Lita betrayal
#4 of mini story
it was on a full moon night were the hellsing had a meeting with the queen and the elemento's. twilight called out tsume who helped Integra fight in hellsing a long time ago , and maybe will fight with hellsing again tsume was happy to see integra again and alucard and Walter . tsume friends lita, faiya, Lilly,sugar and lemon came to see the hellsing and so did Sara gang Sarah, zoey , Mimi , melody and kaze.
tsume: -smile- integra its nice to see you
integra: you to tsume. i see you have gotten stronger
tsume: thanks
Lilly: she meant that you were fat
tsume: Lilly !
Lilly: what?
faiya: the truth hurts
tsume: faiya !
lita:dont worry tsume being fat isn't all bad
tsume: -sigh- thanks for hurting me lita
lita: -look at tsume and smirk then quickly pull her close - im sorry tsume-Chan love
tsume: -blush really red- l-lita -pushing her away- not now
lita: -pull her body closer- now now now my tsume , no need to be shy you know you want it
n1: lita had both arms warp around tsume wast trapping her
tsume: lita !
faiya: -roll eyes- get a room you two
lita: ok -pull tsume to the exist- come tsume dear lets make sweet kitty love
faiya: HEY ! -jump in the way- hold it right there lita !
lita: whats with you ?
faiya: were do you think your going with tsume ?
lita: you told us to get a room. so that's what im gonna do. make sweet love with tsume -smirk-
tsume: HELP ME !!
faiya: make love with yourself and not tsume !
lita: hmmm....i get it you want some don't you faiya
faiya: -blush and back away- w-what ?!
lita: -move closer to her and lift her chin- your more then welcome to join -grins-
faiya: -look away- i'll pass -walk away-
lita: well it looks like its just you and me tsume
tsume: -pull away from lita- next time lita ok
lita: sure anything you say love
tsume: stop calling me that. ok so miss integra if you want i can still help you in hellsing
integra: -nod- it would be good to have you back in hellsing tsume
tsume: yeah i-
Sara: HOLD ON ! that's not fair how come she gets to go to hellsing ?! what about us
tsume: integra picks. not me Sara
Sara: -growls- twilight !
twilight: sorry but threes nothing i can do about it. it her rules not mine
faiya: and pulse you wouldn't be good for hellsing anyway. tsume is the only one that has Ben in hellsing the longest -smirk-
Sarah: if i wasn't so clam i would smack that grin off your face faiya
Lilly: same goes to you
Mimi: your just scared of us and the only reason your acting so cool is cause of the hellsing's are here
tsume: so what if there here.
faiya: we can still kick your butts and send you back into the infirmary
lita: permanently -lower eyes-
melody : -ball hand into a fist- your bitches
sara: you think your so cool. everyone knows that the reason why you act so big is cause of lita
tsume: hm?
Mimi: if lita hadn't left us we would be mopping the floors with you brats right now
Lilly: lita has nothing to do with are group power
sugar: that's right!
lemon: before lita joined us we still kick your butts !
Sarah: is that a fact . -look at lita- lita you heard them , they dont need you on there team so why not come back to us
faiya: -looks at lita- don't you dare betray us lita !
melody: Sarah right lita. if you come back then-
sara: then you get to finally have my brothers love
lita: -gasp- k-kaze
tsume: -look at lita then back back at Sarah- lita don't listen
Sarah: we all know how much you had a think for my brother kaze . and if you join us then kaze's heart will be yours
faiya: stop lieing you rats ! lita isn't that stupid to fall for a crap like that !
lita: -walk pass faiya- faiya shut up
faiya: lita?
n1: then kaze step out from the portal door and hold out his hand to lily with a sweet smile
kaze: lita...come back to us...come back to me
tsume: -low growl- lita !
lita: kaze ...i uh
kaze: if you come back then im ready to have you as my mate
Lilly: you cant be serous
sugar: -grab onto tsume- tsume do something
tsume: -sigh- lita its up to you to pick the sides you want to be with....i wont make you do something you dont want to do
lita:-look back at tsume- sorry -walk over to kaze- i pick you kaze
kaze: -smirk-
faiya: -eyes flash red- TRADER !
Lilly: we trusted you -look away mad-
faiya: i told you she would betray us tsume ! are you happy now !
lita: whats wrong faiya jealous ?
faiya: why you -make a fire ball-
n1: lita quickly sent a thunder ball at faiya and tsume push faiya out of the way and got hit hard with lita attack that send her fly to the wall as the impact mead a cracked and tsume fell to the floor in pain
faiya: tsume ! -run to her side-
lita: -gasp- (oh no i didn't mean for it to hurt her)
faiya: why did you do that ?
tsume: -trying to get up- her power sure brings back memory's
faiya: -glare at lita- YOU ! you'll pay for that you little-
tsume: faiya stop !
faiya: why !
tsume: F.Y.I were in a meeting with the hellsing and it wouldn't look good if we started a fight with them over lita
Lilly: then what should we do?
tsume: -stand and turn to integra- nothing.
Lilly: but tsume
tsume: -try to smile- im sorry miss integra but i guess i have to with draw myself out of hellsing
all: WHAT !!!!!
tsume: im all powered out it would be best if you picked someone else. say one of the girls from Sarah team
faiya: tsume this inst funny anymore !
Lilly: whats going on with you ?!
tsume: nothing is wrong with doing whats right. lita mead her point so leave it at that
n1: all of the girls look at tsume in shock to really see tsume back down from a fight
sugra: but tsume
tsume: that's enough. lets go
n1: just as tsume and her group was about to leave kaze stop them
kaze: leaving so soon tsume ?
tsume: -grunt- back off kaze you got what you wanted
Sarah: yes he did but i didn't..and what i want is your death tsume
tsume: -gasp-
n1: Sarah blast tsume with a thunder ball and it send tsume flying again to wall
faiya/Lilly: tsume !
lita: -eyes widen then looks at kaze- kaze stop her...she's killing her
kaze: -look at lita- don't tell me your going soft on me lita ?
lita: ....-grins- no. why would i do that i just thought-
kaze: you want to kill her
lita: i uh
sara: yeah sis let lita be the one to kill them all !
Sarah: aw OK but first..kaze
kaze: -nod-
n1: kaze mead a electric powerful force filed that cut them off from the hellsing and twilight
twilight: -touch the shield and gets a zap- ow
riku: im guess there's no way out?
twilight: kaze you take this shield down right now !
sara: shut it twilight and watch the show
Sarah: lita i order you to kill the elemento's and make tsume death a slow one
lita: -nod and walk foreword-
faiya: you betrayed us could you lita -charge at her- I'LL NEVER FOR GIVE YOU !!!
n1: faiya jumped into the air ready to punch lita and she quickly disappeared and faiya punch the ground and left a big hole in the floor. lita appeared behind faiya and as soon as faiya turned around lita kick faiya sending her flying across the room to the floor . then turned around to the others and started to make her way to tsume, Lilly jumped in the way and attack lita with everything she got only to be shocked to death by lita thunder. (lita's power is 20000,000 more power then any other thunder elemento alive) Lilly tried to stand but lita grab Lilly from the back of her hair and pulled her close then pushed her away and did a close rang attack and everyone hear Lilly scream in pure horror as she lyed motionless on the ground. everyone had fear in there eyes even Sarah , she knew lita was bad but never did she think she was a killer
Sarah: wow lita i didn't think you were so bad
integra: alucard stop them !
kaze: not so fast vampire . my force field maybe able to stop elemental but i also mead it to keep vampires like you out
tsume: -look over to lita- lita why?....
sugar: let me at her
tsume: -stand and push sugar behind her- sugar i want you and lemon to get out of here
lemon: but tsume you cant fight lita alone
tsume: no but i can try
lemon: we wont leave you
tsume: -look at lita- lita please stop this. your better then this you mead a promise to me
lita: -stops walking - tsume
tsume: don't make me fight you lita
lita: -close eyes and sigh then open eyes as they glow green- sorry tsume but i have to
lita: -turn to look at faiya- faiya i thought you were gone -smirk- im sure i can fix that
n1: lita and faiya charge at each other with powerful attacks one blow after another . faiya was hit really hard by one of lita thunder spear and fell to the ground faiya trued to get up but lita hit her over and over with her thunder whip . tsume couldn't stand to hear the cracking of the whip and the cry of pain from faiya
tsume: -hold out an ice hammer- stay here
n1: tsume ran at lita and swing her hammer at lita but before it could hit her zoey blocked the attack and sara punched tsume to the ground
sara: -hold a knife- ready to die -smirk-
lita: wait !
sara: -look at lita- why?
lita: -grab faiya by the hair and grins evil- say night night faiya
faiya: i hope you die in hell
lita: -frown- you know the best thing about this is that not only do i get tsume i also have her body . -pulls faiya close and whisper something in her ear -
faiya: -eyes widen then glares- b-basted
lita: i know i am -throws her to the grown and blast her-
n1: faiya body hit the floor and tsume was in to much pain to do anything to stop them. lita walks over to zoey and told her to let tsume go and in doing so lita kick tsume to the ground but then felt something shape claw at her back. lita looked and saw lemon and attacked her but was stop by tsume jumping onto of her
lemon: right
lita: GET OFF OF ME !!!
tsume: make me ! -freeze lita's wrists to the floor-
n1: tsume got up fast and grab sugar and started to run to lemon but got bowled back by an attack and when tsume looked lemon was out cold and sugar was really scared cause now it was just tsume and sugar. so the only thing was left was to keep sugar save.
tsume: sugar listen to me. i don't have a lot of power left so i need you to get to the portal door got it
sugar: with out you ?! no way
tsume: sugar please i don't want to see you get hurt
sugar: but i can fight tsume please let me help you
tsume: -look at sugar then lita- no lita is a higher power elemento then i am but i still can fight her -lets go of sugar- get ready
sugar: -nod- please be careful
tsume: aren't i always -smile then looks at lita - elemento power unlock vampire sage
n1: changed into her vampire form . she had long white hair and dark purple eyes and she had on a black top and black shorts and black boots and white gloves and had on a silver coat (like alucard)
lita: so your going wont help you tsume. give up you lost
tsume: i guess you forgot that i never give up a fight
lita: -chuckle- yes i see why im so madly in love with you tsume
tsume: -frowns- i still cant believe your going on with this lita.
lita: yeah me to -jumps up and attacks tsume-
n1: the Battle was getting deadly as tsume would dodge lita's thunder attack and punches and kicks and beat her the best way she can. lita soon pulled out her thunder whip and knock tsume to a wall and walked over to her but stop and looked a sugar
tsume: lita stop ! -stand- please lita don't hurt want me not sugar
lita: cant you just stay down
tsume:-smirk- i thought that's what you liked about me lita...i never seem to stay down
lita: -walk over to tsume and grab her by the neck- that's not all i liked about you tsume
tsume: -choking- l-lita please
lita: -push tsume against the wall and move closer to her and whisper- tsume listen i have a plan but i want you to follow my lead ok
tsume: -low voice- w-what are you talking about?
lita: -smirk- you didn't really think i would hurt you did you
tsume: -blush- lita wait-
n1: tsume was cut off from lita's kiss as she deepen the kiss tsume kissed lita back with passion and softly moan in the kiss as lita bit tsume tongue and moved to her neck and whispered in tsume ear.(seeing that lita and tsume wasn't that close to sara and the gang they didn't know what was going on) tsume just nod and then lita pulled away , lita powered a thunder ball in her hand and press it against tsume chest and tsume screamed in pain and fell to the ground
lita: that's the last of them -turns to Sarah and smirk-
Sarah: lita had a thing for tsume didn't you?
lita: well yes but she's dead so she means nothing to me now. -walks over to kaze-
integra: how could you do that to them?!
twilight: Sarah you'll pay dearly for this !
sara: -evil laugh- not only did you kill the elemento team you also killed your lover !
kaze: i guess im lucky to have a wife like you lita -pulls her close- lita i love you
n1: kaze was about to kiss lita but lita stop him and shake her head and then backed away from him
kaze: something wrong?
lita: you know what...there is something wrong. you know i just don't feel right with you guys. im starting to miss my team
sara: your joking right?
zoey: why care for them ?
Mimi: they didn't even want you
sara: and pulse you killed them...
Sarah: lita. you have more power when your with us and do what you want when your with us
lita: yes that true but being with tsume has open my eyes to a new begin
kaze: your not being serious lita
Sarah: what is it that drives you to tsume so much ?
lita: -smirk- i'll never tell . NOW !
n1: a blast of ice came and hit sara , everyone was shocked and looked and saw tsume standing in her battle out lvl 5. tsume's lvl 5 is a short bodysuit, which is dark blue, and it has white sides with yellow rims that meet with the blue part of the bodysuit. The shoulders of the body suit are puffed out and the sleeves are very long and also form finger less gloves at the end of the bodysuit. Above the body suit is a pair of wings that run along the top half of tsume's chest. The wings are the same on the back of the costume and the red dot at the center of the wings attaches the wings to the costume. The boots are just above the knee and are made up of a dark blue fabric with a light blue dot on each leg. It also has yellow rims on the top of the boots.
tsume: thanks lita
sara: whats going on ! how the hell is she still alive
tsume: i guess you baka's still don't understand my team. we fight as one and stay as one
kaze: -growl- lita
lita: oh and sorry kaze but i rather have tsume then you -wink- she more to me then anything alive right now
Mimi: -summon a thunder whip- DIE !!!!!!
n1: just when Mimi was about to hit tsume a fire tornado came and burned her
faiya:-stand next to lita- darn lita would it kill you to not hit me so hard
lita: -smirk- sorry but i had to make it look real or otherwise they would had known it was a lie
faiya: -smirk- thanks for the up date
n1: kaze and Sarah throw there attacks at them but something stop there attacks. it was Lilly harmony thunder shield
Lilly: -stand next to tsume- nice acting lita
lita: thanks Lilly
faiya: it was almost believable
Lilly: no surprise there
melody: Sarah do something
Mimi: there not gonna win
Sarah: -look at kaze- what do we do now ?
kaze: we fight ! there not gonna win not now not EVER !
tsume ; give it up kaze
lita: you cant win
n1: Sarah saw the force filed broke and new this isn't good
faiya; you'll never be able to beat the elemento team
lemon: cause we never give up
sugar: we will right wrongs and beat the hell out of you
tsume: sugar.. sweetie wrong show
sugar: sorry
kaze: you think you can win so easily !?
faiya: we don't think we know
kaze: but i guess you forgot about are new fighter . -Snap finger- CRIMSON !
n1: a girl with sunset color hair and sunset color eyes wearing a dark red fighter kimono came out from a fire portal and tsume lower her eyes in remember that was the new girl crimson that they met 10 weeks ago
lemon: tsume its what?
tsume: were not alone lemon you have to remember that
Lilly: when we need help
faiya: threes always a back up plan
N1: a pendent appeared under tsume and the others in 6 diffident color and then the other elemento appeared
star: you called
dust: look like another battle
haru: tsume we got your back -smirk-
tsume: thanks
daisuke: you really need to stop getting into trouble sis -look down at her-
tsume: sorry bro
dice: wheres the fun in that ? i think it fun when she make trouble
kenchi: -pull tsume close to him- i don't remember asking you dice . your worse then tsume misfits
Tsume: thanks kenchi
Mimi/melody: Sarah thees to many -backs up-
kaze: so what! we still have crimson on are side.
Sarah: yes but is that enough brother?
kaze: huh? -look at Sarah- you getting cold feet Sarah?
Sarah: -cross arms- i know when im beaten kaze but you on the other hand do not !
sara: sis ?
kaze: -sigh- what do you have in mind ?
Sarah: -look at tsume and smirk- i'll think of something but for now...tsume
tsume: huh?
Sarah: you win this battle -walk away-
tsume: n-nani?
kaze: the next time we wont stop to kill you
n1: kaze and the others walked away as for tsume she just looked very confuse
the next day )
n1: twilight had band Sarah and her group out of the elemento organizational but kept crimson to give her time to think it over to leave or not but in the end she stayed
dinning hall )
faiya: what should we do now ?
tsume: about what ?
faiya: about Sarah. you know she never will give up on killing us right
tsume: -sip coffee- well i don t know about that , but all i can tell you is that we stay on are toes
and wait to see if she'll attack
Lilly: why dose Sarah want to kill you tsume ?
tsume: cause i turn down her offer when i came here
lita: really ? that is so stupid -eat cookies-
faiya: your one to talk
lita: -glare at faiya- what !?
faiya: you fell for Mimi and sara story about tsume...and you join them to really kill her
tsume: faiya stop ! lita didn't know and she was new so lay off
faiya: ok ok sorry
Lilly: im just surprise that she has followers
Blaze: -sigh- im just happy you guys are my friends and not her
tsume: so am i blaze
sugar: me to
lemon: me 3
haru: i think were all happy your are leader tsume
lita: what the? haru how did you-
haru: back door
lita: that explains so little
haru: i know -chuckle-
tsume: but you guys. i don't want to be the leader i don't even see myself as one anyway..
Lilly: but you fit it so well tsume. and to think of glade to have you as my leader and my friend
faiya: i feel the same way. with out you..i don't know were i'll be
lita: you'll be with Sarah and her group
faiya: you really don't know when to stop do you ?
lita: it a habit -smile-
tsume: but guys ...i still have alto of things to do...i don't have time for this fighting crap everyday
lita: look cupcake -
tsume: cupcake?
haru: yum
lita: all were saying is that were happy to have you as are leader and not Sarah or the other pain bots . and if you want to quit being are leader then say so
all: WHAT ?!
lita: shut up ! now tsume how long have you Ben fighting with that nut bar ?
tsume: 5 or 8 years
lita: ok so if your really want to quit tell us
faiya: now hold on there lita ! tsume cant quit we need her
lita: tsume has Ben fighting to long faiya and she is getting tired. did you all forget that tsume lose her family and the only reason why she came here is to train and get stronger to find the bastards that destroyed her home
faiya: oh..i guess i did forget
Lilly: sorry tsume i guess we were just thinking of are self
tsume: -shake head- its ok guys really
haru: tsume i didn't know that...why didn't you tell me?
tsume: -look down sad- i uh just --
lita: tsume you look tired how about you go to bed
tsume: huh -look at lita- no i uh-
lita: -pick tsume up bride style and carry her to the door- your going to bed tsume or else i will have be naughty with you -smirk- and you don't want me so naughty with you,do you? -holds her closer-
tsume: -blush deep red- i uh...g-goodnight lita
lita: -light giggle- goodnight tsume -put her down- and you better be in bed before i get in there
tsume: r-right -smiles then walks out of the dinning hall-
lita: -sigh and walk back to the table-
faiya: what..was that about lita ?!
lita: i just thought tsume needed a break seeing she has Ben in alto of pain. now as i was saying.we need to stop bugging tsume
faiya: who died and mead you co caption
lita: tsume did so shut up !
faiya: lire ! tsume would never--
Lilly: faiya stop ! tsume would pick lita cause of her hard core seep and power
faiya: but tsume said i was 2nd in command
Lilly: yes 2nd in command of lita
faiya: WHAT !!!!!
haru: wow that must hurt
lita: more then you know. but really guys its time for us to take charger and let tsume go on her own quest to find who kill her family
faiya: we can help her
Lilly: no. this is something tsume has to do on her own
faiya: -sigh- your right its just ...i don't want to see her hurt
Lilly: no one want to see tsume get hurt ...she's like the only person that saw the good in us all
lita: she trust me when she didn't even know me
haru: i don't know much about tsume , so all i know is that she dose have a kind heart
sugar: she's the best big sister i can ask for
lemon: me to
blaze: i still think of tsume as my lover
faiya: your wasting your time flat chest. you'll never make it with her
blaze: HA ! your one to talk . you lost tsume over to lita and you still cant win her
faiya : -growl-! -jump her- i'll kill you !!!
blaze: ow ow ow let me go !
Lilly: ok for those who aren't a compile retard-
faiya/blaze: HEY !
lita: can move on to the next lvl of training
haru: lets do some hard ass training guys
all: YEAH !!!!
blaze: but wait what about tsume?
lita: she'll do training to but in my own way
faiya: lita you need to stop raping that girl
lita: i didn't mean it like that faiya. -smirk- don't tell me you-
faiya: NO !
lita: good i didn't think so
sugar: when dose are training start?
lita: soon very soon....