victory is the next best thing !

Story by Tsumesakamea on SoFurry


#29 of kingdom hearts

Jake: how did you-

Jack: first we got stop the Gunpowder, I'm not about to lose the ship

Sora: I still don't plan to trust pirates again

Tsume: me too

Jake: me 3

Jack: why is policy, lad

so with that jack's plan was to throw the bad suckers over board the ship before it blows to smithereens . as they made their way to the top of the ship they were stop by heartless sora,Donald and goofy did the fighting as tsume and Jake had to put out the 5 barrels before they explode, at the same time they had to fight the Heartless to get to it . As the battle was going on tsume and Jake was having trouble getting to the last barrel ,and with time it was cutting it close seeing there was so many heartless around them but they made it to the barrel just in time before it got to explode

Sora: all clear

Captain Jack Sparrow came up and started to stir the ship

Jack: that's the second time I had to watch that man sail away with my ship but I'll be having her back soon enough

Jake: did you ever thought of shooting him jack?

So once they got to rock face island they thought it would be best if Elizabeth stayed with the ship just so she won't get hurt, (but you know how girls are) she didn't want to go because she wanted to save will along with them. As sora promised her that he and the others will bring will back to her. They made their way into the cave mouth being blocked by heartless and pirates but they quickly got through and continued on deeper into the cave, then they came to the part of the cave that's called the moonlight nook and Barbossa was doing the ceremony again with will before he could continue sora and the others came running in

Sora: Ahoy! Treasure, mateys!

Barbossa: not possible

he said in surprise seeing them alive

Donald: not possible! we're alive in where pirates

Tsume: yeah and we're here to kick your booty

Jake: and steal some Treasure

Jack: captain Jack Sparrow

Sora: sora

Tsume: tsume

Donald: Donald Duck

Jake :jake

Goofy: goofy to

Barbossa: so you want to play pirates? best save the play acting for the nursery. After them!

some heartless and pirates came and attacked them but they easily took them out

Sora: no more play acting now

Then will run out to sora and the other's

Will: thank you, Sora

Tsume: not to be rude or anything but me and my bro saved you too you know

will: and thank you to tsume and jake

Goofy: uh, where's jack?

jake: dead

Tsume: jake!

As they turned and looked they saw jack sword fighting with Barbossa. Eh , why not let's just stand here and watch him . You have to admit it's a cool sword fight

Sora: jack, get him!

Jake: stab him in the heart!

Red: or in the stomach!

Tsume: cut off his vegetables!

Everyone looked at tsume in confusion for what she said and so did jack

Jack: huh?

A shock came to everyone as they saw Jack get hit

Barbossa: you're a fool, Jack Sparrow

As Jack backed up into the moonlight it was more shocking to see that he was a dead man to

Will: jack....

Tsume: Wow, go figure , red when did you get back ?

red: uhhhh , sorry I ran off

jake: wait you ran off , to were?!

red: (grins) aw, I didn't know you cared for me (hugs)

jake: get off me ! tsume help me , it's happening all over again!

tsume: were gone for a long time

red: dont worry about it tsume , im back (chuckles)

Barbossa: show yourself Pete the tide has changed

I don't even know where Pete came from because that sucker comes like a ghost and disappears like one to

Pete: see I told ya you'll be needing old pete

red: guys you need to -

red was cut off from a sharp pain as he fell to the floor

jake : red !

sora: whats going on ?

tsume: are you alright !

red: im fine , j-just stop the heartless

red glare up at pete as he saw him make a shh sound warning him Then he made a whistle sounds, everyone looked up they saw a chameleon heartless with glowing eyes and it was put quick on his feet . Everyone got into a fighting Stand as the lizard was now invisible and hard to see in the darkness, but I kinda wasnt considering when red told them to watch for the glowing eyes . They had to defeat Barbossa along with the heartless

Jake: its your turn fatty !

Yelled jake as he pointed his keyblade at pete making him back up scared

Pete: this ain't over !

Then Pete ran away ( I hate it when they run)

Back to the battle with jack and Barbossa , their battle was back on as jack drop his sword to change to a gun . Barbossa laughed at jack as he fired at him until will got his attention and saw him drop the coin into the treasure chest making him change into a human then Barbossa drop dead ( yay) later the group left the cave and red seems ok but tsume notice him acting a bit jumpy