Tsume in wonderland

Story by Tsumesakamea on SoFurry

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#1 of Tsume in wonderland

There is a world that some kids wish they could go but some wishes are not supposed to be made, for some kids there wish could leave them to death or any heat of trouble . And in this story a teen girl will learn that the hard way , tsume and her mom yumi was having a walk threw the forest and yumi wanted to have a talk with tsume about when she gets older she will having to think about being the new queen .

tsume had purple hair in Odango , her eyes are light purple as she was dressed in a long sleeve dark purple and black shirt and blue pants with brown boots. yumi had long purple hair and purple eyes as she was in a white long dress

Yumi: tsume , im so proud of you that you're able to control your powers now

Tsume: I was nothing, but actually it was think to Twilight for helping me

Yumi: of course I remember Twilight, and she couldn't be more happy with you then I am , but what I really wanted to talk to you about was you

Tsume: okay what about?

Yumi: I wanted to know if you and Ryuichi relationship was getting any closer?

Tsume: closer, how close are you talking about?

Yumi: well..... there will soon come a time where I won't be here to help you with anything


Yumi: no tsume , your father and I think that it might be great for you and your brother and sisters-

Tsume: oh my god have you both begin to see the light?!

Yumi: tsume nobody is dying now calm down

Tsume: sorry , then what's wrong ?

Yumi: tsume your father and I think you're ready to move on in life

Tsume: whoa ,wait you think that I'm ready to rule over my own kingdom.... are you trying to get rid of me ?!

Yumi: tsume -


Yumi: tsume you can't spend your hole life in a cafe and with your friends

Tsume: and why not , some of my friends are not even what I am, some of them don't even want to go back to their parents . And I don't even want to think about leaving them just so you can make me rule over some Kingdom !

Tsume shouted and started to walk away but her mom stopped her

Yumi: you can't run away from your destiny tsume , you know your the last-

Tsume: so what ! Me being the only angel of ice to live through a war and only to be able to spread her wings for the very first time and only to be locked away again , I will not allow you to chine me down !

Tsume ran off deep into the forest as she ran past the trees and bushes they would turn white, as snow started to gently fall . Tsume soon came to a big tree in the forest that the leaves was all white, with a big lake surrounding it and there was a small bridge to get across

As tsume cross the bridge she sat under the tree to think about what her mom said . Tsume new that her mom was telling the truth but she didn't want to think about leaving her friends , she remembered the time when her wings first appeared and it scared her but once her wings fully came out when she jumped in to save Ryuichi she changed into the angel ice . Tsume sigh as she new it was too late to go back, a minute later tsume fell asleep under the white tree but someone keep talking saying

voice: your late, no im late ,no wait im late .....yeah it me ,im late

Tsume eyes opened and saw a boy looking at a big watch, he had green short hair and green eyes, he had on a white shirt and a dark green coat with black pants and shoes . With a hat with bunny hears on it

jake: Tik Tok, Tik Tok, Tik Tok, Tik Tok. Come on, come on ....hurry

Tsume could have sworn that boy was her friend jake . but how could it be when he supposed to be home . As tsume look closer it actually was her friend Jake

Tsume: you gotta be kidding me, what is he doing here? Yo jake!

The boy stop looking at the watching and looked over to who was calling him and gasp then ran over to tsume

jake: are you crazy, what you doing here, do you know how much trouble you're going to get me in ?!

Tsume was very confused at the way Jake was acting

Tsume: Jake, what are you talking about, what trouble am I going to get you in? . And why are you wearing that goofy outfit?

jake: Jake, who is this Jake speak of, my name is not Jake, I go by the name W.R . But I do like the sound of that name

Tsume: um o.k . So where are you heading off to, I thought you were with your father training?

jake: um training, no no no I am being called by the Queen and somehow got sidetracked from looking in a pond and now I am running late, running late!

He said while jumping up and down and running around in a circle

Tsume: whoa wait calm down what do you mean queen, and how do you get sidetracked from looking into a pond?

jake: um they had pretty fishes

Tsume: (sigh) only you Jake would say that . Okay so about this queen lady what is that about, unless you're talking about my mother that is a whole different story, but there's no way that she would be mad at you. Unless you stole something from her.... tell me you didn't!

The rabbit boy looked lost as he just looked at her

jake: I have no idea what you're talking about, and I don't steal things from the Queen and if I did my head would be chopped off

Tsume: right . So who is this queen were talking about again ?

jake: don't play dumb Alice you know who is the queen, she's been around for many many years

Tsume: wow well it's time for her to kicked- wait did you just call me Alice?

jake: um yes that is your name , isn't it ?

Tsume: no, my name is tsume sakamea

jake: what kind of stupid name is that?

Tsume: HEY ! don't make fun of my name, you don't see me making fun of your name jake

jake: Alice are you sure you're feeling alright ,did you hit your head or something?

Tsume: my name isn't Alice, its tsume!

jake: or could it be that you're sick, Oh My, we can't have that, I don't think the Queen like that at all

Tsume: oh my god weren't you listening, I'm not sick, and I didn't hit my head. What the hell is going on here?

jake: such file language coming from you Alice I thought you knew better

Tsume: okay that's it I had enough, you tell me right now where the hell I am and what the hell is going on! Or so help me I'm going to cut your head off myself !

She said in an angry voice and she pick the boy up by the collar of his jacket

jake: alright alright you win ,but geez do you have to be so mean?

Tsume: can it rabbit boy, now talk

She demanded as she drop jake on the ground and look down at him with her arms crossed

jake: alright alright if you must insist I'll start from the beginning . Your name is Alice and this is wonderland, you where transported here by your wish, but the queen wanted to make your life a living hell well actually your life wasn't always like this you actually was kinda rich I should say but you'd weren't very happy.

Tsume : what do you mean by that?

jake: well a long time ago you told me that you couldn't stand your mother anymore demanding you to get married and she wanted you to take over the Royal family generation . But you ran away and you wished that you were in a world that didn't have any rules and you didn't have to take on any responsibilities, where you can be you . Happily you got your wish, the sad part is that when the Queen was notified that you were here things just went downhill from there .

Tsume: ok, so where am i right now am I like back with my family or something .?

jake: uh about that . Well the Queen of Hearts wanted you to destroy wonderland with her but when you refused , so she captured your family and held them as prisoners up to this day

Tsume: WHAT?!, and nobody thought it would be a good idea to help them out ?!

jake: are you crazy, nobody dares to go up against the Queen's wishes because if you do your head will be cut off . And I'm pretty sure you know nobody's head wants to get cut off

Tsume: okay fine then I'll set them free

jake: its not gonna be that easy ,her castle is guarded by a lot of guards. Not to mention the jabberwocky

Tsume: what the hell is a jabberwocky?

jake: my goodness you must have hit your head pretty hard . A jabberwocky is a fearsome beast creature that nobody wants to go up against, he is dormant in the Queen's castle just in case somebody decides to go up against her

Tsume: I'm starting to dislike this place more and more . That's it I want to go home

jake: but you can't, you don't have a home to go to. And plus I have to make a very important announcement so you and I have to go there before -

Jake stop what he's doing as he was cut off from the ringing bell of his clock . He pulled it out then gasp then he started to freak out and scream even more .

J: Holy crap -holy crap- holy crap I'm late!

Jake shouted then slammed the clock on the ground ,

jake: i know what time it is , but im still late

tsume was shocked at this but then he took her hand and drag her along into the forest, it didn't take long until they came out of the forest and threw a Tree like maze when they got through that they made it to the Queen's Court yard. there was a lot of people wearing mask and stuff as Jake stop by a bush that looks like a horse with wings and told her to wait here as he ran over to the Queen . Tsume looked over from the brushes and try to see what was happening as Jake was talking to the Queen

Voice: such an undivided attention coming from you Alice

Tsume turned and saw a tall man with long raven colored hair and dark blue eyes in a beautiful dark blue butler like outfit as his Hair was tied in a ponytail

Tsume: r-ryuichi?

Tsume was in shock when she saw the boy she loved and couldn't get her eyes off of him at how hot he looked

Ryuichi: What's Wrong Alice, cat got your tongue?

He said with a smirk as he took her hand and kisses it which mead her blush .

Ryuichi: its rude to stare Alice , even from someone like you

Tsume: I'm sorry- wait what are you doing here ryuichi?

Ryuichi: ryuichi? Well that's a funny name to give me Alice . I am nothing related to this person you speak of then the name I give myself

tsume: you can't be serious, not you too . (Sigh)

Ryuichi: you seem bored Alice have you been knocking up trouble again?

Tsume: stop calling me Alice and no I am not knocking up trouble, I just don't understand what the hell's going on!

Ryuichi: then I'll give you a quick heads up, it appears that the queen is going to make another announcement and try to judge you either joining her or being against her

Tsume: and what's so bad about that ?

Ryuichi: if it's all the same to you I rather not get my head chopped off ,so you better pick wisely

Tsume: why do I have to pick,why can't she just pick someone else?

Ryuichi: have you gone mad you , you Should know by now that she won't take anybody else to fight by her side other than you, I mean you are her niece aren't you?

Tsume: Im her what? How could I be her niece that doesn't make any sense

Ryuichi just smirked as he vanish then reappear Behind her . Making her jump and she felt him wraps his arms around her waist as the rest his chin on her shoulder

Ryuichi: oh dear, it appears to me that you have lost your memory

Tsume: i uh haven't lost anything ..... I Know Who I am and this Alice person you keep saying that's not me

Ryuichi: well if you're not Alice and you know you're not Alice, then who are you ...Alice?

He asked as he purred and started to nibble on her collarbone making a moan escaped from her .

Ryuichi: you're still an easy catch, you should try to work on that sensitive side of yours

He said as he moved away from her but then was quickly pulled back to her as she grabbed him by the collar of his suit, As they were inches away from kissing, now she was the one smirking

Tsume: well maybe you should be working on your reflexes

Ryuichi just chuckled and then vanish making her gasp as she felt herself being spun around as she came to a stop and saw that she was back in his arms, as he had a big grin knowing that he won

Ryuichi : well maybe you need to work on yours

Tsume: bite me

Ryuichi : you would want that wouldn't you, but maybe later as of now you are being summoned

He said as he released her and then bowed as he slowly vanished. Tsume what's taken back at the how much he has changed but then again her lovely sexual thoughts was knocked out the way from someone screaming her name .Tsume turned and saw none other than her aunt aya as she walked up to her .

Tsume: you! what the hell you doing here?

Aya: what do you mean what am I doing here, you know exactly what I'm doing here Alice I'm the queen and you should know how you should greet me every time you are summoned by me

Tsume: I wasn't summoned here by you I was dragged . Now Stop calling me Alice, my name is not Alice its tsume

Aya: stop making excuses Alice now let's get back to business

Tsume growled at her as she wanted to kill her so bad

Aya: now I'll ask you again, will you join me in order to rule Wonderland ?

Tsume: I wouldn't join you even if you did have my head cut off!

Jake: Alice, no!

Aya: you're still are stupid and pathetic as always Alice, you never seem to give up and you still believe that you can beat me . And I had such high hopes for you

Tsume: have high hopes for this you crazy son of a BITCH! .

Tsume hold out of her hand and she tried to summnd her ice hammer but then realized nothing what's happening .

Tsume: wait ...what's going on ?

Aya: ( evil chuckle) aw poor Alice, did you forget about the barrier that is surrounding this place, once you enter my court yard all your powers are cancelled

Tsume: well that's not fair at all

Aya: you're right ,but guess what... I don't care, you saying that you refused to join me I will have no choice but to throw you back in the dungeon

Tsume: now wait a minute you cant just throw me in a dungeon like you own me!

Aya: oh yeah, watching me.

Aya snap your fingers and soon tsume was surrounded by card guards . Then dragged away and thrown in a Cell

Tsume: If they think this cell bars can hold me they got another thing coming! . ICE AIRROR !

she shouted as she clap her hands together...but nothing happened . Things weren't making sense to her, she didn't feel her ice powers nowhere in sight and she didn't feel like she was made of ice . She felt more like a human

Tsume: Oh My God I lost my powers! but wait she said that being in her court yard i cant use them , but im not in the court yard , so why cant i use them !?

Tsume started to panic as she started to pace back and forth . Trying to think on how to get out of here and why she can't use any of her powers, then her though was soon interrupted as she heard a familiar voice