Corben & Tirrell
_ **Corben & Tirrell** _ The sun felt good on my fur. Warming. Soothing. By my way of thinking, I deserved a medal for dragging myself up outta bed this morning, never mind outside into the communal gardens. My brain was working half a step behind the...
Escaping the Storm: Part 10
_ **Part 10** _ While that single, solitary week before departure day proved flat and unremarkable, the same certainly couldn't be said of the atmosphere that grew to fill and take over the house. It reached its peak the morning Pieter and his family...
Escaping the Storm: Part 9
_ **Part 9** _ Walking down to the kitchen for breakfast the following morning felt more akin to swimming through molasses; each step reminding Erik of the rough night's sleep he'd endured. Tuesdays, and the prospect of another week of work, were...
Escaping the Storm: Part 8
_ **Part 8** _ "Erik! Thank the gods you're home!" He'd wondered how his mother would react upon his arrival home, almost two hours after escaping the station. Turned out he'd barely be able to set foot inside the front door before being ambushed by...
Escaping the Storm: Part 6
Part 6 In the days that followed his discovery of Viktor's opinion on Polcians living in Velika, Erik made a conscious, determined effort to cut all contact with him. Largely, he remained successful; their only subsequent encounters being the...
Escaping the Storm: Part 5
Part 5 As strange as it might have sounded, Erik found his first Wednesday of work required far more getting used to than he'd expected. Sure, it involved stacking those same shelves in that same busy supermarket, but the little things came together...
Escaping the Storm: Part 4
_ **Part 4** _ Following in the trend of most other weeks, Sunday flashed on by in the blink of an eye. This time however, bucking his own trend of relaxing on his day off, Erik had spent a good portion of it trying to make his home as...
Escaping the Storm: Part 3
**_Escaping the Storm: Part 3_** A brisk walk through further into the city centre carried Erik to a nearby department store just minutes before closing. He'd had no intention of heading here upon leaving work, but with a family of Polcians now in...
Escaping the Storm: Part 2
**_Escaping the Storm: Part 2_** "Please, Please." The trembling, brown-furred ferret shuffled back, hazel eyes wide with fear as he slipped deeper into the narrow space. "I... some Velikan speak. I--" "It's okay, I speak Polcian," Erik stated...
Escaping the Storm: Part 1
**_Escaping the Storm_** **_Part 1_** "Come on, what in the gods is taking so long!?" Erik spun to the gap in the dreary warehouse's towering racking, frozen to the spot by the nasally roar of his supervisor rising to the skylights...
Against All Odds: Epilogue
**_Against All Odds: Epilogue_** _(Alexei)_ "I have to say, your work is truly remarkable." "Oh." Alexei shuffled a few steps closer to the raised section of his workshop's compact display area. "Thank you for saying so." He beamed proudly,...
Against All Odds: Part 41 - Final Steps
**_Part 41 - Final Steps_** _(Alexei)_ _ _ Afflicted by a near-unscalable mountain of paperwork along with interview after long, tedious interview, it took until long after the first leaves of autumn had fallen for Alexei's departure day to finally...