Alpha and Omega: The Outlanders Chapter 1

Story by ArgoDD on SoFurry

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#1 of Alpha and Omega: The Outlanders

In an alternate ending to the movie, Garth and Kate get married. Heartbroken, Humphrey and Lily also get married.

Alpha and Omega

The Outlanders



Kate moved her nose toward the Garth's large, firm muzzle. Her eyes closed as she approached. Her lids locked tightly, as if anticipating a bitter taste on an unfamiliar surface. The claws on her paws pressed against the soil, but she resisted pressing them down further, as not to show the slightest bit of reservation, or worse, unwillingness in the face of the prideful eyes of her father, or the cold, grilling ones of Tony. She pushed her head on, her movement almost automatically locked. Absent any will or thought. She tried not to press her lids any tighter as to give the impression of frowning.

I got to do this.

Garth felt his hind legs slowly lose strength and his abdomen tingle in annoying uneasiness. He felt so exposed, so vulnerable, so coerced. He hated the feeling and he hated every second of this awkward showcase. It had nothing to do with Kate, he thought. She had done nothing to him. It had nothing to do with his father, so he believed. It was not his father's initial idea to go through this, it was Winston who proposed this marriage to prevent the war.

War. That's what this was all about. As his own father had said that morning before making their way to this spot: duty calls. And that is was the root of his anguish, and the guilt he felt only intensified his hatred.

Why me? Why do I have to sacrifice for the sake of the packs? I didn't ask for this?

It was not that he wanted war or that he wanted his pack to starve, and he certainly did not wish to have been born an Omega. But the question blurred though his eyes as he forced himself toward Kate's muzzled: Why must there be peace at the expense of me? And Her?

With all the strength in their muzzles, they maintained a steady smile. Finally, they felt the cool, wet tips of each other's noses and rubbed them round and round for a good thirty seconds. They both decided to find the soft tenderness of each other's muzzles as a means to produce and present the most authentic look of enjoyment as they could. Then they moved their heads down each other's necks in a deep embrace.

"Thank you," whispered Garth into Kate's ear, the strong sent of the flower placed there making his eyes squint in irrigation.

"For what?" Kate whispered back, grasping Garth's hard, tight neck.

"For holding out for me..."

Once they parted, they were greeted by the howls their packs, which echoed off the cliffs, intensifying the sound. Kate looked to see her parents beaming, and Tony nodding his head with a smile. She saw her sister Lily, howling with the rest of the wolves, but pointing her head right up to the sky, as if to hide her face.

Suddenly, she noticed the eerie siren of a distantly familiar howl. It was coming from above the cliff in front of them, to her, transcending harmony and unison of the packs. She looked up and found Humphrey, standing atop the cliff, head up to the sky and chest puffed out. He was putting all the strength he had into his howl, but it did not strain or fade; it only maintained its course intensity. Kate smiled, finally from the heart. Then Humphrey stopped and gazed down at Kate, locking his sensitive blue eyes with hers. Though he smiled, his eyes were glistening in sadness. Kate's heart sank, but one thought that ran through her head kept her smiling.

At least he's staying.

Once Garth strategically looked his father and then upon Kate's parents, he locked his on Lily. She had stopped howling and now only looked to the ground. Though he could spot it easily from where he was standing, Lily was resisting a sob. Finally, she raised her eyes to him, and a moment of relief shot through her face. Relief to know that he was now looking at her. But once her glowing lavender eyes began to sparkle, she turned away to quickly rub them.

Be strong.

After the howling ended, Garth and Kate were met by their parents, followed by the rest of the packs, each wolf giving their congratulations, as was custom. A strange pulse tore through Kate's body as each wolf, Alpha and Omega, Eastern or Western, gave their blessing. It was the feeling of guilt and she knew exactly where it came from. She felt unworthy of the responsibly given to her because she was regretting it with her selfish desires. And it bothered her even more deeply that she fulfilled her responsibility with a phony smile.

The crowd around them irritated Garth as he felt choked and dizzy from it. And the fact that the wolves around them were blocking her sight of Lily, who remained standing were she was, only made him want to lash his paw to sweep each one aside. The idea frightened him. Finally, after making her way through the crowd, Lily approached them. She first hugged her sister, "Congratulations, Kate." Then she turned to Garth, who smiled at her. "I guess I have a brother now." Garth's body quivered, as if Lily spoke something too disturbing, too disgusting for him to bear.

Kate looked up at the cliff; Humphrey was still there, gazing down at her with his sad blue eyes. Marcel and Paddy were now standing beside him, talking to him. Though Kate could not hear what they were saying, there seemed to be confusion in their faces.

Suddenly, the ground beneath them began to tremble. The wolves began to disperse.

"Oh no. Garth," said Kate "it's a stampede."

"Come on," be barked at her and the others and they also followed him up the cliff.

But a herd of caribou did not come crashing through the area. Instead, the vibrations from the ground began to fade into nothing. Braving the potential danger, Garth and Kate ran down the ledge of the cliff and toward where the sound of trotting caribou was coming from. Once got closer to the where they had heard the sound, they saw before them the back ends of a herd of caribou running in the opposite direction, leaving a cloud of dust in their wake.

"Strange," said Tony, "What caused them to turn around like that?"

"Maybe they heard us howling and got scared off," said Winston wearily.

Tony snorted, "Caribou scared off by a little howling?"

Kate looked at the sight with near horror. As if she knew the dark secret to this strange event.

Even caribou know to flee from hypocrisy, she thought, why can't wolves be so wise?

That night, the two packs gathered round the Howling Rock to celebrate Kate and Garth's wedding, as well as the union of the Eastern and Western packs. Kate and Garth stood at the very peak, covered in the bright moonlight. In their honor, they were to start the howl.

"You ready?" asked Kate.

"Absolutely," said Garth grinningly.

Kate gave a concerned look, "You sure?"

"Yea. I have a surprise for you. I've been working on it since last night."

"Oh yea?" Kate smiled.

Nodding his head, Garth faced the bright moon, his head raised high, his forelegs stiff, and his chest puffed outward. He began to take a deep breathe. Kate slightly moved her head backward, bracing for the horst shriek she had come to know as his howl the first night she met him. But looking at his posture, she could not help but think that the confidence he had in himself was without limit.

Still filling his lungs, Garth stared at the white moon, watching the silhouette of a flock of birds fly by.

I can do this. I did it last night.

Then he began to round his lips, pausing for a split second before he sent air through them.

From the heart. Right.

Finally, he let out his howl.

Kate squinted her eyes. It came out flat, then sharp, and then flat again as Garth tried to flow into different intonations, as if searching for the right sound. It lacked any rhythm or melody. It only seemed worse than last time she heard it. Seeing the desperation in Garth's eyes, Kate joined in. She did her best to match his key and leverage it a little. But she found herself beginning to override Garth as he tried to fade himself out. This became easier when the other wolves began to join in the chorus. For once in his life, Garth felt so relieved to be drowned out. Finally, he stopped, and Kate stopped too.

"What's the matter?" she asked, seeing Garth's eyes look to the left and to the right in confusion.

"I don't understand. It was great last. Really, I practiced over and over again just for this...just for you."

Kate was touched. His howl may be harsh, but his heart was in the right place. Maybe this could work out after all.

"Thank you," whispered Kate as gently licked Garth's cheek. He smiled and ran his nose down her neck. She waited for him to say something, but he said nothing. Instead he parted himself from her rather hastily. It was strange to Kate. Since that morning, his contacts with her had been so limited and brief. They spent the entire day next to each other, yet he barely looked at her, at least not directly, and his physical contacts where so insignificant that this was the most affection they had shared since that morning.

"I have to talk to someone about this," said Garth.

"Don't worry about it. I don't mind."

"But I do. I want us to share a meaningful howl. That's what mates are supposed to do, right?"

Kate paused, supposed to do?

Sighing, she said, "Okay. If it means that much to you. If you want to go know, there's someone I need to talk to, too."

Garth smiled, joy rang through his body, "Okay. I'll see you soon."

As they parted in opposite directions, Kate looked back at Garth. His pace was slow, but it seemed to convey an earnest attempt to control himself. It was as if he was fighting the urge to run.


"Come on Humphrey," called Shakey, "If we're gonna have a good slide down the slope, we'd better get over there while there's still plenty of moonlight."

Humphrey stood staring up at Howling Rock. "You guys go ahead," he said, "I'm not really in the mood." Mooch approached Humphrey, "Is something wrong, Humphrey?" Looking at his friend, Mooch gave a light smile, "No. No, just a little tired from the trip I guess. Just kinda want to enjoy the peace of the night for once." Mooch gave a concerned look. "Suit yourself," said Salty from behind them, "come one Mooch." Mooch slowly backed away and took off with the others, leaving Humphrey staring at the peak. He could not help but think to himself that maybe it would have better if Marcel and Paddy were wrong about the train.

If it only it was the wrong...

"The lone wolf outlive his title already?"

A sweet, familiar voice interrupted Humphrey's thoughts. He turned to the left, to where it came from. There stood Kate.

Humphrey smiled, "I think you were right. The idea doesn't fit me."

Smiling back, Kate nodded her head to the side. "Come on Humphrey. Walk with me a little."

"Lead on."

The two walked into the nearby woods, down a rugged path where the moon shined through the branches of the trees. The leaves were beginning to fall, making allowing for more moonlight to come through. They didn't speak much to each other, but neither minded, as their adventure together had made their mere company enough to make them almost synchronize with each other. Then they stopped.

"I just wanted to say that I'm glad that you decided to stay."

"I see your still wearing my flower," said Humphrey, "It's starting to wilt,"

Kate took the flower out of her fur, and sure enough, it was dried, wrinkled, and browning. But when she looked up, Humphrey was holding a fresh flower in his mouth; one that he must have just picked up from the ground. He proceeded to place on Kate's ear, the same one as last.

"Thank you, Humphrey."

"Don't mention it. Hey, if you want, I could find a new one for you every day."

Kate laughed, "What I meant was, thank you for helping me these last few days."

Humphrey nodded his head, grinning. "It was my pleasure."

Kate felt the sharp pain run through her chest again. She could still see the hurt in his eyes.

"Look Humphrey, I know why you told me you were going to leave after I told you that I was marrying Garth."


Kate looked down, sighing, "know that you had feelings for me. And to be honest, I can't say that I didn't feel the same about you."

Humphrey's face sank in surprise. It was the most sincere Kate had ever sounded.

"Are you serious?"

Kate nodded. But then she raised her head sternly and said, "But it was childish. I'm a full alpha now, and I'm married. And it's time we put childish things away."

Humphrey lowered her head slightly, looked toward the ground, "right."

Kate placed her paw on Humphrey's, "But I want you to know that whoever your mate is, she will be the luckiest omega in Jasper Park to have you as hers."

Humphrey looked back up, "thanks Kate."


Garth searched the base of Howling Rock. Trying to avoid the crowd of wolves from seeing him, or worse, coming up to congratulate him for the fiftieth time, he stood in the shadows. His eyes were determined to find the silky white fur, and glowing lavender eyes of a certain omega wolf. Suddenly, behind the row of tress where the forest met the valley, he saw what looked like a white tail. Almost by instinct, he began to hustled over to the forest, trying to be a discrete as possible. Suddenly, a wolf popped right in front of him, making him stop dead in his tracks. It was his father, Tony. He stood in front of Garth with a somber looked on his face.

"Something wrong, dad?"

"Come with me son. There's something I need to discuss with you in private."

Tony led Garth behind a bolder that stuck up from the ground adjacent Howling Rock. Once they were situated, Tony's cold eyes pierced into those of his son's bright green ones.

"Look son...I know that this was all rushed on you."

"It's fine, dad. It's my..."

"Let me finish!"

Garth went silent.

"Son...I understand that as alpha, when it comes to our duties, we have certain....weaknesses."

"What do you mean?"

Tony moved his head closer to Garth, and with a near whisper, he said bluntly, "If you find yourself in need of... a mistress...pick one_strategically_."

Garth was speechless. Tony continued.

"Stay away from other alpha females. They're proud and will likely talk. I'd suggest an omega. A shy, quiet one would be perfect. Tell her things, give her things. Anything that'll keep her from running her mouth. It might be good if she has a mate of her own; then the stakes will be just as high for her to be as discrete as possible. And make damn sure that you don't get her pregnant. That leaves a whole new trail of trouble."

Garth slightly shook his head in bewilderment. Tony did not stop.

"If need be, have a friend, one that you can trust, to keep guard. Make sure that the coast is clear. But what it all comes down to son is making damn sure your mate doesn't find out."

Garth tried to speak, but his throat seemed too tight to squeak words past it. Tony looked at him curiously, waiting to see what his son would say in response to his discomforting advise. Garth began to slowly back away.

"I...I understand, dad," he finally was able to make out, "but that...uh...won't be necessary."

Tony shook his head. "I just want to make sure that whatever you do, you're careful. I know burden of a marriage like yours. But if getting your rocks off with an omega or two will keep you in line, then all I can say is handle it as you handle everything else. Like an alpha."

Garth gave a slight, hurried nod.

"But whatever you do Garth, don't screw this up. If a war breaks out because you let some girl slip out of your paws, then I can honestly say that you'll no longer be a son of mine."

Garth's heart sank. He backed up a little faster, turning his body as he did so. Once he averted his face from his father, he blurted out, "Don't worry." Then he dashed around the giant bolder and toward the forest. He no longer cared if anyone saw him. Or even if Lily was behind the brush. He just wanted to get out of there. Get out of sight. The dark forest was his refuge.

It felt like a world of burdens swept off his back as soon as the branches of the forest brush began to gently scrape through his fur. He stepped onto clear ground lit up by the bluish moonlight. The cool night air blew across his body. He finally felt able to breath for the first time all day. No one was watching his every move, or following his every whim. He was alone. But strangely, he thought, it was not privacy he was yearning for. At least not for himself.

Suddenly, he heard a cackling coming from his left. He turned his head toward where it was coming from. The contrast of the moonlight made the surrounding forest darker. He lowered his head, glaring with fiery, focused eyes in the direction of the sound. It grew louder. His paws pressed against the ground intensely as he braced himself. Then the sound stopped. The only sound that followed was the chirping of the night crickets. Garth bore his teeth and poised himself to attack. He knew all too well that the silence meant that, whatever the thing was, it was preparing to pounce. Some time passed, but Garth did not let his guard down. He remained at the ready, staring in the same direction.

Then without warning, the scratching of branches rung through Garth's ears and his eyes caught glimpse of a shadowy figure flying into the moonlight. He jumped up and met the figure in midair, pushing it to the ground. But his rage was extinguished when he recognized the lavender eyes that glistened in the moonlight as they stared up at him.

"Lily," said Garth as he backed off of her, "What did you do that for?" Lily giggled as she stood up, "Just thought I'd get your opinion on how my pounce is now. Both eyes clear, right?"

Seeing that her hair was now messy and over her right eye again, Garth smiled and shook his head. Then he approached her, using the end of his nose to push Lily's hair to the side.

"Do me a favor, could you Lily?"


"Never call me your brother again."

Lily looked down to the side of her eyes with a bashful look sinking across her face.

"I'm sorry."

Garth used his right paw to raise Lily's eyes to his. "Don't be. It's just that...well...I don't want to call me...that because..." His voice was broken and restrained.

Lily's eyes moved from side to side, trying to read the peculiar expression on his face, "Why, Garth?"

Garth sighed, "It's not important. But I need your help."

Lily's ears perked up in curiosity. "I don't if I can..."

"Of course you can. You helped my once with my howl. I need you to help me again. It just wouldn't come out tonight."

"Yea. I kinda noticed."

Garth looked down in shame.

"But it's not like you can't improve. You could do it last night. You can do it again. You just need more practice." Garth looked up, staring at her with determined eyes. "Then let's try again."

A slight shock when through Lily's face, "Now? Here? But're an alpha... and married. I don't want anyone to get the wrong idea."

"Don't worry about that. Just once more."

Lily sighed. "Okay. Just once more."

She stared up at the moon, and Garth did the same. She started to howl. It was the most beautiful sound that Garth had ever heard. It made him weak in the feet and made his heart race. The feeling of inspiration carried his spirit and before he realized what he was doing, he was howling too. In harmony with Lily's. He fought his eyes from tearing, but he could not resist moving closer her. Then, Lily abruptly stopped. Garth looked down at her, her bright lavenders were so hypnotizing that he felt himself drawn toward them by near instinct.

Suddenly, Lily pulled herself back in fright, "Garth, what are you doing?"

Garth could not help but smile. "I'm doing it again. All thanks to you." The look of fear however, did not leave her face.

"No. Garth...why did you do that?"


"You came right at me, as if you were gonna..." she could not finish. Garth moved closer to her.

"I...I can't help it. Lily...I love you."

Lily felt her legs shake, and her eyes sting. Her mouth trembled.

"These last few days," Garth continued, "have been the best in my life. When I'm around you, I'm...happy. I feel absolutely no pressure at all. I feel I feel I can be...with myself. You are the missing part of me. And when we parted last was like someone tore me away from my body. I couldn't stop thinking about you. And...I know you gotta feel the same. I see the way you look at me, especially this morning..."

"Garth stop!" Garth moved closer, almost pinning Lily against a nearby tree.

"I can't. I wanted to tell you this since...I don't least last night. Please don't tell me you don't feel the same about me."

Lily shut her eyes, and mustering all the strength she could, she blurted out, " you too." Then she turned and faced the opposite direction, "But it could never work. You're married to my sister. She an alpha, like you. She deserves you. Not me." Lily could feel Garth's breathe against her neck as he spoke, "We'll make it work. Lily, I don't think I could live without you. I'm willing to what I can to..."

"I can't do that to my sister."

"She's just as trapped as I am. It was our duty to do this. Not our hearts."

Before Lily could reply, they heard someone approaching. Then, entering into light was Kate and Humphrey. Kate looked up shocked to see Lily and Garth together.

"Kate, I was just looking for you. I ran into Lily."

Lily wanted to glare him, but she did not want to give the slightest hint to her older sister.

"I see. Well, I was just thanking Humphrey for his help."

Garth joined Kate's side, looking at Humphrey, who looked back at him blankly as he took a small step back. "Thank you," said Garth as authentically as he could make himself sound, "Thank you for beginning my mate back to me. I am indebted to you."

Humphrey only nodded his head once. He almost wanted to laugh to himself by the best idea he had for payment.

Kate looked at Garth, "We'd better get back."

"Yea. Don't want everyone wondering why we disappeared."

As they began to walk out of the forest together, Kate looked back at Humphrey, giving him one last smile. Humphrey returned the gesture.

Once Garth and Kate left the two alone together, Humphrey looked over to Lily, seeing her still turned in the opposite direction. Humphrey walked over to Lily.

"I know that look," he said. Lily looked at Humphrey, staring into his sensitive blue eyes. "What do you mean?"

He knows.

Humphrey smiled as he sat next to her. " ever feel that you've been cheated?"

Lily looked back to the ground, "I...guess so. How?"

Humphrey shook his head, "Like, that nothing you do is worth anything? And only because of one accidental thing?"

Lily looked back at Humphrey, "What's that?"

Humphrey sighed, "You happened to be born at the bottom."

Lily was captivated. "Yes. Yes, I do."

"And alone?" Humphrey continued.


"And that...that everything just goes to the alphas? And only for a few scraps of meat?"


This conversation continued for an hour, though it was very one sided, consisting mostly of Humphrey listing a litany of complaints in a rant of questions. Though he did not go into specifics, Lily could tell that was deprived of something she had been. Love. Making him the most...second most...relatable wolf in Jasper part. All she could do is reply "Yes" to almost every question he gave. It was when he finally came to a stop that she asked him to be her mate.


"Attention everyone," Winston sounded, his voice echoing against the sides of Howling Rock. Everyone circled the ledge he was standing on, accompanied by Eve.

"As you all know, today our daughter Kate is leaving our den to live in the one of her mate, Garth. And we all are leaving the dens of our Western and Easter packs to join together as one pack, in one den. But Eve and I knew it would only be a matter of time before our youngest, Lily, would be leaving our den as well. We just did not think that it would be happen so soon."

Garth and Kate's ears shot up in shock.

"Just now," Winston continued, "my daughter's friend and longtime companion, Humphrey, came to me and asked for my daughter's paw; doing this after, of course, she had accepted his offer."

Kate backed up a little so that Garth would not see her jaw drop. Garth pressed his right foreleg down with all his might.

"I told him that in return for helping my daughter Kate find her way home after being kidnapped by humans, he deserved the best omega I knew in the valley. So today has become a double wedding." Lily and Humphrey stepped onto the ledge on opposite sides. Eve ran her head through Lily's fur, "Don't let him treat you anything but perfect. Or take his tail and make him swallow it." Winston then went over to Lily and announced, "Lily, there is your mate."

Humphrey and Lily walked up to each other and almost immediately, their noses met. All the wolves around them joined in a howl.

My debt is repaid, thought Garth, defeated.

She deserves him, thought Kate, deprived.

In the very back of the crowd, Mooch, Salty, and Shakey stood scratching their heads.

"Do you remember Humphrey ever being with Lily? Or even talk about her?" asked Shakey gravely.