Best Day EVER!!!!

Story by Bowserkill123 on SoFurry

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#1 of Stories

You have been captured by Bowser! He has taken you and brought you to his castle! But he has a special secret....

You were sleeping. Silent. Nothing moving. You begin to hear something. Stomping? No. The door opens....Bowser! "Uuuuhhh..." you say in fright. Why was he there? He comes closer, and grabs you. You are carried on his fling pirate ship!When you get on, he leads you to a throne room. "Interest me!" he grumbles. You look shocked. You have no idea what to do! "What do I do?" you ask. "Sing!" He sounds angry. You sing My Immortal by: Evanescense. He cheers, and you hear minions cheer too. When you look back at Bowser, hes patting his belly. You wonder why, but dont think its that important. He must have seen, and asked you to come to him. "Were almost at the castle. Im going to tell you a secret there." he tells you. You blush a little. When you arrive at the castle, he leads you off. All the minions follow. Bowser leads you into te castle. You notice something strange. Everyone bows to you. You cant help but wonder why. You keep following Bowser, and he takes you to a small room. He opens the door and lets you in. You walk in, still scared. "Now for the secret." You emedeately freeze. Bowser rubs his belly, and pats it a little. "I-Im..." he manages to speak. "Im pregnate." he says, sounding a little sad. "Bowser. Are you alright?" you ask. You walk over to Bowser. He emedeatly grabs you, pulls you tward you, and hugs you. You feel him breathing. You hear his heart beat. His warm chest fills you with joy. "Im fine, but the new koopaling needs a mom. Ive watched you over the years, and you seemed trustworthy." he replied. You both exit the room, and walk down the hall. He calls the minions and 7 koopalimgs down to the training hall. You find out that if you dont impress them, you will die! You tell Bowser what youre going to do. He calls on to the stage. You sing ET by: Katy Perry. Everyone loved it! The clapped and cheered for you! You couldnt believe it! (Stay tunes for pt:2)