That Gay Goth Dog: CHAPTER 11: Lovin Pup's (part 1)

Story by StormTierSkywolf on SoFurry

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#40 of That Gay Goth Dog

Rain rain wont go away cloud on my head every single day this pain pain goes right inside breaking me down till i just cry little bully wants to play hits me every single day pain pain go right inside guess ill just have to let it slide

drain drain all my life why cant i just stop this strife rain rain wont go away cloud on my head every single day

my ipod sang out to Rise And Shine by Blood On The Dance Floor. ( "dam it hayden!" i said. hayden looked at me like any other husky does when confused, also so cute."you fucking got me stuck on this song!"

his lips went into a grin "Rise and Shine?" i just nodded. "told you its a great song." he chuckled then looked back down to his guitar and started strumming some new cordes for a new song.

"wait... its holloween.. why the hell are you in here working?" i said throwing down some homework. "we dont have school.. lets just go out and have some fun for once." i said then looked at hayden.

"sounds like a fuckin good idea!" he jumped up. "seth, aaron?" he said holding out his phone.

"Till and sexy wolf?" i held out my phone. we both nodded and called everyone.


"SUP WOLF!" hayden said tackling Leon.

"o-oh you kn-know nothing." leon said shyly.

"how bout you till? you been good?" i asked.

"yup!" till said pointing over his shoulder and the wolf and husky on the ground. "fricking love my wolf." he chuckled and my eyes went wide.

"you got that guy to come out and date you!" i said surprised as hell.

"DAM RIGHT! no one can resist this sexy accent!" Till said using his german accent.

"DAM!" aaron said.

"what.. he gets a dam and all i get is Hey sexy panther, op-op-op oppa kitty style?" seth said.

"oh shush! at least you get a show with it." aaron said and chuckled kissing seths nose.

"can i see that show?" hayden asked.

"HAYDEN!" i yelled looking at him.

"no cats only." aaron said putting his arm around seths shoulders.

"what you would love to see that to!" hayden said getting off leon.

"what the hells worng with you guys?" leon asked.

we all stopped and looked at eachother then at the same time we belted out. "were furfags!" and all started laughing. even leon.

"so wired." leon stated.

"yup! but... leon." hayden started.

"we need to see your furfag ID." i ended.

"my what?" leon asked.

me and hayden looked at eachother then at him and at the same time. "fur-fag ID!"

"oh hon just grope me and they say, Welcome to the club." till said chuckling.

leon just shruged then walked over groping till and pulling him into a deep loving kiss."

"Dam!" the rest of us said. "welcome to the... club." we said then hayden quickly took a pic.

"oh yeah.. thats a keeper." hayden said.

"GIVE IT!" leon yelled.

"later wolf.. but now LETS DRINK!" seth said.

after about four hours of partying Hayden, Aaron and Leon were drunk off their assed. Seth, Till and myself were the only ones still standing.

"awe, poor pups." i said. "cant handle their beer." i chuckled.

"in Germany this all is child's play." till said chuckling.

"yeah well... im ganna be up working with aarons hangove-.... FUCK WE HAVE A TEST TOMORROW!" seth yelled facepawing.

"HA! have fun! and me and hayden are ganna hit it. so goodbye guys." i said and hugged everyone.

i helped hayden out to the car. once i buckled him in he looked at me the only way huskies can. "why you let me drink so much today?"

"because your cute as hell drunk." i chuckled and kissed his ears making the sivel around.

"yeah, yeah. cant wait to get to sleep!" he said. i started the car and he was out cold.

"gah! wired as dog!." i said and drove home. once i was their i picked up haydens body gently and put him over my sholder i caried him into our dorm and laid him in our bed. i took off his shirt and pants leaving him nude. i striped as well and jumped into bed with him. i sniffed the side of his chest and murred loudly. "good night love. and happy halloween." i said gently and fell asleep.