Jason's Nightmare - Part 11 (END)
#13 of Jason's Nightmare
Okay, it's been a long while since I last wrote something so I might be a little rusty. I may have also gotten the personalities wrong so... BridgeToPeace, if you're reading this, just correct me if I got them wrong. They are your characters anyway.
Finally, the last chapter of my Jason's Nightmare series. The nightmares have finally stopped and Jason can finally be happy... er. I wanted to make the series a little longer but hey, I might lose the motivation to finish it. This is actually the first series I've ever finished and it's thanks to your support. The favorites and the comments are what keep me going and motivated. At least one favorite in my first story was enough to convince me the sofurry would be a great site to post my stories. Once again, thanks for reading this series, I hope the next stories that I write would come to your liking as well.
Also, there's still one or two chapters left in Jason x Sarah's story that I didn't upload here. If you want me to go work on that, don't be shy in leaving it in the comments or perhaps sending me a message. I'll get on it once I piece together how I'd write them here. Also, if you'd like to suggest a topic for a next series, leave it as a comment or a pm and I'll consider it (god knows how uninspired i am right now). The best thing I can do right now is continue my other unfinished series. I hope you like how THEY come out.
Jason's eyes fluttered open as the chirping of the birds from the outside called him from his slumber. The Lucario rubbed his eyes and tried to dispel his drowsiness. With a yawn and some stretches, Jason finally managed to lift his legs off of the bed only to find himself lying down again.
"Ugh, and just when my nightmares have stopped..." Jason thought to himself with a slight groan of displease.
His body felt stiff and heavy, his joints ached and yearned to lay down once more just as badly as Jason wanted to but he's gone past the point where he couldn't return to sleep. He stared outside the window of the cabin and felt as the gentle, fresh, morning air of the forest wafted an aromatic mixture of leaves and flowers into Jason's senses. Jason felt the rejuvenating effect of the scents as his drowsiness was quickly taken away by the soothing air... quite ironically actually.
Jason turned to gaze upon the cabin, he never really paid much attention to how the cabin appeared during the entirety of his stay. Jason felt that the cabin was a hostile environment, he felt that his nightmares are happening because of this simple wooden cabin. But after going through that, after reconnecting with his late girlfriend Sarah, a Gadevoir who passed away some time in the past, he figured out that his nightmare are caused by the intense feeling of regret... regret that he wasn't able to protect her, regret that he's broken his promise to her.
The cabin was just a simple wooden lodge. It wasn't very decorated, it had only the essentials. It had two beds, an end table, a wardrobe, a shower room and other miscellaneous objects such as lighting and an air conditioner. It wasn't really a place that would grant you the luxury of staying indoors (other than the cold air and electricity) so Jason never really stayed there for a long period.
As usual, he saw that Raiki, his Luxray nemesis/cabin mate, had already left as his bed was empty and neatly tidied. "Huff... just how early does this guy wake up?" Jason snickered and scratched his head.
"Maybe the real question is how long should you have to stay sleeping?" Raiki asked, leaning against the door and eyeing Jason quite menacingly.
Jason, though drowsy he may be, managed a smile back at Raiki. "I'd stay asleep as long as possible if I could." Jason chuckled as he made his way for his luggage. "Wind's a little chilly huh?" Jason asked, pulling out his hoodie from the bag and putting it on.
Raiki paid no attention to Jason's comment and proceeded for his pack and produced a leather jacket. "At least you stopped your annoying whimpering." Raiki mumbled as his wore the jet black jacket. "So, your nightmares finally stopped?"
Jason's ears flickered as he heard the words that left Raiki's mouth. Though rude and cynical was the tone in how the Luxray said it, Jason could feel genuine concern coming from the "heartless Luxray". Maybe the Luxray wasn't so heartless after all. "Um... yeah... I hope so." Jason managed a wry smile. He never really thought that he'd have to feel joy because of this Luxray so smiling at him didn't feel natural.
"At least I finally got a good night's sleep last night. By the way, the professor wanted to see you. He's waiting in the dining hall." Raiki said as he walked out of the cabin.
"Wait... Raiki-san." Jason called out to stop the Luxray. For a split second, Jason felt the Luxray get startled at Jason's words. Jason's never called him with respect before, let alone stop him from walking about without an angry tone in the Lucario's voice. "Um... nevermind. Just go enjoy your day."
Without looking back or even responding, other than the grunt of irritation that escaped Raiki's throat, the Luxray left. Jason could just barely here the Luxray mumbling something under his breath but it was too soft for the Lucario to make out.
Jason made his way for the Dining Hall later to eat and meet up with Professor Kashikoi, a Mewtwo who tried to console Jason regarding his nightmares. Although, during said consolation, Jason DID storm out quite furiously. Now the Lucario hopes that he hasn't aggravated the Mewtwo in any way. He wouldn't want to have made an enemy out of a person of authority, let alone a legendary pokemon.
Jason saw that the Mewtwo sat within the sunlit room, calmly sipping a cup of tea. Next two him, Jason saw that there was breakfast prepared. As for who it was for, Jason could tell that it was for him. "Um... good morning Kashikoi-sensei." The Lucario shyly greeted as he approached the Mewtwo.
"Ah, Jason-kun." The professor greeted quite happily. "Please, have a seat. I made sure to save you a meal, I didn't know when you'd wake up."
Jason managed a soft chuckle as he sat down. "Sorry for the trouble. What time is it really?" Jason asked as he slowly reached for the bowl of soup. "I don't really know what time it is, I don't think there's a clock in the cabin."
"It's no trouble." Kashikoi replied as he set down his cup of tea. "And don't worry, it's not as late as it seems. It's just that they all woke up quite early."
Jason slowly enjoyed his breakfast, with the occasional questions from and to the professor. Question such as 'how are you?', 'how is your stay in Japan?', 'have you made some good friends?', the usual stuff that a professor would as a foreigner transfer student. Jason answered the questions as politely as possible... meaning he made sure there was no food in his mouth or anything that would appear as obscene or disgusting. Soon though, Jason had to ask...
"Raiki-kun told me that you wanted to see me." The Lucario mentioned as he took a sip of water.
The Mewtwo's eyes widened with surprise with a slight chuckle of amusement. "Did I hear that right?" he chuckled. "Did you call him 'Raiki-kun'?"
Jason's face glowed red and his ears flickered with embarrassment. "Um... yes sir..."
"I seem to recall you hating Raiki-kun, that you felt such aggression towards him." Kashikoi grinned.
"I don't ever recall telling you that." Jason chuckled.
"That's because it was Guren-chan who told me." The Mewtwo replied.
"Well, I guess I just felt like... acting aggressive won't get me anywhere." Jason admitted, taking a deep breath and out. "If I want people to respect me, I have to learn to respect them first."
Kashikoi gave him a reassuring nod of approval. "That is true. It is hard for people to respect one another, most of us are just too proud for that. We must first learn to bow down, to humble ourselves, before other people would even consider you as good company."
"But there are still those who would step on those beneath them." Jason pointed out. "Which is why it's hard to just 'bow down'."
"And how do you deal with them?" Kashikoi asked, laying back and waiting for Jason's response.
Jason felt as though Kashikoi knew the answer but wanted to see if he did too. "I dunno... it depends on the person I guess." Jason responded. "For me I tend to size my opponents, test my boundaries and theirs. I guess I get this... feeling... as if I know them better when we argue. It's when we are frustrated that our minds are prone to mental assaults, it's when THEY'RE frustrated that I can easily read their thoughts and emotions. I guess I just felt that... Raiki isn't such a bad guy or that I wanted to be friends with him."
Kashikoi sat there listening to Jason's explanation intently. "You know, I have to admit, I had my doubts about you when your record mentioned where you came from and where you studied. I thought you would be a sort of brute, you know, being born and raised in a military district where the main focus of your education was combat. Your people are impressive, being the best in terms of warfare, but I never expected any of you to just... desire to be educated--"
"Okay... that felt hurtful..." Jason interrupted Kashikoi mid-sentence.
"My apologies." Kashikoi chuckled and breathed a sigh. "It's just... really something I never would've expected."
"Shall we change the subject now?"
"I meant you no insult, I assure you." Kashikoi replied.
"I know... I know." Jason said, nodding his head and trying to steady his breathing. "it's just that you haven't answered my question yet, Raiki-kun said that you were looking for me. Why?"
Kashikoi took a sip of his tea and cleared his throat. "Well, for starters I'd like to apologize for... saying too much. I knew of your past and I spoke without your consent."
"It's alright professor... it's alright."
"Secondly, I hear that you're nightmares have stopped." The Mewtwo sat back and breathed a sigh of relief. "Guren-chan must've been really worried for you to keep me updated on your condition."
"Yes... I sure hope they have."
"Any idea why the nightmares happened?" Kashikoi asked. "Of course, if you don't mind me asking."
"Not at all." Jason answered. "But... of course I won't tell you EVERYTHING. Let's just say that... I've had regrets... and a broken promise. Those two are most likely the 'cause of my nightmares. Oh, and trauma, never forget the trauma." Jason response was more comedic than serious.
"Well, I'm glad that you've resolved the problem." Kashikoi smiled. "I won't pry on the details, I'll just let you share what you feel like sharing."
"To be honest," Jason added. "now that my problem has been resolved, I feel stupid for not resolving it sooner."
"Do not worry." Kashikoi said reassuringly, placing his hand on Jason's shoulder. "It's never easy to let go of the past, especially if it involves a loved one. Well, I think I've taken enough of your morning. I do hope you enjoyed your stay here, and that you enjoy the days to come here in Japan."
"I have a feeling that I will." Jason answered with a smile.