#deep (Pundamentals #1)

Story by Vye Riosaki on SoFurry

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Welp. Here is another submission. :3 I had told Kaily, the runner of this contest, that I would bite and try out making puns. If this is not good enough... ... Oh well. There is four more weeks me thinks and I would be able to submit two more before then. Xp

Geez, am I late.

The winter nights in the summer evenings are things rarely felt.

The feel of the cold seeping through your warm flesh when the water is warm. The feel of fear is something you'll always know. There is no such thing as a fear you've never felt.

I see the stars falling, the light fading. I see a new horizon as the sun's setting. This vast land is too much. Too much.

Frozen rivers thaw, cold snow that warms, the feel of the cold sun. Faking happiness, getting drunk, seeing death, laughing. Smiling. Happiness.

These things are things I can't think about.

I can't bear this all. At least, without You.

We live. We breathe. We'll both breathe. Sift through our problems. Think about now.

Paint some clearings. Picture rugged mountains. Carve out harsh valleys. Fill in oceans.


I can't bear the thought of You not here. You make me possible. I'm scared.

This is too much. Rivers running. Wind is flowing. Sun is shining. The freeze is coming. Warmth is leaving. Kindle the fire. Find warmth.

We can feel warm together. No more cold. No more snow storms too cold. No more thunder too scary. No more nightmares.

I tell myself that. But. I fear for Us. There is too much. Too much.

Judges. Priests. Mockers. Haters gonna hate. Too much.

Still, I won't mind the company. The dark is bearable. The dark is bearable.

Let Us live. Together. Barely surviving. But living. Happy together. Apart or close. Love.


I with Love with You. Too much. Never enough.

Let's bare love. Let bears love. Love.