it. I feel almost as if I'm re-energized for this fight. Like I've been given the means to fight and win. I can't know for sure, but I think a certain level of responsibility comes with power of this extent...we'll see, I guess.

As I walked through the silent forest and heard Gaia's enamored sigh at feeling at home, I was instantly reminded of the nature around us. The trees and the aura of the forest just called to Gaia...she almost looked happy with me and the world. I smiled at her overjoyed expression and she avoids my glance, "How are you faring, tigress?"

"Fine...I'm fine."

"Just fine? You seem...excited."

"I...well, I'm just happy, I guess. Don't think this is about you or anything..." she blushes.

I whistle to myself, "Alright..."

She groans, "Okay, it was about you. I just can't believe it, Aeneas! Engagement! That's a big step!"

"I know: I'm not taking it lightly. You just look so happy when you're connected with's nice to see you in a non-violent way."

"Thanks, Aeneas. It's nice to see that you care."

"Of course I do! What else is there to care about? I mean, other than the war, that is."

"I know," she chuckles.

As we approach a brook, Gaia gets on one knee and places her hand into the water, "This current is stronger than usual. We should find shelter. I don't think it'll be long before it rains."

I don't doubt her perception for a second, "Okay. Where do you propose to make camp?"

"How about just over by that rock formation away from the brook? There's a small crevice there. Hopefully, there's something there."

As we explore the lush greenery and approach the crevice, I looked inside, finding nothing, "Let's make camp?"

"Sure..." Gaia answers, raising a wall of dirt to seal the cave from any nighttime raid.

"Should I distort vision the cave or are we keeping watches?"

"If you think you can hold the spell while sleeping, sure," she answers, yawning as she closes her eyes.

I use a little light magic to make it seem as if there is no entrance to this enclave and soon enough, I start to doze off as well...

The next morning, I woke up to the sound of an armed guard passing by. Gaia twitches awake on the other side of the cave and I signal for her to stay down. Readying my bow as I move to the wall of the cave, I see a patrol group of wolves searching for us. Readying an arrow of light, I whisper, "They shouldn't be able to find us. Unfortunately, this also means that my city won't be welcoming us when we get there."

"They'd welcome our heads on pikes, you mean," she comments.

"Well you could put it that way, but that sounds pretty rough. They're passing."

She sits up, "What now, wolf?"

"We walk into the city, obviously. Well I walk into the jail. You go ahead and do the work," I answer.

"What work? And there's no way I'm letting you go in alone."

"I've handled worse. They'll capture me and I'll need a way out and you not being with me would probably be for the best, just in case. You go and learn what Bellona's doing with the government and I'll start making some chaos. But first, where did those two guards go?"

A few days later, Gaia and I ended up at Minerva, the capital of the Southern Republics. It's tough for me not to use magic to just bring us places, but I know people in the city could track me and I don't know how loyal anyone is anymore. The city of gold and marble loomed in front of me: my home city. I knew I spent years in its service and now, here I was, supposedly posing a threat to the city I loved. The marble spirals of the unused castle towered in the background awaiting the Lost King of our mythology and by the acropolis, the Roman style Council building stood, our goal. We donned the gilded armor of the town guard, burying our unique equipment outside the city by property that was once mine.

"You know the plan."

Gaia nods as we walk toward the gates, the helmets we wore disguising our identities as we both made our way to the barracks. I gave Gaia my bag as I took off the heavy patrol armor to dress in prisoner's robes and used a small deal of magic to give myself the appearance of a panther. I hear Gaia speaking to the attendant at the desk as I prepared, "I'd like to report the death of Aeneas Lopez, enemy of the state. Take as proof his broken rapier and robes."

"Well done. I'm sure our leader would want to hear about this. I'll take you up to her."

Just before the attendant turns away, Gaia says, "I also brought this traitor with me. He tried to attack me after I killed the wolf."

The attendant motioned to the jailor, "Throw him in with the rest of the traitorous bastards. Rough him up a little, if you want."

Kicking me to the floor, the jailor locks my ankles in shackles and blindfolds me before dragging me down a corridor to a cage full of "traitors." Locking me inside with the rest, he mocks as he removes my blindfold, "Aeneas is dead, so will you finally all can it? Bellona will have your head if you keep giving us problems." Well, the justice system here sure has changed. I look around, recognizing some faces from the military and government. Geez, Bellona's already done a lot. And I have a lot of work to do to bring this city back to its former glory. I'll need more allies. It's dark down here. Furthermore, the people down here seem sleep- and food-deprived...this isn't what the Republic I knew would ever do. Bellona's thrown away everything that made us great. I guess it's up to me and Gaia to fix that.

I saw my old teacher from our university in the pack and the elder wolf addressed me, "You: panther. Speak. What do you know about this news? Is Aeneas dead? Surely, hope is lost if the First Army is missing and the defender of the city lies dead?"

I answer, "Friend, I will tell you what I know. I saw myself when a guardswoman blasted Aeneas with a magic bolt and he disappeared entirely, blown away like dust. She collected his arms as proof and I attacked her, but she quickly disarmed me and brought me here."

"So was he, as the rumors say, changed? Disloyal?"

"No more than you, sir. He was inspired and wanted peace nothing more."

The crowd sighed in disappointment. I could tell they were only jailed because of their resistance to Bellona. How much power did she get?

"Where do you come from, panther? Have no fear; we all await the day of our doom anyway."

"I am from the outer lands, close to where the First Army made camp when they were attacked viciously by the Northern Alliance. I saw the battle myself. It was my father's land they fought on. He passed long ago...but yeah, that was how I met Aeneas and I followed his travels for a short time," I lied, wanting to keep unknown to find out how messed up the city was with Bellona in charge. So far, it wasn't looking very good. "How did such a learned man like you end up here, sir?"

"I, unfortunately, was removed from the University by force during a class because I had protested that the new government was failing the people. Those here with me were part of the same protest. I am Professor Peterson, Instructor of Philosophy."

A jailor yelled, "Panther! Walk to the door and wait for processing!"

I start to walk, but respond quickly, "And I am Phoenix. And your class was great last year, professor."

As he started to decode my message, I feel the guard throw me down another hallway into a room filled with torture devices and lock me inside with two extremely intense-looking hyenas. The walls were covered in stolen equipment and papers lauding their effort for Bellona in torturing civilians. Did I cause this? My rebellion? I can't stand the thought of others being hurt on my account...I can't let this continue.

"Well well, looks like we've got a panther. How should we handle him?" one smiles brutally as he tightens the chains on my legs.

"Put him on the stretcher; he'll be easier to kill that way."

The first hyena now tried to hoist me on to the table, but I quickly fazed through the shackles, quickly dispatching the two torturers with bolts of light simultaneously fired from both hands as I landed, "Yeah, I'm not letting this happen anymore." Warding the door with a field of darkness, I dashed down the hallway, noticing many posters with rewards for my capture or death, propaganda supporting Bellona's usurping of power, and a call to arms against any of my allies. Gee, I feel so loved. Coming upon the unaware jailor, I use a strong arc of light to quickly knock him out, throwing his keys inside of the "traitor" cage.

"Aeneas, you're alive!" My former professor approaches proudly.

"Hey, I'm like a phoenix or something, what can I say? None of you say anything about what happened here. As I remember, past the torturer's room, there's an exit for you all. As for me, I have to go back to the barracks to meet up with someone. Just start raising hell and I'll find a way to get Bellona out of our hair. I'm sorry for everything you've suffered on my account."

He pats my back, "It's alright, son. Just do me a favor and win."

As they walk away, I strip and wear the armor of the jailor I knocked out and disguise myself as a leopard as I walk back to the main atrium. I see Bellona and Gaia speaking to each other on the far side of the room and I address her telepathically, "I'm back. How are you doing?"

"Can I just kill her? I'd be so much easier."

"No, Gaia...just wrap up and meet me by the Council when you're done. They're bound to notice the escaped prisoners and missing guards soon."

"Alright. I will."

An hour or two later, Gaia and I finally got a chance to meet up. Hugging her as she came, I ask, "So how was the conversation?"

"Boring, but at least I got a ton of gold as a reward. She just wanted to know how I killed you and kept interrupting to talk about how great she was. But I know now that there's a guard division here that keeps everyone in check. If you want to strike, that's the target," she comments, forcing me back into a more tactical mindset.

"It's a shame we can't just fight an army like we did in the North."

Gaia smiles, "We still could."

"I'd rather try a bit of a more covert strategy first. Okay, I freed a bunch of 'traitors' back at the barracks, so maybe we can deceive the current patrol into heading back to base to investigate while we sneak around in there."

"Sounds smart," she comments as we walk in, "By the way, it's very weird seeing you as a leopard."

"Why? Because you know it's a disguise?"

"No, you just don't look bad as a feline."

"Are you implying that I do look bad as a canine?" I tease.

"I never said that, wolf!" she gets defensive and I laugh.

"Ooh, is someone into canines?"

"OH SHUT UP. Are you into felines, then?"


Gaia sighs, "If I didn't love you, I'd hate you. Actually, I'd just kill you."

"Well it's too bad we care about one another, isn't it?"

"Yeah...anyway, there are the patrolmen, Aeneas. Get them to leave."

We walked to acropolis, the hill overlooking the whole city, and Gaia stood there stunned for a second at the magnitude of the rectangular marble building; our center of government. The nation was controlled for hundreds of years by the Council here. Councillors were once appointed by the King and since the last King left no heir, the position of Councillor was passed down within a family. If no one discovered my powers, I would have been one myself...strange thought. Approaching the two leopards, I put on my most intimidating face as I speak, "We need reinforcements at the barracks. Someone's freed a bunch of prisoners and Bellona herself asked for you two."

"We'll move now. I assume you know what to do at this outpost?"

"Of course: now go!"

As they run off, Gaia and I open the doors blocking exit and entrance to the Council, sneaking through the halls just to make sure we wouldn't be detected. In the distance, I heard the voice of some speaker to the Council so we walked out onto the voting floor. The amphitheater that was our voting floor was once a place of great debate, but now it stood silent at the whim of one man. Another thing wrongly changed.

"Bellona is pleased to announce the death of the rebel Aeneas Lopez. As you may know, he conspired with an agent of the Northern Alliance to attempt an insurrection, defeating the Northern Alliance in battle and obviously targeting our great state next. His mother and father will be freed from house arrest and will return to you soon. Carry on. Guards, to my office."

Following the rest of the division up the stairs, we catch the end of the briefing, "...that's why we need to force them to give Bellona the full power of state. Now, seeing as they will probably voice concern if they are allowed to leave afterward, we will lead them out of the city and drive them all away by force. I'll wait until the Lopezes arrive to start the vote. Understood?"

I turn to Gaia, "I need to save them."

"We need to save them, you mean. Let's go get our gear; this'll be a fight."

We snuck through the city swiftly, racing against the clock to get our equipment and save the city, my thoughts focused on retribution. I would restore the city to its proper form no matter how many men Bellona could rise against me. A fire was behind my eyes and, if it weren't for Gaia's constant supervision, I would have probably done something that I'd regret. Like charge head-first into the castle...yeah, I'm glad I have her. We made good time, actually beating out my parent's arrival by a few minutes. I look at Gaia, "I'm planning something theatrical, so when I walk out, just cover me."

"Don't be stupid."

"I won't. It'll work: trust me."

"Fine, you dumb wolf. Do what you'd like. I'll save you once you've had your fun."

A procession brings forth my hesitant mother, "Here's Councilwoman Lopez. Her husband will arrive soon." Quick explanation: my mother is actually the one with noble blood. She was her father's only heir and she made sure was able to inherit the position and keep it, even after marriage. She's still widely respected for that. My father was given a Council position by marriage and because of the necessity of having 200 members in the Council. So that's that story.

The speaker sighs, "We need all the members for this vote. Get him at once!"

Taking my opportunity, I stand and walk down the aisle of seats, totally concealed by my robes, "I'll take Councillor Lopez' place. It's only fitting."

The speaker rose in response, "And who might you be?"

"His son."

"Impossible: Lopez has no other son."

"Who said he needed another?" I took the hood off of my head, revealing myself to the crowd to gasps of surprise, "Rumors of my demise have been greatly exaggerated. Unfortunately, those of yours will be quite accurate." Quickly stringing an arrow and letting it loose, he disappears in a flash of light as the tip reaches him. And then came the fighting.

Gaia told me before than an entire division was here to guard the place and boy, she was right. As a rush of men swarmed to attack me, Gaia flanked them, brandishing her Aqua-blue katana as she cut through the unit, blocking their off-balance blows with an earthen shield she formed from the ground of the Council floor. Seeing as she was already doing most of the work, I just had to make sure no one would break her guard, blinding her foes with bolts of light and putting a terror in their minds.

Routing the division entirely, she smiles, sheathing her weapon, "Nothing like a nice battle to brighten up a day."

"Only you would say that. C'mon, let's tell these guys what's going on."

As I was speaking, my father enters the room and members of the Council pull him aside to explain why his son and a tigress are standing in the middle of the place of government with weapons drawn. Oh boy, this'll be interesting...I walk toward them, signaling for Gaia to follow. I knew from memory that my relationship with my father was combatant, so I had no idea how this was going to go, "Hello. I assume you know what I'm trying to do here?"

"Restore the government and depose Bellona," my mother replies.

"Yes. And..."

"Make peace with the Northern Alliance. You're insane, they would never accept peace," my father interrupts.

"Actually, I disagree. Gaia here is the Assassin of Earth and Water and she just so happens to be the current Queen of the Alliance."

"Queen? There is no Queen of the Alliance!" he accuses.

"You haven't heard? We liberated the Alliance in a Battle over Rjorda about a week ago. It was a lucky occurrence that we were able to manage a decisive defeat of enemy forces and forced them to terms in a single day. Here I need the support of the people. Will you back us against her?"

"Of course, my son. But let Gaia speak to me herself."

Shrugging at Gaia, she nods and leaves me to talk privately with my mother, and I sit around getting good wishes and congratulations my members of the Council, old friends of my father. I wonder what he's so reserved about. I walk over to him, "What's wrong?"

"You aren't the same Aeneas who left for war six months ago."

"No...who told you that? Fate? Bellona?"

"It doesn't matter. You've changed."

"If anything, it's for the better. War can only bring more death. I was a reaper myself. I grew a conscience and didn't take orders from a corrupt leader. Does that make me contemptible?"

"You challenge the traditions of a people," he announces

"You would rather me be an exile?" I challenge, "I'd like to see anyone try to stop me from enacting justice. After we win here, Gaia and I will challenge Fate himself. If I die there, I'll die for everyone's sake and I think then you'll see why I do the things I do. I was chosen to be an Assassin for some reason and I think it was to finish this fight." That went terribly. Well, I won't sit around and sulk about it; there's work to be done.

Storming away, I found Gaia as I walked out from the voting floor. She taps my arm lightly, "You're angry."

"I would have never known," I remark bitterly, before apologizing, "I shouldn't take this out on you, I'm sorry."

"It's fine. I wish I could drain dark thoughts from you like you do mine."

I smile at the though, "I'll be fine. I'm just tired and upset. Tell me what needs to be done."

She paces, "We make an announcement and we bring the fight to us."

"Me and you versus her guard?"

"Exactly. I've already called for the First Army to return tomorrow. In that tumult, we stand and fight."

"Works for me. But remember: we need Bellona alive so we find out where Fate is holed up."

"And then we finish him."

"Precisely. So let's lock the doors for the night; everything we've done today will reach the people in the morning along with the First Army. If we succeed, Bellona won't have a choice other than fighting us."

"So to bed, then?"

"Yep. I'll lead you to the living quarters," I answer, taking her hand as we walked up the spiral marble stairs that made the building as famous in the land as it was.

The mission was a tactical success, if nothing else. We restored the Council to power and struck many a blow to Bellona's regime. Family issues I can deal with later; my primary focus has to be finishing this fight. As I was thinking, Gaia's voice snaps me back to attention.

"Is this your palace, my lordship?" she teases.

"I'm not your lord...nor am I anyone else's. My parents were wealthy and have power, I'm just their son," I answer honestly.

"I'm sure you had dozens of servant girls like me around before you left for training."

"You're no servant girl to me. And...I guess. It sort of bothers me knowing that."

"Hey, at least you never kidnapped a tigress and forced her to fight or anything," she comments bitterly.

I grimace, "You deserved so much more. You still do."

"I guess it's a slight consolation to be a Queen...but now you know I feel when you tease me about my position."

Getting out of my mood, I smile, "Well, I'm sure you'll have a whole slew of servant boys yourself. I'd consider myself lucky to be hired for that position..."

"Shush, you scoundrel. If anything makes the years I spent as a captive worth it, it was being sent on the mission to kill you. Without that, we wouldn't be here today."

I chuckle, "You're right. This whole thing has been so weird, but I wouldn't have it any other way."

Leading her to an unoccupied room, I quickly hung up my weapons on a rack as she did the same, both of us taking off layer upon layer of armaments and armor until we both were left in our undergarments. Blushing at each other, we slipped into bed and kept each other warm, "I hope my mother didn't bother you."

"She was fine. She just wanted to know who I was and all. She approves."

"You asked?!" I almost have a heart attack.

"I figured you'd be too distracted to ask."

I calm down, "Well, I guess it worked out then. I'm glad you did."

A brief silence fell between us before Gaia tapped me to wake me up, saying, "Would this be the place where we would marry, supposing everything went well?"

"If you wanted to marry here, I'm sure I could get someone to pull some strings for me."

She scooches over to me, "I can't wait."

I smile at her, "Nor can I..."

She jumped on me as I spoke, pinning me against the bed before wrapping her arms around me in a passionate embrace, commanding, "You'd better not die out there, wolf."

"Stay safe yourself, tigress," I smile, giving her a quick kiss on her cheek before dousing the lights and pausing for some much-needed rest. I have so much motivation to end this war that I can't wait to get back into the action.