The Draconian Story: Chapter 2

Story by seraphor12 on SoFurry

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#3 of The Draconian Story


"Richard, we're almost here. Damn, that wound really makes you hard to walk, huh?"

"Bes, I had apologize to him, okay?"

"Yeah, but you make him walk too."

"You two can blame me, okay? I'm the one sneaking up in the first place," said Richard, but he murmured. "Although, maybe if I tell you my origin, I'll..."

"You know, you are pretty good in fighting," said Viglerne. "Where did you learn those kinds of moves? You're not even from the Union Guard."

"What is that?"

"You don't know? It's the guards of this border. Much likes the military, but they are specific around here. Why? You don't know about them?"

"Uh...I didn't come around here, so..."

"Tourists," thought Seiglet.

"Anyway," said Juagar. "Since you look really like a beggar, I'll give you some accommodations, okay? Hey, lights."

"Richard, look at those dazzling lights, man," said Viglerne. "This is Milsteir, the border town of wonders."

Richard was surprised by the look of the blinding lights. The lights weren't lit by the candle: It was from a pure source of light. He saw the draconians walking around the streets, and also some sighting of horses being ridden by draconians without wings, including some steel horses and carriages, but not those being pulled by the horses and people, but instead the draconian was inside. The night was very bright, with lights around the corner and the busy streets.

"'s night already," said Bestreid. "Hey, I'm gonna go home now. My ma really needs me beside her."

"Good luck, Bes," said Juagar, and then he turned to Richard. "You need some new clothes!"

"I need some kind of a good armor and..."

"Armor? What are you, a nerd? We don't need those here. Oh, you're somehow on my size too. Some of my old tees were too big now, but maybe you can use those. But, judging from how long and how thick your tail is...maybe we really need new pants for you. But for now, I'll take you to a hospital. You're wounded."

"Yeah, because of you."

"I'm sorry."

"Richard, my mate," said Seiglet. "From how you fight, you really didn't use your tail too much, eh? You'll be brown bread if that thick tail of yours can't be worked up. Come see me, mate, if you really want to train. Good night, mates."

"Yeah, you too."

Seiglet opened his wings and flew away to one end of the town. Juagar guided Richard to a crowd of people, but each time went on, he started to get nervous and sweating. Sometimes, Juagar increased his pace while watching around. This made Richard became curious and somehow he thought his new friend couldn't be trusted.

"What are you doing?"

"No...nothing. It's's started to get late and shops are closing. This is not the good time in the streets."


"You'll know soon enough.'s the hospital."

Richard became agitated by the hospital. It was a very big white building half-lit by the streetlights. A white carriage (it's an ambulance) was in front of a glass entrance mostly lit. The building was white, but somehow not very well-treated. Some of the paints had went off, vines started to gather to the first layer of the windows, and the fences were overturned, like as if this place was never used for many years.

Richard became amazed on how the hospital was still standing despite of the damage. He still remembered the derelict buildings back in his hometown, but this one was still better.

"Well...the name is Amiga General Hospital. It's the only hospital in Milsteir...and somehow the worst in South Apachia."

"How bad?"

"It's a nightmare for any kind of emergencies. They usually tried to reason and made weird experiments with patients and convicted, but surprisingly, there was almost no fatal ends to those...experiment. I was once trying to find a job as a doctor, but I quit."

"Well, there's nothing bad from those, right?"

Juagar forced a smile. "If I were you, I won't talk like that after you get the diagnosis."

That night, after taking a very weird kind of procedures to his body, Richard could finally get his wounds attended and he was as fresh as himself, but he wanted to find a bed. "You can go to my house. It's up at the hills. The hospital doesn't provide live-in rooms."

But Richard grinned to him without reasons. Juagar didn't know the meaning until he saw the background.

"Oh yeah, it's late already," said Juagar while hitting his head. "You're new around here and yet I told you to meet me at my home. Okay, follow my lead."

Juagar didn't have any wings, so Richard was confused on his statement. After they walked for a while, Richard finally said, "Hey, where are you taking me? You don't have any wings, and this is not the hills."

"Relax. I've got a car parked at the 24/7 parking lot. I parked it there before I went to work."


"It's my car, okay? It's a sedan coupe."

Richard was completely confused on what the draconian said. He didn't know anything about sedan coupe, and of course the term 24/7 and cars. He wanted to ask, but doing that will result in making him a weird individual.

"Hey, Richard, get in. It isn't safe at the streets."

"Oh, yeah, I was too taken up to something. Uh, how to get in?"

"Hey, are you really that stupid? Pull the handle and open the door. Where did you come from anyway?"

"I...came from the place that never had these... 'car' thing."

"Richard, in this world, cars had been everywhere for us wingless. Maybe the place you came from only had winged one, so you don't know anything about these tech."

Juagar sighed and opened the door from inside, with the blushed Richard went in. Inside was very dark and Richard had a difficult time to sit on the comfy chair. Juagar who saw the problem said, "If you can't sit at the front, you can move to the back. Also, maybe those wings are troublesome for this kind of ride."


"Just open the door, like I said earlier. Damn, have you even once tried to open a door?"

Richard blushed even more and opened the door (with a little difficulty because of his untrained claws), and went to the back. After he closed it (in a violent manner that almost made the door broke) and Juagar made sure nothing was out, he said, "Maybe for a retarded kind of drake like you, this will gonna be surprising."

"Wha...." Richard's comment was cut short by the sudden starting noise of the engine. It was very loud for Richard noise, but it wasn't...for Juagar (for us, the sound resembled a modified V8 engine used in old cars like Chevy Bel Air). Richard saw blue lights coming out from below the car, and sudden loud sounds that made him wince. A rock music was played by Juagar on the radio, and it was disturbing enough even for neighbors.

"Hey, do you know how late is this?!" said a draconian sleeping in the car beside them. "Fuck off!"

"I think you need to reconsider parking your car beside my Mothshov! Have a great night!!"

Engine blared away as the car moved around the tight parking space in dangerous speed. Richard hit his head to the window, but luckily the window was strong enough to withstand draconian's horn. Another tight turn and Richard hit another end.

"Goddamn it, Juagar, what the fuck are you doing?! Are you trying to kill me?!"

"Sorry, man, but this is not child's play! You see, I was a former illegal racer, and this Mothshov is one of my other cars at home."

"Illegal?! Then why the heck did you join the law enforcement?!"

"I want to repent for this...mess. You know, I lost my Giorta F-series back in 1017, and that was because of police road block. I was sued; I lost my car, my money, my respect, but fortunately not my cars. This my only modified car for now."

"Sorry, man, but I don't know all of those. Can you make this thing slower?"

"Alright, but we'll arrive the next morning."

Although, 2 hours later, they reached the house. Richard was too exhausted in many terms. He won a fight against Sart with his Last Creature friend, but with wounds. Another term was because he was inside a reckless draconian driver's car that somehow didn't mindful to the passenger. He walked out dizzy, but because he was on a dragon's back for almost 5 years, he could hold it because it wasn't as violent as Ray.

The green scaled draconian opened the door, but whispered to Richard, "Don't try to make weird noises. If you wake Cernelesh, she'll kill me."

"Who's that?"


"Yeah, yeah, sorry," said Richard in a whisper. Juagar said to him slowly, "She's my younger sister."

"Oh, I get you. Now, where will I sleep this night?"

"I've got a guest room for one of my Union friends. It is larger for winged like you, and..."

"Juagar Hadfreid! Do you know how late this is?! I've been waiting you for almost three hours; even I have to ask the night shift employees to give me a cup of drink!"

The exclaim made Juagar jumped and cowered behind Richard. Richard could see the one talking. The draconian was dark green, being slender with thinner tail and curved horn like Juagar. She was wearing a white nightgown and carrying a cup of coffee using her claws. Her leg claws were tidy, unlike Juagar's big long claws.

"Ce...Cernie?! What the heck are you...?"

I'm the one talking here, you fat lazy draconian!" interrupted the female. "I bet you're trying to find some hookers for the night, huh! If I tell Vandel you'll be sorry."

"Hey, I'm not doing those! Vandel is my darling and you..."

"Then why the hell are you coming home late...and who's this golden fellow? Your friend?"

"Uh...can we go inside and have a talk. Richard really needed to sleep and..."

"He can use the guest room upstairs, but YOU are the one preparing it! I'm sick of being your housemaid!"

Juagar hurried upstairs, while Cernelesh walked to Richard and slowly said, "Sorry, but that's how my brother is. He sometimes comes home late, and we all thought he was trying to find some hookers on the streets."

"Yeah, I guess. He's a good...draconian to me."

"Don't get that formal on me, man!" exclaimed Cernelesh. "We're drakes. Draconian term is a formal term used in formal occasions."

"Okay, I found the point...again," said Richard while yawning. Cernelesh took notice on his bandaged leg, and asked about it, with Richard, now knew Cernelesh's nature, became reluctant to tell the truth about his brother.

"Uh...It's just a wound because I was tripped from..."

"Richard, this is definitely a piercing wound only arrows can do." Cernelesh's yellow reptilian eyes suddenly glared in anger because it was bright yellow, just like when Ray was agitated and excited.

"Oh, that idiot...I'll tell the office to let a day-off for him. He'll really need a punishment for this."

"Hey, don't get too taken by it. It's just a wound. I've taken many kinds of things like this in my past."

"Oh, is that so?" said Cernelesh with her eyes locked to Richard's golden eyes. "You'll gonna need a good rest tonight, if you don't want to get additional wounds."

Richard gulped a little. The female draconian wasn't joking. She was trying to get a good wound on him, and she meant it.

The next day, Richard woke up when a cracking sound was heard. He thought it was normal (since Ray and Seraphor always train electricity above anything, so the cracking sound was a little more like electrical cracks). He tried to find a comb, but realized now he didn't have any hair because he was a half-dragon. When he saw the mirror, he was eager to find out about his appearance with everyone saying he was a golden dragon. He walked to the mirror hanging just in front of him. Beneath it was a water basin used for washing face, much like his home. When he finally got a clear view, he was amazed, surprised, and sad at the same time when he saw his own reflection.

The reflection of his dragon face was like that of Ray's, but slightly different. Ray had white horns and slightly curved backward horn, while Richard had long draconic ears he had since 5 years ago. The horns weren't slightly curved, but it curved until the end much like Seraphor's, but he had two sets of horns he never saw. He also had black horns instead of white.

His physical body was almost the same with Ray's golden scaled big body, but his claws were not like thick sharp dragons had. They were black slender claws like draconians, but in his case, the claws were sharp. More, when he remembered the much bigger tail he had, he saw it and remembered Ray's tail. It was almost at the same size, but this one was smaller but attained the thickness of a dragon's. It's around Seraphor's size, and had black stripes, unlike Ray's metallic spine-covered tail (Ray lost his tail in an event in Last Creatures, replaced by organic metal).

"Ray gave me his body and stranded me here, to save me from Engrak's poison. Oh, Ray, Engrak, you two is really...unpredictable," he said to himself. " can I thank both of you?"

Richard had a little difficulty in walking down the stairs because of his now dragon feet (dragon feet were quite similar to dogs, but the distinct difference was from the claws and the covering point. Dragons had thick very sharp claws that could leave deep marks on stones and it wasn't properly covered with furs like dogs are. This made them hard to retract their claws, and could only do that while flying. The covering point was mostly scales, but some dragons had furs on it, although, retracting their long claws wouldn't be easy). He tripped at one point, and fell hard on the floor, watched by another female draconian. This one had silver stripes over her black scales. Her horns were like goats, curved to the back and ended up forward. She was still wearing silk-lined nightgown. Her blue eyes watched Richard carefully, but not serious.

"H...hi...." Richard couldn't find any word to say to her because of the embarrassment he caused to himself, but the black female support him to stand up, and now Richard realized how smooth her scales were.

"My name's Vandel, and you're the guest Juagar asked to stay?"

"Yes...yes I am. I'm Richard, and nice to meet you, Mrs. ..."

"Hadfreid. That's my husband's family name. I'm Vandel Hadfreid now."

"Mom, can I go to school now? My friends had arrived."

Richard found the source of the sound. It was roughly a small draconian, even one third to Richard. He had green scales like his father, but the stripes were black. He also had dual eye color, one yellow like his father, but the other one was black, without the slit part. His horns were small, and his tail, unlike most dragons Richard knew, was short and smaller than his legs.

"Oh, yes, dear, you can go. Talk to Miss Vira about my meeting about your possible awards on that sprinting competition. I can't wait to hang the certificate on the wall."

"I will, mom. Anyway, who's this...scary drake?"

"Uh...that's not polite to a guest, Kijte. It's Mr. Richard, daddy's friend."

Kijte was somehow scared on how gruff Richard was, but smiled and said, "That's a cool name, mister! See you later!"

While the young draconian left, Richard followed Vandel's gesture to wave his hand. When Kijte was gone with his bike, Vandel turned to Richard and said, "He's just got a medal of sprinting, and it was fair enough. He got bronze."

"Wow, that's...amazing." Richard knew bronze was used as a cast for hoes and amateur sword in his world, but maybe the lack of those things in this world may had changed the usage to be medals (or other stuffs Richard didn't know). When Vandel asked about his origin, he could only say, "I came from distance land. I'm really not from around here."

"So, basically, you don't have any clothes, any houses, and even money?"

"Typically, I'm what Juagar said last night, a beggar."

"Don't you really think that's harsh? From the look of your scales, you aren't even a slum bag. Seriously, there's no beggar with golden scales, and also this is the first time I ever saw a golden scaled drake like you. You really came from a distant place, huh?" Juagar came in from the back door full of mud, followed by Cernelesh behind him. The green draconian somehow was exhausted and maybe had been awake since early in the morning.

"Morning, dear," said Juagar while approaching Vandel, with the black draconian calmly refused and took note of his own condition. Cernelesh also came to Vandel and asked, "Is breakfast ready? We're hungry."

"Oh, Cernie, it's in the kitchen. But, shouldn't you consider taking a bath first? You made the floor muddy, both of you."

The siblings saw the floor and gasped. Both ran outside and closed the door. Richard could only hold his laugh from those, while the golden draconian asked, "Where's the bathroom, anyway?"

"It's outside, but not an open-air bathroom. It's nasty to see drakes naked in public. Geez, why Juagar even bother having separate building bathroom?"

After taking a bath and eating, Juagar lent Richard his clothes. Somehow, Richard wasn't familiar with how the clothes model was. It was a black jacket completed with the hoody big enough to cover a draconian's big head. Also, the undergarment was a blue jeans with pockets and a hole behind for any tail, but Richard's thick dragon-like tail made the jeans ripped (the opening). After he took his sword, he realized he still need his leather belt to put the sheath on his side, but it was torn apart and since then he carried the sheath and Engrak by hands.

"There's a weapon equipment store down and Xeno Street," said Juagar when Richard asked about the replacement. "It's the most crowded place in Milsteir at night, since it's the place full of..."

At the same time, he heard Cernelesh clearing her throat, so he said, "Full of things not for kids. C'mon, I'll show you around. The Mothshov is parked out front and ready to go."

"Oh, god. Don't tell me that thing will take me around the city? It's almost killed me, you know?" said Richard.

"Oh, about last night, I'm sorry. I was a reckless driver, and until now it still exists. Vig told me to have a proper driving lesson, in case passengers like him and you were inside the car. Maybe I'll consider it now, because of you."

After a while, they reached Xeno Street. When Richard came out, he was astonished by how big the buildings were. There were so many buildings giving signs like 'XXX', 'Girls Daily', and even 'Up sale!'. He also saw many minimum garment female draconians roamed the streets, sometimes watching Richard wistfully, and sometimes licked her tongue.

"Uh, can you just...ignore them?" said Juagar while pulling Richard. "They're not ladies, okay? They're hookers, not for us normal draconians, not for a good entertainment."

"From last night I always heard about hookers. What are those?"

"To put it simply, they're females that needed money."

"So, what's the problem?"

"Just...the reason was because they sell their body to clients. The hookers always had the pimp to control them."

"Sell their body?! You mean by killing themselves?!"

"No! What I meant is they sold their..."

Juagar whispered into Richard's ear, and he gasped. Somehow, it was not different, but when he was small, he knew one kind of those: his deceased mother. She was a prostitute to let Richard attend better life, but the consequence was that she was raped and killed by some thugs that needed money. So, to be exact, the prostitutes...hookers in this world, were doomed to die.

"From the look of your face, I guess something was wrong?"

"In my place...they're called prostitutes.... My mother was...killed by some son of a bitch after making her body as their toy, and I was forced to live in the slums and..."

Richard realized he became melancholic and tried to fend them off, but because it was out, Juagar walked to him and patted his head, somehow feeling empathy to it.

"Sorry, man. It's the world, so you must face it. I know many drakes said that not all of us are lucky, and I found the guy already."

"You didn't grow up in slums? That's a good point."

"No, I also grow around those places, but I still got my parents until they died peacefully because of old age."

Richard could only be in silence. He knew being someone unlucky was okay, but now...maybe it's because of the fate he got now. He was now a draconian, living in a draconian world, and thus having the same status like them. There's no myth about them; they're real.

"So, you want to come in?"

When Juagar said that, Richard smiled back to him and followed him inside. The store wasn't very big, but it had the sense of blacksmith store mainly from many medieval weapons on the display, like swords, bow and arrows, halberds, axe, spears, and crossbows, although, the crossbow wasn't made in wood and arrow, and a little like Juagar's crossbow. Richard could also see sheaths in any sizes, possibly for swords of all sizes too. When he touched one, he realized it wasn't a leather bag, but very rigid and strong.

"Hey, that's not in the size of your sword, sir," said the shopkeeper, which was somehow a half breed sea dragon green sea scaled draconian (sea dragons had fins at the front legs, but in this case, his arm). The sea blue eyes were watching the sword inside the sheath carried by Richard. He asked Richard to put it at the table, and when Richard obliged, he asked, "Where did you get this kind of sword?"

"My friend gave me...uh, as a gift in my...birthday," said Richard trying to hide the fact that he got it from Ray, and it was originated from a ruby flute.

"It's a long sword with yellow steel blade and black carbon hilt with ruby on it. This is not intended for a fight, sir," said the draconian. "But, judging from the sharpness, it's also not for decorative purpose. I bet your friend is a diamond monger."

"Uh, yeah, I guess so..."

"Take the sword with you. I'll find the measures."

When the shopkeeper was gone, Richard wanted to say something that the sword could change to a double sword since it was only one of the four transformations Engrak said, with two already known. But surprisingly, when Richard took it, electrical surge came out of it and the hilt started to open and revealed the other sword inside. But when Richard wanted to pull it, the sword split to half, revealing a double sword. This made Juagar whistled in awe.

"Man, that's a sword!" he said. "I bet your friend is also a modification expert."


"You don't really like old-fashioned sword, from how I saw you use it," said Juagar while staring at the sword. "EMP blast, rail gun, pulse shot, concealed sword...those aren't seen in swords I have ever seen!"

"Yeah, but...I kind of thinking those are exaggerating."

"Oh, sir? I've got the measure and...wait, when did you take the sword? It's identical to the previous one."

"'s a concealed sword. I wanted to tell you this before, but you left. It could have two swords, so I guess I need bigger sheath."

"Understood, sir."

Richard was relieved that unlike the previous appearance, when he put them together, it simply drew close together using magnet, but not melted into one. While the shopkeeper was measuring it, the golden draconian took notice of some draconians carrying something of a curved rod made a repeated action of pulling lever to a parking car...Juagar's car.

"Uh, are those your friends? What are they doing?" said Richard to Juagar.

"If they're my friends, I'll recognize them soon...." Juagar also turned around when he saw his car's glass were broken apart and the alarm went off. The two carjackers swore in disappointment.

"What the fuck?! Hey, you two! Who do you think you're messing with! That's a 982 Mothshov! It isn't out anymore! Hey!"

Upon hearing that, both carjackers ran away, with Juagar making chase. Richard could only stand at his place, while the shopkeeper sighed beside him. The green sea blue draconian walked out from the display and plainly said, "That Guard is really pissed off. I wish those two are alright."

"Does this happen every time?"

"Sonny, this is everyday's scene," he said while staring at him, somehow didn't believe on what Richard said. "You aren't from around here?"

"Uh...I came from another side of South Apachia," said Richard while lying. "I...uh, never seen these...activities."

"I haven't been there, so maybe it's a calm place." The shopkeeper then walked to the display and took Engrak, while he handed Richard his sword. "Here, I've got the measures. Anyway, my name is Hector."

"I'm Richard. Nice to meet you."

"What? You're too polite. You really live in a mild place, huh?"

Richard didn't know what the shopkeeper said. Somehow Milsteir wasn't a very good place at all, despite of its alien culture, which was interesting for him. But, that's how a gentleman addressed others in an introduction. Now why Hector thought that was strange?

"Anyway, Hector. Are you from around here? Your accent seems...thick."

"I'm a North Apachian," said Hector. "I moved here in search of a new freedom. The place is poor, and had a hard time after Northorno and South Apachia's war some years ago. At least I'm alive."

"Yeah.... I guess I'll find some place to see around. I'm new after all. I'll wait for Juagar outside..."

But sudden rain and thunder sounds came into the shop, and the outside scenery was blurred by the raindrops. The activity was stopped, and the street was filled with draconians trying to find shelter.

"But, in the meantime," said Richard while smiling to Hector. "I'll stay around."

While inside the weapon shop, Hector Fritz (Richard deduced that's his full name from the shop's name: Fritz's Shop) told him everything about the northern part of the Apachia nation, but just like with Juagar, Hector was confused with Richard's 'weird' topics, like blacksmith, magic, kingdom, and everything. In turn, Richard couldn't understand Hector's Nation Geburt, eine velt (the real world was eine-welt), and the weirdest: Das Siegel der reinen Gerechtigkeit.

"Gerektigeit?" said Richard.

"Gerechtigkeit, Richard. It's the Seal of Pure Justice. It's the only promise made by Northornians and South Apachians to stop their war and using our boden for war zone. Well, it was a very important thing, for without it, this truce won't happen.

"But I got a rumor that some underground crime organization stole it and left three corpses around it. I don't know what it means, but they don't like this truce."

"I think that's the reason why some Orthono attacked us yesterday."

"It's Northorno. Where did you get that name from? You're really one weird imaginative draconian."

"Oh, the rain stopped. Thanks for the time, Hector...Flint?"

"It's Fritz!"

"Okay, I'll take my leave. See you late...what the hell?!"

Richard realized the rain made the car looked bad, and when Juagar returned soaked, he dropped the unconscious carjackers and yelled, "What the fuck happened to my car?!!"

"The Mothshov wasn't this severely damaged before the rain!" exclaimed Richard.

Juagar opened the door and saw some fragments of weird things put inside. He punched the door and said, "These two...wasn't trying to jack my car. They're trying to destroy it!"

"Do you have any enemies?"

"Not really. They're just wild saboteurs. But I can't believe the crime rate increased these days. Was the Northorno planning another conflict?"

"Sir," said Hector. "I need the money."

"Wait, how much?"

"50 calmeths."

"Uh, that's pretty cheap for a sheath like that."

"For a first visit, I'll give a discount." He winked to Richard. "Especially to a friend."

After they took the car to a nearby garage for a repair, Juagar asked Richard about how he could get a new friend this fast, with Richard said, "He had a funny accent."

"Most North Apachians speak German. He's one of them. Say, while waiting for the car, how about if we watch the latest movie? It's the fourth 'Wingless Tragedy' movie. I think it's a good think to see Lipria Venstaad and Van Kaprov collaborated again since that cool movie 'Hatred Fire'."

"I really want to watch a movie...just...trying to find out what it is."

"What? Your place doesn't have a theatre too?"

Inside, Richard somehow staggered by how the sound and the vision he experienced was real enough for him. The scenes in the movie, although fictionalized, presented a drama of a wingless dragon in search of his lost friends in a war-taken nation. He was helped by two draconians in the way (which happened in the first movie, as Juagar implied). But some scenes that made Juagar cry seemed to make Richard emotionally taken by how he had his relationship with Ray. But, the part where he shed tears was when the dragon died after he could see his mate again, after battling a series of injury. The soul told the last goodbye to the main characters, and leave.

After the movie concluded, Juagar commented, "Okay, this too annoying. If that dragon at least lived, I can watch another mov...hey, Richard. What's wrong?"

"No...the movie was too...sad. I can't stop crying."

"Don't be too dramatic, man. It's only a movie."

"I know...but I had...experienced it before."

"Hey, dragons are fictions, okay? We can't have any dragons in this world. For dreamers, these magnificent bestial parts of us are inspirational."

"Yeah, but...I...I need to find something to eat."

Juagar sighed, and walked with Richard to a diner. It had a 1950 curved neon style, but it wasn't very classy and instead derelict with graffiti covering its wall. After Juagar ordered some food, he tried to coax Richard, and after a while, he could stop crying.

"Hey, it's just a movie. I know it's bad, but you seem to get an experience about it."

"Well...because of my friend's death...the one giving me this sword...I journeyed around and found similar scenes. I know death's very good in picking its prey. I know it's inevitable, but I can't get it out of my mind."

"Richard, the past should stay in the past. Now come on, eat."

While Richard was eating, Juagar got a weird idea about where Richard came from, and he was trying to deduce that Richard didn't come from any villages or isolated community, but instead a completely different world, irrelevant with this world and different all over.