An Ire to Inspire
#10 of Poetry
This is what happens when a snowmew gets bored in his pursuit of inspiration it turns out
Enjoy ^^
I find myself sitting at my desk this Monday morning
But yet I find myself in near abject mourning
For within my agenda today I have chose to write a rhyme
But clearly this will take... some time
I could write on hope, purity, growth, intelligence or even courage
And maybe within these words I could aspire to encourage
Alas those who've read this far it is hard
And yet if It would be easy if I were a bard
I would search the lowest lows
In search of perfect prose
I would search the highest highs
In the hope my idea flies
However nary an idea springs to mind
I really am in something of a bind
But I am cheerful, joyful and happy
I should stop before this all gets too sappy