You Can See the Midnight Sky
#11 of Close Combat
Sol blinked in the downpour. Mimi had disappeared behind a wall of water. An instant later the rain was replaced by scorching sun. He cringed, his soaked fur drying instantly. He blinked, the sudden harsh light almost blinding. He growled harshly, his body tensing. After about two minutes he realized he was completely alone. He sighed and walked across the hot dirt, wondering what had happened.
It had been a week since that day. He still didn't know what had happened, only that he had somehow been teleported to one of aria's neighbors. He had managed to trade his Arian money for the money around here. He shrugged deeper into his jacket, not to escape the cold (Of which there was great need of in this desert country.) but to escape the driving sand and glaring sun. He missed Mimi badly; every night he would dream of their last few moments before he had come here. He couldn't even remember her scent; the sand had made sure of that. He whimpered silently, careful not to show his weakness to his traveling companion. She was a Catox, a part cat, part fox, with most characteristics of the fox breed. Her tail was more of a puff than a stretch, and her eyes had the sharp look of a fox, while her hands and ears displayed cat characteristics. She wore a traveling cloak the color of her fur; a deep red that radiated in the light like fire. This is how she earned her "Clan Name" of Firesoul. He had met her on his first day, while he was lost in the desert. Now they were something along the lines of friends. She was an excellent fighter, which sometimes made him wonder why she didn't have a mate, and looked beautiful. Though compared side-by-side with Mimi she was a pale flicker. He blinked. He could barely even remember what Mimi looked like! This damned desert was affecting more than his sense of smell. He looked at the young woman beside him and wondered what she was thinking. He knew what HE was thinking. He was thinking that if he ever got back to Aria he would do everything he could to make Mimi happy. That and he would marinate in one of the rivers near their den for a few days to give water back to his dehydrated body and get all the sand out of his gold-gone-sickly-gray fur. He cringed, wondering if Mimi would even recognize him when he finally got back.
He looked at Firesoul, whom he just called Flame. Her silvery eyes were gazing out across the desert as the desert version of a sloop sailed across the sea of sand. She was about four years younger than him, though she could have been his age for how mature she was. Probably came from having a hard, danger-filled life thrown at you when you were only a few moons (Months. Her clan trains their warriors at the earliest age possible.) Old. Shivering, he remembered how his life began. But that shiver was soon replaced by a warm feeling as he thought of the girl waiting across the ocean they were about to come to that had changed his whole life. He smiled behind the screen of his jacket collar as they came to a stop at the port. Climbing out, Sol and Flame made their way to the ticket booth. Presenting their boarding tickets, they walked through the gate and onto the huge ocean-going ship that would have them in aria by the end of that day.
Mimi was alive barely after the river had swept her away. Once the river had calmed she managed to pull herself to land. Time had followed Mimi along the river, he was too scared to go into the river and pull her out. Fire and Water don't mix well. Mimi dragged herself a bit father from the river, afraid that another wall of water coming to get her. She was to weak to make herself comfortable. She guess waiting was her best bet that Sol would find her but unknown to her that Sol had vanished.
Time noticed that the downpour have become a light rain fall. At least his tail would be safe. He curled up about a foot from Mimi His flaming tail crackled loudly and then doubled in size, becoming some sort of camp fire. Mimi was probably cold and being a wet fox wasn't helping her. Mimi was out cold after a couple on minuets while Time stayed awake keeping a look out for Sol.
Soon hours passed and Time himself fell asleep. Until the next morning, he noticed Mimi was still asleep but her fur was for the most part warm and dry. He looked around a bit confused woundering why he wasn't in the den. His ears lopped remembering what had happened. Sol wasn't even here. "This can't be good..." He muttered worried that Sol abandoned Mimi. Well they didn't know he had vanished. Time shrugged looking around, guessing Mimi probably was in no mood for fish. Seeing she had been helpless in the river.
He sniffed the air trying to catch any possible scent or food. But he got nothing. "Sorry Mimi I guess its fish..." He muttered knowing she probably couldn't hear him. He would wait until she was awake then get her some food, she needed rest now. He decided to do a quick patrol around the area to see where they where.
After four days Mimi had woke up and Time guessed the river had dragged Mimi all the way to the beginning of Highland Territory. Hopefully with some luck Mimi's parents weren't far from here. Time went to catch Mimi some fish, guessing all the land walking pray had been scared off by there scent. He let out a sigh letting the fish cook in his tail before handing it over to Mimi.
Mimi looked at Time her ears lopped. "So where's Sol? Is he out patrolling?" She asked not sure is Sol was around or not but there wasn't the slightest scent of him around, so she had a bad feeling about the answer. Time just shook his head 'no'. Mimi whimpered a bit taking a bit of the fish. "He mussed have guessed the river took me whole and fled..." She muttered woundering why Sol wouldn't try to search for her. She devoured the fish quickly not speaking.
Time shrugged "We should camp here for a few days. You're not ready to go back to the den." He told Mimi as he curled up gesturing her to do the same.
About two days passed before Time felt Mimi was strong enough to go back to the den. The spent a whole day looking for the den, only to be introduced to a fowl smell. Apparently the pray Sol had caught went bad and was probably no good for eating. Time told Mimi to rest in the den and he would burn the rotting pray away.
Mimi was fairly willing but she was still confused to why Sol would just leave like that, it didn't seem like his nature to run off like that. She shrugged pushing the thought aside; she would just have to hope for the best in that he back. She just wanted to sleep for some reason, but the smell of burning, rotting, pray was to much for her and she couldn't sleep.
Solaris was shoved into his cabin. He glared back at the man and waited until the door was closed before moving to look at Flame. He shrugged, letting exhaustion overcome him. Despite the bed being lumpy as hell, it felt like a cloud to his body, which was so used to sleeping on loose sand that never let him stay comfortable and jagged stone. He was asleep instantly.
While Solaris sleeps, let me give you a brief history of Flame's life. I think that would be a good way to go over things, don't you agree? Well, let's start when she was "apprenticed"....
Firekit sat apart from the rest of her clan. Her heart thundered in her ears, her eyes wide. The light of the sun reflected off her pale eyes. They were bright silver, with a slender shaft of gold from the iris up and down to the very edges. The clan leader walked onto a platform wrought of gold and stone. "Today," he called out, looking at everyone. He was a Catox as well, a tall, majestic-looking anthro with deep blue fur. He continued slowly, loud enough for the whole clan to hear. "We recognize this kit as an apprentice. She has proven herself worthy many times, even when we didn't approve of HOW she did it. Today, she will be apprenticed to Silverheart. Silverheart, you are a brave warrior and have won many battles. She will be your first apprentice. Teach her that bravery is just as important as intelligence. A lesson you, too, must learn." A spattering of laughter. Everybody knew that Silverheart was the bravest warrior in the clan. The leader smiled warmly and finished. "Clan, I give you... Fireclaw!" The whole clan applauded, the sound a loud roar. Fireclaw was amazed and pleased she had gotten an unusual name. Nothing like the usual "Paw" name! She stood and walked over to Silverheart...
It was two years later. She was now a full-fledged warrior. Firesoul walked through the desert, looking around carefully. A flash of gold caught her attention. She ran up to it and was amazed to find a golden fox lying in the sand. She knew that this was the gold fox she was told she had to save by the clan Medicine Catox. Helping him to his feet, she helped him to the nearby town...
Solaris yawned as he sat up. The ship had stopped, and a constant knocking roused him. Growling, he walked to the door and opened it. "We're 'ere" The man growled, walking off. Solaris sighed and woke the sleeping Catox. Then, together, the walked off the boat and into aria.
It took only two hours of travel to get from Diadem to the Highlands. As soon as he finally saw the tell-tale hole in the ground, he ran forward with energy he had no right to have. He slid, literally SLID, down the hole and landed in a heap at the bottom. He rolled to the side as Flame slid down beside him. He looked around and saw Mimi. His eyes lit up and he gasped, with the last of his energy, "Mimi! I'm back..." Then he fainted. Flame looked from the sickly yellow fox to the bright silver one. She smiled and said, in broken Arian she had learned from Sol, "He pushed himself hard to make it here. He really loves you. I'll leave you..." she paused to remember the word. "alone now. I will stand guard over the entrance until he awakens.
Times ears picked up as he saw the familiar fox or at lease he recognized the long ears. "Sols a zombie...?" He asked himself. Well Sol's fur wasn't its normal bright gold that he was use to seeing, and dull colors mean zombies to him. "Holy crap Sol became a zombie!" He yelped as he took a few quick paw steps towards the den before stopping dead in his paw steps. He lowered himself to the ground seeing this new fur follow him. "She must be the one controlling him mind... dang she's good. Kudos for her" He smirked but started to realized he was acting like his skittish rabbit friend Wits. Jumping to the conclusion that Sol was a Zombie because of the duller colors of fur and this new anthro that was possible some creepy mind controller. It was ridiculous to think Sol had become a zombie. even if it might be an improvement. he thought to himself.
He decided to keep low for a bit. At least the tall grass would keep him hidden. He looked back to the crowfood he was busy burning not to long ago. He noticed much was missing when he had reached the week old pray Sol had caught. He shrugged, most of it was burned away by now, it was just bones be now.
The smell of rotting flesh had disappeared and Mimi was getting ready to get some sleep. Her ears picked up hearing something above the den. He stood up onto fours ready to attack what was coming to her den. She just hoped whatever was coming into the den wasn't Sol's brother.
Mimi was very happy to see it was Sol. She did have questions for him, mainly on where he went but she was just glad he was back. She looked over to the other anthro, a bit confused to who she was. Along with the words she said confused her. What had happened to Sol? She was glad to head that he loved her, but it was the first part the confused her. She nodded "Thanks for bring him back in one piece." She said not wanting to cause any fights.
She looked as Sol and smirked. "Can't you keep your fur clean on your own?" She smirked as she quickly went to snuggle up to him, giving his ear a quick lick. She wasn't expecting any reply seeing he was asleep from the looks of things. She let out a sigh just glad he had returned.
Time had his eyes locked on the den. He guessed it wouldn't hurt to see what was going on down there and possible taunt his owner. He quickly padded over to the den going inside just to take a peak he let out a disgusted sigh. "I think I'm going to be sick." He muttered seeing his owner was already snuggling Sol, but he said this more just to upset his owner, but he left the den before his owner could reply. Not taking much notice in the new anthro Sol brought with him. Well Time was a cat that thought highly of himself.
Walking through the sand, Sol immediately realized he was back in the desert. He didn't feel the heat or anything, and thus knew it was a dream. He knew what was about to happen as well. He threw himself to the side and grunted as a sand sled, a special boat-like vessel used for travel in the desert, roared past. It turned and slid sideways to a stop. Standing, Sol found himself confronting the rogues that had made his second day in the desert such a living hell. Growling, he drew his sword. The Gold-and-black blade glinted in the light. The bandits eyed it, smiles breaking out all around. Of course, they were thinking of how much it would sell for. They rushed him, but he didn't give them a chance to attack. He moved in amongst them, his eyes blazing cold blue. Swinging his blade about, he blocked a slash with a low grunt, his body shuddering. They were strong! Bringing the sword around in an act of superb swordsmanship he didn't even know he had, the golden fox lashed out at the leader, who was barely able to block. And even though he blocked it, the force of the strike threw him a few feet away. The recoil shook his arm, but Solaris didn't notice. Adrenaline thundered in his ears as he struck out again. Metal clashed, sparks flew, and warriors grunted. Solaris held his sword tightly, body tense with unease. This was only his second sword match, and he could tell it wasn't going well. The leader was picking him self up slowly, anger flashing around him. Solaris blinked. It was rare for someone's anger to be so extreme that their aura actually became visible.
Slowly, as minutes become hours and the battle wore on, Sol realized he was holding his sword all wrong...
I'm tired of being what you want me to be
Feeling so faithless
Lost under the surface
Sol stood, head clearing as if just reaching the surface of a body of water.
I don't know what you're expecting of me
Put under the pressure
Of walking in your shoes
[Caught in the undertow, just caught in the undertow]
Every step that I take is another mistake to you
His muscles loosened for the first time in hours.
Can't you see that you're smothering me
Holding too tightly
Afraid to lose control
'Cause everything that you thought I would be
Has fallen apart right in front of you
Sol's hands loosened, the blade suddenly feeling much lighter. He ran forward. The rogues obviously thought he was going to be the stiff attacker that he'd been but a moment ago. But he wasn't. Moving fluidly, he struck out. His blade danced and flashed, a whirring streak in the glaring sun. Sol got almost eight strikes in on the leader before jumping well out of the way. Standing there, the man blinked...
...Moments before his head parted company with his body. Then his arms were cut away at the wrists, elbows, and shoulders. His legs were cut away at the knees. The men stared at the bloody torso, it's limbs mostly missing. Then they looked at the fox standing in front of them. A moment later Sol blinked away sand as the sand sled roared away. Sighing, he sheathed the blade and walked away.
Sol awoke slowly, his eyes watering briefly. Then the scents, sights and sounds of his environment hit him like a bullet. He shuddered briefly, then licked Mimi's head lovingly. "It's good to be back." He muttered happily.
Mimi was partly asleep and partly awake. She was leaning against Sol her right eye was aloes and her left eye was partly open. Much like the tired student who is trying to look awake in class but at the same time was brain dead. Her left eye was gazing at the den entrance. Every now and then she would open her right eye and close her left. More or less she was just brain dead at the moment. She made a quick glance to Sol to see he was still asleep at the moment and went back to starring at the den entrance.
Time was asleep by the river but his ears where up and alert much like any animal. Normally he would be out like a light bulb and completely unaware of what was around him when he sleeps but he didn't trust this new anthro friend of Sol's. Well Time doesn't trust anyone when everything comes together.
Mimi was quick to wake up as soon as Sol did. She smiled as she quickly licked his cheek. Well she might have given him a few more licks but his fur had an awful taste to it at the moment. She wasn't going to tell him that, more or less not to hurt any feelings. That and she didn't want to say anything rude and most importantly she didn't want to say anything to Sol that was rude. " I'm glad you came back... I almost thought you and left for good." She murred. Well after having a few guys disappeared on her she had almost felt Sol had turned tails on her.
She looked at his fur then she smirked. "What did you do to get messy this time?" She said jokingly nuzzling his shoulder instead him licking his cheek. Her ears flickered as she noticed Time wasn't in the den. Not that she was trying to hint anything with the ear flicker but she was glad that there was to flaming cat around to make any side comments.
Time woke up a few seconds after Mimi did. He had a nice long yawn and a normal cat stretch then stood up onto fours. "Time to go back to work" He murmured with a hint of sarcasm in him voice. For him work was protecting Mimi (like that ever happens) or making rude comments to her or friends. He padded over to the den but stopped and looked at the new anthro Sol had brought with him great more unwelcome guests. He thought to himself. Well Time didn't like to make friends unless he could yiff that friend.
Mimi yawned sitting up straight, She looked at den entrance wondering if Sol's new friend was still here and she was starting to wonder who that new fur was. She said she was standing guard but maybe she had left. He was been fairly quiet while Sol was asleep. "Uhh you know who that other fur friend of yours is?" she asked she guessed this other fur was a friend of Sol's
Sol yawned and bent his back as best he could. A series of pops told him that his back had needed it. Looking at Mimi, he smiled. "Her name's Firesoul, though I just call her Flame or Fire. She's from this desert country..." He shivered as he remembered it. Or maybe it was the biting cold of the den? Whatever. It only felt cold because he was used to the heat. "She found me in the sand about a week ago. I teliported there during the storm, when you went to get a drink. She helped me exchange some money and showed me to the nearest port. By the time we got there her head was so full of stories I'd told her about Aria and you that she wanted to come with me and explore." Shifting gently away from Mimi, he stood up and removed his jaket. immediatly a small pile of sand was formed. It had been trapped in his sleeves. Glowering, he lay his jacket on the ground and said, "I hope you don't mind, but I've been in the biggest sandbox in the world. I think I brought back most of it in my fur, so I need a bath." With that, he promptly set the 100-meter-dash record of .3 seconds. He hit the water hard enough to cause him to skim the surface all the way across to the other side of river. Glowering, the padded back to the rived and dover in. When he surfaced a cloud of sand was being drawn away from him downstream. Sighing contentedly, he floated in the icy water until a rock hit him sharply in the head. He floundered, then caught his breath and sank down so that only the top of his nose and up were visible. He floated there, glaring at Firesoul. She watched him calmly, throwing another rock in the air and catching it. Then she spoke in her native tongue, which she had mostly tought to him during the week-long travel. "Tekari ten-taru shomini Aria?" Sol blinked, translated, then stood up. "Shariu mon dikan tekai.." He replied. Translated, that was "When will you show me Aria?" "After I spend time at home" She sighed and spoke in Arian, so as to better her speech. "You better show me soon, or you'll see why I'm called FireSoul." She turned and walked off, throwing the stone at time. It landed about a foot in front of him. For about 30 seconds nothing happened, then the rock glowed red. An instant later it exploded outward, sending molten rock and balls of fire in all directions for about 8 inches.
Solaris shivered. He really hoped he was never on the recieving end of her attacks. Sinking back into the water, he waited until the water was clear of sand, then ran a hand through his fur. Again a cloud formed, but it was much smaller and was gone much quicker. Now, feeling much less scratchy, he took a few mouthfulls of water in before climbing out. Shaking himself vigorously, he flung most of the water in his fur to the ground. He sighed and lay down in the grass near the water, staring into the sky. He lay with his hands behind his head and one knee drawn up. His eyes slowly began to close.Then, shaking it off, he stood and walked back to the entrance to the den. His second entry was little better than his first; he tripped halfway in and landed in a heap at the base... Again. Untangling his limbs, he spread out and looked at mimi. His fur had puffed out while he was outside and now he felt like a big cotton ball. "Didja miss me?" He asked in his youngest-sounding voice. He blinked slowly, then said in the same voice, "I missed you." He crawled over to her and lay down right beside her. "I really did." He said in his normal voice, so low no normal person could hear.
Time stopped in his paw steps when Sol had bolted out of the den. He hissed mainly surprised, he never understood how someone could enjoy the water. It was wet and Time didn't like to get wet. Time hissed then padded into the den. He was worried a bit, more about his owner. He had one major thought going through his head and that was, Solaris might have found a different fur to be with. He didn't like to see his owner upset, unless he caused it. "Mimi, you think he still loves you? He might have found a different fur" He muttered quietly so his voice would be unheard by anything outside of the den. "He's been gone for a week..." He let out a sigh waiting for his owners reply.
Mimi listened to Time before curling up again. She had the same thoughts but tried to push them away. "I... I don't think Sol would do that" She said a bit hesitant almost second guessing herself. She had missed him for the past few days. Not counting the few days she had been asleep after losing ever ounce of energy from the river. "I trust him. He said he had teleported when I was heading over to the river to get a drink." She told him what Sol had told her just before he left to clean his fur.
Time nodded, he didn't blame Mimi for trusting Sol. Maybe he would later on, but he thought it was best to keep Mimi happy. "I guess your right." He said his ears flickered. "But he teleported? Is that possible?" He said a bit confused. Maybe there was someone had set this up. Time made note he would keep his eyes open for anything out of the ordinary. He shrugged then padded out of the den. "I'm going out for a bit" He said quietly before leaving the den. He would run a quick patrol just to make sure nothing was out of place. He would for about a half a male then circle the area before returning, which might take a while. Then again no one questioned what he was up to.
Mimi's ears flickered then she closed her eyes for a bit. She only rested for a minuet before getting up and padding over to her bag. She had brought it with her then she came to the highlands with Sol and she hadn't looking in it since. She let out a sigh of relief that she had brought a few extra pair of clothes with her. Well she had worn the same outfit for the past few week. She felt it was time to change them. She quickly peaked out of the den seeing Sol still busy. She quickly went to change her clothes. Not wearing a short black skirt and blue t-shirt. She folded of her old clothes and placed them in the bag. Then curled up waiting for Sol to return.
Mimi giggled at Sol's entrance. She felt confident that Sol wouldn't leave her for another fur. "Of course I missed you" She smiled snuggling up to him a bit. She licked his cheek happily before looking at his eyes for a second. "I feel into the river when you vanished but a least I'm alive." She smirked. Not that she looked back on it was kind of funny then again anything can seem funny after it happened. She shrugged the thought off. "So, how did you teleport?" She asked but guessed he didn't know the answer himself. She also wanted to switch topics not wanting his to worry about her little river incident .
~Switching gears~
Time was a long ways off from the den by now or it seemed like it for someone his size. He had gone a little less of a quarter of a mile and he already wanted to turn around. Nothing was happening, no attacks, no voices, no odd smells. Nothing! Well he smelled the occasional mouse or heard to bird flying above but other then that nothing seemed weird. "Well this is boring" He muttered to himself. He stopped to sit for a bit wondering weather he would go back, it seemed like nothing dangerous was out here.
It starts with one. Everything does. This time, it started with one bullet. Sol was about to speak when a gunshot echoed through the air. He paused with his mouth open before racing outside, guns in hand. The bullets screamed past his ear. Eyes narrowed, he saw Siralos standing over the prone figure of Flame. It took nearly a minute for Sol's mind to register what had happened. When it did he roared with anger. She'd saved his life! She didn't deserve this. It was almost as bad as if Sir had shot Mimi. Bringing both guns up, he released a tidal wave of bullets. Sir dove to the side and brought a gun up. Another shot ripped through the air mere inches from Sol. Releasing the spent clips, he reloaded and dove forward. His fur glowed faintly, and his eyes were flecked with gold. His tail lashed behind him as if hit by a typhoon. He closed the distance between them with frightening speed. Whipping around, Sol's heel slammed into Sir's skull. Sir flew a few feet before regaining his feet. He brought his gun up and fired, and the round tore into Arc's shoulder. He grunted but didn't slow down. Sir say that he was at a disadvantage and turned tail. But sol wouldn't have it. He chased Sir. Sir panted and tore through foliage, breaking into the open just to jump over mimi's pet. His footpaws burned from the damned cat's tail. Sol sidestepped the cat, his blood splattering the ground around Time. Baring his fangs, Sol brought his sites on Sir. But Sir dove into the foliage just in the nick of time. The bullet tore not into fur and flesh but bark and wood. Cursing, Sol followed Sir into the foliage he hadn't even known was here. Something was twisting the fabric of existence. But that wasn't anything he was worried about. Mimi and his friends, that was all he worried about.
Coming to a clearing, Sir spun around and brought up both guns. Sol skidded to a stop in front of him. "Why do you care?" Sir asked, Looking for a way to get out without any damage. He was evil, but he liked pain a bit less than Sol. "Why do you protect them? Why do you care if they're alive or dead?"
Sol blinked, wondering why he was being asked this. "because," He explained, "I care about them. I don't want them to get hurt, because that hurts me." Sir snorted. Then he brought his gun around and fired into a bee's nest. The resulting cloud of bees drove Sol away from the area.
It took almost an hour to get back to the den. By the time he slid into the den he'd lost enough blood to make him dizzy. Laying against the wall, he shuttered. It was hard to breathe. Was he going to die?
Mimi quickly followed after Solaris out of the den. When she saw his alter ego brother her ears flattened back. She just wished she could have some alone time with Sol and not have some blood crazed fox ruin everything. She noticed that Sol's new friend Flame was out cold from the looks of things. She watched Sol go after his brother once more. She let out a sigh as she scurried over to Flame, she was confident Sol was find on his own taking care of Sir. She quickly looked at Flames wound and her ears lopped, she hoped she wasn't dead. Seeing the wound in her chest made her worry. She decided dragging Flam into the den might worsen her condition so she decided she would try her best patch up the wound out here. Besides it's not like anybody came to the highlands often. Mimi hurried back into the den and a small rag then tore up one of the blankets so it looked somewhat like a bandage wrap before she rushed back outside and aided to Flamed wound.
Once Mimi cleaned out Flames wound and had it wrapped up... along with replacing that bloody shirt she was wearing with one of hers. She let out a sigh she decided to head back into the den and re organize the mess she made trying to get the right supplies. She didn't take long to finish.
Time hissed as Solaris stepped on his tail but then realize that he mad brother was here also. "Mimi..." He thought but then realized that Mimi wasn't hurt, if she was he would know. Then again better safe than sorry and he hurried back to the den. It didn't take him as long to get back to the den and he found Mimi safe but that other anthro was a different story. "What happened?" Time asked
Mimi looked over to Time and explained that Sol's brother decided to pay another visit. "... could you keep an eye on Flame and make sure she's ok. I'm going to wait here for Sol." She told him. Time nodded and left the den to keep watch over Flame.
Mimi's ears picked up as she heard Sol approaching the den, but she yelped as she saw Solaris's condition. "Sol!" she whimpered as she hurried over to his side. Giving his cheek a few comfort licks before she looked at him again. He just came back and what would happen now. "What happened... Sol you idiot what happened?!?" She said and started to sob and snuggled against him. "Don't die... p-please don't die..." She continued to sob. She loved him and she didn't want to see him leave for good. Even if he could probably heal himself up like before, she was finally able to be with him again.
Sol cringed at the close contact to his shoulder. He realized quite quickly he hadn't lost enough blood, otherwise he'd be unable to feel the pain. Coughing due to a dry throat, he said, "Easy now.... It takes more than him to kill me. You should know that." He swollowed painfully and asked, "How's flame?" before lapsing into another coughing fit. Why the hell was he so thirsty? Pushing himself up, he realized that the loss of blood might have had something to do with it. Walking wearily to the river, he gulped down water, not caring how animalistic he looked. His wound healed over quite quickly due to the life force in the pure water. He sighed and stretched, feeling the muscles that had been torn only moments before being pulled taut. He shighed, smiling, and fell on his back. He lay in the soil near the river and felt himself drifting. But thirst hit him again, as did a peculiar scent. It came from the direction of the den. It didn't smell threatening, so he let it be. He gulped down more water, which was immediatly transformed into blood. He soon felt at his best again. Smiling, he stood and looked towards the den. "Hey, Mimi, come here." He knew what he wanted to show her was "Average" to her, it was something he'd been without for almost a week. A pure river. Pure water, not the disgusting stale tap he'd lived on in the desert. He lay back on his back and waited for mimi to arrive.
Mimi stop sobbing and she watched him leave the den, she didn't follow him she wanted to have a little recovery time over her pointless sobbing in some respect. Her ears picked up as she realized something else. She was ready to mate. Good job moron! She cursed to herself Flames half dead, Time is around, and Sol just got attacked. She thought to herself. Then again it wasn't in her control she choose possible the one of the few worst possible times. Her ears picked up as she heard Sol call for her. She padded out of the den and headed over to Sol.
Time watched him owner also noticing the odd scent. It had no effect on him, but he sure as hell knew what it was. "Me goodness..." He said quietly to himself almost disturbed. He looked over to Sol's friend. "We better get into the den" He muttered as he gave a quick glance over to his owner before he started to push Flame with his front paws trying to get her to wake up "hint hint, nudge nudge, kick in the shins. I recommend sleeping in the den at the moment" He mewed quietly. "Now-ish would be nice." He said trying to wake flame up before he led the way into the den. "I'm going to be sick" said winced.
Mimi snuggled up to Sol a bit giving his cheek a quick lick. "Yes?" She asked looking into his eyes and probably pulling off some puppy face of some sort. Soon one thing led to another and the two of them thought it was a good idea. More or less Solaris was probably getting is long awaited reward for saving Mimi's ungrateful tail many times...
~random interruption~
"We are Rescue Team Rangs!" Wits announced proudly as he hoped up to the bulletin board. Looking at all the listings of those who needed rescuing. "We are the best of the best and will to the rescue mission no matter no dangerous and..." He was interrupted by his owner. He starts to hum random theme music.
Hinakura hissed looking at her pet rabbit and rescue Team partner. "Must you do this every time where going to start a rescue mission" Wits nodded happily then was ruddy kicked by his owner into the wall.
Wits stumbled onto two "I'm alright..." He said recovering quickly from his owners attack.
~Back to the topic~
Time and Flame where safe inside the den while Sol and Mimi did who knows what out there but Time had a good idea from the smell of things. Mimi was snuggled up with Sol her ears relaxed a bit now. The past event and been enjoyable but now it was said and done. She smiled giving Sol's cheek a quick lick.
Sol breathed in Mimi's scent, made sharp by their recent... Activity. Nuzzling against her, he sighed contentedly. This was all he needed in his life. Just her sweet scent and the feeling of being free. Gone were the days of his being an outcast, thinking himself less than dirt. Now he knew the reality of his life, the fact that only he defined whether he was dirt or not. Now that he had a mate and a home he could call his own, coupled with the prospect of cubs, he felt like a king. Though he'd have to wait for a while before he was sure on the cubs. Running a paw through his hair, he wrapped an arm around her protectively. Nobody would hurt her. And, should by some weird, ungodly chance someone did, they would wish he'd killed them. He knew of fates much worse than death that he could inflict upon someone. The removal of certain vital male parts and the infection of the wounds often left someone wishing they'd never messed up like they did. His ears took in every tiny noise, and because of that he knew nothing around them could possibly hurt them. At least, not right now. He could also almost FEEL Time's disgust. He almost laughed, and would have if he hadn't wanted to disturb the vixen, in both terms of the word, beside him. Eventually, however, his instinct took over. He had to move, whether he liked it or not. The longer he stayed still, the harder an icy grip tightened on his heart and soul. He had to get moving. If he didn't he felt like he'd suffocate.
Murmuring an apology in Mimi's ear, he slowly, carefully, extricated himself from her and retrieved his things. Soon he was back in his comfy jeans and leather flight jacket. Flipping the collar up out of habit, her set out on a small patrol. He wasn't going to stray very far from Mimi. Not now. He investigated everything he didn't recognize thoroughly before moving on and investigating the next item. Despite how careful he was, he only took about five minutes. Then he was back with Mimi. Sitting beside her, he tickled her nose with his tail. "Are you asleep...?" He smiled a smile only he could pull off. Well, him and his brother, if you were specific.
Mimi began to look back to the past, she wondered if she made the right decision. Time and time again she had found someone but in the end they only had interest in her body not who she was at all. Most of them left quickly like she was some child's toy that grew boring after a while. Yet she didn't have that feeling Sol would leave like she did with everyone else, she felt hopeful this time. She pushed the thoughts aside, She was Sol's mate. Yet another thought came to her mind... what the hell would her parents say! They probably wouldn't scold her but just a bunch of embarrassing things that parents yowled about to others. Mimi smirked at the thought, she probably wouldn't be seeing them anytime soon anyways. She yawned was curled up into a ball her ears flickered.
Mimi decided to get dressed herself. Besides who knew what would happen if Time saw her showing a little more fur then she should be showing . Well if anyone saw for that matter, luckily with the tall grass around here she was safely hidden. She was once more wearing her blue t-shirt and black skirt from before. Yawning she resting her head on her front paws. She closed her eyes deciding a couple minuets rest wouldn't hurt. She couldn't have fallen asleep like she could have in the city knowing she could just go to the local market and get her food there and not have to worry about the dangers outside city walls. Yet she realized at the same time she was glad she left the city. Even if it made life easy and it offered some form or protection. Being a city fox made her realize she wasn't living life, but following it. Now that she looked back on it she remembered she didn't want to have anything to do with Solaris when she first met him, and now they where mates.
Mimi looked up to Sol her nose twitched. "I wasn't sleeping... just resting my eyes." She smirked sitting up straight. Her ears flickered with some since of pride. Not that she knew if she would be having cubs. Time might, but he wouldn't tell her that. She nuzzled his shoulder as she glanced over to the den wondering what Time was doing but she had a good idea. That cat was always sleeping.
Time was asleep like Mimi had guessed. He wouldn't question Mimi's choice, he might taunt her about it but he couldn't tell her how to run her life.
Mimi's ears twitched again "So what happened to your brother?" She asked wondering if Sol had killed him or scared him off again.
Mimi waited for his answer before she nodded. "I'm starving... so I'm going to go see if I can catch something." She smirked giving his cheek a quick lick. "Besides your having too much fun" Not that it was a bad thing but she wanted to do something besides sit and watch Sol do all the work. It wasn't any fun waiting for him at times. "Could you make sure Flames, ok? I can't heal wounds like you, so I might have messed up on something..." Well the most she could to was clean it up and slap a bandage on it. She never learned magic or had powers. She relied on tooth and claw to make ends meet. "I'll be fine on my own I don't need to be watched every second" She said jokingly, nuzzling against him before she left running on fours. She never really hunted for her own food, but she was sure it was the same as a Battle Royal. Be quiet and quick. Once she was about a mile and a half from the den she stopped to sniff the air, wounding if anything was around. She had reached a part of the highlands that had more trees and other coverage so she thought pray might be hiding around here. She smelled something but she wasn't sure what it was but she followed it anyways, it might be food. She stopped not smelling something else. "Human?" She pushed it aside and followed what she had been sniffing earlier.
Soon she saw what she had smelled, it was a young deer. Maybe a month or two old. She lowered herself to the ground trying to be as quiet as possible slowly inching her way to the deer before be stepped on a dead dried up leaf. The deer leaped away but Mimi was faster as she bolted after the deer and tackled it. She caught it and made a quick kill but her Landing wasn't so graceful. As she stumbled on her paws trying to keep her balance but seconds later something swept her right off her paws and into the air. She growled dropping the deer. It took her a second to realize she was in a net. She tried to find a way out of the trap before she called her mate to help her. That's if he could even hear her. She was so far away, what if he couldn't hear her? She stopped hearing voices coming her way.
"I think we caught something!" She heard one of them call out. The next thing she knew there was a group of humans around her. "I thought we killed her a week ago!" Growled one of the humans looking over to another next to him. "I thought you said that wave spell would kill her!" The human that had been scolded replied. "Uhh we can finish her off here?"
Mimi yelped for help remembering what happened a week ago. "Sol! Sol! Help!" She called out as she tried to dig at the rope, but her paws weren't strong enough to rip it apart so she tried biting at the rope instead.
The human nodded. "Lets take her back to camp. So we don't make any mistakes this time."
Time woke up getting an idea Mimi was in trouble, he felt it. "Where's Mimi?" He asked aloud a bit desperate.
Sol was just standing up to stretch again when his ears pricked. He could feel more than hear Mimi's call for help. He caught the scent of humans on the wind. And fear. Mimi's fear-scent. He stood very still for a moment as a change came over him. He hardly noticed time as his golden fur began to glow and his eyes went from crystal-blue to hard gold in a matter of seconds. Power was released from his essence in waves. When the transformation ended later, he would be exhausted, but right now, Second Sun was driving him. It had made Mimi a target: A target he had to protect. And with her in danger, it went into overdrive. His fur bristled, and a snarl wrenched it's way from his throat. His claws extended a full inch from his fingers, and the air around him crackled with energy. His first step took him only a foot from where he was. But the next shot him through the forest at speeds only a madman would attempt to match. The trees were brown-and-green blurs in his gold-tinted vision, and the only thing that mattered was saving Mimi. He came into a clearing filled with restless spirits. They took the form of decayed bodies and half-clothed skelitons. He hardly noticed the orbs of energy in his hand. He didn't notice obliterating the carcassess and cremating the bones. He didn't notice standing there for a full minute, laughing at the distruction. He only noticed that he'd now re-entered the forest and was running full-tilt in the direction he senced Mimi. As he ran, trees grabbed his arms, tearing clothes and flesh. Blood began to ooze from the numerous cuts. "Solar Rays" Sol said, the magic words setting his healing cells into hyperdrive. He was healed in an instant. He soon came to what seemed to be a human guard post. He never realized he'd demolished the building. He was too focused on finding Mimi.
~Point of view of mysterious cloaked figure~
Watching as the fox ran through the woods, bloodthirsty and ready to kill anyone who got between him and his mate, the Mercenary sighed. Solaris was really in love with Mimi. Just as he himself had been when they met in the arctic range. It had been a while, but the Merc remembered it.
Which was why it was so horrible that she was his new target. He had to kill her and recapture some experiment. Whatever that meant. Shaking his head, the Merc jumped from the tree, landing on the ground without a noise. His combat fatigues made hardly a whisper, especially considering the fox mere yards away. Standing up, the figure brought a sniper out from under his cloak. He'd been given very strict instructions: Kill mimi and recapture the AWOL experiment. He would be paid handsomely for this. That is, IF he went through with it. Walking towards his sniping Position, Lt. Wolfe wondered what would happen should he not be able to kill Mimi.
~Back to Sol~
Sol was nearing the human camp. Busting through a final wall of trees and other foliage, Sol came to a stop. Several humans, all lightly armed, looked up from their tasks. Sol looked at them with cold eyes as he drew his guns. The gunshots echoed through the forest as he walked through the camp, every shot finding soft, flabby flesh or hard, solid bone. And everything in between/ As he neared the center, his eyes fell on Mimi. She looked OK, maybe a little beat up; It was hard to tell from here. Raising his guns, he silently took aim. Then he spoke, every word compressing the air around him. Luckily he had little to say. "Let. Her. Go. Or. Else." Those five words carried the threat of death, the promise of life, and extreme pity, all at once.