PMD: Venturess of Beyond CH:5

Story by Reaper508 on SoFurry

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#6 of Ventures of Beyond

I'm truly sorry it took so long to get this up. i was re-plotting the story due to the release of X and Y of course that's when i got writers block. This story will continue to evolve due to changes that pokemon undergoes with the Official games and Manga i don't count on the show or movies because i feel that they are very lacking in something.

As nice as it would be I do not own pokemon. I did however create the characters and the written story below. Please ask for permission before using any characters in this story.

Thank you (^.=.^)

Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: Ventures of Beyond

CH: 5

Shiro and Marishi were sent to the guest quarters where Team Arrowhead was waiting.

"You two are way too slow. I can't believe we are stuck with you softies." Said the Weavile

Shiro tried his best to not look at Weavile's silent partner "I'm sorry about that it's difficult to get from one place to another with the guild members constantly checking on you."

"If you intend to survive where we are going you are going to need to either learn to hold your tongue or stand your ground in a fight. I know you can't fight for survival so I'll let this slide, don't expect me to protect you from my guild members if you make the mistake again. You will refer to me by the name Frost from this day forward. "Frost started. "For the last year and a half the guilds have become aware of crime increasing. Not only that but it seems that that criminals have begun to mimic the guilds patterns by working in small teams. You, little Eevee have gotten yourself directly involved with members of this group we call the Dark Guild, that means you are a target for them."

Shiro's ears flattened "Then your guild it taking point in stopping the Dark Guild and now Guild Master Charizard is going to decide if I'm useful or a liability?"

"Look all I can say is don't expect to enjoy this because no one will treat you as an equal unless you can prove you are such. Now we are going to be late so..." Frost nodded to his partner who pulled out 4 tiles and started placing them on the ground but he waited for the last one. "These are Entercards they open Magnagates, portals to dungeons that can quickly get you from one place to another but we have discovered a way to get from one guild to another without a dungeon in between and that saves us time."

Lucario placed the last Entercard in place and then with a blinding flash three red rings appeared on the ground a blast of light shot strait upwards and ring fragments appeared to be circling overhead.

Lucario and Frost walked into the light and signaled for Shiro and Marishi to follow.

Marishi didn't hesitate and it seemed like she wanted to be as close to Lucario as she could.

Shiro was more hesitant but he did as he was told stealing curious glances at Frost 'You aren't normal I can feel it but why are you different?'


Shiro barely noticed the shift in the wind as the magnagate moved them from River Town to Blackstone Fortress. The stone fortress looked like it could withstand any outside attack or keep someone from escaping under the best conditions. The environment itself had a gloomy feeling too it but it all made sense if the rumors about the fortress were true. The fortress is said to double as a guild and a prison for the criminals of the world.

"Well that's about all of the sightseeing you will get today, the Guildmaster will be waiting for us now." Frost said before leading them inside.

The entrance to the fortress was a narrow passage that light seemed to be sucked out of leaving the group in near complete darkness. Marishi helped Shiro to keep up with Frost and Lucario until the light seemed to return at the other end of the passage. The walls were made out of heavy stone and there were doors made out of steel flaming torches were the only light source it appeared until they passed a window showing a massive courtyard big enough to fit 2 forests.

"How could anyone build a place this massive?" Marishi gasped in awe of the enclosed courtyard.

"This place is can feel it." Lucario said Shiro looked at him surprised.

"You didn't think he couldn't talk did you kid?" Frost snickered. "Well get used to it he's only silent when he feels the need and he's in charge of training your partner properly."

Shiro nodded "I understand the training and I think it's a good idea."

They continued walking until they got to a set of massive double doors. Lucario knocked loudly twice then opened the doors to a room that was almost completely pitch-black. A small flame burned at the far end of the room. The doors closed behind them and they were trapped in the dark room with what sounded like the breathing of a huge pokemon.

"You have brought some strangers back with you Frost. Are these two the infiltrators that we were looking for?" A deep growl said.

"Guild Master the 2 Dark Guild members escaped before we could act due to an unexpected turn of events. The Eevee here is a member of Ninetales guild who got involved and he is in danger of being targeted. His partner wishes to be trained by Lucario.

"We have names Frost, Mine is Shiro and hers is Marishi." Shiro snapped

2 large red eyes opened a few feet away from Shiro "That's a dangerous mouth you have their child, if you weren't Ninetales then Frost would have ripped you to pieces by now" Charizard stood up and swept her head from one side of the room to the other with flames jetting out of her maw as she carefully lit the torches along the walls lighting the room enough for Shiro to see her black scales.

Shiro stepped back in awe and maybe some fear. Marishi let out a gasp but her fear was fairly strong because she was slightly trembling until Lucario put a hand on her shoulder. Charizard studied them for a moment.

"Lucario I know it will take you a few days to get to your training grounds so go when you're ready. I want Shiro stay with the students that haven't been assigned with a team, I have a feeling he may get hurt with anyone else." Charizard dismissed them without giving them a chance to protest.

"Well kid I'll show you where you will be staying until further notice" Frost said leading Shiro and Marishi far away from Charizard's sleeping quarters to a door on the opposite end if the fortress from the entrance. "This is a Team Hall and so your team will meet here and prepare for missions as well. At the end of the room there is the Sleeping quarters for most members and the leader's quarters is the set of double doors. Food will be brought to your room in a few hours."

Frost turned to go. "I will pick you up in the morning Marishi I want you well rested so pay attention to the time." Lucario said before turning to leave as well.

Marishi turned to Shiro "We need to have a long talk. First I want to know about what happened. What exactly was it you did that has this Dark Guild after you? Second why was Aya suddenly interested in your health?"

Shiro spent the night filling Marishi in on the details he knew until the food came and then they ate in silence.