A Journey in Hell - Chapter 1

Story by umbratenebris on SoFurry

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#2 of Draco's Past

So... uh... I wrote this last year, maybe a few days after I wrote the prologue. I guess I was hesitant in uploading this since I didn't get as many favorites in the prologue than I did my other stories (that's me being a drama queen =_=) but anyway, here it is. I'll just upload this before I go to bed. I may or may not be able to upload the next chapter tomorrow, depends on how inspired I am. G'night!

NOTE: It's really, REALLY late at night right now and I feel like sleeping so I got lazy in proof reading this. There might be errors there, i'm not sure so please bare with me.

"So, I'll be leaving soon, are you coming?" Brandon asked, the dragon standing up and brushing the dust off of his robes.

"Hold on, I just have to leave a letter behind so my brother won't come looking for me." Draco responded, the demon walked away and headed home. "If I'm going on a journey, I sure as heck don't want my brother to ruin my fun."

"But won't he be looking for you if he knew you have gone?" Brandon asked.

"We're all demons in the barren wasteland." Draco replied with coldness in his tone. "I'd be amazed if he actually cared for my safety. The only time he'll be looking for me is when I leave without his knowledge. He'd search the ends of the earth to find me and punish me."

"Wow," Brandon couldn't help but laugh at Draco's predicament. "that's some tough love."

"Hmph, you can barely call it love at all." The demon proceeded to make his way back home. "Stay here and wait for me, I'll be back."

Draco hastily made his way back to his cave where he found his older brother tending to the fire just outside the cave's entrance. "Oh, little brother, thought you'd never show up." His tone was the usual displeased and annoyed tone he constantly had.

"Don't worry 'bout me staying." Draco answered as he headed within the cave. "I just came here to get my stuff, I'll be leaving for a while."

"Where to?" his older brother stood up and followed Draco into the cave.

"I'd really prefer it if you didn't come along." Draco answered and stuffed a few of his journals into a pack. "Besides, what do you care of what I do here?"

"True..." the older demon nodded. "I don't really care whatsoever about what happens to you. If anything, I'd be gladdened if someone or something finally managed to shut your trap." He said with a hefty laugh as he patted Draco's back quite painfully. But his expression suddenly changed from cheerful to serious as a sudden thought came to mind. "But you mustn't forget that you and I have been assigned to eliminate those who wander into this circle of hell. Tell me, what made you suddenly wish to go on an adventure?"

Draco stared at his brother in the eye, careful not to show any signs or any emotions that would give him away. "Nothing... just felt like I needed the exercise."

His brother snorted and turned around. For a second, Draco lowered his guard, feeling as though his brother had acknowledged his excuse and was about to walk away, but the demon suddenly turned and slammed his fist against Draco's chest sending him crashing to the wall. "As much as I'd agree that you need the exercise, you're not the type of guy to suddenly change his lifestyle." The older demon approached Draco and wrapped his beefy fingers around Draco's neck and clamped on tightly. "Why do you want to go on an adventure?"

Draco choked in his brother's grip and tried to pry his way out but his strength just wasn't enough to match his brother's. In sheer desperation, Jason placed his hand on his brother's face and shot out a strong fiery explosion that sent his brother flying out of the cave. Draco gasped for air the moment he was free and rushed outside to face his brother. "Why can't you just leave me alone!?" Draco demanded as he blasted another fireball at his brother causing him to crash into a boulder. "You never cared for me, all I was to you was some kind of hindrance and embarrassment!"

Out of the smoke and dust came a boulder hurtling towards Draco with immense speed. Draco simply raised his hand and a blast of fire destroyed the boulder before it could make contact. "Of course I don't care for you!" his brother answered, his draconian scales showing signs of burns and cuts but otherwise unharmed. "You are the very bane of my existence here in hell! You make me look week being your older brother, you make me look stupid with all your philosophy and whatnot, every moment you spend staring at that journal of yours gives me a headache! The only reason I keep asking why is because I am not letting you go anywhere!"

"Don't stand in my way brother!" Draco warned as he stood his ground, blue spheres of fire emerged by his side and hovered around him. "I'll let you do what you desire so long as you let me do what I desire!"

The older demon spat at the ground and prepared for battle. His scales bristled and hardened as if to act as armor, his wings spread behind him as the bones burst out of the membrane causing the wings to become lethal weapons capable of skewering his opponents, his eyes locked onto Draco as the desire for blood grew stronger. "Why do you think yourself capable of winning against me?" His brother taunted. "All my life I stood guard over this circle, killing all those who trespass, while you stay locked up in the cave studying. What hope do you have to match me?"

"You of all people should know my power." Draco said as the spheres around him gathered into one huge sphere of green fire that hovered over his hand. "Stand down and I will spare you."

"Try me." His brother growled and snarled as he charged towards Draco with the intent to kill.

Draco quickly acted and threw the sphere of green fire at his feet causing an enormous pillar of green flame to burst out of the ground blocking his brother's advance. "I won't hold back this time, brother, not anymore."

"Nor will I." his brother responded as he circled around the pillar and charged after Draco.

Draco cast his full-body shell that strengthened his scales, acting as his armor and blocked his brother's relentless barrages. Each of his brother's powerful blows caused Draco's shell to start cracking and Draco tried his very best to keep his brother at a distance. He shot out streams of fire, bolts of lightning, gusts of wind, shards of ice and several other magical barrages. Each of them dealt some damage but his brother is a tough one, not even the loss of his limbs would stop him from fighting.

"Stand down, you can't win against me!" His brother commanded as he low kicked Draco to the ground and stomped hard on Draco's chest, Draco's barrier tried its best to protect Draco but it shattered on impact. "You were never one to match me, brother." He said with an evil grin and a chuckle.

"You were never one the think either." Draco replied and a devious smile as his body began to glow and expand. It was only too late that the older demon realized he had fallen for a trap as the fake Draco he was standing on exploded in an enormous fiery explosion. "You really should pay attention to the details." Draco said with pride as he emerged from the shadows, unharmed and well.

Amazingly, the older demon emerged from the smoke, his scales and figure burned and distorted but slowly regenerating. "I'll give you points for that... good one." The older demon panted and gasped as he slowly regained his pride and posture. "But you're gonna have to try a whole lot harder if you want to kill me."

"Well that's the difference between us, brother." Draco replied calmly. "I don't want to kill you, just to make you back down." Draco slowly approached his brother showing no signs of hostility. "I just want you to leave me alone. I know you're trying to make me a better demon but I know what I want, and I want to go on this adventure without you breathing down my neck. Just let me be my own man and the rest will come smoothly." Draco said, placing a palm over his now fully recovered brother.

The older demon looked surprised at Draco's words, this was certainly something he had never expected to hear from him. Draco had hoped that he would finally be able to change his brother's attitude, but of course even THAT was an impossible thing to wish for. The older demon swatted Draco's hand away and turned his back. "Fine, do what you want. I don't give a damn anymore." The demon replied harshly and walked away.

Draco stared as his brother slowly walked away into the distance. A part of him was rejoicing that he had finally gotten rid of that curse of a brother... but another part of him was mourning that he had lost his sole companion in hell. "Snap out of it... you don't need him anymore." Draco mumbled to himself as he made his way for where Brandon would be waiting. "You can always find yourself another companion, or live the rest of your life in isolation... but at least you've gotten rid of that thorn that's been tormenting you for so long."

A few hours of waiting have passed and Brandon was beginning to lose his patience. "Huff..." Brandon sighed and stared off into the distance, his large draconian wings flapping in agitation. "how long does it take for him to leave a letter?" Brandon stood up and paced back and forth, his tail wagging with impatience behind him, his wings tucked behind his back twitching every now and then. "Then again... it would also depend on how far he lives..." He leaped upward and flapped his wings to give him an extra boost. He landed nimbly on top of the boulder and viewed the landscape. "I guess I could've made some great distance if I had travelled already... then again, I don't really know where to go." Brandon looked around once more and remember just then another detail. "Oh yeah... Draco doesn't even know what I'm looking for... I know I shouldn't tell him but how will he know where to go if I don't tell him what I'm looking for?"

Just then, the silhouette of another creature emerged from the distance. "Finally..." Brandon sighed. "Draco's back..."

"Sorry I took so long..." Draco apologized, staring at the dragon perched atop the boulder. "My brother and I had a little argument when I got there."

Brandon leaped down and stood in front of Draco, checking to see if there were any injuries. "You aren't hurt are you?" he asked as his hands roamed around the demon's body. From the arms, to the chest, to the neck, even the head.

Draco felt awkward from all the touching and groping and pushed Brandon's hands away. "I'm fine, I'm fine. My brother and I are capable of regenerating so we don't really have to worry much about wounds."

"Sorry..." Brandon apologized as he rubbed his hands. "I just got used to handling the younglings whenever they'd get wounded... I guess it became a habit for me to check people like that."

"Yeah... sure..." Draco answered with a hint of sarcasm in his voice. "So anyway, where are you headed?"

"To be honest..." Brandon turned around and scratched the back of his head. "I don't really know."

"Well..." Draco sat down and stared intently at Brandon. "can you start by telling me why you're here? I mean, if you're on a quest then you must be here for a deeper reason. You can't possibly be here just for the view."

Brandon stared at Draco after that, he thought of every possible alternative, every possible course of action. He tried to analyse Draco's consciousness to see whether he could be trusted or not. "Then again..." Brandon thought to himself. "I can always kill him if he decides to betray me..."

Draco tensed a bit. He himself was analysing Brandon whether he can be trusted or not. At Brandon's ominous comment, Draco suddenly felt an immense wave of energy flow though the dragon's body. "Just... what is this Brandon?" Draco thought to himself as he felt Brandon's power just pulsating across the air... enough power to destroy him, wipe him out of existence.

"Well..." Brandon started, breaking the silence. "I guess you're pretty trustworthy enough. I'm looking for Lucifer, the prince of darkness."

Draco stared at Brandon like he was the craziest thing on earth/hell. He was at a loss for words, why would this man be looking for the prince of darkness?

"I know... I know..." Brandon sighed and sat down in front of Draco. "'But Brandon, Lucifer's the prince of darkness, the lord of hell, why on earth would you be looking for him?'" Brandon teasingly said with an annoying voice. "Well, it's complicated... it's just... I really need to find him. I understand if you don't want to come along with me anymore, I won't force you."

Brandon was confused by the sudden chuckling that came out of Draco's mouth. "Don't worry, Brandon..." Draco tried to force the words out through his laughing mouth. "I still want to tag along, I've always wondered what it feels like to wander far from home. The adrenalin pumping, my heart racing, my skills tested to the limits. If anything, I'm more excited than afraid."

Brandon was amazed at Draco's statement. He was going to take this stranger on a quest to see the prince of darkness, he's at least assume that Draco would leave him alone or maybe turn on him. Instead, he sees this child like expression on the demon's face. In fact... Draco reminds Brandon of his younger self.

"Um... Brandon..." Draco said, snapping his fingers in front of Brandon's face. "You okay?"

Brandon didn't realize that he was staring and that Draco had to snap him out of his daze. "Oh, sorry... it's just I was surprised you were even more willing to help."

"So... why exactly do you want to meet Lucifer?" Draco asked, positioning himself right next to Brandon.

"It's... it's complicated." Brandon answered, shifting his hands uncomfortably.

Draco stared at Brandon, trying his very best to read the contents of his mind... something he seemed to find really challenging. Whoever this Brandon is, his mental capabilities far exceed Draco's. "Well, I guess I won't force you then. Another advantage to being a demon is that we're unbelievably reckless and ignorant. I guess I can follow you on your journey without asking much questions."

"Thanks..." Brandon managed a wry smile as he stood up and took in a deep breath. "Welp... lead the way."

Draco let out a large grin and joined Brandon. He's glad that for once in his life he now has a companion, one who doesn't yell at him every now and then. He could tell that this was the beginning of a long friendship. "Got it."