The Kingdom

Story by SurryKitten on SoFurry

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#3 of Akeela, the Queen of Eqypt

Enjoy the story! I promise to get to the sexy parts in the next chapter, but I really wanted to add a lot of detail to the personalities and interactions of the characters. I hope you enjoy the story, and i would greatly appreciate any feedback!

Enjoy the tale of Akeela and Anpu. I know Katrina is.

"I'm finished!" Katrina cheered, setting her fork and spoon down into her clean plate. "Can we have story time now?"

Looking at the clock, Juliet could see that it was only seven thirty. All three of them had sat down for dinner at seven o' clock, and Katrina had gulped down every last bit on her plate in order to go to bed early. Usually, children begged not to go to bed, but since Juliet had started telling Katrina a bedtime story, she couldn't wait to get snuggled up in her blankets.

"Honey, it's not bedtime yet. You don't go to bed until nine." Juliet spoke, watching the little girl get up from the table.

Instead of arguing with her mother, Katrina walked to the sink, setting her plate, silverware, and cup into the chrome bin.

"Please mama?" She asked in an innocent, soft voice.

With a smile, Juliet simply looked over at her husband who sat at the other side of the table, finishing his favorite beer--Redd's Apple Ale.

"I'll do the dishes since you cooked love. Go on. I've got it under control." James spoke, picking up his plate from the table and throwing his beer bottle into the recycling bin.

"Thank you James." Juliet said.

Slowly, Juliet stood up from her seat. She was the last one to put her dishes into the sink, and as she set everything down, she pressed up to her husband's back, kissing the top of his shoulder. Since she was several inches shorter than he was, it was the highest she could reach without getting up on her tip toes. There was a smile on James's face, and as he turned on the warm water, he wet his fingers, flicking water at Juliet playfully.

"It's the least I could do."

"What are you waiting for mama? Come on!" Katrina squealed from the living room.

Somehow, Katrina had managed to slip out of the kitchen without Juliet noticing, and as Juliet walked into the living room, she could see that Katrina had pulled a blanket out of the hallway closet and snuggled up on the couch with her favorite doll, Susie.

"I know it's not time for bed. So, can you tell me the story here? Susie wants to listen again too!"

"I can sweetheart." Juliet said, listening to the clink of dishes coming from the kitchen as James cleaned them. It was faint, but it was actually a soothing sound.

"We left off right after they bumped into each other!" Katrina giggled.

"Of course." Juliet replied, smiling as she slipped her toes under Katrina's blanket.


After several seconds of staring, Anpu finally realized that he still had his paw on Akeela's face. Quickly, he pulled it away and pretended to smooth down the fur on his head, smiling a bit in Akeela's direction.

"Sorry, I didn't mean to stare. I also did not mean to hit you. I wasn't watching where I was going." He said, looking over her body, but quickly looking away as to not seem obvious that he was admiring her.

"I wasn't watching either." She said, wrapping her arms around herself as they stood in the breezy walkway.

As the wind whipped around every corner, the flames of the torches flickered, casting a soft light over both of their faces that seemed to dance. Akeela wrapped her arms tighter around herself in response, and Anpu smiled, perking his ears up. Without another word, he walked over to the wall, ripping down one of the beautiful drapes that dangled from the ceiling, and he walked back to Akeela, wrapping the cloth around her shoulders.

"You would think that a person could never get the chills in a desert." Anpu whispered, trying to make jokes.

With a soft giggle, Akeela replied. "You would think, but the wind is cool."

Anpu nodded, looking down the hallway. "It's getting late. Can I take you back to your room?"

"I was actually on my way back, but I got lost." Akeela replied as the next gush of wind sent a strand of her crimson hair flying to cover her muzzle.

Reaching forward, Anpu gently moved the strand, tucking it back behind her ear. They both began to walk without another word, and as they walked down the hall, Akeela could see Anpu begin to open his muzzle several times before closing it. He wanted to say something, but he couldn't.

The halls seemed to disappear behind both of them, and as they turned one last corner, Akeela could see the entrance to her room with the purple curtains over the door. Slowly, she turned to look at Anpu, and with a smile, she bid him goodnight before she began to walk into her room. There was a flash of movement behind her, and she felt Anpu gently grip her elbow.

"Wait," He said, waiting until she turned around completely to begin speaking. "My mother told me her plans. I know everything that is going on now, and I want you to know that you do not have to do this. You do not have to bear my pup, and I will still get my mother to give you your freedom if you change your mind. I just..."He paused, trying to find the right words to say. "I just wanted you to know that Akeela."

Slowly, he dropped his paw from her elbow and rubbed it through his hair, tweaking his ear before lowering his arm to his side. There was a long pause, but Akeela simply turned her lips up into a smile.

"I want to do it." She replied, looking into his eyes once more. "I'll see you tomorrow."

To Anpu, her last words seemed more like a promise than a statement, and as they locked eyes once more, her lavender gaze sent his heart into flutters. He couldn't quite control his breathing, and all he could manage to do was nod to her as she disappeared into her room for the night.

"Why does her gaze do that to me?" Anpu asked himself, sighing as he was now alone in the hallway. It was a long walk back to his room, and honestly, he didn't want to return. He had been happy to leave Kesi alone, and now, he had to return to her, but Kesi wasn't the woman on his mind, Akeela was.

Luckily, once Anpu returned to his room, Kesi was fast asleep in their bed, sprawled out over most of the cushion. Normally, Anpu would just crawl into bed next to her, forcing her to move over, but he wasn't tired. His mind was racing too fast for sleep. Letting his loin cloth drop to the ground, Anpu walked back onto the balcony, letting the soft breeze caress his chest and groin. It was a sensual experience, and he leaned back against the wall, looking over the city.

"Akeela," He whispered, feeling his heart flutter when he spoke her name out loud. "She's very beautiful indeed."

With a smile, he laid his head back onto the cool stone and closed his eyes. There were not many sounds that could reach his ears at that height, but as he listened carefully, he could almost make out the sounds of birds, if they were birds, singing in the distance.


After their first encounter, Anpu made a point to cross paths with Akeela as much as possible over the next few weeks. She was the most beautiful female he had ever seen, and he wanted to get to know her more. Many times they would walk the halls of the palace and talk about random things, and Anpu found himself happier in those moments than he ever had been with Kesi.

One night, Anpu had walked Akeela back to her door, and as she began to walk away from him, he reached out his paw to stop her, but he quickly stopped himself, pulling his hand back to his side. He was going to tell her that he loved her, possibly even get the chance to kiss her soft lips that had been torturing him for weeks, but he wasn't sure she wanted it. Sighing, he simply told her goodnight, and watched her disappear into her bedroom, cursing himself silently.

The next morning, Akeela slowly awakened to the soft sounds of knocking on her door. It was Koji announcing that the first meal of the day was being served, and he walked in to give Akeela her new dress for the day. It was another silk gown, but this one was dyed a light purple, a very expensive dye at the time, and as she slipped it onto her body, she could see in a distant mirror that the fabric hugged to her curves, bringing out the feminine shape of her body. It also contrasted with her beautiful eyes, and as she looked closer, she could see that her eyes and the cloth were almost the same color.

"The queen gave it to me this morning." Koji said, smiling as he linked his arms behind his back. He could see that Akeela approved as she twirled and examined herself.

After getting dizzy from all of her twirling, Akeela walked to the door, and she could see that Koji was still waiting for her with his paws neatly crossed over his groin and his back against the cool wall. To Akeela, he resembled a guard or a soldier, but he was a little smaller than an average soldier would be.

"Well, let's get this over with." Akeela sighed, walking out with Koji. Supposedly, it was the first breakfast that Kesi would attend, and Akeela knew that there was going to be some sort of conflict.

"Just ignore her if you have to." Koji said, smiling at Akeela. "We all do."

As Akeela entered into the dining area, she could see Anpu already sitting at the table with his mother. It didn't take long for him to notice her as she entered, and a bright smile spread across his face at the sight of her. The smile on his face made Akeela's cheeks burn as blood rushed in, and she quickly made her way to the table, sitting next to the Queen and across from Anpu.

"Akeela dear, are you finally settled in? I hope you've found everything you need. It's been over a month since we've been graced with your presence."

Nodding in response, Akeela glanced at the Queen, wondering how she could be so kind and still maintain a structured kingdom. "I have your highness." She replied, and as Anpu opened his mouth to speak, a loud growl was heard from the hallway.

"There better be a good meal today. My morning has just been the worst, and I don't ever get up for just any meal. Do you hear me?" Growled a small, beautiful jackal with fur as black as night.

Looking at the female, Akeela could only assume it was Kesi. She had heard a lot about Anpu's mate from Koji. He had given her a lot of information on the walk to the dining area, and so far, Koji had been right about her attitude problem. Kesi locked eyes with Akeela, and as soon as she noticed the white female, she began to growl a bit.

"This is her?" Kesi gestured with her paw, making the hundreds of bracelets on her wrists jingle and clank together. "You even got her with the same color hair as me? Is this a joke?" She squealed, huffing like a little girl.

Glancing at Kesi's hair, Akeela could see she was right. Kesi's hair was a bright red that bounced in light, wavy curls on her shoulders. On the other hand, Akeela's hair was much darker in color. It was still red, but it was more of a crimson color in wavy strands that went to the middle of her back. Frankly, Akeela had never seen anyone with a similar hair color, and it made her blink a few times in disbelief.

"Kesi sit down." The Queen commanded, looking at everyone. "We've already spoken about the situation."

Of course, the Queen had told Kesi of her plans long before she had even sent Koji out to find a slave for the job, but Kesi always seemed to be a bit of a drama queen, and the Queen knew it was going to be a challenge to keep Kesi under control.

Unfortunately, the rest of the meal was in silence. No one spoke a word, but the strong feeling of resentment could be felt radiating from Kesi towards Akeela. After everyone was full, the Queen smiled to Akeela before looking at her son.

"I was hoping you two could get acquainted a bit more. Anpu, why don't you take Akeela out into the kingdom? I'm sure she would love to pick out some clothes for herself instead of what I have picked for her."

"That's a great idea mother." Anpu said, smiling as he looked over at Akeela.

As their eyes locked, Akeela could already feel her cheeks burning. She really did like Anpu. He seemed like a real gentleman, and he was always so sweet to her. Several times, she had dreamt of him coming into her room at night and curling under her covers, but it never happened.

As Akeela smiled back at Anpu, she could hear Kesi scoff from across the table.

"What am I to do?" Kesi demanded angrily.

"I was hoping you could help me in the throne room this evening. I was thinking of redecorating, and you have a wonderful eye for design."

The Queen's comment seemed to lighten Kesi's mood, and as a smile spread over her face, she clasped her hands together in front of her, swaying her tail high.

"I would be honored. Let's go! Oh, I could do so much!" Kesi began, forgetting all about Anpu and Akeela.

As the Queen rose, she smiled at her son and Akeela. It was obvious that she had asked Kesi to help her in an attempt to create a distraction. The Queen knew her son wasn't happy with Kesi, and she wanted to give him some time to be alone with a female he truly cared for.

Once everyone was gone, Akeela finally felt free to speak. "I feel sorry for your mother." Akeela giggled, watching Anpu smile in return. "Her throne room is going to be hideous."

"Indeed it is." Anpu replied, smiling as he held out his paw for Akeela.

Gently, Akeela took his paw, and they both walked out of the dining area. As they walked down the halls, Akeela couldn't help but to stare at the large pillars that lined the hallways. They must have extended at least fifteen feet into the air, and she couldn't help but wonder how long it had taken for the perfectly round shapes to form.

"Are you okay?" Anpu asked, noticing that Akeela was staring at the pillars as they walked.

With a slight smile, she nodded. "It's just so strange for me to be in a place like this. I know I've been here for a while, but I never really pictured myself in a palace before. It still amazes me."

"Can I..." Anpu started, but he closed his muzzle as if he was debating something. After a few seconds, he looked over to Akeela with a loving gaze and held her paw tighter. "Can I ask you how you got those scars on your back?"

Mentally, Anpu was smacking himself. He had wanted to ask her permission for a kiss, and instead, he had asked her an extremely personal question about her past. He wouldn't lie, he had been wondering where her scars came from, but once the question left his mouth, he wanted more than ever to take it back.

Shocked, Akeela stopped mid stride. She hadn't even realized that he had ever seen her scars. After all, she tried desperately to hide them every day, but as Anpu reached back, he gently moved the fabric off of her shoulder, seeing the healing scars. Slowly, Anpu moved behind her, and before Akeela could pull away, she felt his lips gently press to one of her scars, sending shivers over her back. A soft gasp escaped her lips, and as the shivers rolled through her body, she could feel her nipples hardening, pressing against the thin fabric of her dress.

"Anpu..." She whispered his name, feeling him stand back up and press his body to her back. Anpu was much taller than her, and as she pressed back against him, she could feel his warm breath tickling her ears. She had never been touched like that before.

"You don't have to tell me, but I was just curious." He said, letting his warm breath tickle the fur on her neck.

Honestly, Akeela wasn't sure that Anpu knew what he was doing to her. Did he know he was making her shiver and ache for more of his attention?

"I was whipped by a male in the market. The merchant who was selling me let him do it, and he almost killed me." She whispered, looking down at the ground.

Thinking back on that moment, she remembered the dust getting in her face as the red droplets formed in the sand. There had been so much blood. She truly thought that her life was ending that day. As her mind thought back, Akeela could feel a tear swelling in her eye, but before it could even escape, Anpu's paw was there, catching the tear and wiping it away from her beautiful lavender eyes.

Looking up into his eyes, Akeela was about to say something, but she simply stopped. Their eyes were locked together, and as she saw Anpu's expression, she could tell it was a sign of admiration, maybe even love.

"Anpu, I think--"

Her words were cut off by his lips as he leaned in to kiss her. His paw gently held her chin up, and before Akeela could do anything, she felt her back press to the cool stone of one of the pillars, making her gasp into Anpu's muzzle. He took her open lips as an opportunity, and he gently slipped his tongue into her muzzle, wrapping his arms around her tightly. Akeela could feel her heart racing, and as she gently placed her paws on Anpu's chest, she could feel the hard thuds of his heart as well.

After several seconds, Anpu slowly pulled back, and Akeela could see a bright blush on his cheeks. It was hard to tell since he had black fur, but there was definitely red there. "No one will ever hurt you like that again." He said, gently holding her chin up with his index finger. "I promise."

Blushing a bit, Akeela looked down at the floor, feeling Anpu take her paw once more as they continued walking. She was a bit confused as to why he had kissed her, but for a brief moment, she had been happier than she ever had, and she knew it was his kiss that made her heart flutter for the first time.

"Let's go find you some beautiful gowns." Anpu said, smiling as he walked down to the carriages with Akeela.

At the stables, Koji was already waiting for them, holding a large, white horse by the reigns, and as Anpu walked towards the stallion, the horse turned his head, brushing his nose on his master's paw.

"He's ready for the ride prince Anpu." Koji said as he slowly stepped back.

Taking the reins, Anpu watched as the stallion got down onto his two front hooves, leaning down so he could get on. Anpu swung his leg over the stallion, and the large horse rose back onto his feet, trotting in place happily.

"Hold on Magnus. We have another guest."

Smiling, Anpu reached down, holding his paw out for Akeela to take.

"There is no way I can get up there. Are you kidding me?"

With a smile, Anpu took Akeela's paw, and he pulled her up onto the horse with ease. Akeela was astonished by his strength, and as she curled up to his back, she wrapped her arms around his waist.

"Hang on tight." Anpu said as Magnus began running out of the palace gate. It was going to be a bumpy ride, but Akeela didn't mind. She was pressed to Anpu's back with her nose in his fur, taking in his natural scent.

After a short ride, Anpu finally pulled back on Magnus's reigns, causing him to slowly trot to a stop. The stallion lowered himself once more, and as soon as the horse was low enough, Anpu swung his leg over, landing back on solid ground. Akeela looked over at him, and with a bright smile, Anpu held out his paw, helping Akeela regain her footing onto the ground.

"Did you like the ride?" He asked as Magnus stood back to his full height.

"It was amazing."

Really, Akeela hadn't even looked at the scenery on the ride. She was too busy with her nose buried in Anpu's back. As Akeela glanced around the street, Anpu took Magnus and walked him over to a stable. There, he paid the merchant to watch his horse, and when he walked back to Akeela, he took her paw gently, which was a gesture that was unheard of between a white and black jackal, let alone a prince and his supposed slave. They had held paws in the palace before, but they had been alone, not in public.

"What are you doing?" She asked in a hushed tone, trying to pull her paw from his grasp. She knew people would not take the gesture lightly.

Anpu seemed so calm about the whole thing, and as he looked down into Akeela's eyes, he smiled and said the kindest words Akeela had ever heard any male say. "I'm not ashamed to hold your paw Akeela. I want to show you that you're not a slave to me. You're much more than that. You don't even have to hold my paw if you don't want to. It's your choice."

Her Choice? Akeela had never really been given a choice at anything, and the more time she spent with Anpu, the more she came to realize that she felt completely whole. She didn't feel degraded or humiliated; she actually felt loved. Even the way he looked at her made her heart jump.

"You..." Akeela started, but she had to stop in order to hold the tears in her eyes. "You mean that?"

"I mean it with all my heart. I just wish I could have found you a long time ago."

A soft blush spread across Akeela's face, and she looked back down at the ground with a smile. She felt like any other woman being escorted by her husband or boyfriend, and for the time being, she forgot there was even a difference in their fur color. To Anpu and Akeela, they were the only two Anthros in the world.

"Here it is." Anpu said as he gently steered Akeela into the merchant shop.

As she walked in, a soft gasp escaped Akeela's lips. The whole store was filled with beautiful gowns that she had always seen women wear, but she had never actually worn one like these herself. There were silk gowns to hug every frame, and as Akeela began to look at them happily, Anpu took her paw, leading her to the back.

"You don't need these gowns." He said, leading her through the sea of silk and cotton fabrics.

"Why not?" She asked, very confused.

"Because, you're getting gowns that are made specifically for you. They will be one of a kind just like you."

Akeela was literally lost for words, and as they neared the back of the shop, she could see a tall, slender jackal standing in the corner with a piece of golden fabric in her paws. She was a beautiful female with silver earrings that dangled and danced when her ears perked up and an amber necklace that contained a small beetle.

"Anpu! Oh, have you come for some more of my clothes? I do so love to design them for you!" She cheered in a high pitched voice of excitement. Obviously, the royal family spent a lot of money there.

"Oh, I am here to get clothes, but I want them for Akeela." He said, glancing to the white jackal standing next to him.

It was only then that the female in front of them realized that Anpu was holding Akeela's paw. Her eyes lingered on their hands as if she was judging their union, and as she finally looked up, she shook her head.

"I'm sorry my prince, but I do not tailor to white jackals, and you should be ashamed of yourself for asking. What would your mother say if she saw you holding this...this _thing's_hand?" The woman screeched, and Akeela quickly pulled her paw out of Anpu's grasp, feeling her heart ache. She had never even seen this woman, and yet, the woman was being cruel and unkind.

Turning around, Akeela could feel the tears swelling up in her eyes. How could she have felt equal to them for even one minute? How could she have let Anpu get to her so easily? She was a white jackal, and in her despair, she knew that Anpu could never truly be with her.

"Look at it. It's crying." The woman growled.

As the first tear slipped from Akeela's eyes, she could feel it roll down her cheek, but as a second one tried to emerge, she felt Anpu's soft finger reaching up to brush her tears away just as he did before. Turning back towards the woman, Anpu growled louder, but his growl was more menacing, dangerous even. The woman stopped, staring at the prince in amazement, and Anpu reached back, taking Akeela's paw back into his.

"Do not ever speak to her like that. When you are addressing her, you are addressing me. I will not be back thanks to your hatred, and you can kiss those lavish earrings goodbye. You will no longer have the money to buy such nice things since you will be getting none from me."

Realizing what she had done, the female's eyes widened. The only reason those beautiful earrings had been dancing on her ears was because of Anpu. "No, wait! I'm sorry!" She called, trying to get out from behind her working station, but she became tangled in her fabrics, and as Anpu and Akeela left the store, they could both hear the sound of commotion as the female fell to the ground, wrestling with the silk and cotton that had snaked around her legs.

"I'm sorry. I didn't know she would react that way." Anpu said, looking down at Akeela. She was looking at the ground, and as Anpu reach up, he tried to lift her chin with his index finger, only to have her pull her head away from his grip. She didn't want him to see her tears.

"Akeela..." He said, trying to get her attention.

"Just take me back to the palace." She whispered.

"Come on, we don't have to go back. I know several other places, and I want to get you something special." Anpu said, trying to coax her back into her happy mood.

Feeling her pent up rage from years of being a slave rise in her throat, Akeela knew she was going to burst. She had been hurt all these years, and now, she didn't truly understand why Anpu was being nice to her. Why was he kissing her and making her have feelings for him?

Stopping in her tracks, Akeela looked up at Anpu with her tear streaked cheeks. "Why are you even being nice to me?" She shouted, stomping her foot as more tears began to swell in her eyes. "Is it so I won't run away? Are you making me develop feelings for you just so that you can rip my heart out when you're done with me? I'm not at the same level as you Anpu, and I never will be. I'll always be a slave." Her words trailed off, and she wrapped her arms around herself, feeling the tears turn into soft sobs. "I can't believe I even thought I could live differently..." She whispered, and as Anpu began to speak, she walked towards the stables.

Needless to say, it was a silent ride back to the palace. The only sound was the beating of Magnus's hooves on the ground as he galloped, and Akeela kept her paws loosely wrapped around Anpu, trying to disguise her sniffles with the rhythmic sound of hooves. Once they both rode back into the palace gates, Akeela flung herself off of Magnus, surprisingly landing on her feet. She was determined to get back to her room as quickly as possible, but Anpu caught up to her.

Gently, he took her elbow into his paw and turned her to face him. "Akeela, please don't let that one thing ruin our time together. I meant everything I said."

"You're mated to Kesi. The only reason I'm here is to give you both a child, and even if you did mean what you said, how could we ever be together? I'm not royalty. The scars on my back prove it." She sobbed, pulling her elbow out of Anpu's grip.

"Akeela, I think I-" Anpu began, but he stopped. She was right. Kesi would forever be his mate because of the union of the two kingdoms, and it wouldn't be fair to keep Akeela on the side as a pet, even if he did love her.

"What?" Akeela asked quietly, looking up into his eyes.

Shaking his head, Anpu knew he had to tell her. He had to tell her how he felt even if he could never truly be with her. "Akeela, I don't just think I'm in love with you. I know I'm in love with you." He said, looking down into her eyes. "I can't get you out of my head, and even if we never truly get to be mates, I'll never be able to get you out of my head or my heart. You are right though..." Anpu paused, sighing a bit. "I am with Kesi. I don't love her, and it wasn't my choice to be with her either. I would have chosen you, but that choice was never laid into my hands. After you bear a pup for me, I want you to go live the way you've always wanted to. I want you to find a male who will treat you like the amazing female you are, and most importantly, I want you happy just like you were today."

Gently, Anpu pushed a strand of Akeela's hair behind her ear, carefully brushing it down as he brushed his paw over the fur on her cheek. "You deserve the best." He whispered, slowly lowering his paw. "I'm sorry if I upset you."

Staring at the large male, Akeela couldn't find the right words to say. Was he truly not trying to use her? As she looked into his eyes, she could see it was true. He was in love with her. "Anpu, no one has ever cared for me before..." She whispered, watching as his ears drooped a bit. "I didn't know you really felt that way. I Think I do too, but..." She trailed off, sighing softly. "I don't know."

Smiling a bit, Anpu reached down, taking her paw into his. His paw was so much bigger than hers that he could practically cover her whole paw with his, and as she gently intertwined her fingers in his, she smiled back, feeling foolish for the way she had overreacted. She did love him, but she wasn't sure what good it would do if he could never be hers.

As if he was reading her thoughts, Anpu smiled, tightening his grip on her paw as they walked towards the dining hall. "You never know what the future might hold."


While Anpu and Akeela had been in town, Kesi had called for an escort to take her into her home kingdom. She had left a note for Anpu on their bed, and as she rode in the carriage, she glanced out the window, scoffing at every peasant she passed.

"How much longer?" Kesi yelled angrily. She was getting tired of the ride, and she just wanted to be home again.

"We are arriving at the gate your highness." The male up front called back, snapping the reigns of the horses as they moved forward.

Glancing out the window again, Kesi could see the large rock wall that contained her whole kingdom, and with a bright smile, she took in a sigh of relief.


In a matter of moments, she felt the carriage stop. The male in the front stepped down, letting his foot paws slosh in the mud as he made his way to the back of the carriage. Opening the door, he smiled at the female.

"Your home awaits." He said in a cheerful voice.

"What do you think you're doing? I'm not stepping in mud." Kesi growled, looking over her former palace.

It was nowhere near the size of Anpu's palace, and as she looked over her small home, she smirked, knowing that as soon as the baby was born, she would be one step closer to becoming the queen. Her kingdom was once very beautiful, but after many years of overuse and hardships, the land lost all the green vegetation, creating an eerie tone to all the hills and villages. Mud was the only ground to walk on, and even the sky seemed to always darken over the kingdom.

Watching the servant lay his jacket into the mud, a smile spread across Kesi's face. There was only a small distance between the carriage and the front steps of her palace, but she just loved commanding anyone of lower status.

Stepping down onto the male's jacket, she felt the fabric squish into the mud, creating an imprint of her new shoes as the coat stuck in the sloppy mess. Smirking, she continued to walk up the stairs to the large wooden doors, glancing back only once to watch the male pick up his jacket out of the mud and sadly attempt to scrape the fabric clean before slipping it back onto his shoulders.

Smiling, Kesi made her way through the front doors, and as she walked into the main hall, she smiled, looking at the familiar hallways, light fixtures, and decorations.

"Mother!" She called happily, walking towards the throne room.

Every servant she passed had a saddened look on their face. It was just the way she liked it, and she often wondered how the servants could be so happy where she lived now. Anpu's mother was not strict enough on them.

"Where is my mother?" Kesi demanded of a small white jackal, practically growling down her throat.

"She's in her bedroom your highness." The female whispered, looking down at the floor.

Making her way through the palace and up several flights of stairs, Kesi finally reached her mother's chambers. Of course, her father slept in those chambers as well, but he was always traveling to other kingdoms visiting friends or trying to find income for his kingdom as a whole. He was a good man, and many people often wondered how he had come to love someone as cruel as Queen Keket.


Sitting up straight, Katrina was wide eyed, staring at her mother as if she realized something very important. "Mama!" Katrina squealed, putting both her paws on her cheeks. "We learned about Queen Keket today in school. We're learning about the Pharaohs and Queens!"

"You did? What did you learn about her?" Juliet asked, placing both of her paws onto her knees and smiling brightly at her daughter.

"She was a really mean lady! My teacher said that she let her whole kingdom starve. That was Kesi's mom?" Katrina gasped, slapping her paws down onto her blanket in disbelief.

"Yes, but there are other things about her that a teacher couldn't tell you in school." Juliet said with a smirk.

"Like what?" Katrina asked.

Juliet was just about to answer, but James walked into the room holding a bowl of cheesecake he had swiped from the fridge. "Like she was really ugly." James said with a chuckle, and Katrina laughed with him, holding up her paw to beg for a piece of her daddy's dessert.

As James handed her a spoonful of cheesecake, she eagerly ate it, handing him the spoon once it was wiped clean.

"That's not nice daddy, and I saw a picture of her. She looked pretty." Katrina said in defense.

"Well, that was a long time ago. They didn't have cameras back then, and when royal people got their portraits panted, they usually made the artist lie." James replied, sitting down on the couch behind Katrina.

Smiling, Katrina leaned back, snuggling against her father's side as his arm draped around her protectively. "Oh, I see." Katrina smiled, looking back at her mother.

"Legend has it that she was also a goddess." Juliet spoke, smiling as Katrina's mouth gaped open.

"What kind of goddess would let their kingdom die mama?" Katrina asked in disbelief, pulling the blanket back over her body.

"The goddess of darkness would." Juliet replied, watching her daughter's eyes begin to droop slowly. Looking at the clock, Juliet saw it was Katrina's bed time.

As Juliet was about to begin the story again, Katrina laid her head back onto her father's soft fur, and she was asleep in only a matter of minutes.

"What did you put in that cheesecake?" Juliet asked playfully, looking over at her husband.

"Well, just some chloroform and sleeping aid." James replied, smiling as he finished off the last bite. "You're getting to the good parts of the story now aren't you?" James asked with a smile, and Juliet simply smiled back, getting up from the couch.

"You never know what the future might hold dear." She said playfully, swaying her hips as she walked to the kitchen to turn off the light.

Lifting Katrina into his arms, James gently carried her to her room before snuggling her in her fuzzy blankets and tucking Susie gently into Katrina's arms. Katrina looked peaceful there, and as James flipped on her night light, he smirked to Juliet.

"Where did you hear that line?" He asked, closing Katrina's door quietly.

"It was in the story." Juliet giggled, smiling at her husband.

As they both walked down the hall, Juliet playfully began to unbutton her blouse, swaying her tail behind her as they walked. It was obvious that she wanted to mate, and with a low, seductive growl, James grabbed her tail, pulling her back into his hips before nuzzling her neck. Akeela and Anpu's story would have to wait. For now, it was playtime.