A New World

Story by Lord Hoyle on SoFurry

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All character used within this story are copyright to the author and may not be reused without permission, this is an adult story so if you are under 18 years old you should not be reading this story. Any comments or complaints should be sent to [email protected] please write back I live for feedback. Please note not all science facts are serous studied because hey it fiction.

The New Earth series:

A New Dawn


Lord Hoyle

The history of humanity does not walk along a slow steady pace, it jogs it races into the highs and lows. Humans cannot seem to keep to a slow and steady pace they move along the path on your small planet as it spins in a staggering and sometimes insane dance. At time humans are the most kind the most intelligent of races at other times they seem to go mad. No you say? Look at the histories I say look at the murder of millions during the World wars, then look at the almost 40 years of peace and compromise among the more modern nations before those dark days. Look at the last century of humanity I tell you they murder themselves in factories of death yet during those 100 years more social progress was made than the last 1,000 years. Race was no longer so important as it was; yet religion seems to take center stage in the peoples minds. Look at their technology my friend, 200 years ago a man had to wait months sometimes years to communicate across far distance now with the Internet and phones it is done in seconds. Yes humans are a riddle that I used to wonder about, oh forgive me I have not yet introduced myself. I am what you call an alien my name would mean nothing to you my friend. I call you friend for my kind has mostly out grown hate. If you need a name call me Noah. Ahhh you are confused I see no worries my friend I shall explain. You see I said my kind has mostly outgrown hate, greed, and envy. I say mostly for they are to us an almost illness I believe your people call them mental illness. But the odd case comes along and is cured, but and I'm sorry to say this sometimes we make mistakes. Why are you so surprised? Have I said my people are perfect? No we are as mortal as you in fact there is one thing I understand about humanity it is my peoples most common sin, arrogance. For in our arrogance I fear we may have very possibly doomed humanity, as you know it. Shush no fear my friend listen to my story all will become clear you see my people like to watch like to study we have studied your people for a long time. We came to the conclusion that if your people survived their infancy then you could very well one day stand with us in the stars in fact in the ideal future we saw for you humans could in fact reach to even greater heights than my people reached. But one among us did not dare to hope for that; he was a cruel and a very arrogant fellow. He hated humans. He hated your ways that you abused your planet, yourselves, but mostly he hated how you wondered about things. You see my people do wonder but we do not reach for our goals as humans do that is your greatest strength. If you see a goal you reach and strive for it, my people sit and wonder and think, we do not reach or run anymore. We knew of his hate, we told him let them be let them grow they shall live or die to their own strength. But as I said he hated and my people thought words could cure that. So we did not see when he acted, he sent the plague that has stricken your people in these last few years. No I am sorry please do not hate or fear us like that, yes I feel your emotions. My people call us The Starten, did not see what he would do until it was to late and now we shall not help you. Please let me finish before you condemn us, the angry one has been punished let me assure you my friend that he is suffering beyond your peoples ability to understand. But why can we not help you? Why did we let the plague run its course? Yes the sickness is over we have stopped it that is how we helped you. But we cannot help any further. Do not shout my friends we know, I know of the death, of how you fought each other in your panic, and how when you saw how the plague came to you of how you somehow stopped. My friends be proud of your people of all your people the one who hated did not see how you could stop, of how you would make peace and try so very hard to live. It was his downfall he tired to kill you again and we stopped him then we saw what he had done and sent the cure to you. What many of you are not pleased with the cure? I am truly sorry my friends but as I have said we are not perfect the cure is the best we could do under the little time we had to make it and send it to you. No we can't help you anymore Humans if you still wish to be called that must learn to walk on your own any more help from us could do more damage than the angry one did. How, ahh I see many of you already know or can guess that answer you have not fallen due to the plague at all if anything you have grown much. Now listen my time to talk to humanity begins to shorten, yes I am talking to all of you all over your world I am talking to the greatest of your leaders and to the poorest man living. How you are is how you shall remain, I know claws and fur, looking as the animals of your planet where not in your dreams or plans but the angry one made the sickness to kill humans not your planet. It is the only cure we could make for you before the death of your race. Now all of you are not so different are you, have your religions changed? Have your laws or ways of ruling yourselves changed? No mostly but they will, I come with warnings and good tidings. All of you are no longer human do not rule or judge yourselves as you once did, It will not work the wolves will now need their pack alpha as the lion will now need the pride of lioness. The raccoon will now need the night to live in, as the bears will need more rest in the winter. How you live will change but not your souls. Not the reaching for new heights, not the love your people feel for friend and family. You see the soul of humanity what the angry one hated most of all is still their and that is our gift to your. What you say? You think the soul has changed? Yes their will be less greed less hate for now you will care more for home and family than you once did for the animals that we have joined with you did not care for riches nor did they hate. But as I said no race is perfect. All that was ugly is still there but perhaps it will find more of a challenge to come out and menace you as it once did. Ahhh I must soon go Good luck my friends Many of the Starten think you will one day walk with us high among the stars but first learn to walk apron your New Earth, then run among the stars as so many others do and perhaps then after running you will walk with us. We shall wait, for we have the time now to wonder about you. You now have time to Live. Live and greet the new dawn of Earth. Farewell

Steven staged out of his home, he pulled the long hair of his auburn mane out of his eyes and saw what he thought looked like a pack of wolf morphs standing around in awe. Then he and all of what was humanity turned and saw the new dawn.