From the mouth of tigers

Story by Panthera Onca on SoFurry

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Transcript from radioshow, read for your own amusement. By the way, I did not know that the Cincinati NFL team was called the Bengals. You really learn something new every day...

Transcript from: WLFS-FM 103.2 (Cincinnati) Show: 'Rock after Dark' Host: Jennifer 'Jenna' Giuseppe Recording started at 1:07 AM Recording ended at 1:15 AM

Host: "Welcome to rock after dark, I'm Jenna, and what would you like to hear?"

Caller: *Sobbing* "Hi, I'm Shauna. Got something to cure a broken heart?"

H: "I'm sure I can find something, Shauna. But tell me do you want to kick him in the nuts or drown yourself in ice-cream?"

C: *Crying* "She... Doesn't even know I exist, we live next door to each other, I know she's single and I just dream of her. She's got a thing for tigresses, so I figured I had a chance of being noticed, I am both female and tiger..."

H: "Aww, sweetie."

C: *Sobbing* "So I figured if I start to pass her more often in the hall, and I thought she noticed me too..." *Crying*

H: "Calm down honey, it's going to be fine."

C: *Sobbing* "I would put on more revealing clothes, but she never said anything... Then, she works night, so I started jogging in the morning, *sniff* ever an excuse to wear tight clothes... You know let her look at my ass when she gets back from work..."

H: "And I'm sure you have a mighty fine ass, so why wasn't she looking?"

C: "I... I don't know... It's so embarrassing to run down the street in that outfit, I would never do that normally... *Sobbing* I also tried different styles, just to see if they sparked anything in her..."

H: "And did it?"

C: "No, nothing at all the wolfess ignored me like I was air..." *Crying*

H: "So tell me of this cruel wolfess that ignores you..."

C: "Well her name is Jennifer; she's in her twenties with dark grey top fur and a red-brown under fur. She wears pants and t-shirt most of the time, during the summer she switches to shorts and tank top *purr*. She must also work out a lot *slurp* because her stomach looks harder than concrete and her arms, I'm sure she could change the tire on a truck without tools." *Panting*

H: "Before we hit territory that will bring down the FCC, let's steer the conversation back to what went wrong... So tell me this, how did you find out she was into tigresses?"

C: "Well, about three months ago a package addressed to her was left in my mailbox, since I was expecting something similar I accidently opened it."

H: "Let me take a wild guess here, the content was something like 'Wild Tigress Monthly'"

C: "You could say that, even the cover made me blush, I didn't think three girls could do something like that together." *Panting*

H: "Oh wow, I'm sure the boys in the FCC wouldn't like to hear all about it, so let's all step away from the thin ice..."

C: "Oh yeah, well I might have been so shocked that I dropped the magazine on the floor, and I saw a few more of the pages, *panting* there really can't be any doubt that it was a magazine meant to be hidden under a teen boys bed..."

H: "On point honey, or the FCC will flay me alive."

C: "Sorry, I got a little carried away. Well I had to return it, so I put the magazine back in the envelope; then wrote an apology on a post-it..."

H (Inaudible): *Gulp*

C: "...Then put carefully in her mailbox."

H: "You live here in Cincinnati, right?"

C: *Peppy* "Yeah, sure do, I love this city, go Bengals! Why?"

H: "Eh,erh, nothing. So you figured out she was into tigresses, when did you start acting on it?"

C: "Well I figured if I moved too soon, she might think I was mocking her, so I waited like three weeks before I did anything; I figured that she might like to see a half-naked tigress when she came home from work. So I started jogging every morning, just around the block, but enough so she would notice me."

H: *Cough* "Since we're talking about it here I guess it didn't take?"

C: *Sobbing* "Not one bit, any reaction would have been better, even turning away from me. But she treated me like air, as she always did..." *Crying*

H: "There, there, darling. I'm sure she just didn't realise you were available. Please, go on..."

C: *Sobbing* "Well, then I figured that maybe she wasn't in the mood to leer at a tigress after working all night. So I started going to the gym in the evening, you know the kind where I miraculously would come home just as she was leaving..."

H: "Yeah, I know that place, down by Hauck Botanic Gardens, right?" *Giggle*

C: *Sniff-Giggle* "Yup, that's the place; so I would check my mailbox and then just as she comes down the stairs bend over to pick up my gym bag..."

H: *Gulp* "Now that, sounds like an effective idea, so what went wrong..?"

C: "Not once did she slow down. I could hear her coming down the stairs, so I put my ass on display for her; but she didn't slow down or miss a single step... Now the lobby is laid out in a way so when you walk down the stairs you come out right in front of the mailboxes."

H: "And she couldn't miss the close-up of your ass, I take it?"

C: "That's right..." *Sniff*

H: *Cough* "Just to sum up for any new listeners; I'm Jenna and you are on the on the right frequency, this is rock after dark and I'm having a girl talk with Shauna from Cincinnati. She's crushing on her wolfess neighbour Jennifer and so far she has tried 'morning jogging' for nine weeks as the wolfess comes home from work, and for an added bonus she has tried the 'bend over and pick up gym bag' routine for what, six weeks now, Shauna?"

C: *Sniff* "Yeah, that sounds about right..."

H (Inaudible): *Gulp*

H: "So let's have the conclusion to this story, what happened tonight that made so different?"

C: "Well, I finally worked up the courage, you know, *sobbing* too say hello. So I waited for her in the lobby as usual, ready to pick up my gym bag. Then she came down the stairs, and I turned around and asked her; 'Would you like to grab coffee sometime?'" *Crying*

H: *Clattering* *Gulp* "What did she answer?"

C: *Sobbing* "'Who are you..?'" *Crying*

H: *Bang* *Clattering*

C: *Sobbing* "Maybe I should just give up on her..."

H: *Screech* *Tapping* *Slam*

C: "Hello..?"

C: "Hello???"

C: *Hangs up*