the Maury show !
#6 of mini story
i was so bored when i mead this crappy story, but hey what else could i have not made
Maury: hello and welcome to the Maury show !
crowed clapping and cheering
Maury: on today show we have are guess tsume sakamea and vex ashimora. tsume says that vex isn't the father of her son hex , but he says that he is and he remembers having sex with year 3 years ago . let's have a look
tsume :uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
vex:um yeah im the father
tsume: uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
vex:.......yep still the father .....i know im the father ......yep
tsume: why are these cameras in my face ? and were is my sandwich?
vex:i don't know what else to say but i know im the father
tsume: HI MOM , IM ON TV !
Maury :ok lets welcome tsume to the show
clapping )
tsume walk in wearing short purple overalls , white and purple shoes and hair in pigtail
tsume: hi Maury ! -sit down-
Maury : tsume is it true that you don't believe that vex isn't the father of your son hex ?
tsume: well um yes
Maury :but why is that
Tsume tell you the truth i don't know
Maury :um ok , well was vex with you when you gave birth to hex
Tsume :can i lie ?
Maury :no
Tsume :ok then no he didn't
Maury :is that a lie?
Tsume , yes , ummmm maybe
Maury :so he was with you that day right ?
Tsume :yes i guess he was
Maury :who named him you or him ?
Tsume :does it matter ?
Maury :so tell me why you don't think vex isn't the father to your son ?
Tsume :sigh- .....i wish i new
Maury :OK i can see im not getting anywhere with you
Tsume :your damn right , can i have a cookie ?
Maury :uh no
Tsume :aww
Maury :lets bring out vex
vex walks in wearing shirt with a star on it , black pants and uh black and white shoes
Tsume :uh vex i don't think were in new York
vex :oops -sits- hi Maury
Maury :vex tell me are you the father of tsume son ?
vex :yes i am
Tsume :no you're not , stop lieing
vex :you know im the father seeing we had 3 more kids to
Tsume :yeah well i know you're the father for them, but hex isn't your son
crowed gasp)
Maury :ok let's get to the result .......vex you.. are the father
crowed: YAY !!!!! CLAPPING
vex :YES I NEW IT !!!!
Tsume :THAT'S NOT FAIR ! HE CANT BE THE FATHER ! THIS IS BULLSHIT , I DIDN'T SPEND ALL MY TIME TO - (phone ringing) wait , wait hold on my son is calling me (answer phone) hello...oooh ....really...ok bye (hang up) ok it looks like he is the father my son told me that its true
vex:so i win
Tsume :no you don't win , i did
vex :but you said i wasn't the father
Tsume :nooooo that's what you said , i said you were the father
vex :stop lieing tsume
Tsume :no , you stop lieing
Tsume :YOU
Tsume :YOU
vex: YOU
Tsume :YOU
vex :YOU
Tsume :(giggle) sorry
Maury :OK next we have Ryuichi kiyoyama , and his story is that he is the father to tsume new-born kids, kiyo and ichigo
tsume: (low voice) he is so not the father
ryuichi :(from back stage) I CAN HEAR YOU KITTY !
Tsume :SORRY !
vex :when and how did he get here?
Tsume :uh magic
vex :.....fair enough
Maury :lets bring out Ryuichi
crowed: clapping
walk out in his hot school outfit
tsume: baka
ryuichi: i heard that
Tsume :uh (point to vex) he did it
vex :wait what ?!
ryuichi :I thought i told you to stop lieing
Tsume :yeah and i told you to stop treating me like a kid , by the way I know you're the father
ryuichi : I know
Maury :OK ryuichi do you think you're the father ?
ryuichi :I don't think , i know im the father and she does to
Tsume :cookie party !
Tsume :OK Ryuichi let's get to the ARE the father
cheering and clapping)
Tsume :i hate this show
vex :me to its boring ....want to go fight on Jerry springer?
Tsume :but kitty you don't have any enemy's to fight on there
vex :that's what you think
ryuichi :why are you still hear?
Tsume :hey be nice puppy , and don't worry i'll be fine . now let's go to Jerry !
vex: YEAH !
ryuichi: eh OK , i got nothing better to do anyway
tsume: JERRY
ryuichi :JERRY