New encounters
This is my very first story. I know there is a lot to improve on and I hope I can do it soon. Please tell me what you think
"It shouldn't be much farther." I quietly muttered to myself, walking along the path through the forest. I had been walking for a few hours which had proven tiresome on my legs. I decided to take a break and rest at the foot of a large tree. Taking some water out of my pack, I took a few sips and listened to the crickets chirp a soothing melody. "Hopefully I'll have better luck in this next town" I thought to myself. Having been to multiple towns, looking for any kind of job that provides room and board, I had learned not to get my hopes up. Rustling from the bushes was all it took to get me back on my feet. I started walking normally until I heard the rustling again, then I started walking a little faster. As the rustling came faster, so did I. Running, I knew whatever was in the bushes had been following me. I hadn't heard the creature for a few seconds so I looked back to see if it was still following me. Not looking where I was going, I ran into a soft blubbery wall. I stumbled backward and looked up before me to see two curious eyes looking back at me. "Why hello there" it spoke in a child-like voice. "Who might you be." Still frozen I couldn't respond. He was a dragon, a very fat one at that. He was a marine blue with light yellow scales covering his belly all the way down to the end of his tail. He was at least six times my size and looked around 10 times my body weight. "I said who are you" he said a little louder. After overcoming my shock, I finally responded "I'm Adam" I managed to say. "It's very nice to meet you Adam, I'm Layrius" he said with a smile. He then grabbed me by the waist in one large fore claw and picked me up bringing me to his face. "I've never seen your kind before, are you new here." "I'm a Katishi" I said squirming a little in his claw. "I've never seen or even heard of a Katishi before" "I'm not surprised, we don't usually come around here" "Well I can't wait to learn more about you." He coiled his tail around me as he lowered down on all fours and started walking into the trees. "Wait, where are you taking me" I said struggling in his tail. "Back to my cave" He replied as if nothing was wrong. "Why" I asked, getting a little nervous. "Are you going to eat me." Layrius stopped in his tracks and looked back at me with a confused expression on his face. "Of course not. I was just taking you home because it was getting dark" "Oh" I muttered feeling rude. "I'm sorry" "It's fine don't worry about it." He said perking up as he started walking again.
"Here we are." Layrius said as we approached the mouth of the cave. "Home sweet home". We entered after about ten minutes of walking. The sky had turned to a light orange as the sun started setting. The cave was rather well furnished. There was a large carpet, a recliner, a coffee table, and a couch in the main room. He sat me down on the dragon sized couch as he laid on his belly facing me. "So, do you mind telling me what you were doing, wandering all by yourself?" "I was just passing through" I answered "I want more details than that." "Well-" I sigh. "I used to live in Wysteria, a town north of here. My father passed away when I was young so I just lived with my mom, and my sister, Ashley. We didn't have a steady income. A large tax increase was announced and my Mother knew she couldn't raise me and my sister together. So since I had turned 16, she thought it would be best if I left home and pursued my own career as most young males do at that age. I have been going from town to town looking for a job and a place to stay since then, but I have not had much luck. Speaking of which, I really have to get back to the trail so I can make my way to the town to look for a job." The dragon ,after listening intently, began pondering and then started grinning wildly. "What?" I asked "Oh, nothing-" he said. "I was just wondering, if you maybe wanted to live with me." "what are you-" I started before he quickly interrupted. "No just hear me out, you can live with me for as long as you like" he stated. "you don't even need to pay rent or anything." "I don't know" I mumbled. It's not that I didn't like him, he was even offering his home for free, but with him being more than six times my size, it was a little intimidating. Why did he even want me to stay with him so bad? "Please." he whined "I don't think it's such a good idea." "Please." No" I said as he noticed the slight irritation in my voice. He began to look defeated until a mischievous smile spread across his face. I was slightly nervous when he got up and turn around with his tail raised in the air so his rear end was looming over my body. As I stared up at it, I didn't notice it slowly lowering over my body until my legs were pinned. I started struggling upon realization as my upper body was gently smooshed between his giant rump and the soft couch. As he finished sitting, my entire body was trapped under his butt. It was soft and surprisingly comfortable as the fat cushioned around me, but I couldn't enjoy the feeling of it as I had caught the scent of his tail hole. I groaned as I was forced to inhale his smelly backside. "Dude! What are you doing!" I tried to shout but was muffled by the layers of fat on his rear. Meanwhile he was breaking out in fits of laughter above me. "So, are you sure you don't want to stay with me?" he asked in a self-righteous tone. My eyes went wide as I heard an ominous rumble above me. Layrius smirked as the rumble got louder. "I think you need to hurry up, I'm feeling very gassy today." he started giggling. "You wouldn't!" I gasped in disbelief "Wrong answer!" He said mockingly as the grumbling from his bowels intensified. His anus opened up releasing a warm torrent of gas from his backside on to my chest. The smell was revolting to say the least. I groaned as I tried not to breath through my nose. The stink was washing over my body, trapping itself in my fur. He had proceeded to wiggle his rump around so bury the stink in more. I couldn't believe I was actually trapped under a dragons backside. I never thought in my life I would ever be trapped in such a smelly prison. "So, about your stay." he said after releasing three more warm, stinky poots. "Fine! I'll stay! Just get off!" I shouted "I don't know." he mocked "You are pretty comfortable." He then let another loud fart erupt from his backside. 'What happened to the stories of dragons being majestic' I wondered to myself as he continued his gassy assault. "Okay, time for the grand finale!" he announced as he shifted his weight so his anus was over my face. The smell stunk even worse in this position. His tail hole had opened up and expelled a huge amount of gas that had showered my face for 11 seconds. The smell was unlike any other I had inhaled before in my life, the stench filling my lungs was terrible. The heat was getting really bad combined with the fur on my body. When he finished he got up and turned around to face me. "That was really fun, I haven't done that in some time. Wasn't that fun?" "No! That was disgusting." I growled. " I can't believe you just did that. Do you know how long it will take to get the stench out of my fur?" "I'm sorry." he whimpered. "I just wanted to play." "Well..." I withdrew. "Maybe it was a little funny." He instantly cheered up and pulled me into a hug. As I sunk into his soft belly, he nuzzled me with his snout. I felt very relaxed as he gently set me back down on the couch. "Soooo...?" he asked "What?" I muttered "Will you stay with me?" He blurted out. "I haven't found anyone as fun as you in years." As the question was once again brought up I sat and pondered for a bit. I really didn't want him farting on me again ,but he was really friendly. I knew the chances of finding another place to stay were rather slim. "I guess so." I finally muttered.