In Epilogue
#9 of D.E.B.O.R.A.H.
(The following is a work of fiction loosely based on certain ideas. Allester Darkflame and Sheila the Sheila are copyright their players and used with permission. D.E.B.O.R.A.H./Deborah, B.R.H.A.D. Moriarty, and Dr. Borden are fictional characters with no basis on any actual fur or human living or dead. The name Moriarty is originally copyright to Sir Arthur Conan Doyle.)
Doctor Moriarty sat in his office, the door locked shut and all the lights turned off. He sat in his chair, head resting on one fist and just staring off into the shadows. The room was completely silent except for the hippogriff's breathing. He just sat in the darkness, looking back into all that had happened.
The B.R.H.A.D. unit was destroyed, an outcome he had not predicted. The last thing he had expected would be that the D.E.B.O.R.A.H. Mark One and her canine ally would be able to injure four field units, would a bio-gene hound and kill the male prototype.
The body was now being held by the sheriff's department in another state and kept partly as evidence and partly for study. It was too far out away for him to have any influence. The four field agents were in the hospital under armed guard. He could not get them free before being charged, and he could not get someone in to kill them either.
Matters were made worse when news came from the facility that the B.R.H.A.D. unit had been made out. It turned out they only had one other viable unit as something had gone wrong with the storage facility. When the male hybrid prototype was attempted to be activated, it had an adverse reaction to the accelerated growth stimulators. Instead of growing, the unit stayed the same size but rapidly aged until it was too old to be of used. Meanwhile, someone had destroyed the DNA samples used to create the male unit so they could not currently create another.
So now the D.E.B.O.R.A.H. Mark One was free, out where he could not currently get it. They would at least have to wait until the sheriff's department had moved on and were busy with other things before he could send more field agents after it. The Mark Two was at full maturity and the Mark Three was just at the onset. The two units would provide more milk and wool, but without a B.R.H.A.D. unit, the D.E.B.O.R.A.H. units could not be used for the hybrid breeding program.
Meanwhile, in another state there was a clear blue sky without a cloud in it. In a tree were several small birds, standing quietly and watching what was going on underneath them. Not far from the tree stood a small group dressed all in black. They stood around a coffin, arms at their side or clasped together in front of them.
The numbers were few, looking down with sadness. Among the mourners was a young rodent woman who wore a black dress suit, wiping at one of her cheeks to dab away the tears. Also among the few were Desert, resting on a crutch under one arm to keep the weight off his injured leg, and Deborah, dressed in a long black dress which contrasted heavily with the blue sling that held the arm of the hyper extended elbow.
All that stood around were quiet, looking at the closed coffin and listening as the priest spoke the eulogy. The group stayed where the were as they watched the body start to descend. It slowly sank down into the ground, entering the final resting place. As it went down into the earth, the headstone stood above it, showing the name of Dr. Alexander Borden.
Once it was over, Desert started to limp back toward the truck with Deborah following behind him. They moved through the cemetery and back toward the road, making sure not to walk on any of the graves.
"So that's what a funeral is like?" the dragon looking mixed female said curiously, "I never expected to see one. They are very sad things. Too bad it had to be for Doctor Borden. He had so much he could help with. I guess I'm going to be however I end up from now on."
"I don't think you're going to change any further," the canine responded turning to look at her. Deborah still stood twelve feet tall, her entire body covered in creamy white scales, having replaced the hair and wool. She had large dragon wings and a long tail that stroked along the ground behind her. The sheep horns had grown longer, or would have if they had not curled in on themselves. Her full chest pushed out against the top of her dress, showing the curves of her body, the udders causing it to look as though she had a stomach on her. The large cow ears twitched on top of the bovine shaped muzzle, the most obvious sign of her mixed history. The other sign was the udders that were currently hidden and the large hooves at the end of her legs.
The two continued on to the truck, Desert climbing in to drive as Deborah climbed into the back and sat down. Her legs stretched out a bit as she was able to sit up in it, her back resting against the cab window. She smiled at the canine through the back window, then looked up at the bars attached up near the roof.
It had been something the canine had bolted to the outside of the truck for when her arm had gotten better. The idea was that they would tie one end of a rope to the two handles and she would hold on to the other. Then while he drove, she could spread her wings and take to the air. This way she would be able to fly and have a way to get back to the truck if she tires as well as not have to worry about losing track of the vehicle.
She ran one of her talon fingers along the steel handle, the large ears falling downward slightly. If things went the way they were supposed to later today, then they would not get the chance. She turned to look back, letting out a sigh
Deborah did not like the idea, not really. It would be for the better over all, that much was true. She would be somewhere far from where any of the facility members could get her, no longer having to worry about being caught or taken back. It would also mean that she would get to be around those more like her, to meet new friends.
At the same time though, she really did not want to run away more. She wanted to put an end to all this and live where she wanted to. Just to live a normal peaceful life, or at least as much as she could at such a large size as a dragon with cow and sheep traits. She turned to look at the canine driving along again.
That was the biggest part of it all. Desert was now her only friend, and it felt like she would be abandoning him. The two of them had been through a lot together, granted it was mostly because she was on the run, but it still felt as though they had become really close. She had thought about it long and hard. She did not love him, did not want to settle down and have a family with him. They did not have that kind of relationship. She was glad he was her first, and it had been fun to experience such a thing, but after the first day on the farm, nothing more had happened. She was still excited over the idea but had not really had an interest enough to try anything. The idea had gotten further as she changed more, ending up out in the barn, then the whole attack occurred.
The two continued along the roads, the warm sun shining down on them from clear blue skies. They continued along, passing through a town and stopping to pick up some food for later. The drive was several hours long on winding country roads to go out to where few to nobody rarely even go, giving them great amounts of privacy.
Soon they stopped at the base of a grassy hill far from where anybody would see. The two climbed out, hiking up along the side to head for the top. The trip was slow for the canine who had to limp up along the slant and get good purchase for the crutch. Deborah slowed down to keep along with him. Her tail twitched slightly as the underside got tickled by the thick long grass.
As the top was reached, the two stretched out and sat down, spreading out their food before them. They looked up at the sky, sitting near each other as they ate. The pair enjoyed the chicken quietly for a while, munching on the fried food happily.
"So do you really think someone will show up?" Deborah finally asked, tilting to look at Desert curiously. One of the large bovine ears gave a small flick as she continued to work on the fried breast.
"Probably," the canine responded, "I mean it's not like getting in touch was easy. I don't know much about their sense of humor, but I sincerely doubt they would find it funny to have us come all the way out here then not show up." He checked at his watch then looked up again, scanning the sky and horizon again.
The two ate their fill of the fried chicken, corn, mashed potatoes and fried okra, Deborah really wanting the corn while Desert went after the okra. Once finished with their fill, the two stretched out, enjoying the full stomachs and the warm sun. The canine fell asleep, snoring softly. The bovine featured dragon hybrid had her eyes closed, enjoying the feel of the warm sun on her creamy scaled body. She felt herself started to doze off herself.
The sunny lull was interrupted as a shadow flew over the two, moving between them and the bright warm light. The figure in the sky passed over the two and the top of the hill before turning back and circling around again.
Deborah's eyes snapped back open at the sudden change, moving to sit up right. She turned to look up, seeing a large shadow moving toward them. The large female reached over, poking Desert to wake him up.
The shadowed figure continued to fly downward toward the pair and the hill, coming more and more into focus. The black of shadows slowly moves away to reveal the red form with white under markings. The large wings shifted, a long tail twitching as the creature moved to start landing. The dragon fluttered a little as he stopped, the small winds buffeting a long black ponytail between it. There was a small shake to the body, the entire form covered in feathers that moved to settle back into their proper place. The thirteen foot tall male turned to face the two, emerald eyes locking on the pair.
"You must be Desert Mutt and Deborah," Said a deep masculine voice, booming enough to be heard easily and with a tone that sounded of steel authority. "It is nice to meet the two of you. I am Allester Darkflame of the royal dragon family. I have come to bring you, Deborah, to a special refuge for dragon kind." He held out one large talon, giving a small smile to the pair. Desert put his paw into it then shook. Deborah put her own hand in next.
"It is nice to meet you," the hybrid female said, "I appreciate that you're doing this." She broke the hand shake and turned to the canine. "And I want to thank you for you help." She gave him a hug, patting her back, "I hope to see you again some time soon." She gave him a kiss on the cheek.
"Is that fried chicken?" the dragon male asked curiously, pointing at the remains of the lunch.
"Help yourself," the canine said and turned back to the large female, "Well since you'll be gone and safe, I guess I can return on back home. You know where to find me if you want to come visit." He gave a comforting smile and pat her gently on the side.
Deborah leaned down to kiss the canine on the forehead, then turned to the slightly larger dragon. Allester looked at the two quietly, licking the last bits of chicken from his lips. His emerald eyes watched patiently, waiting for them.
"Alright," she told him, "I'm ready to go." She gave him a smile as he turned. The extremely long tail moved around him some, seeming to be nearly forty feet long. It gave a flick as he moved to face downhill. The feathered dragon turned to look at the canine and dragon-like female before pushing out. The wings folded out and gave a massive flap, creating an audible gust of wind to buffet the grass and caused the canine to fall back onto the hill.
Deborah watched the large feathery dragon take off, looking to see him soar a moment. Her own leathery wings then spread out behind her. She ran down the hill and flapped a few times before jumping up. It took her a moment longer to take flight, less experienced and needing to practice more. She was able to fly all the same, working to catch up some and follow Allester up and out of sight.
Weeks later...
Desert opened the door and pushed his way into his home, groceries in one arm and the mail in the other. He tossed it down near the door to look better and headed toward the kitchen. As he went he grabbed the remote, turning the TV on. The canine walked just as well as he used to, his leg having recovered fully for the most part.
The music came on some, the theme song of the news playing as it was just about to start. On the television screen came the figure of a two foot plus kangaroo lady. She was clearly standing on the desk, her red hair pulled back away from her face.
"This is Sheila the Sheila," the kangaroo said in a slightly perky voice, "With all the news from the roos. For those who missed last night's report, there have been gallons of fresh whole milk being delivered to various villages in Africa. Each delivery had enough to give plenty of the necessary nutrients to dozens of children in days, helping them stay healthy. More deliveries were made more recently to several other villages nearby the firsts, this time with wool included. When asked about it, the locals said that a dragon as white as an angel came down from heaven, dropped off the supplies, then took off again with out ever saying a word."
The small reporter hopped off the desk, disappearing a second. Next thing, she was right in front of the camera. She looked in, creating an extreme close up then giving the audience a full screen view of one of her eyeballs, the long lashes blinking a moment. The kangaroo moved to bring her muzzle into view. She let everyone see her black nose before showing off her lips and started to speak once more.
"In more local news, a mysterious lab hidden on a farm is discovered.... In ruins. Bum-bum BUMMMM! An anonymous call to this station sent our news staff to a local farm which the name of has yet to be found. Upon arrival, the barn was found to be destroyed, as was a large compound that had been hidden underneath the structure and surrounding grounds. The police were called in and have started to investigate. So far only one body has been found, that of a male hippogriff whose name has not yet been released. There has yet to be discovered what the hidden lab was working on, but several believe that the laboratory was secretly working on a new weapon for germ warfare that would have caused flesh-eating zombies to rise and attack the rest of the world. I think someone's been playing too many video games. Strangest of all is that it seems one area was undamaged, looking as though everything inside it had been stolen."
Desert came back in and looked at the TV as it showed pictures of the destroyed farm, listening to the reporter. He finally reached out to grab the remote and turn it back off. He could not help but grin, tail wagging. He turned back toward the kitchen to finish putting groceries away.
Deborah had talked about wanting to be sure it was safe before she left. She also talked about the fact that B.R.H.A.D. had mentioned there were others like her still there. The canine shifted as he remembered her wanting to find a way to get them free of the facility and either find a way to raise them as her own like a family to have a more normal life, or if not possible, make sure they could not be reproduced. His tail wagged happily behind him as he continued to put stuff away, feeling a little glad that they no longer had that facility or hopefully Moriarty to worry about.