The Adventures of Devlin Mythryll Episode Three: Enter Silver

Story by Demonfox666 on SoFurry

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#3 of The Adventures of Devlin Mythryll

In the house across Devlin's, a pair of eyes opened. Giving a yawn, the owner of the eyes got up and stretched out his arms. With a small grunt, he went over to bathroom and looked in the mirror.

The mirror would show the reflection of an eighteen year old crow named Silver. He had been Devlin's best friend since first grade. They did almost everything together. At one time they considered themselves brothers.

"I look like crap," he said, rubbing his cheeks. "Well, at least I am not molting. The day was a day that I never want to revisit at all."

He turned on the faucet and put his hands through the running water. He felt very depressed. He had not seen Devlin in a long time. Ever since Devlin had become a writer, he spent less time with Silver. At first, Silver was not worried at all about it. But after months of Devlin not talking to him, Silver became concerned and angry.

"What the hell is Devlin's problem? He knows full well that his books are complete crap," He growled. "He has no sense of writing at all. No, I should not say that. He has no real sense of how to forward a plot. When he does not know what to write, he introduces a new character and prays that inspiration will strike him. You have to know what your fucking doing before you write the fucking book!"

Silver stopped and looked down.

"What am I doing? Look at me, I am a wreck. Do I really need Devlin that much? I mean, he might not be playing with me like he use to but that does not mean he isn't my friend...right?"

Silver looks at the mirror.

"I have to go see him again. If I don't, I think I will go insane."

Back at Devlin's house, Devlin and Eros came out of the shower and started drying themselves off. Eros gave her master a little kiss on the nose. Devlin returned the favor and kissed Eros on the cheek.

"That was fun master," Eros said with a chuckle. "We should do that again soon."

"That would be great dear," Devlin replied. "But next time please don't try to eat the soap."

"I thought all soap was supposed to be white. When I saw the green bar of soap, I thought it was something to eat."

He looked at her oddly.

"Something to eat?"

"Yes, master."

"Dear, it was a shower. Why would I have something to eat in a shower?"

Eros shrugged.

Devlin shook his head. At first, he wanted to say that she was completely stupid. But then he remembered that she was from another planet. Maybe things were done differently there than it was here.

Eros finished drying herself off and put her towel on the rack. After doing so, she got back on her knees and bowed her head.

Devlin looked at her oddly. She just took a bath and now she was putting her knees on the floor. Devlin just couldn't understand this girl. That being said, he was not really trying to. He shook his head and went over to his room. He opened his closet and looked at all the clothes he had.

" what should I wear," Devlin asked himself. "There are so many clothes to choose and so many matches that can go with them. It is hard to pick."

"Anything there would look good on you, master," Eros replied, standing behind Devlin. "Though your pick should also depend on what you plan to do today. If you plan to just stay in the house, something simple might work out well. If you plan on going out, you might want to think about wearing something flashier. Maybe you might be lucky and catch the eye of a mate."

"I'm not going to get my hopes up when it comes to finding a mate. My record for dating is piss poor. I mean I bet Silver has..." His voice trailed off and he looked very sad.

"Is there something wrong, master? Who is Silver?"

"Silver is my friend," Devlin said softly. "He is my best friend in the world. My best friend that I have been ignoring for a long time."

"That is a bad thing to do, master. You should not be doing that to your friends."

Devlin reaches into his closet and takes out a pair of swim trunks and a tank top. He puts both on his bed then puts on the swim trunks.

"I know Eros. I know it is wrong. I have just been so busy trying to get myself famous that I forgot about...everyone else."

"There is an old saying that says, 'The road to fame and glory is also the road to ruin.'"

"Thank you Eros," he said with sarcasm in his voice. "You are making me feel so much better now."

Eros could tell that her master was being sarcastic and looked down in shame.

"I am sorry, master."

Devlin put on the tank top then looked at Eros. He closed his eyes for a moment then gave a soft sigh. He hated to see people feeling shamed. He had been put to shame plenty of times in his life.

"It is ok dear. I am also sorry for the sarcasm. It was not really necessary."

Eros looked up at him and shook her head.

"It is not my place to judge you, master. If anyone is to be judged, it is I."

Devlin opened his mouth to say something but was interrupted by a knock on the door. Devlin instantly became afraid. Was the police officer back for a second round of questioning? Was it the neighbor that said something fell from the sky?

"Eros, do me a favor." He said. "While I am busy answering the door, you find something to wear in my closet and put it on."

Eros nodded and went into the closet.

Devlin went over to the front door and put his paw on the door knob. He did not open door yet. He was thinking of what to say if it was the cop again. He quickly shook his head and opened the door.

On the other side of the door was Silver. He wore a pair of jeans and a white hoodie. On his neck he wore a silver chain with a silver heart attached to it. Devlin recognized the chain as the one he gave Silver in high school.

"Hello Devlin," Silver said softly. "How are you doing today?"

"Look Silver, I am so very sorry." Devlin said, closing his eyes. "I just let my attempts at fame get the better of me."

"No. You did not just let it get the better of you. You let it take over your entire life. Do you know how many times I called you?"

"I believe you called me about two hundred and twelve times."

"Yes," He yelled angrily. "And the worse part is that you never picked up the phone or called back! What the hell is wrong with you? We have been friends for so long and you dump me for the chance to become a famous book writer! What kind of friend are you?"

"A horrible one," Devlin answered, looking down at the ground.

Silver gave a small smile then started to laugh.

"I forgive you Devlin. Why don't we swing by my place and have a few cold ones?"

"No can do. I have a little situation going to right now."

Silver crossed his arms and glared at Devlin.

"Ok, Silver. Look, I have something to tell you that you are not going to believe. But it is all true. I have a blue cat in my house who is an alien. She was taken off a ship by slavers and fell from the sky all the way to my door step. She said that she is a slave and that she is here to serve me."

Silver looked at him then started laughing.

"Devlin," he said, "That had to be the stupidest lie that you have ever come up with. Seriously, a blue alien feline that wants to serve you? Come on Devlin. You have to do better than that. At least make your lie plausible."

"Master, am I dressed correctly," a voice said from behind Devlin.

Devlin turned around to see Eros standing behind him. She wore a pair of jeans and a white shirt. See seemed to have gotten the hang of getting dressed. That was something that surprised Devlin. The only thing wrong was that she wore a pair of boxers on her head.

"You nearly got it dear," Devlin commented. "Just take the boxers off your head and you got it perfect."

Eros nodded and took the boxers off her head. She then looked at Silver and smiled.

"Hello sir," she said. "Can I help you with something?"

Silver just stared at Eros with a look of complete surprise.

"Devlin, is this the feline from space that you were telling me about," Silver asked.

"Yes it is," Devlin answered with a smile. "Why do you ask? Are you in shock that I was not lying?"

"Am I missing something," Eros asked, moving closer to Devlin.

"He didn't believe my story about you falling from the sky and becoming my slave."

Silver was in complete shock. Were his eyes deceiving him? Did he land into some sort of time vortex where the impossible became possible? Silver thought things like this only happen in adventure books and anime.

"How in the world is this possible," Silver asked. "How did you get a sexy looking slave?"

"As I said," Devlin replied, "She fell from a ship in space and landed here."

"No body could survive a fall from space. The fall would kill someone."

"Actually, I can withstand quite a lot of pain," Eros chimed in. "Remember, we are multi-purpose slaves. We have to be sturdy to serve those who are masochistic. Also, the drop was not very high. The ship nearly missed my master's house."

"How is that possible," Silver asked. "Someone would have seen something."

"Cloaking and stealth technology took care of that problem."

Silver looked completely baffled. He did not have any real clue what the hell was going on and he wasn't in the mood to try to figure it out.

"Right," Silver replied. "You know what? I am going to go back home and try to put the pieces of my shattered and confused mind back together. Be at my house tomorrow Devlin. You and I have a lot of catching up to do."

Devlin nodded.

"I will be there," he replied.

Silver nodded and went out the door.

"Master, what just happened," Eros asked.

"No clue," Devlin replied. "No clue at all."