Against All Odds: Part 8 - Settling In

Story by Corben on SoFurry

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#8 of Against All Odds Universe

Part 8 - Time for Nathan to get settled in at Alexei's place... though doing so at a Velikan's apartment will no doubt involve a lot more getting used to than most other places he'd have visited!

Marked 'All Ages', but forewarning to anyone who may need it, there's just a little bit of what could be constituted as threatening the boundaries of 'Adult' at the very end. I didn't want to throw it into 'Adult' because I don't personally think it warrants it (and I don't want to get anyone's hopes up just yet :P)

Anyway - I hope you enjoy! Thoughts/comments are appreciated as always.

Part 8 - Settling In

"It's lovely," Nathan stated, gazing around the Velikan-sized living space his host had just illuminated . "Thank you. I am glad you think so," Alexei replied, delicately scooping the husky and his belongings out of his pocket. "Let me put you down while I take off my jacket." He bent down to a side-table sitting to the left of the front door, allowing his guest to shuffle out from his grasp and onto its polished surface. "Incredible," Nathan muttered, looking out across a room whose size resembled that of a grand hall, rather than a small apartment. To the left, a surprisingly modern television sat in the corner of the room. Meanwhile, an old two-seater couch and matching armchair arranged at a ninety degree angle sat opposite. Stood against the perpendicular wall, a bookcase faced the armchair; its two lowest shelves filled to the brim with reading material while various photos and mementos found their home on the top shelf. At the far end of the room sat a basic kitchen, accompanied by a glass table and chairs to form a dining area. Between these two sections, a pair of doors in the left-hand wall seemed to lead off to the other areas of the apartment. Finally, a wide window in the right-hand wall looked out into the night from the back of the building.

"Would you like me to show you around?" Nathan glanced up at the towering wolf, the table he stood upon only coming up to his host's knees. Had it been anyone else but Alexei, he'd have felt more than a little wary. Instead, his quickening pulse rate came as a result of the pleasure he took from admiring the lupine's form beneath a tight-fitting white t-shirt: toned, athletic, but not overly muscular. Enjoyable as the sight was, Nathan couldn't help but be made more aware of his own appearance, sucking in his stomach before realising he'd failed to answer the initial question. "Oh, sure. I'd love to have a tour." "Great." Alexei bent down to collect his guest and his belongings once more. He gestured over and proceeded off towards the twin interior doors on the other side of the room. "You have seen the sitting room." Once in front of it, he stopped at the left-hand doorway of the pair. "This is bathroom." To Nathan's surprise, they didn't move inside. Instead, the wolf carefully knelt to the floor, pointing a finger at the bottom corner of the door frame. "You can enter through here." Upon closer inspection, Nathan noticed a Polcian-sized doorway crafted within its far larger counterpart. "Oh wow. Did you do this, Alex?" "I did," Alexei replied, cautiously twisting the custom door's handle between a thumb and finger before pushing it open. "You really didn't have to go to all this trouble." "It was no trouble. I wished to do this for you, to let you move around easier." He turned back to Nathan, still sitting within his other paw. "I know you do not like to have people do everything for you." Those words, along with the gesture of these specially-made doorways set his heart aflutter. "Thank you so much," he responded, gently rubbing the white fur of the wolf's paw and wrist. "You are welcome." Alexei returned the stroking, running a finger down his guest's back as he stood back up to his full height. "I will show you inside."

The pair entered the tile-walled bathroom, home to the usual amenities that would be expected in the Polcian equivalent. This included an automatic fur dryer attached to the wall alongside the shower area. While he couldn't spot anything particularly exotic, Nathan did begin to wonder how he'd ever be able to use these facilities at his comparatively small stature. "If you are worried about the size of everything, do not," Alexei said, pivoting on the spot and lowering them both down towards the linoleum flooring. "There is an area here for you too." In the corner, nestled between the back of the bathtub and the living room-side wall, sat a large box with a set of curtains attached to its exposed front. Arranged inside appeared what looked to be a makeshift bathroom. Nathan stepped out of the wolf's paws, padding curiously over to the peculiar setup. "What is this?" "A kitchen, Nate," Alexei replied with a snicker. "You do not have bathrooms back home?" "Funny." He smirked back, entering the small, prefabricated room. To the left sat a shower unit and fur dryer of its own, with a sink and toilet to the right. "Where did you get this from?" "A store, in city centre. Not expensive and easy to refill and replace tanks for water. It is usually sold for places where Polcian plumbing cannot be afforded." "This is cool," Nathan responded enthusiastically, leaving the box room and returning to sit in his host's paws. 'That definitely reassures me about... certain things.'

With the bathroom explored and the husky back in his palms, Alexei paced back into the living area, stopping at the second interior door leading off from it. "Final room is bedroom," he announced before entering. "There is another little door for you to use here." The wolf's sleeping quarters were no less minimalist than the rest of his apartment and no less pleasant. Adjacent to the wall opposite, beneath the large box window that overlooked the street, rested a soft-looking double bed. Against the left hand wall, Alexei's computer sat arranged atop its desk. Like the television in the living room, the machine appeared to be surprisingly modern. Then again, Nathan realised it would have to be in order to run the various games and programs that they both used played and used together. "It's nice to finally see it," he declared, focus still fixed on the computer. "What is nice?" "Finally seeing where in the world you are when I speak with you." The husky felt something cold press into and rub against the nape of his neck, jumping in shock and twisting around quickly. "That is very sweet," Alexei replied, his big black nose hovering an inch away from his guest's face. "But now, we do not need a special place to speak with each other." "You're right." Nathan rubbed vigorously at the huge, lupine muzzle, gazing into the mellow orange eyes that made him smile as if his entire body was doing the same. "And I'm very happy for that fact."

"Come, I will show you your bedroom," Alexei announced, pacing over to the side cabinet situated between the head of his bed on the left and a large dresser to the right. "My bedroom?" "Yes." Nathan scanned the room, failing to see any doors in addition to the one they'd enter through, nor any other signs that pointed to the existence of another sleeping area. "I don't see anything." What he did see however, was the framed photograph positioned atop the side-table as his host lowered himself to the ground. In the image, a very young, very happy looking grey wolf stood between who appeared to be his parents in the foreground of a funfair. The father had his paw proudly clasped upon his son's shoulder, while the mother had her paw held against the little wolf's cheek. "You poor wolf," Nathan whined beneath his breath, painfully aware that the happy child in the picture was Alexei, accompanied by his parents. "Sorry, Nate?" the wolf piped up. "You said something?" "Oh... no," he responded, not wishing to go down this line of conversation on his first evening here. "I was clearing my throat." This excuse didn't fly. Alexei paused the transporting of his guest to the ground, leaving him sat in his paw a little below the photograph. "Those are my parents," he confirmed. "I am aged eight in this picture. Taken two months before the car accident." "You don't have to talk about it again." Nathan bit his lip, shifting around to face the dejected wolf while gently stroking away at his paw. "I'm sorry." Alexei tore his focus from the image and moved it down to his palm, doing his best to put on a brave face. "Accident is not your fault." "Come on, show me to my room." Nathan forced a grin, jumping up to his feet with more excitement than he felt in an effort to change the subject. "I can't wait to see it!"

"Here it is," the giant wolf stated with the hint of a smile, sitting himself down with a thump. He placed his upturned paw down to the deep green-carpeted floor, allowing his guest to step out of his grasp. From here, Nathan could peer up into the open section of the bedside table positioned between the six-foot tall base section and the drawer starting a good two Polcian-sized storeys above. A small ladder had been placed tactically to allow access up into a room-sized compartment housing a bed, a wooden desk and a dresser that looked very much like a miniature version of the one to the right. Much like in Nathan's bathroom, a pair of drapes had been set up outside to allow for some privacy when required. "I hope you approve," Alexei said, placing the little husky's trolley down next to the bed on the left of the side-table room. Nathan clambered up the ladder under his host's gaze and padded into the makeshift room, immediately picking up on the smell of newly-cut wood wafting through the air inside. He examined the office-style lamp sitting atop the desk on the right side of his personal quarters, sitting himself down in the wooden chair set up next to it. He traced the cord of the light curiously, wondering where it drew power from. His inspection took his eyeline away to where it connected to a converter, from which a Velikan-sized lead continued out of the compartment and off to a plug socket somewhere out of sight. "Did you get this all furniture from the same store as that swanky bathroom?" "Actually, I did not." "Oh? Where did you get it from?" "I made it." Nathan turned his head towards the wolf, a little shocked. "You made it?" "Yes." "All of it?" "I am carpenter, am I not?" "You are, but..." He trailed off, stunned silent by his surroundings.

A look of concern began to emerge upon Alexei's muzzle. "I do hope it is good enough." "Don't be silly!" The husky sprang up out of the chair, bounding back over to the open side of the compartment. "You've built me an entire bedroom. I can't even begin to imagine the effort you must have put into it!" "It was nothing really." The wolf's worried expression swiftly departed. He shuffled himself towards the cabinet while extending a paw out to Nathan. "Only a few days work." "I'm happy you put in the effort. It's amazing." The wooden surface beneath the husky's footpaws rattled lightly as his host scooted closer. Once close enough to allow it, he stepped into Alexei's palm. "It must have been difficult though? Working on something so tiny compared to you?" Alexei grinned, pulling his little guest into a firm hug against his stomach. "I am good with my paws." "Good to know," Nathan giggled, revelling in the warmth that flowed from the firm midriff he found himself pressed against, as well as from within his own heart. "It is almost eight. I need to prepare dinner," the wolf announced after a good ten seconds of embracing, moving his paws away from his abdomen and placing the husky back inside the cabinet bedroom. "I will leave you here, okay? Let you unpack." He picked himself up from the floor and began to stroll off towards the door of his bedroom. "Would you like a drink while you wait? "I'm fine, but thank you." "Not a problem." Alexei gave a small wave from the doorway. "Anytime during your stay, if you want food, drink, just ask, okay?" "I will." Nathan returned a wave of his own. "Thanks."

Fully unpacked, and with his host still occupied in the kitchen, Nathan took the opportunity to further investigate his new surroundings, basking in the novelty of being a guest in a giant's world. Certain that most people back home would find it hard to imagine anything he told them about his trip, he made sure to add to the numerous photos he'd already amassed during his short time in Velika. He even took a moment to send a few of them to Shaun, well aware of the squirrel's thoughts about his trek across the ocean. A short, goading note also accompanied the images. 'Greetings from Velika. Wish you were here x' With the message sent, Nathan continued on with his exploration for a good half hour, covering every inch of Alexei's home before it came time for dinner. "I hope you enjoy," the grey wolf stated, placing Nathan down atop the glass table among an arrangement of huge bowls and plates, "Velikan food may seem unusual to what you have back home." A myriad of delightful aromas tickled the husky's nose, prompting his stomach to pang with hunger. If Alexei's caution about the food was one to be heeded, its smell certainly didn't give off that impression. "I'm sure it'll be wonderful." "One moment, Nate. I forgot one thing." The big wolf paced over to the kitchen worktop, returning with a plate that resembled a large coin in his right paw. A set of cutlery sat alongside it. "This I got at Polcian store in town, unlike your bedroom." "Thanks, Alex." Nathan happily accepted the dish and utensils. "Good to know I don't have to use my paws." "But like bedroom, I made this." Alexei opened his other paw, revealing a small wooden table and chair that he placed down near to his own plate. "My word," he snickered. "You're just too much." "It is too much?" His host looked bemused, struggling to understand the comment. "No, no. What I mean is... this is just so good of you. Thank you, you're very kind." "Oh, I understand." Alexei's joyful smile reappeared as he sat down in his seat. "You are welcome.

With the table set up, attention turned to the dishes of food assembled. The largest of these bowls steamed with a casserole of mushrooms, bacon and sour cream, all topped off with melted cheese. A smaller dish to the side sat filled to the brim with mashed potatoes, while a loaf of fragrant black bread along with a dish of butter completed the meal. "I hope you're hungry," Nathan stated, gazing up to the huge mound of potato. "As wonderful as this all smells, I don't think I'm going to make too much of a dent it." "I can save." Alexei smirked, serving his guest a portion of casserole small enough for him to eat, but large enough to ensure he got a chunk of each ingredient. "Please, eat as much as you like." The husky rubbed his paws awkwardly, watching as a generous helping of creamy potatoes and buttered bread found its way onto his plate via his diligent host. Being waited on to such an extent was not something he'd become accustomed to, much preferring to take care of himself and not impose. His need to at least offer to serve himself gnawed at his insides, though the desire not to offend the wolf ensured he remained silently grateful.

The pair dug in once they had their full servings of food, chatting away all the while, discussing the ideas they each had for what to do during Nathan's stay. Alexei had several suggestions, most revolving around the city centre, the cultural district and the riverside. The husky, admittedly, hadn't thought much about his trip past arriving safely and meeting his host, so couldn't really contribute. "The food's great," Nathan mumbled past the remnants of a mouthful of casserole, savouring its curious flavour: strong, slightly bitter, but very tasty. Like so much else of this day so far, it was a strange new experience for him, but one he was glad to partake in. "This is good to hear," Alexei replied, scooping more mashed potato onto his own plate. "My grandmother taught me how to make, when I was younger." "I don't think I'd have the patience to put something like this together," he answered, biting into a piece of the pleasantly chewy black bread. "Though this is a whole lot better than the ready meals I usually go for." "It is work, yes. But to cook, to create things, it is enjoyable to me." Nathan smirked, swallowing his food. "Yeah, as you said. You're good with your paws." That gained a choked chortle from Alexei, followed by a wide, eye-creasing grin. "I have had much practice." He loaded an enormous heap of potato onto his fork. "I grew up cooking with grandmother, and learning carpentry from grandfather." "They both taught you well." Nathan rocked on his chair, gauging its sturdiness. "Will I meet your grandfather while I'm here." "You might..." Alexei paused, placing his fork down on his plate. "At some point." The husky picked up on the hesitation in the response, but didn't pay it too much regard. "Well, it'd be nice, I think." "It is a shame that grandmother is no longer with us. She used to always say that she wished to meet you." "Really?" "She said you sounded like 'a nice boy'." "You spoke with her about me?" "I..." Alexei looked away, clearly a little embarrassed. "She wanted to know who I would talk to through microphone in my room." Nathan smiled, stopping himself short of taking another bite of food. "In that case, Alex, I'm sorry for being a year late. I'd have liked to have met her too." "It cannot be helped." The grey wolf plucked his potato-laden fork back up. "I am happy you are here now."

For the first time during their meal, the husky watched as Alexei shovelled the mound of mashed potato into his muzzle. The sight of the wolf's huge teeth and jaw chewing and grinding away both amazed and intimidated him, as did the moment he gulped his food down. 'Damn. I think he could swallow me whole if he wanted.' "Nate, are you okay?" "Huh, sorry?" Alexei flashed a kind smile at his guest, cocking his head curiously. "You look to have something on your mind." "Oh... I'm fine," he replied, his host's cheerful expression and warm tone settling his unease near instantly. "Mind was wandering is all." "Good." Alexei gestured towards the husky with his fork. "Chair is okay? Comfortable?" "It's great, really." Nathan pawed at the padded surface of his custom-built wooden seat. "Have you ever made smaller-sized furniture before?" "Only a few times. For an old Polcian customer." He perked his ears at that. "Do you have many Polcians come here to your shop?" "No, he was only one. It is not easy for your people to come here to this district." "How come?" "The underground trains and overground walkways for Polcians have only been built in the busy parts of city like the centre, the workplaces, and the Polcian district of course. It is like this in all big cities of Velika." "I see." Only after this explanation did it dawn on Nathan that the local train station he'd arrived at that evening had lacked any apparent Polcian-sized facilities. This was in stark contrast to the station at the harbour, where an underground tunnel allowed smaller passengers safe access to the platforms. "Why is this? Why don't they run to places like here?" Alexei shook his head. "I do not know. New routes are still to be constructed, but I guess that government think you do not need to travel to areas that mostly contain Velikan homes." Nathan rubbed his muzzle, thinking about how this separation of Polcians and Velikans differed from the apparent integration that people of all statures enjoyed back in Bolstrovo. At first, he felt disappointed at this revelation, but upon further consideration, he figured it a possible necessity given the grim events of the not-too-distant past. "Maybe in the future, they'll stretch all over the city and we'll be able to visit anything and anyone we want." "I hope for this very much. It would make it easier for little people to come and live here..." The husky perked his ears. 'Is he talking about... me?' "...and easier for Polcians to move around, visit stores like mine. I could then have more chance to make and sell small furniture." 'Don't be daft. You've only just got here.' Nathan scolded himself internally, poking embarrassedly at the remaining portion of casserole on his plate.

"Just a thought," he piped up. "If people like me struggle to get to places like this, on the outskirts, how did your customer make it here?" "He was an important businessman at a big company in the city." Alexei reminisced with a grin. "His company gave him a Velikan driver to take him around. He found my shop in the... what is word... book of businesses?" "Directory?" "Yes, directory. Thank you, Nate. But yes, he came and he liked the work that I had on display. He asked if I could make Polcian-sized versions. I agreed." "That's cool!" Alexei nodded and beamed wider. "He liked to have Velikan furniture made for him special so much, that he had the driver bring him here many more times. It is reason for me adding the name of store in Polcian language." "But, he doesn't come back any more?" The wolf's white-tipped ears lowered a little at that. "Sadly, no. He returned home a few months ago for new job there. He was very nice, and a grey wolf too." A smirk spread across his long, lupine muzzle before he continued. "To see a tiny version of my species, it was very fun." "I can only imagine. Too bad he's gone, though." "He also paid me very well. Two times more than normal sometimes." "Wow, doubly too bad, then!" Nathan chuckled. "Did your grandfather never have Polcian customers, back when he ran the store?" "No... not when grandfather was in charge," Alexei stated with a hint of annoyance. "Right," Nathan replied uncertainly, picking up on the sudden change in his host's tone. With no response forthcoming, and with the husky not wishing to press for one, the conversation stalled.

They both spent the rest of the meal largely quiet, with the occasional bit of small talk sparking up between them. Out of politeness, and as his hungry stomach hadn't previously seen a single piece of food that day, Nathan grabbed a second helping of casserole, along with another chunk of the delightfully dougy black bread. Suitably full, the two friends retired to the sitting room together, at which point conversation between them picked up again. The remainder of their evening involved them both chatting away about computer games, movies and a whole host of different topics that piqued their interest. It was during this time that Nathan sensed his phone's dull buzz. Waiting for a break in conversation, he pulled it out and read the entirely predictable response from Shaun regarding the photos of Alexei's apartment. 'Screw everything about that lol! And thank the gods your wish to get me there ain't come true. His couch looks like a cliff face!' By around midnight, the trials and tribulations of the day had finally caught up with Nathan, manifesting itself in a long, drawn-out yawn as he sat sleepily beside his giant host on the sofa. "Would you like to go to bed?" Alexei asked softly, gently rocking the little husky with his paw. "It is getting late." "It's only eight o'clock back home, though, and... I'm enjoying your company." The wolf smiled sweetly, holding Nathan closer to his leg. "But this is not Linvendia, and you've had a very long day of travel." "I guess I am pretty tired." He yawned again, resting his head against the outside of Alexei's thigh as he slumped over on the couch. "Let us take you to bed." With careful paws, the giant nursed his guest into his grasp, cradling him against his chest before standing up from the sofa. Nathan mumbled and squirmed within the secure hold of his host's cupped paws. It felt so wonderful, so right, and he resented the moment the time came for Alexei to sit down and drop him off in the bedroom.

"We are here," the wolf stated, the warmth in his voice rivaling that given off by his body. "I have left water by your bed, incase you are thirsty in the night. "Thank you," Nathan murmured, his tired head pressed firmly against Alexei's chest. "Not a problem," came the reply, along with a slow, soothing stroke up and down his back from his host's fingers. The husky took a deep breath, inhaling the strong, lupine scent as he nuzzled into the soft fabric of Alexei's shirt. The tingle he felt on the stairwell outside the apartment when he first arrived returned, only this time, a reaction within the crotch of his jeans joined it. 'What are you doing?' Nathan jerked his hips back, moving his rapidly hardening length away from the wolf as his inner voice snatched him out of his contented haze. Just like back at the harbour, it prompted him to think twice about whether or not this was appropriate, whether or not he was being too forward. 'Shut up, brain. I don't care.' "Something wrong, Nate?" "No," he grunted, throwing himself back against the reassuring warmth of Alexei's toned chest. "Absolutely nothing at all."

They remained together on the bedroom floor for a full minute and more, basking in each other's tight, comforting hold. To Nathan, it was a show of kindness and intimacy well worth the two year wait he'd endured since first meeting the wolf online. Like all good things though, it eventually had to end. "We will discuss a plan for tomorrow during breakfast," Alexei stated gently, moving his paw into the side-table room. "That sounds good," the husky mumbled, sliding out of the wolf's palm. He pulled back the covers of his bed and sat down on the edge of the surprisingly comfortable mattress. "I look forward to it." "Me too." Alexei smiled, moving away from his guest's sleeping compartment. "Sleep well, Nate... I am glad you are here." "I'm glad too." Nathan smiled back. "Goodnight." With that, he watched Alexei stand up and slowly walk away from his room, barely registering the juddering of the floor his gentle steps created as he exited back out into the living area. "Ever the considerate wolf." Once undressed, the brown and white canine drew the large curtains and jumped into his custom-built bed, burying himself beneath the sheets and huddling up to the pillow. He fell asleep to the thought that all of his worrying and all of his fear had been for nothing. He would be safe here in Velika, and safe with his wolf.