Drem Yol Lok
I have been trying to get this dragon to translate this hymn for me for WEEKS. Finally, I got the rest of the words out of him. I swear, it's like they know I'm just going to kill them and devour their soul as soon as their use to me is done.
Siiv drem ko faal lok
(Find peace in the sky)
Nii loost nid ag yol
(It hath no burning fire)
Rahgol sinak se strunmah
(Raging fingers of the mountain)
Strun tol kul vulon yuvon
(Storms that light the night in gold)
Nu hanu ko krah frulvokrein
(Now dreaming in cold clouds)
Nuz filok fod bah zul rein
(But escape when wrathful voice roars)
Zu draal smoliin aav onikaan
(I pray passion joins wisdom)
Rul mu grind wah yah fahdon
(When we meet to seek a friend)
Pruzah qolaas drem yol lok
(A good herald is peace in the sky's fire)