If From Where You're Standing...
#10 of Close Combat
Solaris sighed. His brother had left, leaving him alone. His body was covered in cuts from debris, and a cut on his forehead oozed into his eye, forcing him to keep it closed. His body ached all over, and he just wanted to sleep. He stumbled to the entrance of the den, getting down on all four to crawl in. But he only made it halfway. With a soft groan he fell on his side, darkness closing in on him. He looked into the den, just a little ways away. "Mi....Mi...." He groaned, then passed out.
The sound of something liquid dripping brought Solaris around, hands going to his guns. His eyes searched the area, but he couldn't see anything. Just a vast expanse of nothing, highlighted by emptiness and deepened by absolutely nothing. Sol blinked as something warm and wet landed on his nose. Touching it, he brought his hand away. Blood. Solaris looked up and yelped. Above him, hanging from his ankles, was Sol himself, body covered in cuts and gashes, eyes wide open and empty. Sol fell on his arse and scurried back, staring up at himself.
Sol groaned as he slowly came to. What was with that dream?
Mimi let out sigh, well at least it wasn't his brother coming down into the den. She quickly padded over to him and licked his cheek a few times before dragging him back into the hallow. She noticed he was a mess and covered in cuts. She started to lick the cuts on his face, well it was better to get them clean.
Time curled up and fell asleep. He was done for tonight, it seemed that noting horrible would happen Well that other fox seemed to be gone, so he felt he could relax a bit.
Mimi had finished cleaning his face. Her ears flickered, well blood and dirt doesn't taste all that great. Well now wasn't the time to complain, she could get that taste out latter, She started to lick his ears, she stopped once she finished clean up his left ear. She yawned as she padded out of the den and towards the river. She lapped at the water, much like any animal. She returned about a minute later. She curled up besides Sol, she didn't know why, she should have been cleaning him up but she just wanted to lie there. She felt it was her fault. Maybe if she had stayed in the den and not had gone out to fool around in the river, none of this would have happened.
Solaris sighed, sitting up VERY slowly. His muscles were already stiff. Cringing, he drew on the little energy he had left and shuddered. "Healing rays..." Light coming in from the entrance bent, wrapping around him and healing his wounds. He sighed and smiled, despite the feeling of having no strength at all. He fell on his back, cringing at the pain that hit him from every muscle in his back. He turned his head and looked at Mimi. Smiling, he kissed her forehead. "Thanks." He whispered, unable to speak at normal volume. He wanted to hold her, but his muscles wouldn't respond. He took a few breaths before speaking again. "It wasn't your fault..." He said, smiling. "He'd have found us one way or another. We got lucky. We were outside, so I managed to fight him off. If we'd been in here we'd have been sitting ducks." He sighed, looking up at the ceiling. "Besides, you had fun, didn't you?" He chuckled, keeping the pain from his voice. "I know I did. Up until Siralos arrived, that is." He pushed himself to the limit, he crawled so that he could curl up next to her. "Don't worry. I'll be fine by tomorrow. I just.... Need some rest......" He sighed, letting his eyes close. The last thing he could scent was Mimi, his head right next to her neck.
Mimi smiled; well at least he felt he wasn't blaming her for what had happened. She licked his cheek and murred lightly. "Yea, I had fun out there..." She yawned, her ears flickered "Well before your brother came" Her ears lopped a bit before relaxing. She wondered how much longer there luck would stay. Siralos might win the fight one day. "Got to make a truce with that fox" She smirked licking his cheek.
Well thinking about it wasn't making Mimi any happier. She pushed the thought aside and closed her eyes, she didn't open them, she had fallen asleep, even if Mimi didn't raise a paw. She was tired. Time had fallen asleep shortly afterwards. He slept closer to the entrance.
Mimi's dream started with the boy throwing the stick, when he threw it the stick kept going through the air, farther and farther away. The stick hand landed in a deserted part of Daidem. Mimi picked up the stick before she stopped to look around. She had been here before. It wasn't a pleasant visit either. She had been kidnapped by a powerful gang of Elf's. Back then she had killed the leader while she was in a pit fighting match. She padded into one of the main building. She saw the group sitting around a large table. They where talking, but what was it about?
"It seems that vixen has let the city." Said one of the elf's. He was rather small for an elf.
"Will find her... and will kill her" Said another, he was sitting in a large chair. He looked like the new leader. He was surrounded by beautiful woman and gold, unlike the others.
Mimi's dream quickly shifted. She was in another part of Daidem, it was a wealthy part of the city, she was standing in front of a large building. It was a important company but that people didn't know was that this company had been going illegal busyness for years. Mimi had turned a high ranking member of this company into something useless. He wasn't dead, just in a sleep that would last forever. She padded into the building.
"The BloodBlack Elf's are planning on hunting down that fox, should be partner up with them?" She didn't see the people talking as she hid behind a wall.
"No the BlackBlood Elf's cheat and lie. They would steal are money if we work with them..."
Once more Mimi's dream shifted into another part of Daidem. Gangs, company's, and the mafia. People who she had caused trouble with, They were planning of killing her. Well it was a dream it couldn't be real
Mimi woke up and by now the sun was up again. Mimi yawned as looking around the den, she didn't get up yet, she wanted to relax a bit. Mimi snuggled up to Sol a bit before she padded outside carefully. It seemed like no one was around so she padded over to the river to get a drink, but they way she had padded over to the river was obvious that she was worried about something, Well mostly the events yesterday. She was walking on fours, head low, ears lopped, and her tail dragged along the ground. She wondered if going with Sol was the right thing. Maybe leaving him would mean less trouble would come sols way. She didn't want to leave him but if it would bring something better in his life she would go. "What am I thinking... quit being a fool of a vixen. He wouldn't ask me to leave..." She laughed weakly. Well he said he wouldn't leave her back at the city, she would take his word for it.
Mimi washed her paws in the river she saw some fish bones left by Time. "Could have saved some for us..." She muttered as she looked back to the den her ears picked up. She had to get these negative thoughts out of her head. She wouldn't leave Sol, not in a million years. If she could live for a million years. Well it as time they make a move... not that kind... but they needed to find away to stop Sols brother. Mimi quickly padded over to the den. "Solaris, uhh your parents, they might know something about this? Maybe we should go to them for help, I'm sure they know you better then I do." She told him as she was half way though the tunnel. She didn't even know if he was awake yet. She guessed if he was asleep he was probably awake because of her loud muzzle.
She sat down by the entrance. She looked over to Time then back to Sol. "Besides they can't be that bad." She smirked as she got up onto fours and padded over to him, licking his cheek. "Besides I think you have to deal with some embracement also" She said referring to what had happened when she had stopped by to see her parents. She did want to get back at some needed embarrassing revenge. Maybe push his button, or try to. Heck why wait to push his buttons.
She nibbled on his ear a bit murring lightly. "Besides your brother might be back here any day, we should be heading out soon, when your ready... well if you ant to." She snuggled up to him a bit more. Then tugged on his ear. Well she would like to see his side of the family. She wrapped her tail around.
Time shook his head. "Glad mating season doesn't start for a while" He muttered as he padded out of the den. He looked around wondering what had happened to that other fox. Well now that he thought about it, that fox did look like Sol. Well this was the first time meeting this other fox. "I have a bad feeling about everything" He complained.
Solaris yawned and sat up when Mimi left. He cringed when Mimi suggested going to his parents. "What parents...?" he muttered sourly. For the first time he was actually mad at Mimi. And he didn't know why. Why? "I never knew my parents. I told you that back in the forest. Should have listened when I told you." He sighed, standing slowly. "I'll say it again. I never knew my parents. My earliest memory was of escaping from some building. A lot of explosions, lights flashing around me. A wall was blown in at me, so I ran out it. Eventually a human found me and adopted me. He was an ass, and he was pretty much planning on selling me as a slave when I was older. Up until he found me I think I had a tag bracelet on my arm, but he took it. I don't know. And I feel like I'm older than I am, you know? Like I'm more than one-hundred, not twenty-two." He paused, biting his lip to hold back tears. "I could be some experiment for all I know! Just some failed experiment that needs to be taken out. Exterminated like just some pest. A wild animal who doesn't know his past." His body tensed and the faint aura of his energy flared. He walked to the entrance, pausing long enough to punch the wall as hard as he could. He heard his knuckles break, or more precisely shatter, and he pulled his mangled, bloody hand from the foot-deep hole his fist had drilled. "Healing rays." Rays of light wrapped around his hand, healing it. He glared at his hand briefly before walking back to Mimi. "I'm sorry. I just..... I don't really like remembering that, aside from my alter-ego gone brother, I have absolutely no family." He kissed her and licked her cheek before walking outside. He sighed. "I'm.... Just a freak."
Mimi's ears lopped, well she didn't like him back at the Battle Royal so she didn't listen to half the stuff he had told her. Even when she did start to warm up to him she was to bust goofing off trying to get his attention or busy being scared of a harmless mouse. Well Mimi was lucky, she still had her parents. Many hated her for it. Once the scolding had ending her ears picked up again.
Time looked at Sol. He was already outside so he heard Sol's last comment. "Yes, you are" Time muttered. Well reinsuring what Sol said probably wasn't helpful. Time looked at Sol. He really wasn't paying much attention to what they where talking about in the den. "So you broke up with her or something?" He asked but he saw his owner surface from the den. He guessed the answer was a no.
Mimi looked at Sol, her ears lopped. "Sol you're not a freak..." She gave a quick and harsh glare at Time. Then her attention went back to Sol. "You shouldn't think like that because you're not a freak." She said wrapping her arms around him along with her tail. Nuzzling up to him a bit.
"Yea but you're her freak" He muttered quietly to himself. He shook his head and added a rolling of the eyes. He made his way back into the den "I leave you two alone for your cuddle moment and you just have to follow me around!" He hissed making himself comfortable back inside the den. Time stayed inside the den for about thirty seconds before coming back out. He didn't feel like sleeping or relaxing at the moment.
Time padded over to the river getting a smell drink, yes even if Time was a flaming cat he did drink water. Once he took a few laps of water he stared at the water for about ten seconds before swiping his front paw at the water. The water hissed as he touched it. As he brought his paw up a fish came flying out. Landing on dry land. The fish attempted to flop back to the river but Time grabbed the fish with his muzzle and took a bite.
Mimi made a quick glance at Time. Just to see what he was up to. Her attention quickly went back to Solaris. She licked his cheek and smiled. Her ears picked up. She didn't want to look unhappy. She felt bad that Sol never knew his parents. Well she ever knew how it felt because her parents were still alive. "We'll find out about your past." She nibbled his right ear. "Well, if you want to." She added. She wasn't going to force him to do anything. Besides uncovering memories wasn't as easy as it looked, but it was worth a try.
Time finished eating his fish he wasn't really paying attention to what his owner was saying. He yawned as he padded back inside the den. After eating he wanted to relax for a bit.
Mimi tugged on his ear a bit, and then stopped to speak. "Well what do you want to do today? I'm all ears" She said her ears flickered.
Solaris hardly heard her question. Now that he thought about it, he COULD remember a bit. And if he really concentrated, he could... He gasped, eyes going wide. He clutched his skull as pain lanced through it, bringing with it a flood of memories...
His brother mewled pathetically, lying on his side nearby. Solaris crawled to him, unable to stand due to something the people made him eat. He lay down next to his brother, sharing his warmth. A faint laugh echoed out. His brother slowly stopped mewling, his body jerking ever so slightly. Then he was still. Solaris nudged him, and felt his body getting cold. Solaris recoiled, eyes wide with fear. Nearby his other brother growled lightly. Solaris looked up as his brother, who was dark gold instead of light, with crimson eyes, dug his fingers into the concrete. Soon his fingers were at least two inches under when he coughed, ruby blood spattering against the floor. Then he collapsed on his side, eyes closed. Solaris felt something cold rush through him, but that was it. He was alone. Someone had taken his sister, and his two brothers were dead now...
Solaris struggled madly against the humans. They chuckled as the pushed another needle into his arm. This was the eighth injection he'd gotten in fifteen minutes. But this one was special. It was what he'd been captured for. "Second Sun is now in production." One said, laughing. Another popped a cork on a bottle. Solaris lay on the table, eyes wide as the injection burned through his body. Every inch of him was on fire, especially his heart. He growled suddenly, sitting up. Everyone stopped and stared at him as his body glowed. He stood and looked at them all, his eyes turned yellow. The room shuddered as his energy increased ten fold, a hundred fold. "Oh hell!" The one who had injected him stumbled to the door. "This is going to be worse than the Second Wind..."
Solaris groaned, his fingers relaxing at last. His body shook, the pain from all those years ago suddenly back. "Second......Sun......."
Mimi was worried that she said something wrong at first, lie she said some unknown magic word and it caused Sol to go into a state of pain. She didn't leave his side as she snuggled up to him. Well no one said getting back memories was a painless task.
Time heard something odd outside that was coming from Sol. He hurried outside to check on the two. "What the hell did you do Mimi?' He asked somewhat surprised to see Sol like this. "What did you do? Give him a stroke?" Time sounded a bit excited about the idea. Mimi just game him a glare and Time quickly kept his muzzle shut.
Mimi kept her tail around, she let out a sigh when Sol was back to normal. From the looks, even if he was shaking. She licked his cheek and nuzzled his arm glad that he wasn't dead. Her ears relaxed a bit. Only to pick up when he spoke. "Second Sun?" She asked licking his cheek.
Time shook his head. "and you just give him more attention. God I'm going to be sick..." He said sarcastically and went back into the den. Mimi was going to hit Time but she didn't want to leave Sol.
Mimi did her best to ignore Time. She was happy with Sol, she just wished he would except that. "What is it? Well the Second Sun?" she asked her ears flickered. "... your ok right?" She asked, she didn't give him time to the other question but she was worried that he was hurt
Solaris smiled weakly at Mimi, still shaking. "I'm fine... Just a bit shaken up..." He gulped down air and sighed. "Second Sun.... Is some kind of genetic enhancement, meant to enhance one's energy one-hundred fold, but only for a brief moment." He shuddered, his blue eyes on her. The shaking slowly stopped. Taking a deep breath, he smiled and licked her cheek gently. "Thanks..." He muttered, slumping down on the ground. "Hey, Time, I know you hear me." He said, speaking up loud enough to be heard. "I really don't care what kind of attitude you have, or how much you hate every guy on the face of the planet, I won't take it. I've told you once already, if you talk to me or about me or talk like that around me I'll shove my footpaw so far down your throat I'll be able to break your toes." He stood, walking in and looking at time. "You know as well as Mimi that I'm not the kind of person who says something but doesn't follow through. You're immortal, right? Good. You speak in that tone around me again and I'll tie you to the wall and let Siralos have some target practice. I'm truly, utterly and completely sick and tired of your mouth. One thing is keeping me from stringing you up like a fresh-caught fish, and that's Mimi. Feel however you want about it, but the love I feel for her is the thing keeping you from unimaginable pain."
He grunted, leaning against the wall and sighing. "Actually, I wish you had been with her when I first met her. Then maybe I could have curbed that attitude you insist on showing around everyone and anyone you don't like." He shook his head and pushed off the wall. "But love can only hold me back for so long. Because I'm going to be here for a while, maybe for the rest of my life if I don't end up hurting Mimi, that's physically or mentally so you know and before you say anything I'll say this: I wouldn't hurt Mimi if my life depended on it. Indirect pain is what I'm talking about. You know, Siralos, some enemies I may gain, etcetera. I'm going to be here a while, and I'll be ready to knock you through however much hard packed earth this den is made of and make sure you leave this planet's atmosphere. Am I understand, you fire puff piece of burning crap?" He looked at the cat, eyes suddenly looking tired and cold.
Time listened to what Sol had to say. Well his speech was convincing, he didn't like the threats but at least this guy had the guts to speak to him like that. He yawned when Sol had finished. "Fine, fine, whatever" He said as he curled up, his tail crackled. "But if I'm that useless, then when Mimi's in trouble and you can't find her, don't come crawling to me." He said then closed his eyes. Time knew where Mimi was at all times so when she was in trouble he could find her within seconds.
Mimi smirked as she licked his cheek "Don't worry about him, he's been a stick in the mud for a while" she learned how to deal with Time. She did get mad a Time every now and then but Time proved to be useful. Well sometimes.
Mimi decided to change the topic. "Second Sun... sounds like something that happened to my friend, but she was a part of the SecondWind project. It turned her into a weapon..." She thought about it, that cabbit was the only one who managed to escape. From what she was told was that the SecondWind project was failed in the end. Well Mimi didn't know that she also had the SecondWind in her. Unlike her cabbit friend, she didn't need to worry about the weapon activating at the extreme levels. For her it was dormant. "Well even if you are a weapon. I don't care. I still love you." She told him and smiled. Snuggling him his murring lightly.
Solaris cracked his knuckles and was about to draw his knife when Mimi spoke. He smiled and hugged her, knowing that anything not cold and heartless disgusted the cat. But that only made up a fraction of his many reasons for hugging her. The topmost reason on his list was he just wanted to be close to her. He hadn't been making up the threats, but for now it was best not to try anything. Mimi was really starting to trust him, and he really didn't want to mess that up. He looked around and blinked, thinking for a moment. Food. They needed enough food to last them a few days. This, unfortunately, included the miniature black hole of a cat. He nuzzled Mimi and whispered, "I'm going to go hunt." He looked into her eyes for a moment before releasing her from his embrace and climbing out. "I'll be back as soon as I can. And before you say anything, kitten, I'm not going to leave. Just wanted to make that clear before I go and can't defend myself." He climbed out and walked swiftly through the grass.
It took almost six hours, but he had finally been satisfied that they'd be good as far as food went. It was almost dark, which disturbed him more than he would let on. Grunting, Sol shifted the weight that dug into his shoulders. He'd managed to turn some inner tree bark into makeshift rope, and now used it to drag the three deer he'd managed to take down. In his hands were four rabbits and a quail. He shifted the weight again and sighed. Mimi probably thought he'd abandoned her. The cat wouldn't help out. In his pocket was a bunch of seeds for herbs and a bit of wheat and such. What? Just because he COULD live off of meat alone didn't mean he WANTED to. Grunting, he dropped the deer and rabbits outside the burrow and fell/rolled into the den.
Mimi would trust him even if every guy she had been with told her they would come back and never did. Mimi sat outside waiting for about an hour before she went back into the den to take a nap. Time was still asleep when she went inside. She wondered if it was even possible to sleep as much as Time did. She had the same dream. Her playing fetch with a boy, nothing new but at least it wasn't a nightmare.
She slept for about three hours before waking up. She yawned and looked around the den but only say her bag, blankets, and Time's flaming butt. She let out a sigh as she crawled out from the den to see if Sol was with in sight but she couldn't see him. She sat down and waited for about thirty minuets before padding over to the river to get a drink.
She went back into the den and changed into her juka, she didn't put on her belt. She brought her staff out with her. First she stretched out for safety reasons. Then got into a horse stance and threw punches and kicks. Even if she was just hitting the air, it was something most people don't want to be hit by. Next she grabbed her staff and did a quick kata. After practicing for a little less then an hour she went back inside to and dressed back into her normal clothes.
She took a short nap but woke up when Sol came back. She smiled, for once someone came back that they said they would. She got onto four and padded over to him. She curled up beside him murring lightly. "You came back" She said snuggling him a bit. She licked his cheek before continuing. "So what did you catch?" She asked. She didn't ccare if he had been gone for a while he came back and she was happy.
Sol smiled as he curled up right there in front of the entrance. It was more a protective move than anything else. He wrapped his tail around hers and sighed contentedly before speaking. "Sorry I was gone so long. I couldn't satisfy myself that I had enough meat. Anyway, I got three deer and a couple of rabbits. Oh, and seeds." he dug into his pocket and pulled out the numerous seeds. Then, with a sigh, he stretched out, hearing his back pop. Sighing, he curled back up, laying his head right beside hers. He nuzzled her and smiled. "I told you I would come back, didn't I?" He let out another content sigh before finishing. "You should know by now that I don't go back on my word." He licked her forehead lovingly and slowly slipped towards sleep. "Especially when my promise is to you..." He murmured. He smiled faintly as his vision was cut, throwing him into relative darkness. To anyone not watching or listening carefully, he was fast asleep. This, in a sense, was true. He was asleep in the way that most control had been shut down and he was resting, but his mind was wide awake, listening to his surroundings on a constant search for trouble. He slowly mulled over the happenings of the day. He'd managed to remember a little more about himself, and he'd got that much closer to Mimi. He was just a little surprised that she didn't fully expect him to come back. Why would anyone leave her? She was perfect in every way that counted. Someone would have to be crazy not to like her. Shrugging it off, he took a deep breath, breathing in her scent. It was so intoxicating just being close to her.
Mimi didn't get to eat rabbit often. Mainly because her best friend was a rabbit. Sure Wits was gay, but the last time she got her muzzle on a rabbit Wits wouldn't talk to her for weeks. Well it's not like Wits would find out. Wits lived just outside of Diadem, she doubt he was watching her making sure she didn't eat any rabbits... then again this was Wits, and Wits was once odd rabbit.
Mimi loved the attention she got from Sol. She closed her eyes as she snuggled up to Sol, nibbling on his ear. She was glad that she could trust him. He came back like he said he would. She stopped chewing on his ears to speak. "I'm sorry I didn't trust you completely, I've just had a lot of bad luck in the past." She muttered her ears lopped for a second then picked up. Well hopeful Sol wouldn't leave like the others did.
Mimi went back to nibbling on his ear, tugging on it a bit. Time yawned opening his right eye to see what all the racket was about. He saw his owner and Sol, snuggling, cuddling, and nibbling ears. He didn't say anything, he was ok with Sol, he didn't seem like the kind of fur that wanted Mimi for her body but he was still short tempered. Time yawned closing his right eye going back to sleep.
Mimi smirked tugging on his ear once more. She might be considered an adult because of her age but she felt she was still felt like she wasn't grown up yet. She growled playfully as she placed a front paw on the his ear which she was still nibbling on.
Solaris smiled as she played with his ear. He opened one eye long enough to look at her then closed it again. He murred and slipped back into his sleep, everything both in sharp focus and in a haze. He slowly drifted into a real, deep sleep. Then it happened. An arrow hissed down the passage, its destination clear. Sol lifted himself up a fraction of an inch, and the arrow thudded into his shoulder. His eyes snapped open and he yelped. The arrow protruded from the other side, sending a spatter of blood onto Mimi. Sol stayed like this for a moment, in shock. Then he began to glow, his eyes turning gold. Reaching up, he gripped the arrow and yanked it out, throwing it over somewhere near time, embedding it point-first into the wall. He climbed slowly out of the den, the glow growing stronger until he exited. He stood straight, amazed to see a group of archers surrounded by a group of knights. At this point, however, he didn't care. He was long gone, his body well out of control. This had only occurred once, and though nobody was injured it had been a real scare. But now the people who had caused his transformation had not only hurt him, they had attempted to hurt Mimi, the person he loved. He drew his guns, raising them and releasing a torrent of lead. Two knights and an archer fell, and Sol discarded his weapons. He rushed forward, his hand reaching out and drawing one of the dead knights' swords. He brought the blade up, cutting an archer in half and sending an arc of blood through the air. He didn't notice the blood that now soaked his right arm from his wound, nor did he notice the arc of blood that soaked his chest from the archer. He noticed only those in front of him, and they had made a horrible mistake. He swung around, beheading a knight. The knight to the first one's right blocked the swing that would have, quite literally, disarmed him. Sol swung in a complete circle, bringing the blade in for a second strike. The knight blocked this one with his shield, which received a deep dent and a gash from the strike.
Solaris ducked a strike and swung his blade upward, point up. It pierced the armor on his body, front and back, and came out blood red. Sol raised his hand, grabbing an arrow as it flew and breaking it in half. Sol looked up slowly, his gold eyes dark with hatred and rage. This was unlike Mimi's rage, where she lost all control. He had complete control. But just unlike Mimi he had received a full dose of Second Sun, her dose of Second Wind only a fraction of what he had coursing through his veins and embedded in his very being. He sneered darkly, taking a step forward, and then disappeared. The archer looked around in confusion, not realizing that Sol was behind him, an orb of pure energy in his hand. He thrust his hand forward and the archers head was replaced with the orb before it exploded. Sol disappeared in the blast, reappearing only a second later with his sword embedded in the last knight's chest. He grinned, bloodlust evident on his face. He swung his sword through the man's body, sending a fountain of blood onto Sol. He walked forward, a dark smile on his face. The three remaining archers, all female, turned and tried to run, only to find Sol in front of them. He swung his blade, decapitating the leader. Then he thrust, piercing the next in line's heart and wounding the last in one strike. Pulling out, he ignored the blood that now soaked his fur and swung the blade, cutting the last archer in half at the waist. Solaris stood, his golden fur dyed red with blood. His golden eyes surveyed the scene of carnage in front of him before he dropped the sword. He retrieved his guns, holstering them, and walked to the entrance of the den. He slid down it, not showing the weakness he felt from blood loss. He reached the bottom and looked at Mimi, then time. Then his eyes returned to their ice blue color before he fell to the ground, unable to keep awake. His blood began to pool on the ground.
Mimi watched Sol leave the den, her ears lopped. She quickly cleaned up the blood that got onto her fur. She didn't leave the den, she stayed put curled up. She felt going up to see what was happening might be something she didn't want to see, especially if it was Sol getting beaten up out there. She thought about it then relized that she couldn't let Sol get killed out there.
She got up onto fours and took a paw step towards the entrance but Time stopped her. "I'm not going to let you get hurt" He muttered. Something didn't smell right up there. Mimi tried to get pass Time but getting though a wall of fire is hard. Mimi did to listen to time after a couple seconds of trying to get pass.
Mimi let out a sigh and sat down about a tail length from the entrance. She hated being some damsel in distress. Well she just as well get use to it. She let out a sigh keeping her eyes locked on the tunnel, hoping that it was Sol that would be coming in and not someone else. She was sure she could defend herself.
Mimi let out a sigh or relief to see Sol come into the den She noticed his eyes where a different color, it was only for a second that she had noticed it. She guessed she might have been seeing things because his eyes where back to the normal icy blue she was use to seeing. Mimi quickly padded over to his side when he was down on the ground. "Can't you keep your fur clean for more then a day" She said quietly to herself. She wasn't trying to be rude.
She licked his cheek, then sniffed him to make sure he was still alive. She tried to sniff out any wounds but his blood socked fur was covered in different scents and it was difficult to smell out any cuts he might have. Sure he could just heal himself but she didn't know how long he was going to be out so it was better to clean them out now. If he has any. She knew he had been hit on the shoulder before those trespassers stopped by to ruin the fun.
She laid her tail over him not realizing that she was getting her tail dirty. Well she didn't care about getting her tail dirty, she could clean it up later. She would drag him out and try to clean him up in the river but she wasn't strong enough. She knew one person... well animal that could do that. Wits, but he wouldn't be able to reach them. Wits might be a rabbit standing about a foot tall but he was no where near normal. Being able to pick up thing that weighted just as much as he did or jump into shadows. He was in interesting rabbit all in all.
She licked his shoulder until she found the gash. She wasn't fancy on the taste of blood but she would try to clean Sol up... again. She dragged him out of the pool of blood in the den. She moved him far enough to where he was on dry dirt. She looked back to the blankets she had left in the den. She got up and pickup up one of the blankets and spreader it across the floor. The blanket was a Dark Blue. She was able to drag Sol onto the blanket. She just wasn't able to drag him long distances well more like a couple feet... "You better not die" She said feeling like she was talking to herself.
She looked at her fur. I'm a mess... She thought looking at the blood on her fur. Well after touching a blood soaked fox she wasn't surprised. She quickly went back to clean him up. Licking his ears clean first then moved onto his face.
Time let out a sigh, just as well do something useful. "I'm going to stand guard outside. Make sure we don't get anymore unwanted guests." He yawned as he left the den and stood by the entrance only to see the Mess Sol made outside. 'Well this is a wonderful sight" He said sacristy. He looked to the sky and saw a good sized storm could coming there way. "Well at least the rain can clean the mess up." He muttered as he scanned the area. Making sure that no one was around.
Solaris was out for the first few seconds. But when she started licking his shoulder he came out of it in a snap. He bit back the yelp and just lay there, trying not to show her he was awake. He had no strength at all and wouldn't have been much use anyway. He cringed when she pulled him onto the blankets. He kept himself from sighing when she finally let him go. He kept himself from moving as she cleaned his ears and then his face. During a brief pause he licked his lips, which were dry. His eyes flashed open in surprise as, without meaning to as far as Sol could see, Mimi ran her tongue across his. He didn't know they were gold again. He would have sat bolt upright if he'd had the strength. Instead he just laid there, eyes on the top of the den. Right then he'd have loved to sink right into the dirt beneath the blanket. It was strange how a guy could face a demon from the underworld and hardly blink but was brought to his knees by a woman that he loves. He drew in a shaky breath, hoped Mimi would think it was the ordeal of moments ago that made it shaky, and sighed. It took a few moments for him to get his bearings on what all had happened. It had all been a blur to him. It took almost twice that long before he realized he was soaked with blood and had gotten her covered in it, too. He bit back a harsh laugh and struggled to sit up. His muscles screamed in protest, but he silenced them with two words. "Healing Rays..." He didn't have enough energy to heal his wound, but it would refresh his muscles, at least. He coughed, cringing at the pain it caused his throat, which he now realized was raw for some unknown reason. He didn't try to speak; it would have just been some high pitched squeaks and a garble, anyway. He was surprised he'd even got those two words out. Instead he looked at her and smiled, noticing a slight golden tint to everything. Weird.... Oh well. It wasn't much of a change.
Mimi stopped cleaning his face after the little incident. Her ears picked up a bit. Well Time wasn't there to see that accidental stunt that just happened. Which was probably a good thing, because knowing Time he would probably say Sol had it planned out. She would be blushing but she had fur to cover all that. "Sorry" She smiled sheepishly
She noticed his eyes where that gold color again at least I wasn't seeing things she thought to herself. "Why are you eyes gold?" She asked but guessed that he probably couldn't talk much. "Well answer later if you want" She added She snuggled him a bit before she nibbled his ear for a few seconds.
Time let out a sigh scanning the area. He saw nothing unusual unless a mouse was something to worry about. He yawned keeping his ears on alert for anything that could cause trouble. He wondered what Sol did to the victims. Well it was one giant mess. Sure he had seen worst but he knew a lot of energy went to making something like this.
Mimi went back to licking his face. She wanted to see the aftermath of what had happened outside but thought it was best not to. She guessed there where dead bodies but didn't expect to see a huge blood bath out there. She wounded who attacked. Maybe that dream she was true and people where making sure that she was a dead fur. "I wonder who would attack us." She said quietly as she finished cleaning his face. Her ears flickered. She smirked looking at his eyes. "Sol you don't have another brother, right?" She asked, it was more of a joke. She knew Sir looked just like Sol but he had different eye colors and darker fur. Seeing that his eyes weren't an icy blue at the moment. He smelled like Sol and she was sure this was Sol, even with the change of eye color.
She smirked lick his cheek. She did wish that people would leave them alone. Her ears relaxed, she was with Sol and that's all she needed. Well a clean pelt would be nice but she was happy.
Time noticed the rain storm was coming quicker then he thought. He quickly went back into the den to tell him owner. "Mimi it's going to rain soon"and it will probably clean up that mess Sol made he added to himself. Sat down by the entrance looking at his owner. He would just have to get use to this. He curled up and yawned. "I don't get enough sleep" He muttered as she closed his eyes.
Solaris hardly noticed Mimi after she asked about his eye color. He was absorbed in his own thoughts. He felt energy just below the surface now. Untapped, unstable and unbelievably powerful. He stood, drawing lightly on the energy to give him strength. "Healing rays." He muttered, and soon his muscles were at their maximum strength, his throat was normal, and his eyes flashing. He looked at the cat. "You get plenty of sleep you lazy slug." He sighed and walked outside, surveying the carnage. He smiled, looking down the tunnel. "Sleep as long as you want. Just remember if you mess with me you'll end up like them." He walked into the bloodbath, drawing the sword from the ground. He smiled, pulling more energy and channeling it into the sword. The etchings that had been invisible now glowed brilliantly, golden energy becoming like liquid gold as it filled the etchings. The complex series of lines were fluid and smooth as the energy became solid, fixing itself in the blade. It contrasted the blade, which had went from silver to black at the same time as the energy condensed. He looked at the den, then around him. Then he ripped open the small hole that let the energy out into his body. The sudden surge of power was visible as whipping tendrils of gold. His body convulsed, the energy making his whole body glow. He swung the sword around him in a circle; the energy released, carving a deep trough in the ground and obliterating the bodies. He took a light skip back, bringing the sword down with a loud explosion. The dust soon settled, revealing the long hole created by the released energy. Sol, meanwhile, was about 25 feet above. He no longer had control, Second Sun having taken control. But this time it was releasing built-up energy that could possibly badly hurt Sol in the future. The faint golden outline of wings sprouted from his back. His body pulsed with golden light, the shockwave forcing the whole area to shudder at the sudden compression. He brought the sword up near his head, blades facing towards and away from him. Then he entered a vertical dive, energy blossoming from the tip of his blade and forming a cone around him. He hit the ground at speeds he had never thought he'd achieve and burrowed down eight feet before his energy dispersed and he stopped. The earth around him exploded outwards, leaving him in a crater.
He stood, his eyes reverting to their icy blue color and all the energy dispersing immediately, aside from the energy that had condensed on the blade. He picked up a sheath that had survived the slaughter and apparently belonged to the sword and sheathed his sword. "I'll fill in the holes later." He called into the den, sitting beside the entrance as rain started to fall. He briefly wondered how he'd had enough energy to cause this. But he shrugged it off and looked into the sky.
Mimi let out a sigh when he left the den, she didn't follow him. She stayed inside curled up. She rested her head on her front paws. Her ears picked up a bit as she glanced at Time. At least the cat didn't say anything. She thought about the incident that happened when she was cleaning his face I hope he doesn't think I had that planed. She thought. Not that she didn't enjoy the moment. She shook the idea out of her head. She didn't want to think those thoughts.
Mimi's ears twitched, she wondered what Sol was doing up there. Seconds later some of the dirt crumbled away from the wall. She got onto fours and crawled out to the surface. She saw him sitting my the entrance. She smiled as her ears relaxed a bit, at least there wasn't another fight going on. "What are you up to?" She said deviously as she sat down next to him. She licked his check then nuzzled his shoulder. Her ears flickered feeling a few rain drops land on her. She loved the rain as long as thunder and lightning didn't come along. She hated loud noises, mainly because it annoyed her ears.
She scanned the aria, she didn't mind the dead bodies, hopefully the rain would wash them away. "You made a mess out here." She grinned slightly pressing her body weight against him trying to push him over. "but I don't think we need another den" She said referring to the holes he made outside.
Time yawned getting up. "Food" He muttered quietly. He left the den and was in ear shot about Mimi's second den comment "Yea I think we need another one, so you guys can yiff somewhere else." He laughed as he headed over to the river. It didn't take him long to catch a fish. He brought the fish back into the den. Time was the kind of cat that would hunt for himself, unless he had to get food for another. He devoured the fish he had caught fairly quickly. He came back out from the den again with the bones and dropped them into the river. Soon the rain was coming down fast and Time scurried back into the den
Mimi had a slight idea of pushing Time into the river but she didn't want to kill him... or piss Time off. So she thought it was best to leave him be, besides it seemed he was warming up to Sol, so she didn't want to give him a reason to have Sol again. At least the rain would clean up her fur, mostly. "Could dig up another den and trap Time down there" She laughed making sure that Time could hear her.
The clouds massed above, Mimi and Sol's heads, out from the sk. Huge raindrops pattered on the rocks and grass of the highlands, quickly growing to a steady downpour.
Mimi looked at seeing a flash of lightning in the sky. Which was followed a loud rumble. Mimi whimpered, she didn't like loud noises mainly because they bothered her ears and scared her. She snuggled up to Sol a bit. She found it odd how she liked the rain but didn't like lightning.
. A couple second passed before she pushed him away gently. She didn't want to be harsh. "I'm going to get a drink." She said padding over towards the river but went up stream a bit. Just incase the dead bodies had tainted the water she wanted to go up stream just incase.
Well Mimi was a wet fox at the moment and could easy have used her fur as a water source but she didn't fancy drinking the water that was soaked into her fur unless she had to. Once she found that she was far enough to where she could drink safely she lowered her head just enough to where her muzzle was just above the surface of the water. She began to lap the water much like a cat or dog would.
Her ears picked up hearing a rumbling. She guessed it could be the thunder, the loud downpour of the rain was blocked most of the sounds of an on coming wave of water coming down the river at a deadly fast speed. Mimi looked up just in time to see the giant wave. Well it was only 4 feet or so tall but it was tall enough to take Mimi is she didn't move her tail She quickly tried to turn around but the ground was slippery and she lost her footing or... pawing. Instead of helping herself she just made things worst. Her slip caused her to fall right into the river. She managed let out a quick yelp for help before the river took her. Normally the river was calm and the current never got bad but when it was raining 'cats and dogs' the river became violent. But it was normally safe to drink out of.
Mimi attempted to resurface the most she would do was get a paw out before she was force back under and getting a paw above the surface was difficult. She manage to get her muzzle above for a split second but instead of getting air the river force her back under and she got a mouth full of water that she had somewhat breather it in by accident. She also tried to force herself to land but she didn't have the energy after trying to surface.
While Mimi was still trying as hard as she could to resurface, the river carried her down stream. Well this just wasn't her lucky day.
Time hurried out of the den. "Mimi!" He growled looking around before running downstream at a speed that most people thought this lazy cat couldn't go. Unlike most he knew where Mimi was being tumbled around in the river, he didn't need a paw or a body part above water to find her. Now getting him in the water might be a different story. That stupid furball is dead, if my owner dies He thought to himself, referring to Sol as a furball. Time stopped after funning down stream for a couple of seconds. He looking around at the water woundering if he should just in. A loud hissing back from his tail as the downpour continued. If he couldn't get his owner out in the next minuet he would be forced to retreat. He looked up river as his eye seemed to be following a hidden Mimi.
((Bam. Here's some more! XD Long, this one, to make up for the shortness of the last.))