Then I Will Come Back To You

Story by Kiba Moonheart on SoFurry

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#12 of Close Combat

The humans had dragged Mimi back to camp just before Sol had arrived and weren't gentle about either. Letting the net she was trapped in run into trees and anything else that got in the way. One of the humans took the deer she had caught. She whimpered quietly. After a couple of harsh kicks the humans had thrown at her she was out cold but not for long. It was another dream from the looks of things but she was sitting on white rocks and in front of her was an up ear rabbit with jade colored fur. She wondered why there was a rabbit in her dream. Unless it was Wits with a new fur color. "Who are you?" Mimi asked, she wasn't expecting an answer from the rabbit seeing most rabbits don't even talk.

The Jade rabbit stood up into two. "I am 'The rabbit in the Moon' Most people don't know me but I live here. I feel danger for the both of you that will come soon..." The moon rabbit vanished alone with everything else. Sadly this dream would be forgotten soon. Mimi woke up being out for only a few minutes. Everything was blurry but she could hear Sol in the background. Forgetting the dream instantly.

Time had tried to follow Sol but the next thing he knew Sol was nowhere in sight. He felt something was wrong. That something else was also after Mimi. He quickly ran in the direction Mimi was in, the sooner he got to her the better, he was sure Flame would be fine on her own for a bit.

The groups of humans looked at the damage Sol had done then back to the angry fox. "Uhh.... Y-yea t-t-take her" One of the humans stuttered the group of humans cowered away from Sol all but three. "She stay's here, those fools don't know what they're saying!" One of the humans that was foolish enough to stand up to Sol.

Mimi gowned as she sat up. She realized that she was still stuck in the net. She noticed that part of the ropes had ripped. She managed the get herself out of the trap this time but she curled up into a ball as soon as she was out of the trap, whimpering. She didn't break anything, she just felt sore after being kicked around a little bit not to mention she was exhausted after today's activates. She felt guilty that she had gotten hurt again and Sol had to save her again, then again this could have happened to anybody, it's not like Sol would keep her locked up in the den for the rest of her life or would he. Her ears twitched as she forced herself to sit up straight, she might be tired but she had enough to keep going.

Time reached Mimi at least she wasn't dismantled or anything of that sort. He sat beside her his flaming tail flickered as he say the small group of three that seemed to be standing up to Sol but from the looks of things the others had fled for their lives. "You better leave my owner alone!" Time hissed at the group his flaming tail crackled loudly but he still felt there was something else out there. He wasn't letting his guard down this time.

Mimi looked up to Sol, she knew she was safe now that he was here but she wondered what would happen to those humans. "I'm ok Sol... don't worry..." she said weakly, nothing was broken so she was happy.

Sol's rage was well over it's safe boundries. A wicked smile curved his lips. His voice was the voice of a demon as he spoke. "Brave fools." His sites rested on all three. Two were his guns, one was his fangs. "You will pay for harming Mimi. But later." He grinned wickedly. "I'll let you baske in fear. And know that your children, your wives, your parents and any other relation to you will soon be dead, slaughtered brutally."

~Wolfe's view~

Wolfe's sniper scope brought him right up to the action. He brought the crosshairs onto Mimi, and willed himself to pull the trigger. He had figured time would be there, and had used a special bullet. It would take much more than Time's firey ass to stop this bullet. His stomach tied itself in knots as he squeazed the trigger. But he couldn't do it. Releasing the trigger, he took aim on one of the humans. He knew the humans were the cause of this. He sighed, then pulled the trigger. A loud report echoed through the air as the bullet broke the sound barrier. It bored a hole through a tree and, still carrying the bark and sap, tore a similar hole through the human's head. Wolfe knew his mission had failed now that he'd waisted his chance, but oh well. Pulling back the bolt, he ejected the spent cartridge, fitted in a new one, and locked it into place, all in one motion. The crosshairs hardly registered the look of sudden fear on a man that had hidden instead of running. Another report, another hole, another body.

~Sol's View~

Sol twitched as the two men were killed out of nowhere. His ears picked a faint pop, but it was so far away... Sighing, he walked over to mimi. He licked her cheek and smiled. At that moment another human, wearing camo, broke through the foliage. On his back was a high-caliber MG and in his hands was an extremely long-range sniper's rifle. "Long time no see, Mimi." Sol brought one gun up, aiming at his skull.

Time blinked a bit creped out with Sol's personality at the moment. 'Note to self, don't make the fox mad...' his ears twitched wondering if he would become like that brother of his. Well as long as Sol didn't hurt Mimi Time wasn't overly concerned. He looked around a bit keeping his ears up for whatever was out there.

Mimi murred leaning against Sol. "Thanks for sav-" She blinked seeing another human Mimi whimpered mainly because she thought someone else was going to attack. Mimi was scared at the moment, that had been the first time some human had almost killed her tail. Every time this had happened she had gotten away but this time was different. She starred at the human, his scent was familiar. She had to think about it for a second, trying to remember his name. Then it came it to her. "Wolfe!" She said with a sigh of relief, she was sure Wolfe wouldn't hurt her, or at least she hoped he wouldn't. Mimi saw Wolfe as just a friend and nothing past that mainly because being unable to mate with humans. That and her parents would strongly disapprove of any human. Well Mimi hated humans regardless but Wolfe was one of those few exceptions.

She looked at Sol and licked his cheek. "Don't worry I don't think Wolfe means any harm." She told Sol placing a paw on Sol's arm that was holding the gun. She looked back to Wolfe, the last time she saw him was back at the city. Afterwards she hadn't seen him since. "Wolfe, what brought you here?" She asked wanting to know herself, after being attacked once she wouldn't be surprised he he was here for her head also.

Time looked at Sol he was never fond of Wolfe. "Mimi he's a human, a filthy human. You know he wanted your tail so let Sol kill him. I'm sure Wolfe would kill the both of you without a second thought!" He said remembering Wolfe all too well and how he attempted to get his owners tail. Well Time always exaggerated everything in his mind. He looked at Wolfe. "You're not welcomed here human!" Well Time wasn't taking any chances mainly for Mimi. Not that he was going t tell her why he was standing on the edge of his paws.

Wolfe didn't show that he'd heard Time. Without making any move forward he drew out a canteen from his pack and took a drink and sighed. He held the canteen at his side, letting the water drip from inside. Flicking a finger, he sent a droplet of water hurling at time. "Just here on a job. I needed some meat and I was hunting when I saw you guys. Thought I might as well help." He hoped that the gun wielding fox wouldn't say anything about hunting with a rifle that would bore a hole the size of three fists, on on top of the other and turned in a circle, through anything softer than bone.

~Sol's View~

Sol didn't. He figured that the human had a reason to lie about hunting and if Mimi trusted him, he wouldn't ruin his mate's pleasure at seeing him. "So... You know Mimi? How?" Wolfe leaned against a tree and shrugged. "Um... Let me think..... Wasn't the first time in the arctic range? Well, I was out on a training excercise and I came across her. She attacked me and, while I was trying to disable her I accidentally cut her. I wrapped her up-Which Time didn't agree to. For some reason he thinks everyone's out for tail- and we parted ways. We met up again at a---

~Wolfe's View~

It took about fifteen minutes before he fully explained how he'd met Mimi. By the time he was done he was stretching and yawning. So he lost a little credit because he refused to kill Mimi. So what? It didn't matter in the long run. Pushing off the tree, he looked at the guns. "Desert eagles huh? Mind if I take a look?" Sol handed over the guns, keeping a close eye on him. Expertly, Wolfe disassembled the guns, looked over the parts, cleaned the barrels, repaired the occational chip, reassembled them and returned them to Sol. Sol blinked and returned them to their holsters. Wolfe smiled. He was used to people being amazed at what he could do.

Mimi decided to let Wolfe explain how they had met. She was never good at explaining how things happened herself. She noticed Time acting like he was asleep to show that Wolfe was boring him. Mimi murred lightly and started to nibble on Sol's ear, with the occasional tugging. Well Sol had oddly long ears and Mimi found this fun the nibble on.

Time yawned sitting up straight. It seemed Wolfe had finished his story. He was surprised Sol believed what this human was saying. "Sol! Kill him! You should know better than me that he's not here hunting for some mice." Time knew that most people didn't come out here for hunting... then again Wolfe was human and humans do some weird things. He looked to Wolfe "and I still think you want her tail, besides buddy you're out of luck-" He was interrupted by Mimi who had nudged him with her back paw. Well he knew what they did and he would gladly yowl it to everyone to make Mimi's life miserable.

Mimi smirked looking at Time. "Shut up Time. I don't think Wolfe would hurt us without a good reason." Even if she felt that Wolfe wasn't here for the reason he said he was she felt that she was safe. She nuzzled Sol giving his cheek a quick lick. She just didn't want him to think that she would leave him to be with Wolfe. Well today was a interesting one for sure.

Time shrugged and padded away from the group. "Fine, be that way but when you end up dead don't come yowling to me. I'm going to see if that Flame friend of yours if ok." He called out and left for the den.

((Another shorty, sorry. But Look forward to the next one. =D))

You Can See the Midnight Sky

Sol blinked in the downpour. Mimi had disappeared behind a wall of water. An instant later the rain was replaced by scorching sun. He cringed, his soaked fur drying instantly. He blinked, the sudden harsh light almost blinding. He growled harshly, his...

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If From Where You're Standing...

Solaris sighed. His brother had left, leaving him alone. His body was covered in cuts from debris, and a cut on his forehead oozed into his eye, forcing him to keep it closed. His body ached all over, and he just wanted to sleep. He stumbled to the...

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Will The Gods Cast Him Down?

Mimi followed him, with luck nothing rotten was aimed at her. She had brought a small jar of honey with her. She didn't have any at the den, stupid humans took her honey. Time was following close behind him owner. Mimi had also put Sol's jacket in...

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